Sunday, May 19, 2024

  • Sunday, May 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Salo Aizenberg, of Honest Reporting, has gone even deeper into the Gaza health ministry statistics - and found even the lower numbers of "verified" deaths from their database (compared to Hamas' media office)  includes many obviously faked entries.

As he writes, "On May 5 Hamas 'Ministry of Health' released 498 page PDF with 24,682 names (not 24,686) supposedly each person rigorously identified with valid IDs based on actual bodies as opposed to “unidentified” deaths which actually means bodies are missing too. "

Yet many of these "verified" deaths include details that are impossible or clearly incomplete, violating their own stated criteria for who they count.

1693  are missing an ID number altogether. 

836 have the wrong number of digits in their IDs, and some of them are absurdly using consecutive numbers, which is impossible.

Moreover, real Gaza IDs have a built in checksum mechanism where the ninth digit can be derived from the other eight. If you know the first 8, you can figure out the ninth with a formula. Clearly the people  adding this data didn't know that because 1522 of the names have the incorrect last digit, meaning they are faked. And some of them are also sequential, which is impossible - if the first eight digits are the same, the last one would be as well.

Aizenberg also identified duplicates, as well as people who were killed in 2014, 

This means that over 4,000 of the "verified" 24,000 deaths are not verified at all - and most of them appear to be deliberately faked. 

This is the only war in history where the number of fatalities keeps going down.

A 16^ error rate is not innocent mistakes. Thousands of deaths were added to the MoH statistics to inflate the total death count. 

But the Hamas media office is still claiming not 20,000 or 24,000 ut over 35,000 deaths. The ministry of health has been reporting the Hamas GMO numbers but has apparently stopped publishing its own detailed statistics that proved Hamas was lying with its claim that over 70% of those killed were women and children. It has now been over two weeks since the last detailed MoH update; my guess is that Hamas was embarrassed at the contradictions and instructed them to stop. 

Everyone's lying. And they are doing it because Western media dutifully parrots whatever they say. 

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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