Friday, May 28, 2021

  • Friday, May 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is truly a horrifying story of how easily liberals get bullied by Israel hating antisemites.

The chancellor of Rutgers University issued a statement against antisemitism. But of course, it "All Lives Mattered" Jews, and it ended up being a statement against any discrimination, past or present, and Jews are just one tiny example.


Dear Rutgers–New Brunswick Community,

We are saddened by and greatly concerned about the sharp rise in hostile sentiments and anti-Semitic violence in the United States. Recent incidents of hate directed toward Jewish members of our community again remind us of what history has to teach us. Tragically, in the last century alone, acts of prejudice and hatred left unaddressed have served as the foundation for many atrocities against targeted groups around the world.   

Last year’s murder of George Floyd brought into sharp focus the racial injustices that continue to plague our country, and over the past year there has been attacks on our Asian American Pacific Islander citizens, the spaces of Indigenous peoples defiled, and targeted oppression and other assaults against Hindus and Muslims.

Although it has been nearly two decades since the U.S. Congress approved the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act, the upward trend of anti-Semitism continues. We have also been witnesses to the increasing violence between Israeli forces and Hamas in the Middle East leading to the deaths of children and adults and mass displacement of citizens in the Gaza region and the loss of lives in Israel. 


We call out all forms of bigotry, prejudice, discrimination, xenophobia, and oppression, in whatever ways they may be expressed.
We condemn any vile acts of hate against members of our community designed to generate fear, devalue, demonize, or dehumanize. 
We embrace and affirm the value and dignity of each member of our Rutgers community regardless of religion, race, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender, and ability. 


Christopher J. Molloy

Francine Conway
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Research and Academic Affairs
This is already offensive to Jews. Instead of tackling antisemitism, Rutgers threw antisemitism into a mix of all bigotries. As we've seen, when that happens, Jewish safety becomes the lowest priority - and Jews being attacked by other members of "victim" groups are presumed to be guilty themselves by the sick algebra of victimhood scoring.

No one would ever issue a statement on racism and throw in anti-Asian, anti-Jewish and anti-LGBTQ bigotries. Everyone saw how offended Black people were to "all lives matter."  But with attacks on Jews, it is practically required to mention other victim groups, so no one could possibly think that the person making the statement is a Jew-lover. Or a Zionist. Or something. 

But this awful statement, watered down into a summary that didn't even mention Jews, was still too much about Jews for Jew-haters who have made a career out being outraged and bullying others with their crazed displays of anger. 

It appears that Molloy reacted to an Instagram post by Students for Justice in Palestine, which is about as much of a hate group as exists on cmpuses today. He completely caved within a single day to the pressure from haters who were against a condemnation of antisemitism. 

He wrote this disgusting, abject apology for not being inclusive of the Jew-haters in a message about antisemitism:

Dear Members of the Rutgers–New Brunswick Community,

We are writing today as a follow-up to the message sent on Wednesday, May 26th to the university community. We understand that intent and impact are two different things, and while the intent of our message was to affirm that Rutgers–New Brunswick is a place where all identities can feel validated and supported, the impact of the message fell short of that intention. In hindsight, it is clear to us that the message failed to communicate support for our Palestinian community members. We sincerely apologize for the hurt that this message has caused.

Um, who has been attacking Jews lately? 

This is like apologizing to white people - who are the victims of anti-white attacks - after denouncing racist attacks.   

It is infuriating.

Rutgers University–New Brunswick is a community that is enriched by our vibrant diversity. However, our diversity must be supported by equity, inclusion, antiracism, and the condemnation of all forms of bigotry and hatred, including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. As we grow in our personal and institutional understanding, we will take the lesson learned here to heart, and pledge our commitment to doing better. We will work to regain your trust, and make sure that our communications going forward are much more sensitive and balanced.

Our goal of creating a beloved community will not be easy, and while we may make mistakes along the way; we hope we can all learn from them as we continue this vital work together.

The only lesson Molloy learned is that it is better to cave to the demands of antisemites than to show solidarity with the victims of antisemitism. 

Molloy didn't even show enough respect for the Jewish community to consult with them before sending out this letter that threw them under the bus.

This is not the first time Molloy pissed on Jews. Here's his statement after Jews were murdered in Jersey City - and the entire statement doesn't mention the word "Jew" or even "antisemitism" once:

Jews at Rutgers must immediately show that the Rutgers administration has completely lost their trust, and that their feelings were just stomped upon.

What self-respecting Jew would send their kids to Rutgers anymore after this fiasco?  

UPDATE: Rutgers took down both posts and replaced them with a post denying that they apologized for condemning antisemitism. I fixed the links above to go to archive sites with the original posts.

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