Tuesday, August 20, 2024

  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
You are invited to a picnic!

"Montgomery County Public Schools for Palestine" have an agenda, and it isn't free watermelons. Here are some of their demands:

We call on MCPS to immediately reinstate all staff placed on administrative leave for their support of Palestinian human rights and justice.
The staff placed on administrative leave include Sabrina Khan-Williams, who denied any rape on October 7 and claimed Israel sells Palestinians' organs. 

Here is Angela Wolf's  "human rights" post that got her temporarily suspended, calling rich Jews "gluttons and thieves." You can see how pro-Palestinian she is!

This is who MCPS for Palestine wants teaching kids. 

We demand MCPS educators provide accurate, unbiased lessons about the history of Palestine, the Nakba, and the 75-year Israeli occupation. 
Notice that to them, the "occupation" didn't start in 1967, but 1948. In other words, to teach students that the Jewish state is illegal to begin with. 

The Montgomery County public schools aren't Islamophobic - but Jewish students are subjected to lots of antisemitism:
Residents of Montgomery County are grappling with the frequency and vulgarity of antisemitism in their reputedly welcoming public schools.
Kobie Talmoud has been the target of taunts from fellow students who have said things like “Shut up, you Jewish f---” and “Heil Hitler” since he started public school in seventh grade.

Only yesterday, four schools in the county were defaced with graffiti that was antisemitic and anti-Israel.

Jews are subjected to more hate crimes in the county than all other groups.

The reason is because of groups like MCPS for Palestine who encourage antisemitic attacks by calling them "support for Palestine" and "human rights."

So I suggest that the Jews of Montgomery County, which includes Silver Spring, show up and have their own picnic in the park this Sunday, so they can talk to teachers about the truth. And offer kosher and halal hot dogs. 

(h/t Michelle)

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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