The gematria (Hebrew numeric value) of "Hillary" (הילרי) is 255.
The gematria of "Rodham"(רודהם) is also 255.
The gematria of "Clinton" (קלינטון) is also 255.
I saw a meme going around saying that "Donald Trump" (454) has the same gematria as "Messiah, son of David"; and "Hillary" has the same as "Amalekite (female)."
It's true.
But then again, "Hillary" is also numerically equivalent to "Finger of God" (אצבע אלו-הים) and "Great Rabbi" (הרב הגדול).
And "Donald Trump" is equivalent to "The Crazy One" (המשוגע). "Trump" (330) is equivalent to "I love men." (אני אוהב גברים).
I think we can safely conclude that gematria doesn't have much predictive capability outside of the occasional coincidences.