Monday, May 27, 2024
Monday, May 27, 2024
Elder of Ziyon
The New York Police Department has statistics for bias incidents for the first quarter of the year in its Hate Crimes Dashboard.
60% of all hate crimes are against Jews.
81 confirmed incidents victimized Jews, way ahead of the next categories, Black and Male Gay who had 11 incidents each.
That Islamophobia we hear so much about? Only 6 such crimes.
If you only count anti-religious hate crimes, antisemitic crimes climb up to a frightening 88% of them.
Here is a chart of all hate incidents confirmed in the first three months of the year:
When you break down the incidents by crime category, Jews are again the top victims in almost every category - robbery, criminal mischief, burglary, miscellaneous penal law, third degree assault. The only exception was felony assault, where gay males had 6 incidents compared to 2 for Jews.
In the first three months of 2023, there were 126 total incidents of which 61 were anti-Jewish, a 48% rate. While anti-Jewish hate crimes went up by 33% compared to a year ago, all other bias crimes went down by 15%.
When antisemitic hate crimes are increasing while the others are generally decreasing, there is a much larger problem here.
The increase is clearly the result of increased so-called "anti-Zionism" that goes way beyond speech.
Every schoolchild in New York public schools learns about the dangers of racism. How many of them know that over the past 15 month, there have been six times as many antisemitic hate crimes than anti-Black hate crimes in their city. How many New Yorkers realize this?
Very few. . And the reason is as obvious as it is sickening: the increase in anti-Jewish hate crimes comes from the political Left that champions diversity and equity, and they do not want to include antisemitism as being as dangerous as racism, because they teach that Jews are the oppressors, not victims.
The self-proclaimed anti-racists are part of the problem, not the solution.

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