Did Tony Blinken Just Kill International Law?
When the Soviet Union collapsed and the United States appeared to have no remaining rivals, many liberals thought their ambitions for international law were finally within reach. American lawyers flocked to the United Nations and filled the international legal industry, which grew tremendously as a series of treaties outlawed chemical weapons, established the ICC, and made symbolic agreements about global warming, among other things.American ICJ Judge Who Voted Against Israel Was Nominated by Biden for Top State Department Role
Not all Americans shared this enthusiasm. Republicans led by Henry Cabot Lodge torpedoed the League of Nations treaty because they did not want to cede American sovereignty to any international body. Others dismissed the idea of international law altogether: When he taught a survey of international politics at Harvard, Henry Kissinger brought in a guest speaker for the sessions on international law, explaining, "I do not wish to give a lecture about something that doesn’t exist." Many Americans have feared the intrusion of international busybodies into American affairs, and the Senate has not ratified most of these new treaties.
Few of these institutions have had much effect on the real world, but liberals held out hope that they could at least browbeat small countries into compliance while they waited for the Democrats to ratify these treaties. The ones that have created the most benefit tend to focus on mundane issues, like setting technological standards. The major exception was the World Trade Organization, which reduced global trade barriers and helped lift more than one billion people out of extreme poverty between 1990 and 2015. This system of relatively free global trade saved hundreds of millions of people from horrid conditions and was one of the glories of the old Pax Americana.
As America’s enemies gained strength, they exposed the weakness of the international legal regime. During the 1990s, international legal beagles mostly fretted about "rogue states" like North Korea and Iran violating international treaties about nuclear weapons. America’s stronger adversaries have recently gotten into the game too: China joined the WTO and systematically cheated on its trade commitments, driving many American manufacturers out of business. Russia protected Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad when Assad used chemical weapons on his own people, then used its own chemical weapons against dissidents in Europe and Ukrainians. Neither Beijing nor Moscow respects older conventions, such as territorial sovereignty. Beijing ignored a 2016 arbitration ruling that its territorial claims in the South China Sea were meritless, and Russia is subjugating as much of Ukraine as it can.
America’s adversaries make a mockery of international law, but they still think it has some value. China seeks to dominate international bodies that set technological standards, such as the International Telecommunication Union, even while Beijing and Moscow stymie Western initiatives in the Security Council.
Conservatives usually view international legal organizations with suspicion or boredom. When the ICC attempted to investigate American forces in Afghanistan even though the United States hadn’t ratified the treaty, the Trump administration sanctioned the officials involved in the attempted power grab.
But Blinken showed this week that even American liberals are souring on the international legal community. The Americans and Europeans who dominate many international bodies are likely to carry on their work. But without the backing of the liberals, who have long been their main supporters, it is not clear if anyone will notice.
In an interview with Columbia Law School, Cleveland shared that her successful election could be attributed in part to her willingness to vote against American interests.WSJ: Here’s the real problem with the U.N.’s revised Gaza death toll
“Fundamentally, what the rest of the world wanted to see was that the US candidate to the court was independent from the US government, was interested in their individual countries, and understood their perspective,” Cleveland said. “They did not want a judge from a permanent member of the Security Council who would predictably vote for her own country’s interests.”
To win support from countries in the United Nations, Cleveland touted her history of standing against the US government’s positions on controversial issues.
“I have a long record of independence from the US government, since my very first case — as a student in a human rights clinic at Yale Law School — which was a lawsuit against the US government on behalf of Haitian refugees detained at Guantanamo,” she said.
On Friday, the ICJ issued a ruling demanding that Israel halt its military operations against the Hamas terrorist group in Rafah and allow for significantly more humanitarian aid to enter Gaza. Critics of the court have accused the ICJ, along with other major international organizations, of harboring substantial and unfair bias against Israel.
The order was adopted by the panel of 15 judges from around the world in a 13-2 vote, opposed by judges from Uganda and Israel itself.
If carried out, the ICJ ruling would effectively end Israel’s campaign to dismantle Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group that launched the war in Gaza by invading southern Israel on Oct. 7, murdering 1,200 people, and kidnapping over 250 others as hostages.
However, Israeli officials have indicated the Jewish state will not comply with the ruling of the court, which has no enforcement powers.
Yet this new framing obscures reality. The “identified” data has become increasingly incomplete over time, and 17.1 percent of the “identified” entries in the Health Ministry’s early-May release have missing or invalid IDs, ages, names or sex. Meanwhile, the “unidentified” entries are actually a rebranding of the data from the media reports methodology, a change made in April as outside scrutiny grew.
It is unusual for the United Nations, which normally uses a strict casualty verification standard, to report unverified casualty figures from involved parties. The United Nations stopped reporting the death toll in Syria between 2014 and 2021 amid verification difficulties, and it has not even attempted comprehensive casualty reporting in the Ethiopian civil war. In Sudan, the verified U.N. death toll is nearly exceeded by estimated fatalities from a single city.
A better approach for the U.N.’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs would be to stop citing statistics from Hamas’s government media office, which lacks the capacity or authority to count casualties, and to distinguish between the three Health Ministry methodologies, while applying basic scrutiny to claims by all parties.
What can a partial and contested picture of the death toll, patched together through three methodologies of varying reliability, tell us? It cannot yield a civilian-combatant ratio, given the Health Ministry’s refusal to distinguish between the two and the likely undercounting of militants killed on the battlefield. It also cannot help assess the legality of individual Israeli strikes or operations. Nor is the claimed death toll a clear undercount: 40 percent of reported deaths derive from methodologies that do not involve physical identification of a body, creating likely overlap with those reported missing or under the rubble. The approach also cannot convey the enormous loss of life experienced by Gazans.
The data can give only broad indications: namely, that fighting-age men are overrepresented among the dead and that there has been a steady decline in the daily death toll, from an average of 341 in October to 56 in April.
A core criticism of Israeli conduct is that it has inflicted a high civilian death toll — the numbers have featured prominently in the news media, in remarks by international leaders, in arguments before the International Court of Justice and in criticism from the U.S. government. Yet the methodologies employed by the Hamas-run organizations compiling the information have been subjected to remarkably little scrutiny.
Exercising caution is essential when dealing with claims made about death tolls in any conflict, particularly claims made by warring parties. That means being transparent in acknowledging flaws in the available data and methodologies; failure to do so inevitably leads to suspicion that the data is being employed with a political goal in mind. The United Nations, government officials, media outlets and policy analysts have an obligation to employ the same professionalism and diligence regarding the war in Gaza that they have applied in other conflicts.
Irish officials complain after ambassador shown footage of October 7
Martin continued, “Diplomatic channels are very important in terms of maintaining contact with people explaining governments’ respective positions.
“Sonya McGuinness is an outstanding ambassador, and we have consistently condemned the Hamas attack on October 7.”
Martin expressed particular issue with McGuinness being shown the footage in front of members of Israeli media, adding that it was something they had not “witnessed before in other countries or jurisdictions.”
“Most people would accept internationally that that’s not within the parameters of acceptable norms in terms of how people engage with diplomats,” he complained. “I will communicate directly to, in writing if necessary, to the Israeli foreign minister because our speeches on recognition of Palestine were balanced.
“In terms of my own contribution, it was very clear in terms of our rejection of any mono-ethnic approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.” Katz condemns Ireland, Spain and Norway
Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz charged that Ireland, alongside Spain and Norway, had “rewarded terrorism” after they recognized Palestinian statehood.Ireland, if your goal was to reward terrorism by declaring support for a Palestinian state, you’ve achieved it.@SimonHarrisTD, Hamas thanks you for your service. pic.twitter.com/mgz7ZGtnCi
— ישראל כ”ץ Israel Katz (@Israel_katz) May 23, 2024
Katz said ambassadors from the three countries were shown the footage as part of a “severe demarche.”
Free Catalonia! https://t.co/rOQf63ObuJ
— The Persian Jewess (@persianjewess) May 24, 2024
Mrs. O'Leary's Third-Grade Social Studies Class Passes Official Resolution Ordering Israel Out Of Rafah https://t.co/1Nikmhkmzy pic.twitter.com/hzBJdLMiC1
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) May 24, 2024
UKLFI: ICJ did not order Israel to cease military operation unconditionally in Rafah
The Order made by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) today has been misinterpreted in many media reports.Confused by the ICJ’s decision on Gaza? Blame the judges’ deliberate ambiguity
The ICJ did not make an Order requiring Israel to cease its military operation in Rafah unconditionally, as had been sought by South Africa. Instead, it ordered that:
“The State of Israel shall …. [i]mmediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
It is clear from the wording and punctuation that the phrase “which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” qualifies both parts of the requirement that Israel must “halt its military offensive, and any other action the Rafah Governate”.
Moreover this qualification cannot be interpreted as a conclusion of the ICJ as to the effect of the existing operation, since it also qualifies “any other action” which refers to unspecified actions in relation to which the ICJ could not have reached any such conclusion. It can only be interpreted as meaning that the prohibition applies if the operation may have this effect.
This interpretation is confirmed by the concurring declarations of Judge Nolte and Judge Aurescu as well as the dissenting opinions of Vice-President Sebutinde and Judge Barak.
Judge Nolte said: “the measure obliging Israel to halt the current military offensive in Rafah is conditioned by the need to prevent ‘conditions of life that could bring about [the] physical destruction in whole or in part’ of the Palestinian group in Gaza. Thus, this measure does not concern other actions of Israel which do not give rise to such a risk.”
Judge Aurescu explained: “In my view, this measure needs to be interpreted that it indicates as well the halt of the Israeli military offensive to the extent that it ‘may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part’”.
Vice-President Sebutinde stated: “In my understanding, the objective of the Court is to order Israel to suspend its military offensive in Rafah only in so far as such suspension is necessary to prevent the bringing about of conditions of life that could bring about the destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza”.
Judge Barak commented: “Once again, South Africa has requested the Court to order the State of Israel to ‘cease its military operations in the Gaza Strip. . . and immediately, totally and unconditionally withdraw the Israeli army from the entirety of the Gaza Strip’. Once again, South Africa’s request has been rejected by the Court. Instead, the first additional measure indicated by the Court … requires Israel to halt its military offensive in the Rafah Governorate only in so far as is necessary to comply with Israel’s obligations under the Genocide Convention.”
Israel considers that its military operation in Rafah does not inflict conditions of life that could bring about the physical destruction of Palestinians as a national, ethnic or racial group in Gaza in whole or in part. It will therefore continue the operation in compliance with the Order.
Maybe one day Aharon Barak, the ad-hoc judge representing Israel at the International Court of Justice, will reveal what happened behind the scenes when all 15 judges came to formulate their decision in South Africa’s fourth request for temporary orders against Israel, within the framework of its claim based on the Convention for the Prevention of Genocide.Fact Checking the ICJ An Order Based in Omissions and Deceptions
How, he might explain, did Friday’s ruling end up with the main issue on the agenda – the question of whether the judges would order Israel to stop its military operation in Rafah – not answered explicitly.
In the decision, read out by the President of the International Court of Justice Nawaf Salam, the operative directive on the Rafah issue states that Israel will, “Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
The question is whether the qualification – “which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” – applies only to “any other action,” or also to “military offensive.”
In other words, must Israel halt its entire Rafah military operation, or can it continue with that military operation provided it does not constitute a genocidal risk? The formulation and punctuation of this key, complex, three-clause sentence in the ruling seem to allow for both of these — very different — interpretations.
This order was supported by 13 judges against two, but the full decision did not offer clarity on what the order actually means. Whatever their reasons, the judges chose not to formulate a single, short, non-ambiguous sentence stating precisely what Israel was being required to do.
Most of the headlines in Israel and around the world proclaimed that the court had ordered Israel to immediately stop its military operation in Rafah. Ongoing coverage since then has largely maintained this definitive interpretation.
But after the court published the minority opinion documents – by Justice Barak and the court vice president, Julia Sebutinde of Uganda – along with the opinions written by three of the majority judges, it became clear that four of the five judges who addressed this issue consider that Israel is allowed to continue its military action in Rafah, as long as this action does not put the Palestinian population at risk of annihilation, either in full or in part.
Unsurprisingly, the International Court of Justice caved to the cynical game being played by Hamas’s ally South Africa to try and halt the Israeli military operation launched to destroy the terrorist organization after its horrific massacre on October 7, 2023.
Equally unsurprising is that the ICJ justified its order by relying on only a thin, distorted, and inaccurate set of “facts.” In its May 24 order, the Court relied on a small number of dubious, generalized and misleading claims made by various United Nations figures.
As Judge ad hoc Aharon Barak points out:
The Court relies primarily on statements made by United Nations officials on social media and on press releases issued by relevant organizations (see Order, paragraphs 44-46). It relies on these statements and press releases without even inquiring into what kind of evidence they draw upon. The Court’s approach is in stark contrast with its previous jurisprudence, in which it has stated that ‘United Nations reports [are] reliable evidence only ‘to the extent that they are of probative value and are corroborated, if necessary, by other credible sources’….
Indeed, as has been pointed out many times before, the United Nations reports on Israel, on which the ICJ seeks to rely on, are replete with dubious claims and outright lies.
Below are four claims on which the ICJ based its decision, followed by the actual facts disproving the narrative crafted by the Court in an effort to deprive the Jewish state of its right to self-defense.
ICJ Claim #1: “For instance, on 8 May 2024, the Director-General of the World Health Organization stated that the Al Najjar Hospital, one of the last remaining medical facilities in the Rafah Governorate, was no longer functional due to the ongoing hostilities in its vicinity.”
The Facts: Omitted is that Al Najjar Hospital had limited capacity – only 63 beds – which has been more than made up for by the establishment of field hospitals in the Rafah Governate. For example, there is an International Medical Corps field hospital in al-Mawasi with 140 beds and a Palestinian Red Crescent field hospital with another 50 beds in the Tal as Sultan area. Israel has also facilitated the establishment of six other field hospitals, many of them located in areas to which those in Rafah have been instructed to evacuate. This includes the Jordanian, UAE, and IMC field hospitals with a combined capacity of nearly 400 beds in the Khan Yunis and Deir al-Balah areas, as well as several floating hospitals with a combined 168 bed capacity. Several of these were specifically constructed in order to support the evacuations from Rafah.
As is a pattern with the ICJ’s decision, the responsibility of other parties for the situation is omitted. It is well-established that many of Gaza’s hospitals have been exploited by Palestinian terrorist organizations like Hamas and forced Israeli forces to operate against those terrorists exploiting these medical facilities.
Indeed, it is worth noting that the “ongoing hostilities” in the area of Al Najjar Hospital that the ICJ claims forced the hospital’s closure on May 8 included the barrage of rockets fired from inside Rafah – including the area of Al Najjar Hospital – by Palestinian terrorists just the day before, on May 7.
Under the ICJ’s logic, the IDF must stand and take it as Hamas launches rockets from Rafah.
I’ve now had time to read the ICJ ruling in detail. I still think their reasoning is perverse. However, I don’t think the “Israel ordered to stop Rafah” headlines are necessarily accurate reporting.
— Andrew Fox (@Mr_Andrew_Fox) May 24, 2024
It’s abysmally poor English that leaves wriggle room. The exact phrase:…
As Israeli jurists examine the ICJ decision and the judges' interpretations more closely, they increasingly see this as a massive win.
— Shaiel Ben-Ephraim (@academic_la) May 24, 2024
The court has essentially accepted the American interpretation, which is that an operation in Gaza can continue and that an operation in Rafah…
On January 27, the ICJ called for the IMMEDIATE and UNCONDITIONAL release of all hostages.
— The Persian Jewess (@persianjewess) May 24, 2024
Hamas has still not complied.
Crickets from news media, ICJ, world leaders, so-called human rights activists… pic.twitter.com/1r2R0k8J6Z
International Court of Justice (#ICJ) Vice President #JuliaSebutinde issued a powerful statement of dissent opposing the ICJ's latest ruling targeting #Israel. Thank you for being an important and clear voice of reason at this critical moment. pic.twitter.com/2FWPd8jnZI
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) May 25, 2024
Important statement by @Conf_of_Pres on the #ICJ ruling today:
— Arsen Ostrovsky 🎗️ (@Ostrov_A) May 24, 2024
“This act of lawfare against an American ally is a threat to American national security, while also incentivizing terrorists and autocrats around the world." https://t.co/BJT50fXwVC
Here the great impartial judge of the ICJ is promoting the work of Marwan Barghouti, a convicted terrorist who is currently serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison!! https://t.co/ROm78XbT9d pic.twitter.com/NaNitDVb40
— Khaled Hassan (@Khaledhzakariah) May 24, 2024
I went on South African Radio after the #ICJ decision & this is what I said:
— Arsen Ostrovsky 🎗️ (@Ostrov_A) May 25, 2024
“Quite frankly I shall be honest, it is not Israel that ought to be on trial here, but Hamas. And I’ll go one step further, also South Africa, which was standing there as Chief Legal Counsel for them.” pic.twitter.com/qLaZb4MMZF
Israel’s Special Envoy on Antisemitism @CotlerWunsh on @livenowfox:
— Israel in New York (@IsraelinNewYork) May 24, 2024
“Not only is there a false moral equivalence between a democratic country & the genocidal terror proxies of an Islamic regime in Iran hell-bent on annihilating it, but it actually compromises ALL democracies.” pic.twitter.com/pIqY2ZnjRi
Terrorists Learn Harsh Lesson That If You Rape And Murder Women, The United Nations Will Give You Your Own Country And A Billion Dollars https://t.co/INr3FBoeZY pic.twitter.com/yr8yc6eUaB
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) May 25, 2024
IDF Spokesperson:
— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 25, 2024
The IDF clarifies that there is no incident of soldier kidnapping.
Many of the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria are now celebrating the fake news. pic.twitter.com/ORquaNL0oF
— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 25, 2024
Hamas Planned Attacks on Israeli Embassy and U.S. Military Base in Germany
A Hamas terrorist cell had plotted attacks against the Israeli embassy in Berlin and a U.S. military base in Germany, according to a report by the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag.
The suspect, of Lebanese origin, was found to be in possession of target locations on his smartphone.
The suspect was arrested in Berlin in December and has been accused by prosecutors of searching for places to hide weapons for the terrorist group.
The German security services disclosed that the suspect received instructions directly from Hamas officials in Lebanon.
This revelation aligns with a statement from the Prime Minister’s office in January, which indicated that Hamas operates a network of agents in Europe, commanded by terrorist leaders based in Lebanon. The network’s objective is to target Jewish and Israeli sites abroad.
Hamas planned to attack the Israeli Embassy and a US army base in Berlin, reports @welt.
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) May 25, 2024
When they say #GlobalizeTheIntifada, they mean #TheWestisNext. https://t.co/822LBOguYm
Hamas doesn’t want to release the hostages. It wants to bog Israel down in war, and the more the world attacks Israel, the more it encourages Hamas to hold onto the hostages.
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) May 25, 2024
The world must pressure Hamas and its backers—Qatar, Iran & Turkey—to let the hostages go. Now. https://t.co/ZMH8g14ppk
As suspect held, politicians slam reservist’s ‘dangerous’ call for mutiny in IDF ranks
The publication of a video of an apparent IDF reservist threatening mutiny if the government doesn’t pursue “complete victory” over Hamas sparked strong condemnations on Saturday — as well as harsh criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not responding to it sooner.
The IDF opened a criminal probe into the video, and Hebrew media reported Saturday night that military police had arrested a suspect who was set to be interrogated later.
The clip, which was first shared on social media by the staunchly pro-Netanyahu journalist Yinon Magal and later republished by Netanyahu’s son Yair, shows an armed and masked infantryman vowing to refuse Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s orders and asserting that soldiers will only listen to Netanyahu.
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the video is for you. We reservist soldiers do not intend to hand the keys over to any Palestinian authority. We do not intend to give the keys to Gaza to any entity — Hamas, Fatah or any other Arab entity,” the soldier declared.
“We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you have 100,000 reservist soldiers that are ready to give their lives for the people of Israel. Ready to die. We lost everything, we lost our family life, we lost our livelihoods and we have nowhere to go. We will stay here, until the end. Until the victory,” the reservist soldier states.
“Yoav Gallant, you can’t win the war. Quit. You can’t win this war. You can’t command us,” the apparent reservist says.
This is very wrong. This anonymous soldier should be found & disciplined. These political words, of 1 soldier who does not speak for all IDF reservists, do immeasurable damage to the good work of tens of thousands of IDF soldiers & leaders, many who I met in Israel & Gaza, from… https://t.co/dm2AD1k6UP
— John Spencer (@SpencerGuard) May 24, 2024
Site of strikes targeting a tunnel in Rafah earlier today. Israeli media reports Rafah Brigade commander Muhammed Shabana was the target of the attack. pic.twitter.com/MpBhI4ydfp
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) May 25, 2024
Not every day you see an Israeli fighter jet intercept a drone. This event was documented earlier today in northern Israel. pic.twitter.com/nnjNMRJz2M
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) May 24, 2024
October 7 triggered a regional war: Israel is under attack on seven different fronts—Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iran and Iraq. Eight including the Diaspora. The IDF just intercepted drones from Iranian proxies in Iraq. https://t.co/wtu9FEQW24
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) May 25, 2024
Kataib Hezbollah to consider ending suspension of attacks on US targets
Kataib Hezbollah has begun to reconsider its agreement with the Iraqi government regarding the suspension of its attacks against the United States, a senior official of the organization told Al-Akhbar newspaper on Saturday.Two Hezbollah fighters said killed in alleged Israeli drone strike in Syria
After Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani visited the US, Kataib Hezbollah officials in the country met to discuss the move. Those who were present at the discussion agreed that action should be taken against the US again and later informed Al Sudani's advisors about this.
There is a chance that military operations against the United States will return, and there are new plans that the Iraqi branch of Hezbollah will implement.
A few days ago, the US-designated terrorist organization received information that Israel allegedly intends to attack Iraqi sites. Following this, officials were instructed to exercise caution, especially in places near Syria, Jordan, and the Kurdistan region, Maariv reported, citing Al-Akhbar.
An alleged Israeli drone strike in central Syria killed two fighters from Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group on Saturday, Lebanese media and a war monitor said.
The Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen TV didn’t say if there were casualties, but the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor said two Hezbollah members were killed and several others wounded in the drone strike.
“An Israeli drone fired two missiles at a Hezbollah car and truck near the town of Qusayr in Homs province, as they were on their way to Al-Dabaa military airport, killing at least two Hezbollah fighters and wounding others,” said the Observatory.
It was the third strike against Hezbollah targets in Syria in about a week.
On Monday, Israeli strikes in the Qusayr area, which is close to the Lebanese border, killed eight pro-Iranian fighters, said the Observatory, a Britain-based monitor with a network of sources in Syria.
Mr. Elimination 316, he couldn’t make it to Jerusalem, but tried according to Hezbollah.
— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 25, 2024
Dropping like flies. https://t.co/ky6uY2f6vQ pic.twitter.com/bEYxWor6Qo
Ashdod gathers to watch US army vessel stuck on beach
Hundreds of people from Ashdod and neighboring areas gathered on the city’s beach on Saturday to see a US army vessel that had become stuck on the beach next to a piece of the floating pier that the US built recently to bring aid to Gaza. The vessel, LCM 8558, is a landing craft.
The US Army and the IDF worked together during the late afternoon to try to find a solution for the beached vessel. A front loader dug out sand from beneath its large propellers.
Then, the front loader was attached to the starboard bow of the vessel to try to pivot the watercraft to free it. Low tide prevented this from working.
Eventually, the USAV Matamoros, a US naval ship, arrived offshore to try to help. As the sun set, the IDF attempted to help with a drone to bring a line out to the Matamoros. This did not work, because the current carried the line too strongly, and the drone was not strong enough. Later, men attempted to swim the line out to the waiting vessel.
Meanwhile, the landing craft remained marooned on the beach. This was a rare example of the ability of the US and Israel to work in real-time to free a vessel like this. It is likely the first time in history that a US army vessel has been grounded on a beach on the coast of Israel.
A U.S. army landing craft along with a piece of the floating Gaza pier are currently stuck on an Israeli beach. pic.twitter.com/ytUnuFLFgw
— Trey Yingst (@TreyYingst) May 25, 2024
The tide is slowing rising but high tide will be at 1am apparently; at which time it will be easier to take the LCM and piece of the pier off pic.twitter.com/qSDhq30HK1
— Seth Frantzman (@sfrantzman) May 25, 2024
Egyptian officials are reportedly FURIOUS about the new humanitarian aid pier, because they get massive kickbacks from aid going through Rafah.
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) May 25, 2024
Israel’s humanitarian aid efforts are making corrupt Egyptian officials angry.
This explains a lot. https://t.co/4RSMRCymOO
Market scenes in Tel Al-Sultan, Rafah, today, May 25. pic.twitter.com/o9ccNYWgNU
— COGAT (@cogatonline) May 25, 2024
'My nine-year-old little girl was snatched by Hamas - this is exactly how she was treated'
Six months since his daughter Emily was released by Hamas, Thomas Hand tells the Daily Express they are still searching for normality after the “chaos” of October 7 and its aftermath.New Details on IDF Operation to Recover the Bodies of Hostages from Gaza
The pair are alongside more than 130,000 other Israelis who were displaced after Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel seven months ago, but Thomas said he considers them lucky compared to other families.
Irish-born Thomas, 64, thought he had lost his nine-year-old daughter in the October 7 massacre at their home in Kibbutz Be’eri and was waiting for her body to be identified.
Terrorists slaughtered their way through his peaceful community, kidnapping 26 and killing 100, in some cases only traces of DNA could be found.
“It was absolute chaos,” he tells the Express.
Emily’s mother figure Narkis, 54, was brutally murdered that day trying to escape from her burning house.
Before Thomas knew Emily was still alive he told reporters he preferred she was dead rather than kidnapped “because we know what they do to them in Gaza.”
More than seven months on he says Hamas are still committing atrocities. “They are still doing it today. It’s been 232 days and counting with no hope in sight,” he said.
Emily was eventually released on November 25 as part of the temporary ceasefire deal giving the Hand family a second chance.
“She is 95% her old self, she is singing and dancing. That was after over 50 days. I dread to think what would have happened had she been in there longer. And as for the other 125 hostages still inside it does not bear thinking about.”
New information has been released about the IDF operation to recover the bodies of hostages Hanan Yablonka, Michel Nisenbaum, and Orion Hernandez on Thursday night in Jabaliya, Gaza.
The hostages, who were abducted during the October 7th Massacre from the Mefalsim intersection by Hamas terrorists, were located and retrieved in a meticulously planned mission.
The operation began with the 98th Division’s soldiers operating in Jabaliya, where the 75th Battalion eliminated a terrorist acting as a spotter near the location where the bodies were held.
Following this, the soldiers raided the area and discovered the hostages’ remains.
Special forces from the Yahalom Unit, the ISA, and a special unit from the Intelligence Directorate (J2) then executed a nighttime mission to recover the bodies. The intelligence that pinpointed the location of the hostages was gathered and analyzed over several days by the division’s intelligence array, the ISA, and the Abducted and Missing Persons Headquarters in the Intelligence Directorate (J2).
This operation is part of an extensive campaign managed above and below ground, spearheaded by the 98th Division in Jabaliya. The Hostage Task Force Headquarters in the Intelligence Directorate (J2), alongside the ISA and other IDF units, conducted a prolonged research effort to gather and analyze intelligence. This effort culminated in precise directions for the forces on the ground to locate and recover the hostages.
The commander of the 7th Brigade, reflecting on the operation, stated, “Thanks to the relentless efforts of the forces, we were able to bring back the bodies of three individuals to Israel. This is a great privilege for us.”
Today, footage was screened in Times Square for the world to see, depicting the kidnapping & abuse of Liri, Karina, Agam, Daniella & Naama by Hamas on Oct 7.
— Israel in New York (@IsraelinNewYork) May 24, 2024
The world must learn the truth about Hamas, and the abuse the hostages have been facing for 231 days.#BringThemHomeNow pic.twitter.com/HJuKFiVG96
"His mother had false hope for months because Hamas called his friends on his phone and said he was fine."
— habibi (@habibi_uk) May 25, 2024
So diabolically perverse.
Know what this is. It is "Arbeit macht frei" for our times.
This is what "victory to the intifada!" ghouls on British streets are backing. https://t.co/5g3q816iRj
Shani Louk was a German citizen
— Hamas Atrocities (@HamasAtrocities) May 25, 2024
Her body was recovered in a tunnel under an UNRWA facility built with GERMAN funds!
This news was published by the German newspaper Bild
1. the article
2. The sign outside the building with reference to German funds
3. The tunnel shaft pic.twitter.com/m4qIqfquW2
2/ They constantly address the families directly as a pressure instrument and threaten on their loved ones. Of course they’ve been doing this vile manipulation for a long time so they will never say “we will execute them” - they say “your government is killing them” > pic.twitter.com/wZwU6s5DSK
— Gal.G, Adv 🇮🇱 (@GalG_IL) May 25, 2024
4/ They will refer to the hostages as “prisoners”, in Hebrew:
— Gal.G, Adv 🇮🇱 (@GalG_IL) May 25, 2024
though they are innocents that were never charged and never offered a legal proceeding, and they will also lie in the English translation (from the Arabic text) > pic.twitter.com/NVK3cbBt0r
A Muslim woman says the Quran permits the kidnapping of “sabaya” (sex slave prisoners of war) and the sex slaves are allowed to be raped…on live television for an Arab audience:
— The Persian Jewess (@persianjewess) May 25, 2024
“[Islam] put slavery in order…the “sabaya” (female prisoners of war) are “those whom you own.” In… pic.twitter.com/qk138uXxD8
Every time some anti-Zionist retard shares this graph,
— Adin - עדין (@AdinHaykin1) May 25, 2024
Give back to him this: https://t.co/6DiTpiGPGU pic.twitter.com/HoTJ17tfx5
For years, I’ve been trying to understand what is so special about our conflict that gets so many hypocrites riled up against us. I still don’t have a good answer, but enjoyed the discussion with @Iromg. pic.twitter.com/cYceYNoTap
— Jonathan Conricus (@jconricus) May 25, 2024
You don’t need to be an official spokesperson to speak up for Israel.
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) May 23, 2024
Welcome to the Israeli Citizen Spokespersons’ Office. A team of ordinary citizens—speaking up for our country and our people.
Join us!🇮🇱
X/YouTube: @IsrCitizenSpox
IG/TikTok: @israelicitizenspox pic.twitter.com/Z9Fi0tNpRu
"Chosen Links by Boaz" - Ep 1: Comedy Round Table
Boaz Hepner's "Chosen Links" section (as published in the Jewish Journal) has its first (virtual) Round Table discussion, this one about people using humor/comedy to help educate about Israel and antisemitism. Boaz moderates a discussion with:
Tiffany Haddish, Judy Gold aka JewdyGold, Avi Liberman, L.E. Staiman aka ShutUpLyle aka The Groggers, Ryan Turk aka The Daily Brine, Shawn Eni aka TheMossadIL aka GazaHealth.
Tune in for this funny/serious/long discussion that gets feisty and real, as everyone discusses their experiences in the world.
INSANE. What really happened the #eurovision
— Ouriel 🇮🇱 (@OurielOhayon) May 25, 2024
Now revealed
Two weeks after the #Eurovision final, the head of the Israeli delegation revealed in an interview with Ynet what happened behind the scenes:
- The delegation was not allowed to leave the hotel
- Each member of… https://t.co/7DFi9rUsOC
Gala attendees boo, walk out after Hollywood super-agent Ari Emanuel demands Netanyahu ouster
Outspoken Hollywood super-agent Ari Emanuel this week demanded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be ousted, condemning him for not seeking more peaceful solutions to the war in Gaza following Hamas’ horrific Oct. 7 attack on the Jewish state.
“Israel will never be truly secure with Bibi Netanyahu in charge,” the Endeavor Group Holdings CEO said while accepting an award Wednesday from the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
“For the good of Israel, he should go,” added Emanuel.
The shocking remarks threw both applause and boos from attendees of the Beverly Hills gala, and some walked out as Emanuel was accepting the Jewish organization’s Humanitarian Award, its highest honor, according to the New York Times.
“Netanyahu doesn’t want a peaceful solution,” said Emanuel. “And it’s become clear that getting to a political solution and Netanyahu remaining in power are irreconcilable paths.”
“As for his responsibilities to keep the people of the state of Israel and Jews across the globe safe, he has obviously failed spectacularly,’ he said. “But he has succeeded wildly in using division to stay in power.”
The audience at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel included an array of other entertainment giants, including Larry David, Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson,” the Los Angeles Times reported.
He denied that Israeli women were raped by Hamas. He's an Antisemite and you support Antisemites. https://t.co/JIqWp34KW4
— Cartright 🎗️ (@Vandalay_Inc) May 24, 2024
The disinformation campaign over Israel-Gaza rages on. Here’s a long post on the various narratives.
— Andrew Fox (@Mr_Andrew_Fox) May 25, 2024
These are the key terms:
Disinformation: the deliberate spreading of knowingly false information.
Misinformation: the unintentional spreading of incorrect information.…
Italy to resume funding UNRWA, pledges $38 million aid package for Palestinians
Italy will resume funding for the United Nations’ Palestinian relief organization UNRWA as part of a 35 million euro ($38 million) aid package, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Saturday.
Tajani made the commitment during a meeting in Rome with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa.
The Italian minister said five million euros ($5.4 million) would go to UNRWA projects, with the remainder destined for its “Food for Gaza” initiative.
Italy was one of a number of countries to block aid for UNRWA following accusations by Israel that at least a dozen UNRWA staffers were active Hamas members involved in the October 7 massacre, and many others are members of terror groups in Gaza.
A small number of the agency’s staff were fired following the accusations.
“Italy has decided to resume financing specific projects destined to help Palestinian refugees but only after rigorous checks that guarantee that not one cent risks ending up supporting terrorism,” Tajani said.
"What about the man who called his parents after killing 10 Jews?"
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) May 25, 2024
"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Israeli call Palestinians Arabs."
Thank you @FranceskAlbs for the most nonsensical rambling word salad ever. pic.twitter.com/iKoFf1GvGz
Reminder: Francesca Albanese's visit to 🇦🇺 National Press Club was not arranged by the UN—but by APAN, a lobby group headed by convicted kidnapper and Hamas supporter Nasser Mashni. https://t.co/zgPf8y5PRx
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) May 24, 2024
Mashni: “Israel is the domino. Israel falls over... the world is a far… https://t.co/7xyeh9E004
Code Pink tried to do a "gotcha moment" on Senator Ted Cruz but he flipped the script on them.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) May 25, 2024
"I'm against the genocide that Hamas is trying to carry out."
Cruz keeps his cool as Code Pink says "Israel are Nazis. The United States are Nazis. The Israel and the United States… pic.twitter.com/Ra1TWtdvt5
The Middle East conflict 101:
— Hillel Fuld (@HilzFuld) February 25, 2024
UN in 1947: “Here is a state for you, the Jews, and here is a state for you, the Arabs.”
The Jews: “Awesome. Thanks. We’ve only been waiting for this for thousands of years.”
The Arabs: “Sorry no. We’d rather attack than have a state. We don’t… pic.twitter.com/d4JQZnyzVX
Anti-Defamation Commission chairman Dvir Abramovich condemns 'chilling' anti-Semitic graffiti on Melbourne Jewish school
One of Melbourne’s largest Jewish day schools has been the target of shocking anti-Semitic graffiti that has sparked renewed calls for greater government efforts to combat rising antisemitism.
On Saturday, the words “Jew die” were discovered spray painted on the front fence of Mount Scopus College in Burwood.
Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission, Australia’s leading civil rights organisation fighting antisemitism, condemned the graffiti as “an assault on our safety”.
“This is hatred, pure and simple, and as a former student of Mount Scopus College, I am shattered and sickened by this open call to murder Jews that would make the barbaric terrorists of Hamas very proud,” he told SkyNews.com.au in a statement.
Dr Abramovich said antisemitism against Melbourne’s Jewish community was at an “all time high” and expressed grave concerns about how hatred towards Jewish people had “creeped” into daily life in Australia.
“Such despicable words of hate and violence, aimed directly at children, are dangerous, especially during this atmosphere in which antisemitism is at an all-time high is a terrifying reality that has creeped into our daily lives,” he said.
He also called on the Albanese government to confront “skyrocketing” antisemitism around the country in the wake of the October 7 terror attacks by Hamas and the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.
“It may be an uncomfortable truth for our government, but this runaway problem is skyrocketing, and this latest chilling incident tells us once again that there are troubling signs that cannot be ignored,” he said.
The ugly face of Victoria - violent threats against Jewish businesses, organisations and now our largest Jewish day school.
— David Southwick MP (@SouthwickMP) May 25, 2024
Jews are being targeted and our leaders do nothing.
These haters don’t hate Israel, they hate Jews.
Stand up. Be counted. Enough words. We need action. pic.twitter.com/roHiG2h8mk
No wonder the Islamists at CAGE believe that Marieha is "the victim".
— GnasherJew®גנאשר (@GnasherJew) May 25, 2024
Our previous post on their ridiculous campaign 👇https://t.co/0QO1zPTKvT https://t.co/joBTeZvoif pic.twitter.com/6n8wao02TL
Are Gaza Protests Happening Mostly at Elite Colleges?
Student protestors at college campuses nationwide, united by their outrage at Israel’s actions in Gaza, can rightly be described as diverse. Despite the masks, it’s clear that they come from different racial backgrounds, and their views range from the belief that Israel should give up on its war effort to the conviction that Israel should be destroyed entirely.
But one thing is not especially diverse about the protests: the campuses on which they’ve been happening.
Many of the most high-profile protests have occurred at highly selective colleges, like Columbia University. But since the national media is famously obsessed with these schools and gives far less attention to the thousands of other colleges where most Americans get their postsecondary educations, it’s hard to know how widespread the campus unrest has really been.
We at the Washington Monthly tried to get to the bottom of this question: Have pro-Palestinian protests taken place disproportionately at elite colleges, where few students come from lower-income families?
The answer is a resounding yes.
Using data from Harvard’s Crowd Counting Consortium and news reports of encampments, we matched information on every institution of higher education that has had pro-Palestinian protest activity (starting when the war broke out in October until early May) to the colleges in our 2023 college rankings. Of the 1,421 public and private nonprofit colleges that we ranked, 318 have had protests and 123 have had encampments.
Excellent article and astounding graphic. https://t.co/9Vf3ldUDBl pic.twitter.com/rn1p3dVdOR
— Charles Murray (@charlesmurray) May 25, 2024
— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 25, 2024
The security officer at CUNY University in New York was suspended for telling a pro-Hxmas protester: "I support kil*ling all of you, f*** your mother." pic.twitter.com/8bwfZ6WAI9
NYC prep school’s antisemitism report admits faculty blamed ‘wealthy, influential Jewish parents’ for tension
A much-anticipated internal report about antisemitism at elite Collegiate prep school admitted that some faculty members blamed “wealthy and influential” Jewish parents for tensions at the school following Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack.DC-Area High School Walkout Features Calls for Israel's Destruction
Finger-pointing faculty, parents and students skirted close to “one of the oldest and most pervasive antisemitic tropes,” the report, obtained by The Post, conceded.
The report was compiled in March and released on May 17.
The findings came in the wake of a November 2023 letter to head of school David Lourie and Board of Trustees president Jonathan K. Youngwood — and signed by more than 100 Jewish parents — which said the school’s internal response to the Hamas butchery “did not meet the moment.”
“People have lost confidence, there is no morality clarity, there is a pervasive anger and it is all driven by an erosion of trust,” one frustrated Jewish Collegiate parent told The Post.
Another parent griped that the nine-page document was a far cry from the more than 400 pages the school dedicated in a 2020 report dedicated to “combat[ing] within Collegiate the institutional and other racism that pervades so much of our society.”
The report — which also included companion findings about “Islamophobia” at the school — also revealed two never-before-publicized antisemitic incidents perpetrated by faculty.
In one case, allegedly days after Oct. 7, Middle School English teacher Dwayne Alexis was “relieved of his teaching duties after presenting controversial lessons on the Middle East to his 7th-grade civics class and 6th-grade world history class.”
High school students from around the nation's capital walked out of school Friday to march in an anti-Israel protest that included anti-Semitic chants and a speaker who glorified "intifada."
The DC School Strike for Gaza was organized by "autonomous high school students" across the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area to call for "an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to unconditional military aid to Israel from the US," among other goals, according to its website. A slew of left-wing organizations are listed as cosponsors of the event.
The protesters, who gathered at McPherson Square and marched to the White House, chanted anti-Semitic phrases and heard from a speaker who called the first intifada "a beautiful moment." Marchers chanted, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," a phrase that calls for the elimination of Israel, as they marched toward the White House.
Sana Siddiq, the regional director for Muslims for Just Futures, hosted a "teach-in" where she spoke about the history of Gaza. During her speech, Siddiq glorified the first intifada, calling it a "beautiful moment" and praising the burning of Israeli food sources.
"The first intifada … was a beautiful moment of protests, boycotts, burning Israeli produce, an attempt for Palestinians to create self-sufficiency despite the fact that Israel had a military occupation, controlled land, and had a monopoly on violence, had the army," Siddiq said.
The term "intifada" references a series of violent Palestinian uprisings in Israel. The second intifada included suicide bombings at bus stations and nightclubs.
Protesters also made clear that they thought the entirety of Israel is illegitimate. "Settler, settler, go back home! Palestine is ours alone!" the protesters shouted.
Teachers and students protesting Israel chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” & heckle Biden as they approach the White House. pic.twitter.com/EUlTh8w4fw
— Meghan Blonder (@Meghan_Blonder) May 24, 2024
An intifada manifesto was read by a high school protester.
— Meghan Blonder (@Meghan_Blonder) May 24, 2024
"In these days, we write a new chapter, a chapter of a united intifada that seeks our one and only goal: reuniting Palestinian society in all of its different parts…” pic.twitter.com/Gj9wbUORUE
WATCH: Pro-Gaza mom is stumped by DailyMail's question on which river and sea are in the anti-Israel chant at daughter's 'High Schoolers for Gaza' rally
'From the river to the sea Palestine will be free' has become a rallying cry for Hamas terrorists and their supporters calling for the abolishment of Israel.Written in hate Student vandal who wrote anti-Israel graffiti on woke NYC school to be disciplined — as families, alums demand mandatory Jewish history lessons
However, Adrienne, a mother of a sixth grader attending the 'School Strike for Gaza' protest told DailyMail.com that the chant is simply 'referencing the historic land that is Palestine.'
'So it's not a call for violence. It's not a call for the abolishment of Israel. It's merely a call for the freedom of people who are occupied by a colonial power,' she insisted.
But when pressed by DailyMail.com about whether she knows the names of the river and sea in the chant, she could not name them.
Adrienne responded 'Yes, I do' before lamenting about being asked 'hostile questions' and storming away without giving an answer.
The correct answer would be the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
'Okay, it seems like you're actually from a right-wing source that wants to ask hostile questions. And so at this point, it doesn't really make a lot of sense for me to continue because I thought this was a journalistic interview and not an attack,' Adrienne said before storming off.
During the testy interview, a protestor dawning a neon yellow traffic vest tried to intervene and cut off Adrienne from answering DailyMail.com's questions.
A student at a woke New York City school is facing “disciplinary consequences” after being identified Saturday as the vandal who defaced its entrance with anti-Israel graffiti.Hay festival caves to anti-Israel pressure and drops sponsor Baillie Gifford
Though there were two students thought to be involved in the graffiti incident at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School, a spokesperson for the Bronx institution insisted there was just one culprit, who was identified following an “immediate” investigation and will now be disciplined.
The senior wrote “Free Palestine” in yellow letters on the brick wall above the $63,000-a-year school’s front entrance Monday afternoon, a source told The Post.
The vandalism was apparently live-streamed, the source said, though it was not known whether a recording of it existed.
The troubling incident prompted school administrators to host a “listening session” with parents Wednesday night, including many “Jewish affinity group parents.”
Meanwhile, another source told The Post Saturday that a female student wrote “From the River to the Sea” — a rallying cry that calls for the eradication of the Jewish state — on school property several weeks ago.
“It’s all a mess,” a source familiar with the situation told The Post.
“The school isn’t being upfront about the incidents so no one really knows what’s going on.”
Meanwhile, it emerged Saturday that a group of Jewish Fieldston families and alumni wrote a “Stop Antisemitism” letter to administrators on May 19 with a list of 10 demands to make the Ivy Preparatory School League school safer for their kids as a result of the anti-Israel incidents.
A literary festival has dropped its major sponsor partnership over calls from anti-Israel writers and celebrities.Williams College Rejects Divestment Proposal, Delivering Blow to Anti-Zionist Student Movement
The Hay Festival has caved to pressure from campaigners from the group Fossil Free Books (FFB) who claimed that its principal sponsor, the investment management firm Baillie Gifford, had links financial links to Israel.
Anti-Israel singer Charlotte Church, stand-up comedian Nish Kumar, Labour peer Shami Chakrabarti and Dawn Butler MP were among the speakers to pull out over Baillie Gifford’s sponsorship of the festival.
On Friday afternoon the festival said that it was ending its sponsorship deal with the company.
The Hay CEO, Julie Finch, said “In light of claims raised by campaigners and intense pressure on artists to withdraw, we have taken the decision to suspend our sponsorship from Baillie Gifford.
“Our first priority is to our audience and our artists,” she added. “Above all else, we must preserve the freedom of our stages and spaces for open debate and discussion, where audiences can hear a range of perspectives.”
Hay orgnisaters plan to meet with representatives from FFB after this year’s festival. The group was also behind a controversial motion at the Society of Authors that Jewish authors said was “one sided” and “extremist”.
Baillie Gifford has backed the Hay Festival since 2016 and sponsors several other prominent literary events, including the Edinburgh International Book Festival and Cheltenham Literature Festival.
A Baillie Gifford spokesperson said: “It is regrettable our sponsorship with the festival cannot continue.”
Williams College in Massachusetts has rejected a proposal to divest from weapons manufacturers that sell their products to Israel, delivering a substantial loss to the anti-Zionist movement in the final days of the academic year.
The school’s Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility (ACSR) has been considering the proposal, put forth by a group which calls itself Jews for Justice (JfJ), since January. This month, it produced a report of recommendations that will be forwarded to the Williams College Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees.
In addition to rejecting JfJ’s demand that Williams College divest from weapons manufactures that do business with Israel, ASCR declined to make itself a permanent standing committee and to recommend adopting controversial Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles which have been pushed by far-left groups aiming to use the market as an accelerator of social change.
“The ACSR recommends to the Investment Committee that the college not divest from companies that sell weapons, reconnaissance tools, or vehicles used by the Israel Defense Forces, and that the college not divest from weapons manufactures,” the report says. “Having recommended that … in the absence of other specific requests for divestment, the ACSR recommends to the Investment Committee that the college not adopt a blanket, exclusionary approach to ESG investing.”
ASCR cited a number of reasons why the move would be disadvantageous to the college, including that some of its funds are potentially “commingled.” Divesting from them, it explained, “could have a negative impact on investment performance out of proportion to the negligible impact on the targeted company.” It also said that JfJ’s demands are “broad” and target companies such as Boeing, which “not only builds missiles, but also satellite systems and commercial aircraft.”
🚨 Jewish Student Ejected Over Pernicious Woke Antisemitism
— Shirion Collective (@ShirionOrg) May 25, 2024
Then this student receives the following email. 👇
⚠️ “We Will Not Condone White Violence. Decolonize Your Mindset (Jew).”
📰 A Jewish social work student was forced to leave her clinical rotation due to blatant… pic.twitter.com/maTGQ83wPi
This dude is a professor writing fan-fiction threads about the next Ummah and which Jews get to stay and which Jews get banished to exile. pic.twitter.com/lrATyixht5
— ~Jachnun Supremacist~ נפתלי בן מתתיהו (@JachnunEmpire) May 25, 2024
Many concessions made by @NorthwesternU to Hamas supporters on campus in exchange for dismantling (most of) their encampment, incl supporting 2 visiting Palestinian faculty per year for 2 years & pay for 5 Palestinian undergrad students. See https://t.co/dl2oY3ZVpf pic.twitter.com/e9dZm3pwLo
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) May 23, 2024
Joining the long list of dishonorable institutions making concessions to the Hamas supporters on campus in exchange for dismantling their encampments is @UCBerkeley. READ more in our new report https://t.co/dl2oY3ZnzH pic.twitter.com/fBXKSLAcNa
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) May 24, 2024
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) May 25, 2024
Shoufani started by remembering how the Palestinian people "have resisted the Zionist enemy for over a hundred years."
— Stu (@thestustustudio) May 25, 2024
She recalls the "historic revolutions" that Palestinians have waged: the Great Arab Revolution of 1936, "the Popular Revolution launched in the camps of Lebanon… pic.twitter.com/U9oEXs77HU
Major Takeaways from PYM Opening Speech
— Stu (@thestustustudio) May 25, 2024
-They sure came out of the gate swinging. I was surprised at how heavily she leaned into praising the military prowess of Hamas and the other armed resistance groups. If I knew nothing about this speech and read the transcript, I would…
Looks like PFLP member Wisam Rafeedie also endorsed the People's Conference for Palestine currently taking place in Detroit.
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) May 25, 2024
He'll be speaking to the conference (I'm assuming virtually) on Sunday at 1pm EST https://t.co/qM20BYUsFy pic.twitter.com/OK5po5qw9c
Protestor @UCLA loses argument and becomes aggressive with me while I was filming a document with @DailyCaller
— Cam Higby 🇺🇸 (@camhigby) May 25, 2024
If you watch one video on these people all the way through - please let it be this one. They have no idea why they protest. (I know I shouldn’t have mocked him) pic.twitter.com/qXrQt3MJys
The UC Divest coalition in conjunction with SJP are the primary organizers of these events/encampments. This is a big deal coming from their page.
— Cam Higby 🇺🇸 (@camhigby) May 25, 2024
Swedish anti-Israel students have created “Liberated Zone” encampments at campuses across Sweden@MarkusMartis from @konsfor decided to ask the students how peace can be achieved
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 24, 2024
The say there won’t be peace with “Zionists”, only “total liberation”
🇸🇪🇮🇱 pic.twitter.com/up8nkByKrp
How do you get them going at an anti-Israel rally?
— habibi (@habibi_uk) May 25, 2024
Easy. Here's a "Palestine Solidarity Campaign" officer showing the way in London earlier this month.
Invoke a PFLP terrorist. Shout about "armed resistance" and the destruction of Israel. Be very agitated.
Job done. pic.twitter.com/W9B3eJSmQT
Yesterday, the "encampment" creeps went for a stroll in London. Top marks for squeezing so much hatred into so few minutes.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) May 24, 2024
- The ritual cry for the annihilation of Israel
- Ethnic cleansing for Israeli Jews
- The Director of SOAS "charged with genocide" (yes, really)
Pathetic. pic.twitter.com/xCvPln20dn
The women in NHS scrubs appear to work in South East London.
— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) May 25, 2024
If you were a Jew to a pro-Israel supporter & wore a Star of David, would you feel confident of adequate treatment? pic.twitter.com/nZmTExJzPh
At The People’s Graduation of @penn. They had a superlative for “most likely to shot put a Zionist.” pic.twitter.com/zhhwXcLOtX
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) May 25, 2024
BREAKING: Princeton's Vice President for Campus Life, W. Rochelle Calhoun, is being protested on campus today. Calhoun takes it in stride and simply records the protest as she goes about her business. pic.twitter.com/rCEDJ0AOGA
— Stu (@thestustustudio) May 25, 2024
Earlier today at Princeton, Christopher L. Eisgruber's Presidential Address was interrupted by students showing "blood" covered hands demanding that Princeton disclose and divest.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) May 25, 2024
"Eisgruber, Eisgruber, you can't hide. You're supporting genocide." pic.twitter.com/5BmwfKC5cG
In case you need a reminder https://t.co/CjsyntyoR5
— Stu (@thestustustudio) May 25, 2024
If his family was really in a "genocide," he wouldn't be at @Cornell trying to go viral pic.twitter.com/GlLIAvMCKH
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) May 25, 2024
Professor Rashid Khalidi of @Columbia is set to retire. This professor previously served as a spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in the 1980s and was a co-founding professor of the university’s Center for Palestine Studies.
— Documenting Jew Hatred on Campus (@CampusJewHate) May 24, 2024
His departure means that… pic.twitter.com/mPS4iq0pEZ
Medical Aid for Palestinians have been found to support terrorists, in 2019 - 2021 they gave ACHA an org founded by leaders of the PLFP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) hundreds of thousands of $$.
— GnasherJew®גנאשר (@GnasherJew) May 24, 2024
Other members of their staff demonstrated support for Palestinian… https://t.co/mx4XY2ZP3U
We exposed Shahd Abusalama for antisemitism while she was employed by Sheffield Uni, now it appears she has moved to @UniWestminster where she is carrying on with her hateful views inc supporting terrorism.
— GnasherJew®גנאשר (@GnasherJew) May 24, 2024
Remember her father was jailed for 7 life sentences for terrorism & her… pic.twitter.com/sYJAHgW4sU
Further information on her brother: https://t.co/cMdqpd7JfG
— GnasherJew®גנאשר (@GnasherJew) May 24, 2024
A Martyrs’ Memorial Day (ft. GenZ)
— FactsForPeace (@Facts_For_Peace) May 24, 2024
In my new special report, I learn many students show more love for H@m@s terr0rists than our own fallen U.S. troops… yikes 😳
This #MDW God bless America, and God help us all 🇺🇸🫡#gaza #palestine #israel pic.twitter.com/LZTwzuyfHE
Rape underreported: Seven NYT articles mention Israel's viewpoint vs. 1,398 Gaza's
The humanitarian situation in Gaza was obsessively covered by The New York Times without mentioning Hamas's looting, Qatar's avoidance in the context of campus protests, and the grand investigation into barbaric rape cases received only minor attention.Revisiting the editorial policy behind BBC portrayal of Israel’s capital city
The coverage of the war in The New York Times can be called infuriating, outrageous, or unfair, but the truth is that it is mostly heartbreaking. This is just another reason why the hearts of Israelis have been breaking again and again since October 7 and during this war. From October 7 to today, the criticism of Hamas in The New York Times has almost completely disappeared.
Israel is not understood. It is hard to contain the wave of anti-Israel sentiment that rose against us on October 7 and reached arrest warrants for Israeli leaders in The Hague. We remember exactly what happened here almost eight months ago, and we know that the wave of hatred did not start with Israeli actions in Gaza. It started the day a horrific massacre and mass kidnapping took place here, and since then our hearts have been breaking a little more each time.
Last week, I published the enormous gaps between the level of criticism directed at Israel in the first seven months of the war in The New York Times and the scant criticism directed at Hamas. I also published the mirror image: the overflowing empathy towards the Palestinians compared to the scant empathy towards the Israelis, including the hostages.
This week, I will focus on the extent of coverage dedicated to different angles of the war, which also suffered from unreasonable imbalance. Sometimes the coverage of certain topics was so obsessive that it created a new reality instead of reflecting the existing one. For example, 172 headlines dealt with the humanitarian situation in Gaza, but none of them mentioned Hamas fighters taking over and looting aid trucks.
In comparison to the great concern for the Palestinians, only seven articles addressed the damage caused to northern settlements or the Israeli evacuees. There is no doubt that the Palestinians suffer more, but does that justify such a minor focus on the suffering of Israelis, at a ratio of 24 to 1?
Nine years on, the BBC’s “advice to its journalists” has not changed. The political motivations behind that instruction are evident in the description of the pre-1967 status of parts of Jerusalem as “Jordanian-controlled”, the airbrushing of Jordan’s illegal invasion and nineteen-year occupation of those parts of the city and the absence of any reference to their prior status.
Those wishing to understand why the BBC refuses to call even the parts of Jerusalem which were not occupied by Jordan between 1948 and 1967 the capital of Israel can find the background to that 2013 policy decision here.
“The [BBC Trust’s Editorial Standards] Committee noted that while there is no expectation that in a two-state solution West Jerusalem would become Palestinian territory, a UN resolution passed in 1947 has not been rescinded. It calls for the whole of Jerusalem to be an international city, a corpus separatum (similar to the Vatican City), and in that context, technically, West Jerusalem is not Israeli sovereign territory. “
In other words, the BBC claims that the non-binding 1947 UN Partition Plan known as UN GA resolution 181– which was violently rejected at the time by the Arab states and the local Arab population – still has some sort of relevance or validity. Based upon that gross misinterpretation, the BBC presumes to dictate that a city in which there has been a Jewish majority since the nineteenth century “is not Israeli sovereign territory”.
Nearly nine years after its unnecessary ‘correction’ of Mark Urban’s report, the BBC is therefore still unable to tell its audiences the name of the capital city of one of the countries from which it produces the most reporting, while simultaneously ignoring the fact that the same non-binding recommendation passed by the UN GA in 1947 also included in its corpus separatum proposal places which the BBC is perfectly happy to describe to its audiences as “Palestinian territories”.
When you use Palestinian suffering to paint all Jews with one brush, you show your activism is selfish and antisemitic all in one.
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) May 24, 2024
Why is the NYT normalizing hatred? pic.twitter.com/siPkPfH3YV
An Islamist mob is lynching Christians in Pakistan right now.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) May 25, 2024
You will note that the grifters who pretend to be concerned about protecting Christians as a pretext to spread antisemitic blood libels regularly ignore these stories. https://t.co/iXCBuUmk2r
This week, 2000 workers mainly from India, and some from Sri Lanka, arrived in Israel. This Israeli Arab cab driver documented some of them. Their t-shirts say N.S.D.C which is an Indian non-profit government company. They will be working in construction.
— Imshin (@imshin) May 24, 2024
🇮🇱❤️🇮🇳… pic.twitter.com/NyfqiBbldS
Part 02 herehttps://t.co/1FfSYCSVFO
— Hamas Atrocities (@HamasAtrocities) May 25, 2024
Relevant excerpt:
— Imshin (@imshin) May 25, 2024
Khaled from Khaled Grills, East Rafah, South Gaza Strip, and his friend Mohanad, discuss the fact that chickens currently sold in Gaza are imported from Israel just like before the war.
TikTok timestamp at bottom#TheGazaYouDontSee
Link to original post:… pic.twitter.com/Ct0mO2TjRH
A food merchant in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza Strip, shows some of the stock in the warehouse:
— Imshin (@imshin) May 24, 2024
Cooking oil, semolina, cheese, nutella, milk and chocolate milk (Juneidi - a Jordanian dairy company).
This is private import not aid.#TheGazaYouDontSeehttps://t.co/HXbR1vXVjJ pic.twitter.com/GUu165VjIl
Kylie Moore-Gilbert: I won’t mourn the sudden death of the man who oversaw my sham trial
In 2019 I was put on trial in a shadowy “Revolutionary Court” in Tehran where I was convicted on fabricated charges of espionage, and sentenced to 10 years in prison. An academic, I had visited Iran in 2018 at the invitation of a local university, and was in the country for less than three weeks before I was arrested and effectively made into a diplomatic hostage.
The man who oversaw the Iranian judiciary at the time, including the revolutionary court system, was none other than Ebrahim Raisi.
Raisi not only approved the illegal and unsubstantiated prosecution of an innocent Australian, he presided over a judicial system that openly facilitated the Islamic Republic’s business model of the hostage-taking of foreigners and dual-nationals for diplomatic leverage.
At least four other Australian citizens were caught up in Iranian “hostage diplomacy” under Raisi. Two Aussie backpackers, who had been arrested at gunpoint while attempting to drive from Perth to London, were released in a prisoner swap later in 2019. Another quietly returned home in 2021.
Eighty-three-year-old Iranian-Australian grandfather Shokrollah Jebeli wasn’t so lucky. Jebeli died from medical neglect in Evin prison in January 2020. The Australian embassy had pushed for Jebeli’s release on medical grounds, but attempts at providing him with diplomatic assistance were rebuffed.
The Iranian community in Australia includes numerous direct victims of Raisi’s crimes. I have met several who escaped the dead president’s “death commissions” by the skin of their teeth, as well as others whose family members were executed on Raisi’s orders. They are rightly outraged that Australia should send even the most lukewarm of condolence messages for the death of the Butcher of Tehran.
Just as Western governments failed to offer meaningful support to the brave Iranian “Woman, Life, Freedom” protesters, beyond a handful of symbolic sanctions and “thoughts and prayers” on Twitter, we are yet again signalling to those who are willing to give their lives for a free and democratic Iran that our condolences are not with them, but with the regime.
President Raisi is responsible for more than four decades of horrific human rights abuses, with Australian citizens among his victims. We, too, should be handing out sweets.
UN Secretary-General, @antonioguterres pays tribute to the Butcher of Tehran, responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Iranians, and his card carrying terrorist foreign minister.
— Yaari Cohen (@YaariCohen) May 25, 2024
Yes, really.
The United Nations, 2024. pic.twitter.com/qu7Oo45xm0
Iran Denies Justice for Jewish Citizen; Immediate Execution Looms
The Iran Human Rights Organization (IHRNGO) reported that the Supreme Court of Iran has rejected a retrial request for Arvin Ghahremani, an Iranian Jewish citizen.Four people injured and one arrested as Iranian government supporters and dissidents clash at event to mark the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in north London
Ghahremani, at the age of 18, was sentenced to death for his alleged role in a fatal street brawl.
According to the IHRNGO, the decision places Ghahremani at immediate risk of execution, underscoring a judicial process marred by oversight and lack of fair representation.
Relatives of Ghahremani have voiced concerns that critical elements of his defense were ignored during the trial. These include his efforts to aid the injured party by attempting to transport him to a hospital and his subsequentefforts to save the man's life—details absent from the court documents. The family insists that he was attacked and only acted in self-defense, disarming the man who had assaulted him with a knife.
The Norway-based rights group is calling for a halt to Ghahremani’s impending execution and a transparent, thorough review of his case and others similarly jeopardized. The IHRNGO’s plea highlights a trend in Iran’s judicial proceedings, where the right to a fair trial is often supplanted by swift punishment.
On a broader scale, the IHRNGO's latest findings reveal that within the last month alone, at least 103 people were executed in Iranian prisons, marking an acceleration in the use of capital punishment. Mahmoud Amiry-Moghaddam, director of IHRNGO, criticized the global community for its silence on such executions, saying, "The international community's silence... is unacceptable and must end."
Four people have been injured and one has been arrested after supporters of the Iranian government clashed with dissidents protesting outside a London vigil to President Ebrahim Raisi, who died last week in a helicopter crash.
An event was organised at an office building on Alperton Lane, Wembley, north-west London by supporters of the Iranian government to mark the death Raisi, 63, branded the 'Butcher of Tehran' for his mass executions of thousands in the 1988.
Anti-government protesters gathered outside the venue and were met by pro-government supporters, who then attacked them, according to witnesses.
The Metropolitan Police were called to the scene outside the Dewan Al-Kafeel centre, in the office block, at 6.21pm on Friday following reports of a disorder.
Officers and Met resources attended and were joined by paramedics, who treated four people for non-life threatening or life-changing injuries.
One man was also arrested on suspicion of violent disorder, the force said.
Further enquiries into the incident are now being made by police officers.
A dispersal order has been implemented in the area and remained in effect until 3am on Saturday.
Video shared on social media of the incident shows supporters of the Iranian regime confront protesters, who were playing music, with one repeatedly shouting 'f*** off' though the gates the the office complex.
Men then rushed out and started attacking the protesters and a woman, who was filming, was pushed over and then kicked her as she lay on the floor by the man who shouted 'f*** off' through the gate.
This woman was later sent to hospital for treatment, MailOnline understands.
Another video shows paramedics treating a man who is lying on the ground after having been attacked. It is understood that he was also taken to hospital for his injuries.
Like I said, @metpoliceuk under @MayorofLondon are worthless. Look at how they described a documented attack by Islamic regime thugs (“clashes”).
— AG (@AGHamilton29) May 25, 2024
They downplayed the seriousness of the injuries, but one of the victims is literally in the hospital (h/t @GhorbaniiNiyak) pic.twitter.com/a5e6D9a5Vj
They are not deterred | The Houthis claim responsibility for attacks on three ships: one in the Mediterranean, one in the Red Sea, and another in the Arabian Sea, as part of a campaign against vessels that are Israeli owned or bound for Israel. US Central Command confirmed the… https://t.co/CN1Yu004zh
— Mike (@Doranimated) May 24, 2024
Former general criticizes Canada’s failure to combat antisemitism
Canada is failing not just its Jewish community but all of its citizens by fostering hate and violent rhetoric through the inaction of the country’s leadership, former Canadian Armed Forces chief of the Defense Staff Gen. (ret.) Rick Hillier told The Jerusalem Post in an interview on Monday.Two suspect shoot at Jewish girls elementary school in Toronto, no injuries, police say
The ex-head of the Canadian military said he didn’t go far enough in a May 1 National Post article warning that Ottawa has deserted its Jewish citizens as antisemitism proliferates across the northern country’s cities and academic campuses.
“We didn’t just fail, and are not just failing 400,000 Jewish Canadians; we’re failing 41 million people. And to me, that’s bloody unacceptable,” said Hillier.
“You don’t build a nation on hatred. We have many diverse groups across our great land, which is wide and skinny and, therefore, very much prone to regionalism and separate factions. Those are lethal things to have for a nation; if you want to keep it together, we have many diverse factions that make up our nation. If you accept hatred in one faction, then it’s natural that you must accept hatred in other factions.”
Hillier is concerned that the same weeds of hate that have been permitted to grow in the country’s willful blind spot for Jews could spread in the cracks between Canadian society’s many cleavages. Canada’s First Nations, LGBT people, black people, and other groups would not just be at risk of being abandoned to such cultural cancer. Still, they could also erode the bonds between the provinces from Quebec to British Columbia to Alberta.
“If our leadership doesn’t stand up and take steps to prevent the hatred being articulated and used in our society, then we have to expect that it will start exploding elsewhere,” said the retired general.
Police are investigating an incident involving the discharge of a firearm outside a Jewish girl's elementary school in North York, Toronto on Saturday.
The Toronto Police Service responded to reports of gunfire at Bais Chaya Mushka Elementary School near Dufferin Street and Finch Avenue West shortly before 5 a.m.
In a press conference Saturday afternoon, Inspector Paul Krawczyk of the Guns and Gangs Task Force said the suspects fired from a dark-colored vehicle. Police were called to the area at around 9 a.m.
"I completely understand that this can cause concern and fear and anxiety in the community, especially when it happens at a school like this," said Krawczyk, in the video posted on CBC. Krawczyk said the front of the school was damaged.
He said it was too early to tell whether the shooting was a hate crime or a terrorist act.
"We're not going to ignore the obvious, you know, what occurred here and what the target of the shooting was," he said. "But at the same time, it will be wrong to just guess at this point."
Breaking: A shooting just took place at Bais Chaya Mushka, a Jewish elementary school in Toronto, yet millions of people are still accusing us of blowing antisemitism out of proportion.
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) May 25, 2024
No injuries were reported, fortunately, but it shouldn’t take Jewish blood for the world to… pic.twitter.com/nDnHfSMO4g
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 25, 2024
2 men fire their guns at a Jewish girl’s school in Toronto.
5 rounds were shot at the Bais Chaya Mushka Elementary School.
Via @larrynmaher pic.twitter.com/FxYtGxW9Z5
German police arrest men planning synagogue knife attack
German police arrested two men who were accused of allegedly planning a knife attack at a synagogue in the southwestern city of Heidelberg, the German news agency dpa reported on Friday.
The suspects, an 18-year-old and 24-year-old, allegedly discussed “the killing of one or more visitors in the attack on the synagogue followed by death as martyrs, whereby the two persons wanted to be shot to death by police,” authorities said in a statement.
The 18-year-old is being held on conspiracy to commit murder, public prosecutors and criminal investigators in the south-western German state of Baden-Wurttemberg announced on Friday. The suspect is originally from the town of Weinheim, and also has Turkish citizenship, according to ABC News, citing German authorities. One man had been shot and captured in early May
The 24-year-old had been shot and captured earlier in May by police after a raid on the man's apartment became violent. On May 3, police raided his home in the town of Bad Friedrichshall on suspicion of preparing a serious act of violence endangering the state, according to German news agency dpa.
The 24-year-old suspect had taken several kitchen knives and fled outside through a window while officers were in his apartment. When police caught him, he threw a life toward a policeman and charged at him. The officer then shot him.
The 24-year-old man was treated for his wounds and remains in police custody on allegations of attempted manslaughter and a serious case of assault on a police officer.
Following the raid of the 24-year-old's home, police uncovered a link to the 18-year-old from Weinheim. Police say that the 24-year-old had discussed a possible knife attack on visitors to a synagogue in Heidelberg in April 24 with the 18-year-old.
I want to share that @jakeshieldsajj continues to be one of the most intelligent and thoughtful falsely accused anti-Semites out there. pic.twitter.com/VVVPG1StTi
— Rabbi Linda Goldstein (🇵🇸🍉I/P Commentary) (@realrabbilinda) May 24, 2024
Witold Pilecki was known as prisoner 4859 in Auschwitz. pic.twitter.com/elJs01P8Di
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 25, 2024
'We will continue to invest heavily in Israel': Nvidia chief reassures Israeli employees amid war
"I have 3,300 employees in Israel. I also have nearly a hundred employees in Gaza and the West Bank - and our hearts are with all of them. The most important thing, of course, is to stay safe, and we are doing everything we can as a company to support them," said Nvidia founder and CEO Jensen Huang during a Q&A session with journalists at the GTC conference held in San Jose, California.
"Israel is one of Nvidia's largest homes in terms of population ratio. Israel is also home to some of our most talented engineers. Our most significant investments, like NVSwitch, came from Israel," Huang added.
"The thing I showcased, which is the heart and soul of the Blackwell processor, came from Israel. And so, we will continue to invest heavily in Israel. This entire region is very important to me. We also support all our Palestinian employees in the West Bank, and we care for them and their families. There is no risk that they will lose our support. Therefore, this region is very important to us. The employees need to know that the company stands behind them," Huang further stated.
"For them to do their best work, they need to know that their base is strong. Nvidia is a strong company. Our base is strong and we have unequivocal support for our employees there. And they should know that. They need to know. They do know that we are going to invest in Israel, we are going to support them 100%, and no matter what their background is, we are there for them," according to the CEO.
In the last quarter of 2023, Nvidia reported revenues of $22.1 billion – a 3.6-fold increase compared to revenues of $6 billion in the last quarter of 2022. In summary, Nvidia reported nearly $61 billion in revenues for 2023, more than double compared to the revenues in 2022, which amounted to about $27 billion. As part of the company's report, it was revealed that its revenues from telecommunications operations stand at about $13 billion. This activity is largely based on the acquisition of Mellanox in 2019.
In 1946, an Anglo-American committee was formed to go to Palestine and figure out what to do with it. The Jews argued their case with facts and figures, while the Saudi king showed them his harem and offered to find a member a wife.
— Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) May 24, 2024
Americans sympathized more with Israel… pic.twitter.com/TyCKiGXOsT
One hundred years ago today, Congress severely limited Jewish immigration, closing the door to Europe's Jews pre-Holocaust.
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) May 24, 2024
For Jews who didn't get a US visa before 1924, debates about Israel are not theoretical.
Anti-Zionism is a privileged position. pic.twitter.com/br55dmGXTJ
In 1991, Israel airlifted more than 14,300 Ethiopian #Jews in a series of 35 flights from #Ethiopia to Israel as part of a secret rescue mission called #OperationSolomon
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) May 24, 2024
The operation lasted 36 hours and was carried out from May 24th to May 25th. We remember this incredible and… pic.twitter.com/rbdTC0c60F
Great video of @kiyahwillis explaining her journey from social justice warrior to supporter of Israel. Give her a follow if you haven't already pic.twitter.com/7t993YjuOE
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) May 25, 2024
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