At first, this story in
NG Misr looked like it was a rare Arabic language story that is sympathetic about the Holocaust, describing the amazing
Irena Sendler, the Polish woman who saved
many Jewish children during the Holocaust (and who is supposed to be the subject of a movie starring Gal Gadot.)
However, the author, Moawia Elzahaby, finishes the article with Holocaust denial.
In the story he wrote sentences like, “She was able to save the lives of thousands of Jews from Hitler’s alleged Holocaust.” and "According to what the Jews and those who sympathize with them propagate, Irena put children in suitcases and took them out of the besieged Jewish quarters/neighborhoods.”
His true colors really come out at the end, though:
At the end of the war and the fall of Nazism, the Jews began to search for proof and evidence that the Nazi Holocaust happened to them. The story of the Polish nurse was one of those stories that they began to propagate and revere. Today Hollywood produces a huge film that tells a story the events of which are closer to fiction than to reality. The film does not need many artistic touches. The question surrounding these type of stories - and whether the Holocaust itself actually took place – remains open. The Jews claim that millions of them were killed, while voices – that are accused of antisemitism – say that the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis is nothing but an exaggeration, and the number of their dead is not more than a few thousand.
Nothing to see here, just another Egyptian who considers Jews liars and the Holocaust a myth.
(h/t Ibn Boutros)