They who made the rocky hills green, who planted vineyards and made fruit trees grow where, once, there was only desolation – they were the ones to emulate.

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And I'm accused of lacking human feelings towards monsters. When you witness the harm they've done, why you would show them mercy? Here Israel can...
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: Columbia U's anti-Israel group calls Hamas and Houthis "progressive forces" · 29 minutes ago
So the Crusades must also have been progressive. I thought that word meant getting better, instead of getting worse like reverting to the 7th century
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: Columbia U's anti-Israel group calls Hamas and Houthis "progressive forces" · 1 hour ago
We knew antisemitism is a form of mental illness.
What can you expect from a guy selling a swastika t shirt?
And he has yet to hit rock bottom.
03/15 Links: The Coalition of the Sentimental and the Homicidal; How American Aid Has Subsidized Terror; U.S. kicks out South Africa's Hamas-linked ambassador ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 6 hours ago
Why is Israel maintaining a ceasefire with Hamas? Have Israelis been kidnapped and replaced by the Hamas pod Jewish Voice For Peace fanatics? They're...
03/15 Links: The Coalition of the Sentimental and the Homicidal; How American Aid Has Subsidized Terror; U.S. kicks out South Africa's Hamas-linked ambassador ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 6 hours ago
The Book of Esther is fiction, its the first novella in the Bible and in Jewish literature, indeed but treats a very real subject. Persia historically...
Peter Beinart's anti-Jewish Purim propaganda ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 6 hours ago
Same shame/honor rhetoric that we've seen coming from Arab supporters of Palestinian terrorists.
Ye calls for enslavement of Jews Incitement to violence and abuse. Imagine any Jew saying this about blacks.
03/15 Links: The Coalition of the Sentimental and the Homicidal; How American Aid Has Subsidized Terror; U.S. kicks out South Africa's Hamas-linked ambassador ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 7 hours ago
Hamas leader openly calls for murder of Jews worldwide:
Does he, now? That's precious....😏...
03/15 Links: The Coalition of the Sentimental and the Homicidal; How American Aid Has Subsidized Terror; U.S. kicks out South Africa's Hamas-linked ambassador ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 7 hours ago
Israel-Greece-Cyprus summit in Athens
Trilateral political summit held in Athens: Foreign Minister Gideon Sa'ar meets with the...
03/15 Links: The Coalition of the Sentimental and the Homicidal; How American Aid Has Subsidized Terror; U.S. kicks out South Africa's Hamas-linked ambassador ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 7 hours ago
"The Battle for Legitimacy in Urban Warfare"
03/15 Links: The Coalition of the Sentimental and the Homicidal; How American Aid Has Subsidized Terror; U.S. kicks out South Africa's Hamas-linked ambassador ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 7 hours ago
If you want real peace, don't insist on a divided Jerusalem, @USAmbIsrael
The Apartheid charge, the Abraham Accords and the "right side of history"
With Palestinians, there is no need to exaggerate: they really support murdering random Jews
Great news for Yom HaShoah! There are no antisemites!