Tuesday, May 28, 2024

  • Tuesday, May 28, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Usually Iranian media tries to differentiate between Jews and Zionists. But the International Quranic News Agency - only in Arabic, not in their English or Farsi editions-  - goes whole-hog antisemite:

The Holy Qur’an refers to the characteristics of a group of Jews, which are characteristics that can be classified into four categories: religious, social, economic and political.

The Holy Qur’an separates between the frugal Jews and the immoral Jews. God Almighty says in verse 66 of Surat Al-Ma’idah, “Among them is a frugal nation, and many of them are evil in what they do.” Then He refers to the second category of Jews that had many negative characteristics throughout history.

The first type of negative traits are religious traits, as 26 traits can be counted according to the Holy Qur’an, including: rebellion and disobedience to the teachings of God, distortion of divine teachings, turning towards magic, disbelief in God, turning away from the path of God, killing the prophets (may God bless him and grant him peace), and other negative actions carried out by the Jews throughout history against religion.

The Holy Qur’an refers to 17 negative traits among Jews in the social sphere, including: racism, immorality, spreading corruption, hardness of heart, refraining from jihad for the sake of God, misleading Muslims, pretexting, sarcasm, hatred, and other negative traits.

As for the economic field, the Holy Qur’an described the Jews as being careful and collecting money from forbidden things and usury.

In the political field, the Holy Qur’an enumerates 18 negative characteristics of the Jews, including: provoking wars, breaking covenants, injustice, arrogance, spreading division, cowardice, and other characteristics.
That's the entire article. No caveats, no "buts," no exceptions. 

In English they usually distinguish between "good Jews" and "bad Jews," but this Arabic article only divides them into different categories of bad. 

So why only in Arabic?

Clearly, Iran wants to use antisemitism as a weapon against Israel, and they look upon the Arabs as the best target audience for that aim. 


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