Thursday, August 29, 2024

  • Thursday, August 29, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
A Palestinian NGO called "The Shireen Observatory," ,named for the late Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh and staffed by Palestinian journalists, has been trying to keep track of all the fatalities since October 7 and the circumstances of their deaths.

They reported on a child killed on Sunday:
The two young men, Adi Al-Taroush and Musab Al-Maqsqas, were martyred after being shot in the area of ​​the Ariel settlement, which was built on the lands of Salfit. An audio recording of the two martyrs was circulated before their martyrdom, in which they said that they had been kidnapped by a settler, and when they tried to escape, the occupation soldiers surrounded them and opened fire on them, which led to their martyrdom.
How awful! They were kidnapped and narrated their own murders as they tried to escape! 

The story falls apart when you find out they were both members of the Jenin Battalion of Islamic Jihad. (Taroush's real name was  Adi Nizar Nimr Abu Naasa,)

Times of Israel reported:

An IDF soldier was lightly wounded in a car-ramming near the settlement of Ariel, the military announced, one of several attacks in the West Bank on Sunday.

Two Palestinian assailants in the vehicle were shot dead.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, the pair arrived by car from the Tapuah Junction and drove against the oncoming traffic toward Ariel, crashing into several cars on the way.

The assailants then tried to ram into IDF soldiers stationed in the area, who opened fire, killing them, the military said.

In their vehicle, the IDF said, troops found a military vest and several assault rifle magazines.
This article confirms that the two assailants were Naasa and Maqsqas. Look how peaceful the older partner looks!

The Shireen site of course knows all this. They don't even link to any article about the "settler kidnapped them" story - the article they link to shows they were the car ramming terrorists. 

And the audio recording? Assuming it is real, here is what Naasa/Taroush said:
Young men, young men, we entered Ariel and we do not know where we are. I am Adi Al-Taroush. We kidnapped an Arab Israeli and we beat him. It turned out that he was a settler, so we fled to Ariel and he is following us. I do not know where I am. Forgive us if anything happens to us.”

He added in the clip: "I am Adi Taroush and with me is a man named Musab. A settler kidnapped us." 

This is followed by the sound of gunfire. (The audio of the last sentence is not clear, so he might not have even said that "a settler kidnapped us.")

He admits they kidnapped and beat an Israeli citizen!  They were obviously not kidnapped themselves because they were in his car during the recording. 

If the recording is real, perhaps they were being chased by the victim, panicked and drove into traffic in Ariel where soldiers shot them to protect themselves. 

But the recording itself shows that they are terrorists, not innocent victims. 

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