“Annexation” is a word I’ve
fought against for years. Especially as applied to Judea and Samaria. You annex
land that doesn’t belong to you. If it belongs to you, on the other hand, you
exercise your sovereignty and say, “This is ours.”
Getting this message across has
been difficult. People find it easier to speak of annexation. Fewer syllables
or something. They don’t realize the import of what they’re suggesting when
they use the “a” word. If I call them on it, they tell me I’m quibbling, that
it’s just semantics.
That is why I was beyond
ecstatic when Netanyahu, in an interview
with Army Radio on Saturday night, clarified that he was not speaking of
annexation. “I did not say I would annex the West Bank,” said Netanyahu, “I
said I would apply Israeli law to Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.”
In a later television interview
(Hebrew only), the Prime Minister did one better, using the word
It is true he was saying these
things on the eve of an election, so such declarations could be seen in that
light, as so much campaign smoke. On the other hand, this is the first time a
sitting prime minister, or anyone in a position of authority in an Israeli
government referred to exercising sovereignty in the territories. It was the
first time a sitting prime minister declared that there is no need to annex
Judea and Samaria, because they are already ours. The same prime minister who
commissioned the Edmond
Levy Report was at last utilizing that report, a report which found that Israel
has a legal right to the territories that are Judea and Samaria.
Just as the Bar Ilan speech has
come back to haunt Bibi, so too, this declaration, sets a precedent. But unlike
Bibi’s declared backing of the two-state solution, which could lead only to concessions
and bloodshed, the thought of exercising our sovereignty over our native
territory fills us with joy. Sovereignty brings a new note into the
conversation about Judea and Samaria, a topic that has grown in importance, as
Jews have begun to tiptoe into new waters, experimenting with the word “indigenous.”
Indeed, we are the indigenous people of the territory. Jews are named for
From a legal standpoint, the
territory returned to us during a defensive war, after Jordan illegally
occupied the territory from 1948-1967. It breaches no article of the Geneva
Convention for Jews to voluntarily come and build homes in their ancient
indigenous territory. It is not Israel who occupied this territory. It was all
the foreign aggressors who did so for centuries: they occupied Jewish territory—territory
that was Jewish before Mohammed was a gleam in his mama’s eye.
I am not Bibi’s biggest fan.
But I am encouraged that he said these things, even now, on the eve of an
election. I am pleased that he emphasized application of Jewish law over Judea
and Samaria, and clarified that he did not speak of annexing some made up place
called the West Bank (that doesn’t seem to lie on the banks of a river, in any
case). We know of Bibi’s excellent relationship with Donald Trump, who is
getting ready to unveil his deal of the century. Trump just recognized Israel’s
sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Presumably, Trump will also recognize
Israel’s sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, once we end the state of martial
law. Otherwise Netanyahu would not have made this bold public declaration now,
at this time.
All these many months, pundits
have worried about Trump’s plan, putting forward this rumor and that regarding
the unknown contents of that plan. There has been so much scaremongering on
that score. Now it seems that the plan includes recognition of Israel’s
sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.
That would be an amazing thing. Even more amazing than moving the embassy. More
amazing than recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, in my
opinion, which only made sense for the U.S., what with Iran in control in Syria.
In recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, Trump would be
recognizing Israel as the sovereign power she is, sovereign over her people’s
indigenous territory. This would be addressing the longest-running historic
wrong of all: giving the Jewish people back their territory once and for all, after
all the centuries of thievery and oppression and leaving the Jews to run things
as they wish—in peace—for all its citizens.
I write this column as Israelis
are going to the polls to vote. I am confident that Benyamin Netanyahu will be
the one forming the next coalition and will remain in power as Israel’s prime minister.
I look forward to the coming months with great anticipation, to see how it all
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