Sunday, May 19, 2024

  • Sunday, May 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
We've discussed "The Franklin Prophecy" before, where "President" Benjamin Franklin supposedly gave a speech to the Continental Congress warning that the new United States must expel all Jews or else they will take over the country.

This lie was first published in 1934 by an American fascist publication and quickly reproduced in Nazi Germany. Here's a Nazi poster with the lie, complete with a picture of someone who is definitely not Franklin

The supposed speech was debunked fairly quickly - there is no record of any such speech, it uses language that was not used in the 18th century, and Franklin was a philosemite.

But that hasn't stopped this supposed "Franklin prophecy" from being resurrected every couple of years in Arab media. 

The latest iteration comes from popular Egyptian newspaper Al Masry Al Youm. After describing the speech, the author goes on to say that Jews call it a forgery, but it is obviously true:

The lines taken from Franklin's speech have ended, and this speech was called the "Franklin Prophecy," which its Jewish opponents naturally call the "Franklin Forgery," citing the fact that there is no evidence of its existence in any source issued before 1934 when it appeared on the pages of William Dudley Bailey's book in his pro-Nazi magazine, the Silver Legion. Despite their rejection of the truth of the existence of the speech, the global reality and the Jewish presence in the decision-making centers and the lobby in the White House after that confirm that this speech was real, first because of their historical lies that stuck with them and remained with them and which the world is currently following daily regarding the events in Gaza, and second because all its warnings and predictions appeared on the Internet. The course of those years following it and the issuance of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion after their conference in Basel 1897 AD, that is, 111 years after this speech .

The way they know it is true is because the Jews really are evil, as proven by the Protocols and confirmed by the Internet.

That's the pretzel logic that passes for analysis in major Arab media. 

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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