Sunday, May 01, 2022

  • Sunday, May 01, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
Let's examine the many ways Time magazine shows anti-Israel bias in this short piece in its latest print edition.

It first mentions Israel's reaction to rocket fire before mentioning the rocket fire itself, making it sound like the reaction is the real story and rockets aiming at Israeli citizens are no big deal and not worth such a huge reaction.

The print edition of the magazine included news from as late as April 26, but Israel re-opened the border on April 25, only a day later, so it was a very limited response. TIME doesn't mention this. Why not? Because it would detract from the "evil Israel" narrative.

The piece makes it sound like Israeli police initiated and escalated hostilities on the Temple Mount, when they were defending themselves from rocks and fireworks. The escalation was entirely from the pro-Hamas rioters on the Temple Mount. The police had no intention to escalate, and in fact delayed their response, but Time frames it as if the only party responsible for escalation is Israel. 

This is false, inflammatory and irresponsible.

The short article calls the Temple Mount "The site of Jerusalem's Al Aqsa mosque." The Temples were there centuries before anyone heard of "Al Aqsa." Time swallows the Arab narrative and ignores Jewish history.

Time is linking the events at the Temple Mount with Gaza rocket attacks. The terrorists pretend that their shooting at Israeli civilians is a "response" to Israeli actions in Jerusalem, when Jerusalem is a flimsy excuse for them to pretend to be macho "defenders" of Al Aqsa. Time swallows and repeats the narrative as if it was true, and therefore justifies rocket fire as a reasonable response to the Israelis who are always the ones initiating crimes.

That is a hell of a lot of bias in two sentences. 

It isn't a mistake. It shows that journalists have accepted a false narrative of Israeli aggression, done for no good reason. 

They are feeding Palestinian violence with these lies because they let the Palestinians off the hook. When there is no negative repercussions for attacking Jews and Israelis in the mainstream media, what incentive do Palestinian rioters and terrorists have to stop?


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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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