Thursday, August 29, 2024

  • Thursday, August 29, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Rifat Audeh is described by Al Jazeera as "a Palestinian-Canadian human rights activist," He directed a film about the Mavi Marmara incident.

This "human rights activist" also advocates murdering anyone who isn't 100% against Israel.

In an article in Hezbollah mouthpiece Al Mayadeen (English), Audeh describes the imagined horrors of the "genocide" in Gaza - and how he wants to see revenge and "justice."

Once again, we see the images of children with their limbs blown off, or under the rubble screaming, or crying over their family and friends killed in the most horrific way such as being deliberately crushed to death by tanks, or worse. The pain they have felt and seen is indescribable and beyond what any human can endure. So do not blame them and the rest of the Palestinians, when they seek revenge. And do not blame us when we seek revenge for them. Do not blame them, when tomorrow, they engage in martyrdom operations -or what the West calls suicide bombings- against those who sadistically and gleefully practiced these horrors against them.
This is a call for a global intifada - and he sure doesn't mean it in a peaceful way.

But he isn't only calling for suicide bombing against Israelis.
It must be kept in mind that all of these crimes and atrocities, culminating in this genocide would not have been possible without the mainstream media propagandizing and parroting the false Israeli narrative for decades, along with the despicable politicians who continue to support this genocide. So when revenge is sought, it must be exacted against everyone who aided and abetted these slaughters, whether they are politicians, propagandists, influencers, or others. These include the obvious ones, such as Genocide Joe and Bloody Blinken, but include many others such as Jake Sullivan ("We do not believe what is happening in Gaza is a genocide") and Lindsey Graham for example, who called for nuclear bombs to be dropped on the 2.3 million people of Gaza. Others include Matt Miller, Nir Muller, Stuart Seldowitz, Michael Rapaport, James Whale & Piers Morgan and Julia Hartley-Brewer (TalkTV), Dana Bash (CNN), and many more.

Do they all think that somehow they are invincible, untouchable or unreachable? Don’t they realize that once this global army of recruits begins its work, these vile, despicable, heartless, soulless individuals will be easily found and held accountable with the same level of mercy they showed towards the children of Gaza?

Anything less than this form of justice is no longer acceptable.
That is a direct call for all anti-Israel protesters to start murdering anyone who knows that there is no genocide in Gaza.

He is threatening me. He is probably threatening you. He is calling on "pro-Palestinian" activists to blow up , stab and shoot most Americans, most Europeans, and a great number of Arabs. 

Audeh is very proud of this article. He asked his Facebook followers to help it go viral.  

Well, I'm doing my part to let the world know that a supposed human rights activist calls to murder anyone who disagrees with him. 

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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