Apologists for the rapist colonialist imperialist pig Zionists will no doubt attempt to claim that the ritual precedes the Nakba - as if anything Zionist could precede the Nakba! The Nakba is the beginning of it all. Nothing calamitous happened before the Nakba! Before the Nakba, Palestine was forever tranquil, fertile, and Islamic, all the way back into time. Any argument otherwise is an attempt to undermine Palestinian indigeneity, an axiom of ultimate truth.
They will also contend that the "Sukkot" festival has nothing to do with mocking Palestinian refugees, but an honest look at the sources demonstrates otherwise: they "commemorate" when they "left Egypt" and "resided in huts" on the way to "Canaan" - itself proof that they are outsiders, and we are the indigenous Canaanites, whom they want to displace and render homeless.
In case that approach of ours falls flat, remember that we, not they, have always lived here, and we are the original Jews, not those Khazar imposters. Yes, that contradicts the above paragraph, but so what? No one has cared yet. The New York Times, Amnesty International, the United Nations - whichever approach undergirds Palestinian virtue and victimhood while depicting Jewish sovereignty as rapacious genocide, they will endorse. We need not worry about the consistency of our arguments.
And those plants they wave during the festival - who can deny that the date palm frond represents the sword with which they seek to displace us? The citron - its yellow hue showing the cowardly Zionist mentality. The myrtle sprig - its leaves resembling eyes that covet Palestinian land. And the willow bush, mouth-shaped to represent the lies of Jewish historic rights to Palestine. Waved all about, mocking the truth - we know what those Talmudic rituals represent, no matter how many times the enemy points out that no such symbolism appears in the Talmud. We know. We've always known. We know better than the Jews who the Jews are and what the Jews want!
For if we allow that Jews can decide what Jews want and what Jewish rituals represent, that opens the door to Jews deciding on their own security and sovereignty, a notion that conflicts with the axiom of Palestinian Islamic supremacy.
But once you begin with the unquestionable premise of Palestinian virtue and Zionist perfidy, the choices are obvious.
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