But that was far from the only lie in his speech. I made a poster illustrating another one:
The entire paragraph that includes this lie among many is worth quoting:
We continue our efforts to build the foundations of a culture of peace among our people. (1) We stand against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations (2) and we condemn it by whomever and wherever (3). ...We support the efforts to confront terrorism, extremism, sectarianism and violence,(4) and appeal to stand united against terrorism, which knows no religion (5). In this context, I wish to reaffirm once again that there is no way to defeat terrorism and extremism and achieve security and stability in our region without ending the Israeli occupation of Palestine (6) and ensuring the freedom and independence of the Palestinian people. (7)
1. Look at Palestinian Media Watch. Look at Abbas' statements inciting violence against Jews who visit their own holiest site. Look at how the official PA media celebrates terror. Look at how Abbas pays salaries to terrorists. Look at how PA school textbooks do not say a word about peace with Israel.
2. See poster.
3. Abbas does not condemn Arab youths stabbing Israelis - he justifies it.
4. Abbas' Fatah still has a terror group that brags about its rockets aimed at civilians, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.
5. Virtually every terror act in the Middle East (which is the context he was speaking of) is done in the name of Islam.
6. Since every map of "Palestine" under his control shows all of Israel, he is saying that Israel has no right to exist.
7. Abbas is falsely claiming "linkage" - that ISIS wouldn't exist without Israel. He is also threatening the world by saying that unless he is satisfied with a peace plan, he will not do anything to stop Middle East terrorists from murdering their fellow Arabs.
That's a lot of lies. If only reporters cared enough about the truth to actually fact check Mahmoud Abbas with the same enthusiasm that they pretend to fact-check Netanyahu.