Seth Mandel: The Plot To Make October 7 the New Nakba
The initial approval of the hate rally raised two problems—one easily solvable and one very difficult to fix. The easy one was the rally itself: The school could cancel the permit, which is what it ultimately did, although a school theoretically needs to show good reason for the cancellation of an otherwise approved event.Phyllis Chesler: No one--absolutely no one--stops them
According to Jewish Insider’s timeline of events, an associate dean (and parent of a UMD sophomore) named Gilad Chen wrote a letter, signed by tens of thousands connected to the university’s Jewish community, asking the school to take action to protect its Jewish students from the effects of the hate rally it had okayed. University president Darryll Pines followed with a public letter kinda-sorta announcing it had canceled the SJP Klan rally. Pines’s letter was opaque and roundabout but included the statement that, “out of an abundance of caution, we concluded to host only university-sponsored events that promote reflection on this day.”
The letter made clear that other events were free to take place before October 7 and after. Which means that an SJP rally in celebration of the October 7 massacre will almost surely take place on campus, though it might be on a day near the anniversary instead of on the anniversary.
Which brings us to the second problem—the one that is much harder to solve. And that is the fact that the university contains within the student body a shocking number of people who want to celebrate the pogrom of October 7 in public. The desire to do so, unlike the event itself, cannot be canceled by a mealymouthed letter from an administrator.
In fact, the desire to celebrate the deaths of October 7 requires a level of sociopathy that suggests the people organizing and attending this rally possess a fetishistic attraction to evil. They are joined in this death cultism, of course, by the rest of the national members of SJP and similar groups of McSinwar’s franchises. And the attendees at those chapters’ events. And the faculty and administrators who support them—who, in fact, likely inculcated this bloodlust in the students. They are also certainly joined by men like Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, a college-age attempted terrorist seeking to take up the tentifadas’ call to arms on behalf of ISIS and other identical twins of Hamas.
Dozens of Americans were murdered on October 7. Yet in America (and elsewhere in the West), the organizers of political-protest culture regard that day not as one to mourn but one to celebrate—and their plan is to make sure history sees it the same way.
The greatest poets and prophets always tell us exactly what's happening and what's likely to keep happening. Their words seem to be timeless. For example, there's always William Butler Yeat's "The Second Coming," first published more than a century ago, in 1920.Preaching Peace, Using Violence: The International Solidarity Movement’s Activism
"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold:/Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world/ The blood-dimmed tide is loosed....Surely some revelation is at hand;/Surely the Second Coming is at hand/...And what rough beast, its hour come round at/last/Slouches towards Bethlemam to be born?"
How can Yeats describe so well exactly what is happening in our world today? Mere anarchy is precisely what's upon us. We now live without boundaries or borders--and I am not only talking about America's southern border, although, that too, is a symptom of what I'm seeing.
A sense of personal boundaries in public has frayed. Social etiquette in public is gone. Post-pandemic, many people show up in fairly dressed-down, even in disheveled ways when summoned to court; appear at business meetings on zoom; arrive at airports, concerts, and restaurants. Worse: Although there are exceptions, people are so focused on their cellphones, that they do not see each other coming and thus, walk right into others, shove and push each other, take offense.
Too many people are in a permanent rage--none more so than the pro-Hamas demonstrators who've been "on the job" since 10/7.
Masked and keffiya-wearing pro-Hamas demonstrators have not only blocked traffic in my own fair city, they have also chained or glued themselves to bridges, defaced statues private residences, restaurants. By now, they are a completely normalized phenomenon.
No one has stopped them.
They are everywhere almost all the time: a yelling, chanting, Jew-hatring mob, disturbing the city peace, interrupting every holiday and public event, harassing innocent civilians, at work, at homes, and on the streets, but especially harassing Jews: Students of course, but also those who are dressed in visibly Jewish ways; Jewish museum directors, Jewish professors, both on campus and at their homes, and as they are dining in known Jewish restaurants.
This actually just happened a few days ago in Philadelphia at a restaurant, Goldie's, owned by a Jewish businessman. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, described the demonstration as pure "antisemitism."
The pro-Palestine protestors trespass all boundaries of civility, just as similar Jew-hating groups have been doing for many years in classrooms. They shout down any speaker perceived as possibly a "Zionist," or "pro-America," and try to have him or her harassed right out of their university position.
This entanglement with terrorist networks is one piece of a broader network of organizations providing cover for terrorist activities. Four senior American ISM members went on to form the international pro-Hamas umbrella organization, the Free Gaza Movement (FGM), whose most notable effort was the Gaza flotilla, led by the pro-Hamas Turkish organization IHH, whose objective was to strengthen Hamas rule in the Gaza Strip. The flotilla ended in a violent confrontation with IDF soldiers in May 2010.
Senior ISM figures have likewise justified Palestinian armed violence, even during the height of suicide bombings. On October 8, the organization tweeted justifying the horrific Black Saturday massacre, blaming the “violence of the oppressor.” It also released a statement blaming Israel for every single death, while the co-founder of the ISM Northern Californian branch Paul Larudee praised his Palestinian brothers and sisters for “teaching a lesson to the Zionists”. Larudee has also been linked to Hamas.
Interestingly, the Meir Amit Center’s methodology involved a critical comparison of ISM’s publicly available materials to its actual operations and internal documents. Internal ISM publications and training manuals not meant for public release revealed workshops ISM activists participated in, which included legal and security briefings on how to deceive Israeli authorities (e.g., altering passport details). This deliberate misdirection in their intentions, hidden under proclamations of “non-violence”, serves the ISM well during incidents like that Eygi’s death.
A far cry from its stated principles of peaceful solidarity and bearing witness, the ISM’s founding members’ ideology and statements, the organization’s track record, and current actions reveal a troubling policy of violence, obstruction and instigation. Tragically, in the case of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, this same pattern is at play.
The ISM’s fraudulent intentions and dangerous presence at volatile flashpoints like Beita only heighten tensions, encouraging protesters and making it more difficult for Israeli security forces to act without escalation, while leaders’ statements and leaked documents make it clear that this was the goal all along.
However, despite the ISM’s incitement, purposeful use of human shields, and the hazy and dangerous conditions of the current war, at the very least one can rest easy in the fact that at least one actor in this situation does their due diligence, conducts investigations and takes accountability.
Meanwhile, we can only hope outside actors cease to escalate the violence people who live in this country are forced to face every day.
Antisemitism’s long roots offer lesson for today
When I read the above, it looks the anti-Jewish propaganda from the time of Germany’s Kristallnacht or the “Night of Broken Glass.” The Lutheran Church was the state church during the time of the Holocaust and Luther’s writings provided “moral support” for the harsh treatment of the Jews. Remember, Germany was a Christian country that practiced traditional Christian values. It is also worth pointing out that the Nazis borrowed many of their segregation concepts from America’s justification for slavery and Jim Crow — both of which had strong, conservative Christian support.Ideological mechanism of anti-Zionism includes whitewashing of Hamas
By the time of Hitler and the rise of Nazi Germany, Christian teachings were interpreted in ways that justified discrimination, segregation, and persecution of Jewish communities. Christians had been killing Jews for over a thousand years, it was normative.
The village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon offers an example of explementary Christian behavior during WWII. They were part of the resistance. Led by Pastor André Trocmé of the Reformed Church of France, his wife Magda, and his assistant, Pastor Edouard Theis, the inhabitants of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon and the villages on the surrounding plateau provided refuge for an estimated 5,000 people. This number included about 3,000–3,500 Jews who were fleeing from the Vichy authorities and the Germans.
One of the lessons we glean in looking unblinkingly at the religious roots of the antisemitic views of Jews is that they were enduring beyond the context in which they emerged. Soviet antisemitism was explicitly anti-Christian. Yet antisemites took up these themes and drove them forward in a new context. That is the danger, the enduring power, and the malleability of antisemitism.
It is important to know or be reminded of this history considering the growth of White Nationalism, Christian Nationalism, and Christian Zionism. As I went through the exhibit, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between what we are witnessing today in America and pre-Holocaust Germany. It is vital that we learn from history, so we don’t repeat it.
Anti-Zionism, in its current incarnation, has evolved into a particularly pernicious ideology, one that is far removed from any legitimate critique of Israeli policies. It has become a worldview that not only denies the right of the Jewish state to exist but also rejects Israel’s legitimacy entirely, regardless of its borders.Rapporteurs Without Principles_ Francesca Albanese
This ideology often repurposes age-old antisemitic tropes for modern purposes, reinforcing prejudices under the guise of political discourse. At its core, anti-Zionism is not simply a political stance but a tool of deep-seated prejudice, employed to rationalize and even justify the actions of groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.
Central to this narrative are two enduring myths: the baseless claim that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people and the revisionist trope that Israel or the Jews are colonial oppressors.
The accusation that Israel is engaged in a campaign of genocide against the Palestinian Arabs is not only false; it represents a grotesque distortion of the term “genocide,” a word that carries the weight of humanity’s darkest moments – whether one thinks of the Holocaust, the Rwandan slaughter, or the unspeakable atrocities inflicted upon the Yazidis by ISIS.
When ISIS rampaged through northern Iraq in 2014, they unleashed a campaign of terror against the Yazidi people that was, in every sense, genocidal. Thousands were massacred; women and children were enslaved, raped, and subjected to other horrific abuses; and an entire people faced the threat of annihilation simply because of their religious identity. That is what genocide looks like: a deliberate, systematic attempt to erase an entire group from existence.
In stark contrast, the situation in Gaza and the West Bank tells a different story. The Palestinian population has, in fact, grown significantly over the decades. Since 1967, Gaza’s population has increased from around 350,000 to over two million, while the West Bank has seen its population rise from about 600,000 to nearly three million.
These figures are the very antithesis of a genocidal trend. To suggest that Israel, a nation in a perpetual state of self-defense, is engaged in genocide against a population that has steadily increased is not only absurd but deeply insulting to the victims of real genocides.
The most twisted irony, however, is that this accusation is often leveled against Israel by those who support or excuse the actions of Hamas – a group whose very charter explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel. The Hamas Charter, adopted in 1988, is clear in its aims. It states, without ambiguity, that “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam obliterates it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
This is not mere rhetoric; it is a declaration of intent, a blueprint for the annihilation of the Jewish state, rooted in an ideology that demands Israel’s obliteration.
When Holocaust denier Gilad Atzmon wrote a book about the evils of Jewishness, it was well–received by the white supremacist community. For the book’s main promotional blurb, though, the author turned to a more credentialed, and less expected, source.Brendan O'Neill: The BBC’s Israelophobia is even worse than you think
From the front of the book’s dust jacket, the United Nations “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967” announces that Atzmon’s antisemitic screed is a must-read. The rapporteur, Richard Falk, also praises Atzmon’s “unflinching integrity” — just as Atzmon has lauded Holocaust denier David Irving’s integrity, or how David Irving in turn has gushed over the “great man” Adolf Hitler.
To describe Falk as being three degrees of separation from Hitler fandom is to understate the links — this a chain of endorsement, not of acquaintance. But let’s forget Irving and Hitler and remain focused on the first-degree problem: The UN Special Rapporteur enthusiastically endorsed a well-known, flagrant antisemite. He did so while hawking a book that, among countless other swipes at the Jews, goes out of its way to sympathize with the view that “Hitler was right after all.”
Falk’s endorsement appeared in 2011, the same year he published a cartoon of a bloodthirsty dog wearing a kippah (Jewish head covering), and the same year he promoted 9/11 conspiracy theories. His UN mandate has since expired. But the same process that put one extremist in the role elevated another in his place. Francesca Albanese is the new Richard Falk.
Although Special Rapporteur Albanese may not have endorsed Gilad Atzmon’s book, she certainly doesn’t find such endorsements problematic. For example, she hosted, praised, and promoted an event at which Falk, Atzmon’s eager advocate, was a speaker. Worse, it was an event that purported to teach what is, and what is not, antisemitic. Worse yet, Falk was there as an expert, not an exhibit.
And if one might forgive Albanese for boosting other Holocaust deniers on Twitter, her own words about Jews and their nefarious power can’t be brushed aside. Her slur that the U.S. is “subjugated by the Jewish lobby,” for example, would fit seamlessly in Atzmon’s book.
Such a worldview is concerning on its own. For someone whose mandate is to pass judgement on the world’s one Jewish-majority country, it should be disqualifying.
But Albanese will keep passing her judgements with the United Nations’ imprimatur. After all, contrary to the idyllic views of the organization that still, somehow, persist, this is the U.N. in which Richard Falk was able to serve out his full term. It is the U.N. whose Human Rights Council — the body that appoints rapporteurs — currently includes Cuba, China, Qatar, Sudan, Eritrea, Burundi, Algeria, Somalia, Vietnam, and other such paragons of human rights.
At BBC Arabic, things were particularly bad. The report gives the grim details. It reminds us that two weeks after Hamas’s pogrom, six BBC Arabic reporters were taken off air for social-media posts in which they seemed to praise Hamas’s murderous pogrom. One reporter who assisted the BBC with its coverage had liked a post celebrating ‘the first martyrs of the operation’. Another had once posted on Facebook about encountering yet more pesky Jews during a holiday in Thailand. ‘I’m fleeing… to the Far East, and I find more Jews’, he wrote. I look forward to Fiona Bruce’s grilling of the BBC editor who sought out this person’s services.BBC repeatedly downplayed Hamas terrorism, report finds
The pompous self-styled guardians of truth at BBC Verify carried eye-witness testimony from a ‘journalist at the scene’ who turned out to be someone who had dined with Hamas leaders and had celebrated the 7 October bloodshed. Does anything better sum up the hollow sanctimony of the modern Beeb than the fact that its Verify wing constantly wrings its hands over ‘far right’ conspiracy theorists in the UK while platforming someone who’d celebrated the worst act of far-right, anti-Jewish violence in almost 80 years? Then there was the BBC Arabic reporter who publicly defended a Lebanese colleague who had prayed for a return of Adolf Hitler, because ‘there are a few people that need to be burned’. We all know who.
It can feel difficult to take this all in, the sheer magnitude of the BBC’s failures post-pogrom. Following the worst act of racist violence of modern times, the BBC refused to utter the word ‘terrorist’; it said ‘genocide’ more often about the state that was the victim of genocidal terror than it did about the genocidal terrorists; and it worked with reporters who seem to have cheered the pogromists, mocked their victims and slurred Jews. This is a very serious situation, no? For any institution to fail so spectacularly in terms of truth, accuracy and morality in the aftermath of the mass murder of Jews would be dreadful; for the BBC, the self-styled world-beater of honest reporting, to fail in such a fashion is unforgivable.
This goes beyond the Beeb. The BBC is both the shaper and embodiment of elite consensus opinion. It both influences and reflects the fashionable views of the upper classes. So its awful reporting post-7 October points to more than a crisis at BBC HQ – it speaks to the moral and intellectual disorder of the establishment more broadly. These people really could not see how serious 7 October was, what a violent break it was with civilisation itself. ‘We don’t take sides.’ On a war between barbarism and civilisation? Then you’re not fit for purpose.
Furthermore, BBC coverage tends to “glorify and glamorise” Hamas, according to the report, which highlights how BBC correspondents described “Hamas’s military prowess” and “astonishingly granular understanding of Israeli security”.
Three days after the Oct 7 attack, the BBC published an article about Hamas which described the “spectacular attack” as “the most ambitious operation Hamas has ever launched”, with the reporter adding that “it was frankly astonishing”.
The report states: “BBC Arabic content is markedly exaggerated in the trend towards glorifying Hamas, who are regularly depicted as ‘Robin Hood’ style heroes, with the best interests of the people at heart.”
A BBC spokesman said: “We have serious questions about the methodology of this report, particularly its heavy reliance on AI to analyse impartiality, and its interpretation of the BBC’s editorial guidelines.
“We don’t think coverage can be assessed solely by counting particular words divorced from context. We are required to achieve due impartiality, rather than the ‘balance of sympathy’ proposed in the report, and we believe our knowledgeable and dedicated correspondents are achieving this, despite the highly complex, challenging and polarising nature of the conflict.
“However, we will consider the report carefully and respond directly to the authors once we have had time to study it in detail.”
BBC broke own guidelines in anti-Israel bias – researcher joins i24NEWS
BBC under fire for anti-Israel bias while reporting on the Israel-Hamas war – '90 or 95, even 100 percent, of their non-neutral coverage was anti-Israel'
Trevor Asserson, the lawyer who spearheaded the research project, joins i24NEWS for a special interview:
The Asserson Report – The Israel-Hamas war and the BBC
CAMERA UK and CAMERA Arabic are delighted to have contributed to The Asserson Report released today.
Our many years of monitoring BBC content has included the submission of complaints and securing of corrections concerning BBC Arabic, some of which are included in the report, in addition to documentation of issues concerning BBC output in English and Arabic and its producers.
The Asserson Report highlights concerns that we have repeatedly raised not only since October 7th, 2023, but for many years prior. The BBC’s refusal to name terrorism against Israelis as such – while using that terminology to report on acts of terror closer to home – is one example. Another is the corporation’s chronic failure to address complaints within its self-determined time frame. The lack of transparency concerning corrections is an additional cause for concern to the BBC’s funding public, as is the lack of adequate oversight of BBC Arabic.
An independent inquiry into the BBC’s adherence to its own editorial standards of accuracy and impartiality in its coverage of Israel and Jewish affairs is imperative to the rebuilding of trust in Britain’s national broadcaster.
The full report can be found here (pdf).
— Kosher🎗🧡 (@K0sher_C0ckney) September 8, 2024
Here it is. Wow.
The official Asserson Report Document on the BBC Bias in the Israel/Hamas reporting.
In my opinion, the word “damaging” would be a huge understatement.
Click the link for a PDF copy of The Asserson Report 👇🏽
Extraordinary quote from Trevor Asserson following his review into BBC bias..
— Lance Forman (@LanceForman) September 9, 2024
“After analysing 9 million words of content, we were wrong in our presumptions about the BBC being biased….It is astonishingly biased’.
‘As for BBC Arabic, it is out of control. The British public is…
After the release of a report showing crazy levels of BBC bias against Israel, @bbcnews have now issued a statement:
— David Collier (@mishtal) September 8, 2024
"We are not biased against the Zionist entity. Also we are still in mourning for Ismail Haniyeh & our journalists should not be hassled at this tragic time."
H.R. McMaster: America’s Weakness Is a Provocation
The perception of weakness comes, in part, from Biden’s bias toward “containment,” “de-escalation” and the wrongheaded assumption that war and violence is based on “miscalculation” rather than aggression.'I am no longer a Democrat': Hamas support outside DNC sees Alan Dershowitz dump Democratic Party
Early in his administration, the president and senior officials were at pains to define America’s “redlines” in their meetings with the leaders of Russia and China. After a summit with Putin in June 2021, President Biden reported that “the tone of the entire meeting was good, positive” as he laid out “some basic rules of the road that we can all abide.” But the reported “redlines” communicated in that Geneva meeting—such as a Russian attack on major U.S. infrastructure—seem to have been interpreted by Putin as a green light for everything else, including the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Last month, U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met outside Beijing to “maintain channels of communication and responsibly manage the relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China.” The White House’s readout emphasized America’s “commitment to defending its Indo-Pacific allies” and its “concern about the PRC’s destabilizing actions against lawful Philippine maritime operations in the South China Sea.” Three days later Chinese forces surrounded and rammed the flagship of the Philippine Coast Guard in what was the seventh act of Chinese aggression against the U.S. treaty ally in the month of August alone. The Biden administration responded with a sternly worded statement from a State Department spokesman.
Even worse, the theocratic dictatorship in Iran has viewed the Biden administration attempts to resurrect the Obama policy of conciliation (through the release of frozen assets and the failure to enforce sanctions) as a way to fill its coffers, intensify its proxy wars in the Middle East, and make headway toward its twin goals of expelling the United States from the region and annihilating Israel. The calls from Washington for de-escalation of the conflicts Tehran is fomenting sound to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei like license to escalate on his own terms.
Meanwhile, the president’s tragic but undeniable cognitive decline means that America’s enemies are especially emboldened in the coming months. The danger will be greatest now–during the 57 days before the election—and then in the period between the election and the inauguration of the 47th president.
The combination of the White House’s obsession with de-escalation and the president’s mental state means that our enemies and adversaries are emboldened in their common mission: Tear down the existing U.S.-led international order. Indeed, Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Christopher Cavoli warned in April that the four members of an axis of aggressors—China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea—are “more cohesive and dangerous than any threat the United States has faced in decades.”
Alan Dershowitz announced in late August during an interview with Talkline with Zev Brenner that he was ending his support for the Democratic Party in response to the Hamas support he witnessed outside the Democratic National Convention.
Dershowitz is a well-known American lawyer and law professor known for his work in US constitutional law and American criminal law.
Asked by Brenner his feelings toward the events that transpired at the convention, Dershowitz said, “I was so unhappy. It was the most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist convention I have experienced…”
“Let me tell you why this was the worst convention in history, I think [in] American history,” Dershowitz told Brenner. “They had more anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist who were speaking - starting with AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), a miserable anti-Zionist bigot. Then, of course, they had Liz Warren, who is one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate. Then they had Bernie Sanders, who is one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate. Then, to top it off, they had one of the worst antisemites in modern American history…Last night, at the convention…Reverand Sharpton…the guy who provoked a pogrom in Crown Heights.”
He added that while the Democrats instructed the “anti-Jewish” speakers not to discuss Israel, they still platformed them, “legitimat[ing]” them.
Dershowitz further charged that Gov. Josh Shapiro had his career stalled in the party because of his Jewish identity.
“I understand that if his name [were] John Sheppard, not Josh Shapiro, he would have been the democratic nominee,” Dershowitz said, later assuring, “I don’t think that Kamala Harris is antisemitic. I don’t think that she didn’t pick Shapiro just because he was Jewish, [or] just because she doesn’t like Jews…I think that she got a lot of pressure. We know she got a lot of pressure from the hard left of the Democratic Party, and she knew that if she nominated Josh Shapiro…there would have been demonstrations…”
The lawyer later said that he was not Shapiro’s biggest supporter, in particular, due to his negative comments on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The @RJC Launches Largest Ad Buy in Jewish Community History in Support of President Donald Trump, by highlighting Kamala Harris’ support for the antisemitic Squad members.
— Arsen Ostrovsky 🎗️ (@Ostrov_A) September 9, 2024
Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares targets terrorist funding of anti-Israel groups
Jason Miyares, the Republican attorney general of Virginia, recently scored a major court victory in his closely watched investigation of a pro-Palestinian advocacy group with alleged ties to Hamas — inching closer than other ongoing legal efforts to obtain financial documents long shielded from public scrutiny.Michigan’s Elissa Slotkin, Under Pressure From Anti-Israel Activists, Shields Facebook Ads From Voters With Jewish Interests
His monthslong case against American Muslims for Palestine has drawn national attention in the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks on Israel — as he has accused the group of “potentially violating” state charitable laws “including benefitting or providing support to terrorist organizations.”
In his first interview addressing the case, Miyares said last week that his team is “aggressively in the process of using the legal system” to obtain the documents requested in a civil investigative demand approved by a judge in July — marking a significant turning point in the case.
“We have been relentless in that pursuit, and we will continue to be relentless in that pursuit,” he said in a conversation with Jewish Insider on the sidelines of the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual summit in Las Vegas, where he gave remarks on Thursday as a first-time speaker. “Our job is to get to the truth,” he explained. “It’s all systems go.”
While AMP is now seeking an appeal in a Richmond court, Miyares said he was unfazed by the challenge. “We fully anticipate that we will be successful,” he told JI. “We do not think they have a legal basis for attempting to make this appeal.”
Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D., Mich.) will need all the help she can get to clinch victory in her competitive race for Michigan’s open Senate seat in November. But there’s one portion of the electorate she doesn’t want many of her Facebook advertisements to reach: anyone interested in "Jewish Studies."
Slotkin excluded users interested in "Jewish Studies" from viewing at least 12 Facebook advertisements her campaign has run on the platform in the past 90 days, according to microtargeting data from the Facebook ad library reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. During the same time frame, the Slotkin campaign instructed Facebook to target 12 of her ads to users interested in "Islamic studies," "Middle-Eastern studies," and "Al Jazeera," a Qatar-based news outlet that has been described by an Israeli court as a "propaganda arm" for Hamas.
The Slotkin campaign targeted another three Facebook ads to users with an expressed interest in the "State of Palestine," and "Gaza Strip," the ad library shows.
Slotkin’s move to exclude those interested in Jewish studies from viewing her Facebook ads while at the same time targeting apparent supporters of the Palestinians offers a behind-the-scenes view on how her campaign is catering to Michigan’s large Muslim and Arab-American population. Slotkin has faced criticism throughout her campaign over her reaction to Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist rampage in Israel. She came under fire in April for her "weak response" to a pro-Hamas rally in Dearborn where protesters chanted "death to America" and "death to Israel." Earlier, in February, Slotkin called for a ceasefire in the conflict, bending to pressure from a delegation of Michigan protesters that had descended upon Washington, D.C., in January urging her to support a suspension of hostilities.
ᐧSlotkin is heavily relying on Facebook to deliver her campaign message to potential voters. Her campaign has invested over $1 million to run 227 ads on the platform in the past 90 days, according to the Facebook ad library.
It’s not clear which of those ads are the 12 that Slotkin didn’t want users interested in "Jewish Studies" to see, or if they were the same 12 she targeted for delivery to fans of "Al Jazeera" and users interested in "Islamic studies," or the three ads she targeted to users with expressed interest in the "Gaza Strip" and "Palestine."
53% of the people polled are self-described "strong Democrats."
— Ian Haworth (@ighaworth) September 9, 2024
10% are "weak Democrats" -- presumably physically -- and 9% more are "independent-leaning" Democrats.
72% of everyone polled are Democrat/leaning Democrat...which is exactly the percentage that supports Kamala. 😑
This question is manipulative propaganda!
— Ian Haworth (@ighaworth) September 9, 2024
Assuming Biden and Harris are working on a hostage deal and you support these efforts?!
What efforts? What details? Who cares?!
Do you support vague undefined peace?! If not, WHY NOT?!
Green Party labels Israel’s actions in Gaza a ‘genocide’
The Green Party has labelled Israel’s activity in Gaza a “genocide” and branded Israel an “apartheid” regime”.
Party members voted overwhelmingly to support a motion including the accusations at their autumn conference held in Manchester last weekend.
They also voted their support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.
The motion states: “We affirm our commitment to explicitly supporting BDS in our internal and external communications going forward.
“Supporting the BDS movement is essential to holding Israel accountable, to supporting Palestinians’ rights to equality and self-determination, and to demonstrating that our support, as a nation, is not performative.”
The motion was put forward by party members including Croydon councillor Ria Patel and the Greens’ equality and diversity coordinator Kefentse Dennis.
Before the election, the Green Party earnestly assured us the appalling record of Mothin Ali - which includes supporting the Hamas atrocities of 7 October - would be "investigated".
— habibi (@habibi_uk) September 9, 2024
Yeah, right. Here's reality. The party adores rank antisemites.
Ben-Dror Yemini: An open letter to Sarah Friedland, the Jewish director who condemned Israel
No, Sarah Friedland, you are not brave. You are part of the herd mentality. It's fashion. It's tradition. You have no idea what you're talking about. You said there, on stage, that: "As a Jewish American artist working in a time-based medium, I must note, I’m accepting this award on the 336th day of Israel’s genocide in Gaza." Genocide? All the claims of "genocide" have already been refuted in at least five research articles that examined the data. And who provides the data? Hamas. One of the most murderous organizations to emerge in the current century, one in a long line of jihad organizations, sowing destruction, death and ruin wherever they operate. As Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, of which Hamas is a part, wrote, "Islam is a death industry." Not all Islam. Radical Islam. Political Islam. Islam that seeks to conquer the entire world. Islam that is a murderous imperialism. Islam that oppresses women. Islam that executes anyone whose sexual orientation deviates by a millimeter from the dictates of the priests. Islam that not only speaks but also acts. Some 95% of the victims of this radical Islam are Muslims. Islam, whose speakers declare that the goal is the annihilation of all Jews and Christians. Islam, whose most important legal scholar, who was also the spiritual leader of Hamas until his death, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, said that "Muslims should complete Hitler's work."
Many brave Muslims speak out against this Islam. Hamas is our problem, they say. Hezbollah is our disaster. Iran is the head of the snake of violence in the Middle East. But you refuse to understand what they understand. Because something bad happened to the media and academia in the free world: There is brainwashing; There is suppression of facts; There are manipulations.
But the herd says something needs to be said against Israel. So you say it too. It's hard for you to understand, but all the propaganda of lies against Israel is the disaster of the Muslims themselves.
Because instead of fighting radical Islam, which is the main enemy of most Muslims, you and your progressive friends are becoming the propaganda mechanism of Hamas. And no, Israel is not to blame for what happened and is happening in the Gaza Strip. It's Hamas, which if it could would carry out genocide against anyone it considers an infidel.
If there are more and more voices like yours, with hatred for Israel, jihad in the world becomes stronger - then they will come for you too. There is no immunity for those who supported Hamas just as there is no immunity for Muslims, who are the main victims of jihad. Just as it won't help transgender people and queers who demonstrate against Israel and in favor of Hamas. Everyone, but everyone, is on the jihad's kill list. But blindness makes so many – you too – useful idiots of Hamas.
Ms. Friedland, it is possible to believe that your intentions are good. You hear the word "genocide" over and over again, and that's what you say on stage when you accept your international award. But it seems that even cultural and artistic figures, who are doubtful if they understand anything about radical Islam, can make a little more effort before they express an opinion. The ceremony where you spoke was in Venice. Well, radical Islam has no plans to be content with "liberating Palestine" (meaning, genocide of Jews in Israel). All the heads of radical Islam speak repeatedly about conquering the entire West. Including Rome. That's close to Venice.
On February 4th, a Kuwaiti preacher, Tareq Al-Suwaidan, said that "October 7 was the first step toward liberating Palestine. Rome will also be in our hands." On February 2, the Islamist preacher Ra'ad Salah, who lives in Israel, said that "Islam will enter the White House and conquer Rome and all of Europe." Khaled Mashal, a leader of Hamas, said back in 2008 that "within a few years, the whole world will submit to the will of Islam." There are countless expressions of this kind. But nothing of this is published in most of the leading newspapers in the world, and they are not taught in most departments of Islamic and Middle Eastern studies.
If you have a drop of decency left, and assuming you don't intend to be another anti-Zionist or anti-Israel activist, and certainly not antisemitic, you are invited to learn a little about the facts. Hopefully they influence you. Then, if you are honest and fair, you are invited to admit: I was wrong. The problem is not Israel. The problem is those who threaten to destroy Israel and conquer the world.
Winston Churchill once said: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last.” Just listen, Sarah, to what the leaders of jihad are saying. If you, and any decent person, prefer to ignore what they say, they will come to eat you too.
Dear Sarah. @motionxpictures
— Eitan Chitayat (@EitanChitayat) September 8, 2024
Your ignorance and voice is not antisemitic. It’s irresponsible and harmful not only to Jews but to Palestinians.
You have an opportunity to build bridges but you infantilize the Palestinians and don’t hold them to account and in doing so, you…
Greta Thunberg goes full in on Jew-hate because left politics is all one big blob
Greta Thunberg’s not just a climate fanatic: She’s also a proud antisemite!
(No wonder she’s scored so many Nobel Prize nominations.)
The Norwegian wunderkind of the leftist blob got arrested at Copenhagen University last week as she and a crew of other pro-Hamas thugs were protesting the school’s connections to Israel.
Those connections? Efforts like the Erasmus student exchange program that let Israeli students study at CU.
She also supports an overall academic boycott, banning any collaboration or cooperation between universities outside Israel and those within it.
In other words, Thunberg doesn’t want an end to Israel’s fight for its life against the would-be genocidaires of Hamas, nor is she interested in helping Palestinians achieve a peaceful autonomy or freeing them from their tyrannical terror masters.
No: This apple-cheeked would-be pogromist wants to keep Jews out of Copenhagen University (and everywhere else) for the crime of their nationality.
And she’s been hard at it since the terrorist atrocities of Oct. 7, spreading the lie that Israel commits genocide and joining in multiple demonstrations where the crowds chanted anti-Israel slogans.
On Oct 7 2023 Hamas carried out the largest single massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.
— David Collier (@mishtal) September 9, 2024
While it was still going on - before 1pm on the 7th - the Palestine Solidarity Campaign was already organising a march to call for Israel's destruction.
These people are partners of Hamas.
'Breaking: Betar Organization has issued a travel warning for New York City.
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) September 9, 2024
The organization is urging Jews not to visit the city 'until they remove the handcuffs from the NYPD.' The organization cites the rising violence and support for terrorism in NYC.
Dallas Palestinian Youth Movement Protest in Response to Israel’s Crackdown on Militias in the West Bank: We Are Inspired by Our Brothers and Sisters in the West Bank; from Gaza, to Tulkarm, to Dallas We All Have a Role to Play in This Struggle
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) September 9, 2024
Pro-Hamas protestors in Seattle shouted “we’re the side of Al-Qassam” today.
— Cam Higby 🇺🇸 (@camhigby) September 8, 2024
The Al-Qassam brigades are a portion of Hamas’ military responsible for both violence on October 7th, and hundreds of civilian deaths during the second intifada in the early 2000’s.
After they ripped those signs out of the ground, they also dumped them in the water.
— Cam Higby 🇺🇸 (@camhigby) September 9, 2024
— NGO Monitor (@NGOmonitor) September 9, 2024
Met admits mistakes in policing of pro-Palestinian protests
A senior Scotland Yard officer has admitted the force made mistakes in its handling of pro-Palestinian protests.
Matt Twist, the assistant commissioner of the Met Police responsible for public order policing, said the force “didn’t get everything right, particularly in the early stages in October”.
In an interview with the Policy Exchange think tank for a report on the protests, published on Monday, Mr Twist cited the decision not to immediately arrest demonstrators shouting “jihad”.
“On occasion we did not move quickly to make arrests, for example, the man chanting for ‘jihad’, which was a decision made following fast-time advice from lawyers and the Crown Prosecution Service,” he said.
However, Mr Twist said police had developed their tactics since then to be faster and more decisive, adding: “We are now much more focused on identifying reasonable grounds for arrest, acting where needed and then investigating, so in these circumstances it’s very likely arrests would be made more quickly now.”
He also rejected accusations of “two-tier or differential policing” in how the Met handled the pro-Palestinian protests, claiming instead that the force had had an “infinite number of tiers of policing”.
“In public order policing, we are neutral as to the cause that is being protested. We base policing tactics on the threat, harm and risk based on the information and intelligence available to us,” he said. “In that sense, there is no such thing as two-tier or differential policing – there are, in fact, an infinite number of tiers of policing, depending on the threat, harm and risk.”
The Policy Exchange report, published ahead of a Government review of policing protests, also revealed that town and city centres where there were protests had effectively become “no-go” zones for many members of the public.
More than two-thirds of 1,500 adults polled for the think tank said they would drop plans to travel into towns or city centres with small children, or elderly or disabled relatives if there were a major protest taking place.
The report said that too often, the police, prosecutors, the Government and the courts had wrongly failed to prioritise the rights of members of the public over those of disruptive protesters.
Yesterday at the @StopTheHate_UK party, this man assaulted someone and smashed his phone in front of the police. He was arrested but the police have just informed the assaulted man that he has been released with a caution and case is closed. The phone remains smashed.
— Hannah 🇮🇱 BRING THEM HOME (@nice_cuppa) September 8, 2024
We have heard enough of the police's lies, now let me tell you what really happened because the people have a right to know:
— Niyak Ghorbani (نیاک) (@GhorbaniiNiyak) September 8, 2024
My friend Mark and I decided to carry a sign saying "Hamas is a terrorist" to make sure everyone at this rally knew that the UK has officially designated…
Today @GhorbaniiNiyak was arrested by the British 🇬🇧 police again, for holding a sign that says “H×mas are terrorists”
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) September 8, 2024
Breaking: Palestine Action releases a video of them ransacking a factory. They smashed windows, spray painted, and lit smoke bombs.
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) September 9, 2024
The only people who will be genuinely affected by this are the workers who will not be able to attend work until repairs happen.
When they take a break from attacking commercial vessels, the Houthi death cult terrorists of Yemen do things like sentencing gay men to death by crucifixion.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) September 8, 2024
In footage by Mark Iles taken at yesterday's hate march in London, you can see ghouls chanting for the Houthis.
Oh, nothing to see here. Just @AmnestyUK supporting Jew-hatred, Hamas and genocide.
— Arsen Ostrovsky 🎗️ (@Ostrov_A) September 9, 2024
Chanting for the ethnic cleansing of Israeli Jews and for terrorism. London, yesterday.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) September 8, 2024
This is what the likes of major trade unions and Amnesty back.
While posturing about "anti-racism". Spare us.
Huge protest expected at Land Forces expo at Melbourne Exhibition and Convention centre
In just days, 25,000 activists are set to bring Melbourne to a standstill in what could be the state’s biggest protest in 24 years.
Their target is a three-day global military expo called Land Forces being held at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre in the CBD.
Interstate police have been called in to bolster the security response, a ring of steel has been put around the centre and officers have been given increased powers to search any person or vehicle within the area.
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Two military tanks were captured on camera discreetly arriving on the backs of trucks under a cloak of darkness at 3am on Saturday.
Those tanks will be displayed alongside heavy-duty trucks and semi-automatic guns at the expo, and hundreds of defence personnel from around the world are travelling to Melbourne to attend the event from Wednesday.
Protesters are planning to cause chaos when the event starts and over the weekend, smaller groups kicked off early by blocking traffic and vandalising hotels with red paint.
The protests are made up of multiple different groups including Disrupt Land Forces, Students for Palestine and Extinction Rebellion.
There were more anti-weapons rallies this afternoon, ahead of D-day on Wednesday. @paul_dowsley #7NEWS
— 7NEWS Melbourne (@7NewsMelbourne) September 9, 2024
Avi Yemini: Melbourne buskers ATTACKED by anti-Israel hate mob
Vile scenes as pro-Palestine protesters demonstrate outside a Jewish SCHOOL: 'How low will they stoop?'
Pro-Palestine supporters have been accused of targeting children after a protest was staged outside Perth's only Jewish school.
A photo of the protest outside Carmel School, which has students from Kindergarten to Year 12, was posted by the Australian Jewish Association on X on Monday.
The caption read: 'Jewish children targeted. Outside Carmel School, Perth's only Jewish school.
'"Free Palestine" hate has swept across Australia as Labor governments have stood by.
'How low will they stoop?''
The photo showed two people carrying the Palestinian flag, while at least one other protester was wearing the flag as a cape.
One held a sign that read: 'Criminals. Cut ties with apartheid Israel.'
WA Police told Daily Mail Australia that police gave the protesters a number of 'move on' orders, and one male protester was arrested.
Cleaning up the hate from the 'Free Palestine' creeps - Melbourne
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) September 9, 2024
The 'Free Palestine' movement is on a campaign to deface and vandalise all of Australia with their hate.
Kol HaKavod to this upstanding citizen for helping to remove the hate.
Anstey Station, Brunswick, Victoria
Biggest Australian progressive YouTuber FriendlyJordies (1.2 million subscribers) praises Hamas’ use of paramotors to murder Israeli civilians “pretty fucking cool”
— Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇸🇺🇦🇹🇼 (@DrewPavlou) September 9, 2024
From Oslo to London, it is not about ceasefire or peaceful solution but about Ethnic Cleansing of Jews from their homeland.
— Avi Nir-Feldklein (@avraham_nir) September 9, 2024
Thank you Oslo's Governing Mayor, Eirik Solberg, for rejecting the message.
I hope that the Antiracism’s Center, organizer of the annual Crystal Night…
How would you describe these protesters in Norway?
— Cam Higby 🇺🇸 (@camhigby) September 7, 2024
Berlin 🍉: "You white people need to step the f*ck back"
— Michael Weingardt (@Michael_Wgd) September 9, 2024
A Palestine supporter tells a German who doesn't support Hamas that she has no rights to criticise terrorism support in her own country because she's White.
It's time to deport all these racist terrorism supporters.
A French far-left politician condemns Israel and expresses his support for Gaza
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 9, 2024
Brown University board trustee announces resignation ahead of vote on divestment from Israel: 'Cowardice'
Joseph Edelman announced that he would resign as a trustee at Brown University in an op-ed published Sunday in The Wall Street Journal, citing his opposition to a divestment vote on Israel, especially following the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks against Israel.
"As a member of the Brown University board of trustees, I disagree with the upcoming divestment vote on Israel," Edelman wrote. "I am concerned about what Brown’s willingness to hold such a vote suggests about the university’s attitude toward rising antisemitism on campus and a growing political movement that seeks the destruction of the state of Israel."
Brown and other elite universities have been disrupted by student protests on campus in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war. Student protesters have called on Brown and other schools to disclose and divest their investments in companies and organizations linked to Israel, as well as demanding a ceasefire in the ongoing war.
"I find it morally reprehensible that holding a divestment vote was even considered, much less that it will be held—especially in the wake of the deadliest assault on the Jewish people since the Holocaust," Edelman wrote.
Edelman criticized Brown's board, arguing that the school made its decision based on its fear of student activists on campus.
"I don’t wish to imply that any real principles informed Brown’s decision to hold a divestment vote: It was made not based on facts or values but based on weakness toward student activists," Edelman wrote. "The university leadership has for some reason chosen to reward, rather than punish, the activists for disrupting campus life, breaking school rules, and promoting violence and antisemitism at Brown."
"Brown’s leadership admits the looming divestment vote is designed to buy good behavior from pro-Hamas activists, many of whom are adherents of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, which seeks the destruction of the Jewish state through political and economic warfare," he wrote.
"How can Brown lend credence to these antisemitic voices, who notably began protesting in support of violence against Jews before Israel had even responded to the Oct. 7 attack?" Edelman wrote. "It’s as if the Brown board has agreed to vote on whether Israel has a right to defend itself, whether Israel has a right to exist, and even whether Jews have a right to exist."
Joe Edelman, CEO of Perceptive Advisors, has resigned from the board of Brown University because its leadership has capitulated to protestors and agreed to vote on divestment from Israel.
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) September 9, 2024
It’s a powerful letter:
“I find it morally reprehensible that holding a divestment vote…
“Why I Am Resigning as a @BrownUniversity Trustee”
— Peter Boghossian (@peterboghossian) September 8, 2024
More disgraceful conduct from another “elite” US university.
Here is video of the full presentation below. Remember, Brown is a private university; you can't FOIA this video. Without me, this recording may not have ever gone public.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) September 9, 2024
I honestly wanted a bit more time with this footage and other divestment trainings I have recorded to…
Kellner posed a philosophical question to the students about how social harm could be easily identifiable if we presume that companies are responsible for how their products are used. He used alcohol as an example of something that is widely used yet creates social harm.…
— Stu (@thestustustudio) September 9, 2024
Major Takeaways from the Divestment Presentation
— Stu (@thestustustudio) September 9, 2024
-Kellner rules and has such a great approach. We should all be blessed to have such a professor who challenges you to be your best.
-These are the best that Brown has to offer? Really?
-Volvo being one of the companies they want…
This is Wadah Khanfar, photographed in Gaza circa 2013.
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) September 8, 2024
But who is he exactly? Well, "officially," he was a board member and Director General of Al Jazeera, the Qatari government-controlled media empire, between 2006-2011.
Even @MFFahmy11, a former Al Jazeera English Egypt bureau chief, explains that the Muslim Brotherhood described Khanfar in 2007 as "one of the most prominent leaders in the Hamas Office in Sudan."
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) September 8, 2024
About a decade prior, when Khanfar left his post at Al Jazeera (under still-disputed circumstances), Sheikh Qardawi spent 15 minutes singing his praises. That’s Khanfar sitting next to him, by the way.
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) September 8, 2024
Despite Khanfar’s apparent membership in Hamas and the Brotherhood, he has been embraced by so-called "progressives," such as @mehdirhasan, the former (and now current once again) Al Jazeera host, who wrote in 2011 that Khanfar “oozes charisma.”
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) September 8, 2024
Others who have embraced Khanfar are the US-based American Muslims for Palestine, which hosted him at a 2020 conference alongside congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, among others.
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) September 8, 2024
Shout to our main man @mehdirhasan, who has no qualms about appearing alongside Hamas members.
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) September 9, 2024
He blocked after repeatedly losing arguments, but perhaps you can help make sure he sees this
VCU professor allegedly cancelled class for anti-Israel walkout, encouraged students to attend protest
A professor at Virginia Commonwealth University allegedly canceled class for an anti-Israel walkout and encouraged her students to attend the protest.University of Toronto ‘complicit in illegal encampment’ fueling Jew-hatred, per Canary Mission
Luiza Dale, an assistant professor of graphic design at Virginia Commonwealth University, wrote an email to students on Wednesday explaining that class is canceled “in support of the VCU Walkout for Palestine,” according to a post on X.
”Please note: I’m canceling today’s Dialogues class in support of the VCU Walkout for Palestine. I encourage you to attend if you can, but of course, this is completely up to you,” Dale wrote to her students.
The VCU Walkout for Palestine was organized by Students for Justice in Palestine at VCU, the Palestinian Student Organization, and other anti-Israel organizations.
”Welcome to Fall ‘24, Rams. Are you sick of VCU’s complicity in the ongoing genocide? Do you remember the brutality of April 29th, the peaceful liberated zone, raided and crushed by police brutality? Do you stand on the right side of history?,” an Instagram post promoting the walk-out stated.
A spokesperson for VCU told Campus Reform, “We are aware of this issue, and we are taking appropriate steps to address it. ”
Campus Reform reached out to Dale for comment.
Nearly 250 people, including 153 professors, 19 students and 76 others, took part in or endorsed a nearly two-month-long, anti-Israel encampment that began on the University of Toronto campus in early May, according to a new report from the watchdog Canary Mission.
Of the 153 faculty members, 122 were professors at the public school and 31 were on faculty at other institutions, per the report. It added that 45 professors participated in the encampment and six spoke at the antisemitic protest. (JNS sought comment from the university.)
The “substantial support” that the anti-Israel encampment received from university faculty and staff had the effect of “prolonging its existence and resulting in a lack of consequences for participants,” the watchdog stated.
It added that the Palestinian Youth Movement and Samidoun, both of which support terrorism, also participated in the encampment.
Among Canary Mission’s recommendations to the school is to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, ban masks on campus and avoid negotiating with those who call for boycotting the Jewish state.
All 153 professors identified supporting and/or participating in the University of Toronto encampment in the @canarymission report.
— dahlia kurtz ✡︎ דליה קורץ (@DahliaKurtz) September 6, 2024
122 U of T PROFS
Go ahead. Zoom in. Remember their names.
British Airways apologises after staff wore Palestine badge
British Airways has apologised after a passenger complained about a staff member wearing a badge with the Palestinian flag.
According to the Jerusalem Post a passenger said they felt intimidated by a Gatwick check-in staff member wearing the badge in the shape of a Black Power fist.
When the passenger complained, they were initially told that British Airways staff were allowed to wear "symbols of their religious faith.”
However BA has since acknowledge this was not the correct response.
The campaign group UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) said it was assisting the Jewish passenger, who felt “shocked and intimidated” by the symbol on the badge.
The group contacted British Airways to say the company could potentially be in breach of the Equality Act 2010 as the symbol is political and may amount to harassment.
According to UKLFI British Airways replied saying that its uniform policy does not permit staff to wear political symbols.
UKLFI said British Airways has addressed the issue with the employee involved and will remind all Gatwick Ground Services staff about the policy.
British Airways told the campaign group: “We are sorry to hear that one of our customers felt intimidated and offended when travelling with us. At British Airways, we do not tolerate harassment of any kind and this is not the experience we wish customers to have.”
According to UKLFI BA also apologised for the way the complaint was first dealt with.
Imagine heading for a medical apt. and being stuck with one of these antisemitic bigots:
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) September 8, 2024
1. Dr. Sana Mohsin (Advocate Health) posts:
- Israel has no right to exist or defend itself
- wants to abolish the Jewish right to self determination
- jokes about being "Hamas"
Jenna Laib is a K-12 math specialist in Boston, MA.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) September 9, 2024
In a recent presentation on slow reveal graphs, Jenna erased Israel from existence and replaced it with "Palestine".
Had Jenna not removed Israel, she would have taught Israel was the SOLE country in the Middle East that had a…
Further info on Teresa Diamond’s horrific views can be found on our website.
— GnasherJew®גנאשר (@GnasherJew) September 8, 2024
Please report her to @TerrorismPolice
University of Sydney spreading their anti-Israel hate
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) September 9, 2024
It's not enough that the University of Sydney has made life intolerable for its Jewish students.
They are now spreading the extremist anti-Israel hatred.
Students at the University of New England have contacted AJA about a…
Campaign Against Antisemitism is now ten years old.
— Campaign Against Antisemitism (@antisemitism) September 9, 2024
For a decade, we’ve done what it takes to serve the Jewish community.
We will keep fighting, because the fight is on.
RUSH HAMAS — a frightening fraternity social experiment 😳🎓#antisemitism #college #university #israel #palestine #gaza #jewhate #columbia #columbiauniversity #nyu #nyc #greek #greeklife #frat #fratparty #rush #fallrush #backtoschool #classof2028 #fraternity #GenZ
— Zach Sage Fox (@zachsagefox) September 8, 2024
MEMRI: Journalists For Al-Jazeera And Qatari Dailies Take To Social Media To Praise Border-Crossing Attack, Call To Intensify Attacks On Israel
Writing on their X (formerly Twitter) accounts, journalists working for the Qatari media, and especially for the Al-Jazeera network, celebrated the September 8, 2024 attack at the border crossing between Israel and Jordan, in which a Jordanian truck driver shot to death three Israelis employed at the crossing.[1] The journalists called the shooter a "hero," "martyr," and "brave man with a strong conscience," and a columnist for Qatar's Al-Sharq daily advocated increasing attacks of this kind "from every direction."Terrorism downplayed in BBC report on counter-terrorism operation
The following is a sampling of these responses:
Al-Jazeera presenter Ayman Azzam wrote: "This is the Jordanians' day. Allah bless the heroic martyred truck driver, his truck and his gun."[2]
Ahmad Khalifa, an Al-Jazeera reporter in Libya, likewise blessed the shooter, writing: "Allah bless the brave people of Jordan."[3]
Al-Jazeera Presenter: This Jordanian Has Joined "The Processions Of Martyrs Who Are The Flowers Of The History Of The Arab And Islamic Struggle"
In another post, Ayman Azzam wrote: "The volcano of this Jordanian, Muslim and Arab citizen erupted, as previously happened with the Egyptian knight Muhammad Saleh [an Egyptian police officer who crossed the border into Israel on June 3, 2023 and murdered three Israeli soldiers], the knight Suleiman Khater [an Egyptian police officer who murdered seven Israeli tourists in Sinai in 1985] and the processions of martyrs who are the flowers of the history of the Arab and Islamic struggle. Just as citizens erupted from time to time without calculation, so will the volcanoes of the peoples' rage erupt one day to restore Allah's balance of justice…"[4]
Al-Jazeera Reporter: The Military Achievement Of The Battle Of Karameh Has Repeated Itself
Al-Jazeera reporter Fatima Triki focused on the site of the attack – the Allenby Bridge Border Crossing, also called the Karameh Border Crossing, after the 1968 Battle of Karameh.[5] She wrote: "The Al-Karameh crossing between Jordan and Palestine is named after the Battle of Karameh, of March 1968, in which the Jordanians and Palestinians made an important military achievement and caused the Israeli occupation forces heavy losses. [Today] history is repeating itself. #Three_bullets_for_three_dead."[6]
Qatari Journalist: The Shooter Was Brave And Had A Strong Conscience; Such Operations Must Increase
Qatari journalist Abdullah Al-Amadi, who has a column in the Qatari daily Al-Sharq, wrote on his X account: “It appears that a brave Jordanian truck driver with a strong conscience, who was shocked that trucks carrying Jordanian merchandise arrive in Israel on a daily basis while the people of Gaza suffer from deliberate starvation, got this off his chest by [firing] bullets towards the chests of the Zionists, avenging the thousands of Gazan martyrs. Such operations have an impact on the monstrous entity [i.e. Israel] and they must be increased from every direction…”[7]
On September 6th the BBC News website published a report by Lucy Williamson “in Jenin” and Raffi Berg “in London” headlined “Israeli forces pull out of Jenin after major operation”.Sky News presenter fails to challenge Husam Zomlot's lies
Relating to the recent counter-terrorism operations in northern Samaria, that report opens by telling readers that:
“Israeli forces have withdrawn from Jenin city and its refugee camp in the occupied West Bank after a major nine-day operation there.
The area – a stronghold of militants and with a civilian population of about 60,000 – was targeted in one of the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) biggest actions in the West Bank for years. The IDF said it was acting against terrorism.” With the BBC unable to tell its audiences that the targets of counter-terrorism operations are terrorists due to its absurd editorial guidelines on “use of language”, readers then find armed and active terrorists portrayed as “members” of “armed groups”.
“At least 36 Palestinians were killed – 21 from Jenin governorate – the Palestinian health ministry says.
Most of the dead have been claimed by armed groups as members, but the ministry says children are also among those killed. An Israeli soldier was also killed during fighting in Jenin.”
Williamson’s contribution to the report includes the following:
“Following the Israeli withdrawal from Jenin refugee camp, residents are emerging into the streets for the first time since the IDF began its assault on 27 August.
Many, stunned and exhausted, slowly assessed the damage – the new layers of destruction mapping this operation onto the camp.
Khalid abu Sabeer lives in a basement apartment next to the mosque. The entire floor of his home, he said, was blown out by a powerful explosion.
The Israeli army was interested in a cave beneath the building, he said, that had been there for decades, empty.
The IDF asked him to leave before blowing it up – and his home along with it.”
Only sixteen paragraphs later do readers (who may or may not have made the connection) find the following:
“In a statement, the Israeli military said that in the Jenin area “14 terrorists [had] been eliminated, over 30 suspects [had] been apprehended, [and] approximately 30 explosives planted under roads were dismantled” during the operation.
It said it had also dismantled what it called “numerous terror infrastructure sites… including an underground weapons storage facility located beneath a mosque, and a lab used to manufacture explosives” and had removed “large quantities of weapons”.”
Here are the liess, distortions and propaganda that went completely unchallenged by the Sky presenter:
Zomlot described Eygi as “peace activist”, despite the fact that her organisation is linked to terrorism, its mission statement supports “armed struggle” and, as such, it effectively defended the Oct. 7th attacks.
Zomlot claimed that the IDF intentionally murdered Eygi.
Zomlot claimed that Rachel Corrie, another ISM activist, was killed in 2003 “while she was trying to protect Palestinian children”. In fact, she was accidentally killed on the Philadelphi Corridor in the Rafah area of Gaza by a military bulldozer which was “clearing and leveling…the ground and clearing it of brush in order to expose hiding places used by terrorists, who would sneak out from these areas and place explosive devices with the intent of harming IDF soldiers”.
Zomot referred to the Israeli government, collectively, as “war criminals”.
On the IDF’s recent anti-terrorist operation in the northern West Bank, Zomlot accused the army of “masss murder”, despite the fact that at least half of those Palestinians killed in gun battlers were claimed by terror groups as their members, and that the cites wher the army operated in, such as Jenin, are knwon hotbeds of terror.
Zomlot also falsely claimed that the army intentionally destroyed civilian infrastructure during the Jenin operation.
Zomlot told Mohsin that Israel has been withouholding taxes from the PA, and didn’t note that the partial withholding of tax revenue was a reaction to the PA’s policy of paying salary to terrorists and their families, including the Hamas terrorists who murdered Israelis on Oct. 7th.
So, what Sky News viewers saw was not journalism, or an interview in any real sense of that word. Rather, they saw a six minute anti-Zionist diatribe by an apologist for a proscribed terror group, facilitated by a presenter who was either uwilling, or unequipped, to challenge the Palestinian envoy’s propaganda.
The really scary thing is that in his head this actually makes sense and appears legitimate to him...
— David Collier (@mishtal) September 9, 2024
It is however a fine example of the damage that self radicalising social media rabbit holes can do...
Actually, @AP, the Balfour Declaration promised a national home for the Jewish people in the historic Land of Israel, where we've lived for 3500 years, long before anyone called it Palestine. We're the indigenous people here and Hamas won't win this game.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) September 9, 2024
For @euronews, when a terrorist opens fire and murders 3 Israeli civilians and the terrorist is neutralized to prevent him from killing more peope, it's a "shootout," and even if they're too old for the army as these 3 civilians were, they're "Israeli soldiers." Shameful.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) September 9, 2024
Bloomberg News Calls Imprisoned Hamas Terrorists ‘Political Prisoners’
In her Aug. 26 Bloomberg Brief broadcast, Joumanna Bercetche erroneously reported about Palestinian prisoners to be released in a possible Israel-Hamas ceasefire.Jerusalem Post Corrects_ Rachel Corrie Wasn’t Preventing A Home Demolition
She stated (18:50):
The goal here, which the US Administration and international community has been pressing for, is a cessation of hostilities but also the exchange of hostages and Palestinian political prisoners.
Palestinian prisoners who would be released under the ceasefire proposal are in no way “political prisoners.”
Political prisoners are those held for their beliefs or political activity like participation in legal, non-violent demonstrations.
In the ceasefire negotiations, Hamas is holding hard and fast for its demands for the release of its terrorists and operatives — i.e., members of a designated terror organization. Hamas operatives are not “political prisoners.”
CAMERA’s Israel office today prompted correction of a The Jerusalem Post article which had erroneously reported that U.S. activist Rachel Corrie was killed 2003 in the Gaza Strip while preventing a home demolition.
The Sept. 6 article, “American-Turkish activist killed by Israeli forces at West Bank protest,” had erred:
In March of 2003, American activist Rachel Corrie was killed in Rafah while attempting to prevent an IDF bulldozer from demolishing a home near the border with Egypt.
But, as the Haifa court ruling on the case found in 2012, the bulldozer was clearing brush used to provide cover for attacks on Israeli troops, not demolishing a home. The court ruled:
Note the involuted conspiracism of this Al Jazeera propagandist: “white” Jews spread false consciousness at the expense of Arabs and Muslims—something they “have been allowed to do” by the shadowy force that apparently controls us.
— John-Paul Pagano (@johnpaulpagano) September 8, 2024
Court rules: Palestinian Authority must compensate trio who thwarted terrorism against Israel
According to court rulings by the Jerusalem District Court, the Palestinian Authority must pay compensation of NIS 3 million to a trio who helped prevent the murder of Israelis, according to Israeli media on Monday.PMW: Gazan mother literally cheers Martyrdom of her 4 sons
The trio were imprisoned by the PA after they cooperated with Israel and were abused while in prison, "They were beaten with guns, electric cables, and sticks."
The PA was ordered to pay huge compensation to the trio who helped to thwart terrorist acts against Israel, according to several rulings handed down at the beginning of this month by Judge Miriam Ilani of the Jerusalem District Court.
Each of those who were imprisoned after cooperating with Israeli security is entitled to receive a sum of about one million shekels for the severe abuse he suffered by the Palestinian Authority and for being imprisoned for more than four years in the basements of the PA.
Severe torture and abuse
In one of the verdicts, the plaintiff described the abuse he suffered during his imprisonment by the PA.
"Among other things, he was beaten all over his body with rifles, electric cables, and batons; they were hanged using the 'Al Shabach' method, denied sleep and access to the bathroom, forced to go out naked at night, and poured have cold water on him."
Another judgment speaks of sleep deprivation, teeth breaking, denial of access to the bathroom, being forced to drink soap, as well as threats to kill his family.
Experts who examined those assistants describe that they suffer from severe depression and grief as well as having difficulty functioning in social situations.
The decades of PA indoctrination that death for “Palestine” as a “Martyr” is wonderful and an ideal to strive for has been successful. Palestinian Media Watch has documented numerous parents cheering the death of their children.PMW: Murderer of 3 Israelis honored as “heroic fighting Martyr” by Abbas’ Fatah
This mother from Gaza is an example of the successful indoctrination of generations of Palestinians. Having lost the last of her four sons, she praised Allah, expressed pride, and cheered:
Mother shouts: " Praise Allah! We are proud and consider them [my sons] Martyrs with Allah. We consider them Martyrs with Allah. Praise Allah! ...
Man: "How many Martyrs"?
Mother: "Four, and I'm proud of them! I don't have even one son now. That's it. All four are gone. We consider them Martyrs with Allah.”
Man: "Why are you happy?"
Mother: "Why am I cheering? Because my children are in Paradise. I will join them if it pleases Allah. This is an honor for me!”
[Palinfo (Hamas) Twitter, Sept. 2, 2024]
When Hamas leader Ishamel Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran on July 31, 2024, his daughter-in-law “couldn’t stop smiling” because in her words: Martyrdomis “a wedding [to virgins in Paradise], not a funeral”:
Last week, Muhannad Al-Iswed, a 34-year-old Palestinian terrorist who was a member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (Fatah’s military wing), and a former member of the PA Presidential Guard, murdered 3 Israeli police officers, before being killed by Israeli soldiers. For PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement, the death of the murderer was the “death as a Martyr.” In several announcements, Fatah’s military wing praised Al-Iswed as a “heroic fighting Martyr” who “wrote tales of heroism and honor in the fields of battle and confrontation.”
In the shooting northwest of Hebron, Iswed murdered police officers Hadas Brentz (53), Arik Ben Eliyahu (37), and Roni Shakuri (61) who were driving in their car.
Fatah’s announcements called his funeral “a wedding” in accordance with Islamic belief that a person “who dies for Allah” is considered a “Shahid” - a “Martyr” - and is rewarded with 72 Virgins in Paradise. According to Fatah, murdering the 3 Israelis was and Islamic act to be rewarded by Allah.
The following are the texts on Fatah’s posters announcing the “Martyr’s wedding”:
Posted Text: “#Al-Aqsa_Flood” (Hamas' name for its terror war against Israel; see note below -Ed.)
Text on poster: “‘Among the believers are men who have proven true to what they pledged to Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge [with their lives], others are waiting [their turn].’ [Quran 23:33, Sahih International translation]
The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades
The military wing of the [Palestinian] National Liberation Movement – Fatah accompany in a wedding procession their heroic fighting Martyr
Muhannad Muhammad Al-Iswed (i.e., terrorist, murdered 3)
who carried out the Tarqumiya operation that led to the killing of 3 [Israeli] police officers on Sept. 1, 2024, at the Tarkumia checkpoint West of Hebron.
The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – Military Media”
[The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Telegram, Sept. 2, 2024]
When glorifying death becomes normal: A Palestinian father wishes for his second son's death
— Pal Media Watch (@palwatch) September 9, 2024
Sick culture #SavePalestinianChildrenfromtheirLeaders
Switzerland & Britain are funding 'Murder 101'?
— Pal Media Watch (@palwatch) September 8, 2024
The Palestinian Museum, a 'Swiss-registered NGO' with British Council support, uses virtual reality to teach kids to throw rocks at Israelis. Thousands of rocks have hit cars - killing over a dozen Israelis and injuring hundreds.…
This is what happens to those who speak out against Hamas, and hope for a better future in Gaza. Hamas is not only a threat to Israel, but a threat to the innocent civilians in Gaza. #FreeGazaFromHamas
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) September 8, 2024
This is what kindergarten looks like in the West Bank.
— Israel ישראל (@Israel) September 8, 2024
A bunch of children with rifles instead of books and crayons.
This is what Hamas and Palestinian terrorist organizations do to children.
Lebanese Journalist Kamal Zebian on Palestine TV: The Zionists Exploited the ‘Lie of the Holocaust’ in Order to Guilt the Germans and Europeans into Facilitating Their Plans
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) September 9, 2024
The Iranian regime is facing a devastating internal crisis
Seyed Abbas Araghchi, the foreign minister in new Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian’s Cabinet and former deputy foreign minister, was personally appointed by supreme leader Ali Khamenei to negotiate with the United States.Seth Frantzman: Iran’s missile trade with Russia is about changing world order
On Aug. 24, speaking to the Iranian National Radio and Television Agency, he laid out the central aspects of Iran’s foreign policy.
It was an instructive interview.
Araghchi emphasised that tensions with the United States, especially after the Gaza war, are unlikely to be resolved. “Support for the Axis of Resistance, rooted in the beliefs and ideals of the Islamic Republic, is a non-negotiable policy," he stated. "Some of our hostilities with the U.S. are irreconcilable because they stem from our core beliefs and ideals. We are not aiming to end hostility or tension with the United States, as many of these tensions are based on fundamental differences. Our objective is to manage these hostilities to mitigate the costs imposed on us.”
Rooted in the Middle Ages, incapable of answering the core demands of a hostile Iranian society for democracy and better life, the mullahs' regime has sustained itself by continuously stirring up crises in the region. Although it may momentarily scale back these tactics, abandoning this survival strategy is not an option.
To fend off internal crises, especially the wave of uprisings, the Iranian dictatorship has been fuelling conflict by providing financial, logistical and military support to Hamas.
Araghchi asserted regarding the Gaza war that “our foreign policy must be proactive. We must engage not only on the ground"—in the mullahs’ parlance, "on the ground" refers to activities like terrorism, chaos and warfare aimed at advancing specific policies — "but also in diplomacy. We must ensure that ceasefire negotiations do not proceed without considering Iran’s stance.”
The Iranian regime’s April 13 attack on Israel, followed by Israel’s retaliatory strike, both aimed at undermining each other’s deterrence capabilities, signals that the flames of this conflict are likely to engulf the Iranian regime itself.
Iran's parliamentary and presidential elections, boycotted by at least 90 per cent of the population, have sounded a dire warning for Khamenei, forcing him to reconsider some of his political strategies.
Iran is likely supplying ballistic missiles to Russia, according to recent reports. The Wall Street Journal reported that the US has informed allies that Tehran sent ballistic missiles to Moscow.Seth Frantzman: Iranian diplomat claims Israel threatens Iran from Iraq
“We are aware of the credible information provided by allies on the delivery of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia,” EU spokesperson Peter Stano was quoted as saying.
The reports claimed that Iran has sent short-range ballistic missiles to Russia. Russia has been fighting a war against Ukraine for more than two years. Iran’s ties with Russia are not new; the countries have worked together for decades on various issues, and Iran increasingly tries to partner with Russia on numerous matters.Iran’s Mehr News Agency also reported on the claims. Its Foreign Ministry has denied them.
Nasser Kan’ani, the spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, said, “As it has been emphasized many times, the Islamic Republic of Iran, while opposing the war, supports the political solution to resolve the disputes between Russia and Ukraine and end the military conflicts.”
“Since the beginning of the Ukraine crisis, the Islamic Republic of Iran has never been a part of this conflict and its continuation,” the senior Iranian diplomat stressed, adding that Tehran always supported the political solution and bilateral talks to end the crisis.
Iran International reported that an Iranian member of parliament has acknowledged that the country has supported Russia militarily.
The Iranian ambassador to Iraq, Mohammad Kazem Al Sadeq, stirred controversy over comments he made about the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
The Kurdistan region in northern Iraq is an autonomous region with its own governing authority. Iran has carried out attacks on the region in the past, claiming to target “Mossad” and also targeting Kurdish dissidents. The Iranian ambassador made new comments about the presence of Kurdish dissidents in northern Iraq, and he claimed, “We have documents that show that the Israelis have used the territory of the region against Iran.”
His comments were reported by several media, including the Farsi language website ABS News and the Arabic media site Mideast News. In one report of his comments, he said, “Our information says that Mossad is present in Erbil, saying: When we bombed Erbil, we were defending ourselves because the Kurdish opposition and the Israelis were using the region’s lands to target us.”
The Ministry of Interior of the Kurdistan Regional Government slammed the comments, according to a post their office put on social media. “In a television interview, the Iranian ambassador to Iraq made baseless accusations against Kurdistan Region and once again linked the bombing of civilians in Erbil to defending themselves against Israel. We strongly reject all the baseless accusations, lies, and slander that have been made against Kurdistan in the past.”
The context of the Iranian ambassador’s comments is wider than just slander against the Kurdistan region and threats to Israel. Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian is scheduled to travel to Iraq on his first foreign visit this month. The Iranian ambassador is supposed to be paving the way for that to happen. Iran is focused on signing new agreements with Iraq. Some of these are related to security. Iran wants to make sure that Kurdish dissidents, some of whom are based in the Kurdistan region, will be removed from border areas and will be reduced in their influence in general.
“Iraq is an important country in the region, and it is of interest from the perspective of Pezeshkian's foreign policy, as [the Iranian president] announced that his foreign policy is based on the importance of neighboring countries," Sadeq told Rudaw, a Kurdish media network.
IRGC Commander-in-Chief General Hossein Salami Details Naval Clashes with Israel, Britain, the U.S.: We Targeted 12 Israeli Ships in the Northern Indian Ocean and Elsewhere; They Surrendered after the Fifth Ship Was Hit
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) September 9, 2024
Picture from May of Brazilian Vice-President Geraldo Alckmin sitting side by side in Iran with the leaders of the Houthis, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and Hamas’ leader Ismail Haniyeh.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 9, 2024
In the background, Iranian politicians chant "Death to America” & “Death to Israel"
Chile’s ‘Palestino’ soccer team wears its anti-Israel politics on its sleeve — and jersey
Arms raised high. Banners denouncing the war in Gaza. Crowds united in song and wrapped in keffiyehs, the black-and-white checkered scarves that have become a badge of Palestinian identity.‘Evangelical Christians would not have it,’ top NCAA basketball coach says of anti-Israel protests
It could have been any other pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel rally erupting over the Israel-Hamas war if it weren’t for the fact that these thousands of protesters were actually soccer fans at a league match in Santiago, the capital of Chile.
Although the players darting across the field had names like José and Antonio and grew up in a Spanish-speaking South American nation, their fervor for the Palestinian cause and red, white, black and green-colored jerseys underscored how Chile’s storied soccer club serves as an entry point for the world’s largest Palestinian community outside the Middle East to connect with an ancestral home thousands of miles away.
“It’s more than just a club, it takes you into the history of the Palestinians,” said Bryan Carrasco, captain of Chile’s legendary Club Deportivo Palestino.
As the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, sparked by the terror group’s October 7 massacre, stretches into its 12th month, the club’s electric game atmosphere, viewing parties, and pre-match political stunts have increasingly tapped into a sense of collective Palestinian grief.
“We’re united in the face of the war,” said Diego Khamis, director of the country’s Palestinian community. “It’s daily suffering.”
In a sport where authorities penalize athletes for flaunting political positions, particularly on such explosive issues as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Club Palestino is an unabashed exception that wears its pro-Palestinian politics on its sleeve — and on its torso, stadium seats and anywhere else it can find.
The club’s brazen gestures have caused offense before. Chile’s Football Federation fined the club in 2014 after the number “1” on the back of their shirts was shaped as a map of British-controlled Mandatory Palestine before Israel’s creation in 1948.
One of five Jewish coaches to ever take an NCAA Division I men’s basketball team to the Final Four, Bruce Pearl, head coach of the Auburn Tigers men’s team, has been a public supporter of Israel and Jewry.'I wake up in paradise': Patrick Beverley raves about Tel Aviv on podcast
In 2022, he took his team on a preseason playing tour of Israel, and a men’s basketball team he coached won a gold medal at the Maccabi Games in Tel Aviv. Last week, he defended Israel in a fiery speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition Summit in Las Vegas.
“I wanted to speak to the young people more than anything else because they’re just not equipped to be able to defend Israel at this time,” he told JNS after his speech. “It starts with the foundation. It starts with the roots. It starts with the truth.”
The economy, inflation and border security are more important to the average American than Israel is, according to Pearl. But he told JNS that it is important to him to speak out.
“Right now, Jews in America are being targeted and it’s wrong, and our kids on these college campuses are unsafe,” he said. “Something does need to be done about that.”
At Auburn, a nearly 170-year-old public school in Alabama with a large Christian population but not many Jews, Pearl hasn’t seen much criticism of Israel.
“We’re not a big target, and the evangelical Christians would not have it,” he said. “They just wouldn’t allow it.”
Walking through a recent anti-Israel protest in Washington, D.C., Pearl estimated that only about a third of the protesters looked Arab.
“My heart felt for them because I bet you they’ve felt some real pain. It is a pain inflicted because of their leaders, because the leaders of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah put them in the situation,” he said, of the one-third. “I did feel bad for them.”
But the other two-thirds “looked like hippies from college campuses that would have absolutely no clue or no stake in the game,” Pearl told JNS. “They were just like professional protesters, and as you watch the news, that’s kind of what you see.”
American basketball player Patrick Beverley, who currently lives in Tel Aviv, shared a glowing review of the city on his podcast, the Pat Bev Pod with Rone.
Beverley, who plays for Hapoel Tel Aviv, mentioned that some of his acquaintances had expressed concerns about his stay in the Israeli city.
“Playing in Israel, obviously, I wake up. I get phone calls, I get text messages; ‘Pat, are you okay?’” he shared. He noted, though, “I wake up in paradise every day.”
He continued, “Tel Aviv has been phenomenal. Paradise. Truly paradise.”
“The sun is pink when it sets,” he reflected and emphasized how he enjoyed the private beaches where he sits “on the beach for six-seven hours a day” and the “mansion” he lives in.
Beverly added that he loved the people of the city and its food.
“The food is great, the water is spectacular. It’s 90 degrees every day. The water is a cool 78 warm,” he continued.
'Words can't describe it'
“Probably one of the best places I have ever played basketball. No Cap.”
“Words can’t describe it,” he added. “You honestly have to be here to understand. I can’t make none of this up.”
He stated that coming from the NBA, “the city loves the s*** out of me.”
“Israel is one of the best places I’ve ever played basketball at.”
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) September 8, 2024
“Is it a beautiful place?”
“Words can’t describe it.”
Former NBA player Patrick Beverley talks about his time in Israel since he moved to play for Tel Aviv.
World Zionist Organization Chair: Immigration to Israel Has Not Slowed Since Oct. 7, 100,000 New Olim Expected
Jewish immigration to Israel has not slowed over the past year despite the ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza, according to the chairman of the World Zionist Organization.Israel breaks 20-year record with 10 Paralympic medals
Yaakov Hagoel told The Algemeiner in an interview that since Oct. 7, when Hamas-led Palestinian terrorists invaded southern Israel and launched the war, more than 29,000 people have made aliyah, the process of Jews immigrating to Israel.
Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack — in which the Palestinian terror group killed 1,200 people, took another 251 hostage, and committed rampant sexual violence — began a war “not only against the State of Israel, but also against the entire Jewish people,” Hagoel said. He added that the onslaught, the largest single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, “caused the Jewish community in Israel and around the world to feel less safe and secure.”
Since Oct. 7, antisemitism around the world has spiked to alarming levels. The Anti-Defamation League released a report in April showing antisemitic incidents in the US rose 140 percent last year, reaching a record high. Most of the outrages occurred after Oct. 7, during the ensuing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. Meanwhile, such outrages have also skyrocketed to record highs in several other countries around the world, especially in Europe, since the Hamas atrocities. In France, for example, Jewish leaders have expressed concern about the safety of their community if French Jews don’t leave the country.
Consequently, Hagoel continued, “Jews around the world are looking for something more secure that they can rely on to raise their children and to link them to the Jewish traditions. And there’s no doubt that the interest in aliyah since Oct. 7 is related to it and hasn’t happened in many, many years.”
Israel won 10 medals, including four gold, at the 2024 Paris Paralympics which concluded on Sunday, in its best showing at the Games in two decades.
The competition followed the record-breaking seven Olympic medals awarded to Israeli athletes in Paris this summer.
Israel’s medal total at the Paralympics topped its performance at the Tokyo Games three years ago, when the delegation brought home nine medals, and marks Israel’s best showing since 2004, when it won 13 medals at the Athens Paralympics.
Israeli swimmer Ami Dadaon won four of the 10 medals in the French capital.
Israel also made history with its first Paralympic medals in both taekwondo and goalball—its first medal in a team sport in 36 years.
Both games were held against the backdrop of the 11-month war against Hamas in Gaza, and the heavily-guarded Israeli teams faced both threats and boycotts.
The news from France lifted spirits in Israel as the nation girded for a possible Iranian and Hezbollah attack this summer, and as the plight of the hostages held in Gaza weighed heavily on the Jewish state.
Team Israel’s remarkable performance at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games has come to a close, leaving the entire nation filled with pride! 🇮🇱
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) September 9, 2024
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