Friday, May 14, 2021
Friday, May 14, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
Even during a war....
Even while Arab and Jewish gangs are attacking in mixed Arab-Jewish cities in Israel...
Even as Israelis are running to bomb shelters multiple times a day....
Israel allowed 100,000 Arab Muslims into the Temple Mount Thursday, for the Eid al Fitr holiday.
From reading Arab and far-left media, I thought Israel heavily restricted entry to the site. And it placed armed police all over. And the Jews desecrate it daily. And Israel plans to demolish it.
This almost looks like....tolerance. Tolerance of the type that no one would ever expect, nor demand, Palestinians to extend to Jews.
But it gets even more unbelievable.
The Arabs turned this religious event into an anti-Israel political rally.
They are chanting, "O Allah, O Allah, grant victory to Gaza."
Israel allows a peaceful anti-Israel rally on the most sacred site in Judaism!
I disagree with this - this is a true desecration of a holy place - but this small incident shows that everything the Palestinians say about Israel is a lie.

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