Friday, May 28, 2021
Friday, May 28, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
Note the pattern of tiny holes all over the walls.
This not not how Israeli missiles work. Israeli attacks to Gaza have been as pinpoint as possible, for obvious reasons Israel wants to avoid collateral damage (it used to use cluster munitions, but it stopped that in 2006, although it is still criticized for exporting them to other countries.)
Here is a home destroyed by an Israeli airstrike, probably belonging to a terrorist. There are very few small holes in the walls, unlike the damage from Hamas rockets.
The spray pattern happens to be exactly what Hamas rocket damage looks like, though:
Hundreds of rockets from terror groups fell short in Gaza, and it is likely that many of them caused deaths and serious damage.
Save the Children claims 50 schools in Gaza were damaged in the recent fighting. The Palestinian Ministry of Education says the number was 187. There is no doubt that some schools were damaged as Israel attacked tunnels under streets that schools were on.
Journalists clearly aren't asking how many of the schools shown by Hamas to gain sympathy were actually damaged by ....Hamas?
(h/t Abu Ali Express (K.) via Yoel)

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