Yes, "Palestine" is counted as hosting 2.1 million refugees or IDPs, the tenth highest number in the world.
The numbers come from UNRWA, meaning that they are all considered "refugees."
That's 46% - nearly half - of all Palestinian Arabs under Palestinian Authority rule that are considered to be displaced from their homes.
Where are their "real" homes? Israel, of course.
The entire report talks about how much aid countries get, and as always, the Palestinians receive a disproportionate amount of aid compared to other countries on a per capita basis. They receive over a billion dollars a year of international aid.
But not one dollar of that aid goes towards permanently settling the "refugees" in "Palestine!"
Hundreds of millions of that aid, in fact, goes towards the exact opposite goal: to maintain the refugee status of 2.1 million people who live within the borders of their declared state!
It means that the Palestinian Authority doesn't want nearly half of its people to live in its own borders. It wants 2.1 million of the people it pretends to represent and care about to be used as weapons against Israel's existence.
2.1 million tiny human bombs.
But this also means that the Western nations, when they fund UNRWA, they are funding the very project that is being used by the Arabs to destroy Israel over the long term. They pretend that they are sending humanitarian aid towards a vulnerable people, but they are not stepping back and asking - why are these people vulnerable, living in an entity that is fairly average for Arab nations economically?
The EU (and US) funds lots of programs for the Palestinians - to learn governance, to improve their court systems, to enhance their police forces, to work towards equal rights for women. Yet not a penny is being used to reduce the "refugee" and "IDP" population of the territories, a basic human need in every single other country with a large refugee population.
So, yes, the EU and US, by pretending that UNRWA's "Palestine refugees" are really refugees, are contributing to the Palestinian goal of destroying Israel demographically by pretending that each of those 2.1 million people - and millions more who really are languishing in camps in Lebanon and Jordan and Syria - are truly refugees who cannot possibly ever lose that status unless they overrun Israel.