Friday, May 07, 2021
Friday, May 07, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
antisemitism, iran
It is also thoroughly antisemitic.
The entire book is online with an official translation from the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s Works.
On the very first page of the introduction, Khomeini says, "From the very beginning, the historical movement of Islam has had to contend with the Jews, for it was they who first established anti-Islamic propaganda and engaged in various stratagems."
On page 22, he refers to Israel as "a handful of wretched Jews."
Page 53: "Since the Jews of Bani Qurayza were a troublesome group, causing corruption in Muslim society and damaging Islam and the Islamic state, the Most Noble Messenger (‘a) eliminated them."
Page 78: "the imperialists, the oppressive and treacherous rulers, the Jews, Christians, and
materialists are all attempting to distort the truths of Islam and lead the Muslims astray....We see today that the Jews (may God curse them) have meddled with the text of the Qur’an and have made certain changes in the Qur’ans they have printed in the occupied territories. It is our duty to prevent this treacherous interference with the text of Qur’an. We must protest and make the people aware that the Jews and their foreign backers are opposed to the very foundations of Islam and wish to establish Jewish domination throughout the world. Since they are a cunning and resourceful group of people, I fear that —God forbid— they may one day achieve their goal, and that the apathy shown by some of us may allow a Jew to rule over us one day. May God never let us see such a day!"
It is hard to explain this away as mere "anti-Zionism." Clearly, to the Ayatollah, hate of Israel and hate of Jews were one and the same.
Iran was literally founded with an antisemitic philosophy.
Today, Iranians claim that they are against antisemitism and only hate Israel. If that is true, then where are the Iranian leaders who object to the first Supreme Leader's obvious Jew-hatred?
And for Western leftist apologists for Iran who are quick to "cancel" American historical figures because of their actions that are being judged by today's standards, is Khomeini's antisemitism reason to cancel him as well?
(h/t L_King)

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