The theme of last Friday's Hamas-organized Gaza border riots was "Together to face normalization."
Other Palestinian terror groups are also deathly afraid of the idea that Israel will establish relations with Arab nations. At a rally yesterday, Islamic Jihad leader Khader Habib condemned the policy of Arab normalization with Israel, which he said was "a crime committed against the Palestinian cause and the entire Arab nation at the expense of the Palestinian cities, its villages and its permanent rights."
He said the "Israeli" entity was planted in the middle of the Arab nation as a malicious growth, and that the Palestinian people are targeted through the crime of normalization.
He warned Arab leaders that "the crime of normalization will not protect their thrones" and that "normalization will only bring them shame."
"Normalization is a betrayal of Allah and the Prophet and the nation of Islam and the Palestinian people and the prisoners of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
Leaders of the DFLP, PFLP, Hamas and Nasser Salah-al Din Brigades also spoke out against normalization with Israel.
The terror groups, who were considered heroes in the Arab world only a few years ago, are terrified at the idea of being further marginalized and are pulling out all the stops with what little influence they still have - appealing to religion and shame, the two most powerful arguments they can have.
(There are unfortunately no pictures of the audience, so I don't know if this rally attracted dozens or hundreds, The absence of stage indicates that this was not a very large rally and was meant not for Gazans but for the Arab world.)