No one seemed to mind his increasingly unhinged comments.
Lately he has been on a more normal rant, warning against the danger of Islamists in the region.
Today, however, he said something that might really get him into trouble. Khalfan told Al Jazeera that if he had advanced notice of a terror attack in Tel Aviv, he would tell Israel about it (indirectly, through the US or Jordan) to save lives.
This might not sit well with his constituents.
UPDATE: This interview was from 2011; it is unclear why it is being reported now. Perhaps someone in the Egyptian media wanted to take heat off Islamist Essam al-Erian for his controversial seemingly pro-Jewish comments, and Khalfan has been an outspoken opponent of the Muslim Brotherhood, so he is being "smeared" with his own "pro-Zionist" comment.
Which tells you a lot,actually.