Sunday, January 20, 2013

  • Sunday, January 20, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Eurabia, from MEMRI:

Following are excerpts from a video of London Islamists protesting against the French military campaign in Mali. The demonstration, which was held outside the French Embassy, was posted on the Internet on January 12, 2013.

British Islamist Anjem Chaudary: We are here to expose the French regime and to say: Hands off Muslim land.
Crowd: Hands off Muslim land.
Anjem Chaudary: Hands off Muslim land.
Crowd: Hands off Muslim land.
Anjem Chaudary: Hands off Muslim land.
Crowd: Hands off Muslim land.
Anjem Chaudary: Hands off Muslim land.
Crowd: Hands off Muslim land.
Anjem Chaudary: Shari’a for Mali.
Crowd: Shari’a for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: Shari’a for Mali.
Crowd: Shari’a for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: Shari’a for Mali.
Crowd: Shari’a for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad for Mali.
Crowd: Jihad for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad for Mali.
Crowd: Jihad for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad for Mali.
Crowd: Jihad for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: What do we want?
Crowd: Jihad.
Anjem Chaudary: When do we want it?
Crowd: Now.
Anjem Chaudary: What do we want?
Crowd: Jihad.
Anjem Chaudary: When do we want it?
Crowd: Now.
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad!
Crowd: Jihad!
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad!
Crowd: Jihad!
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad!
Crowd: Jihad!
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad!
Crowd: Jihad!
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad!
Crowd: Jihad!
Anjem Chaudary: Say: “Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Anjem Chaudary: A caliphate for Mali, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq... The Islamic nation is boiling. We got rid of some of our dictators – Ben Ali, Mubarak, and Al-Qadhafi. Now it’s time for the dictators in Mali, in Pakistan, in Bangladesh, and all over the Muslim lands to be removed and replaced by the shari’a, by Islam.
British Islamist: There is no god but Allah.
Crowd: There is no god but Allah.
British Islamist: Jihad for the sake of Allah.
Crowd: Jihad for the sake of Allah.
British Islamist: The call for the shari’a is a global call. It is a choice that these governments in the West will have to face up to. The shari’a is an inevitability. Therefore, you had better accept the shari’a, otherwise you will find us on your own doorsteps, outside your own embassies.
British Islamist: You talk about Freedom, you talk about democracy, but there is no freedom for Muslims to practice Islam. That is because their idols of freedom and democracy are false idols. They will burn in Hell, just like you.
Our leader is the final Messenger Muhammad. He is the Messenger. He gave us glad tidings: that we will conquer, we will lead, we will spread mercy, and we will spread justice, whether you like it or whether you don’t like it. Look to your own doorstep in France – your own French women are abandoning their Christianity and donning the hijab and the burqa.
The Muslims reached the gates of Vienna, I don’t think [unintelligible], because our eyes are on Paris, our eyes are on Brussels, our eyes are on London. We will not stop, as Muslims, until the whole world is governed by Islam.
British Islamist: My dear Muslims, for how long will we live under oppression? Isn’t it time that we united? Isn’t it time that we returned back to Allah and His Messenger? Isn’t it time that we showed support to the Muslims? Isn’t it time we support the mujahideen, because it is them who are fighting for the religion of Allah? Because of them we are able to walk with our heads high. Because of them we have honor, because of them we have dignity. Isn’t it about time, my dear Muslims? We gather together under one banner of: “There is no god but Allah,” and we support our Muslims. So French government, let that be a warning, or a piece of advice, to you. Take it the way you want, because you will never stop the army of the Muslims. You will never stop Muslims, because this nation is far too large to be stopped. This nation is like a tidal wave – when it starts, it doesn’t stop. It will conquer the east of the East and the west of the West, because that is the prophecy of our Prophet Muhammad.

Say: Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
British Islamist: Say: Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Islamist (in French): What is happening today in Mali is an act of terrorism launched by François Hollande against the Muslims. This is an act of terrorism, launched by François Hollande, against the nation of Muhammad. Allah warns us in the Koran that the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with the Muslims until they embrace their religion. What François Hollande is doing is exporting prostitution to Muslim lands, exporting homosexuality to Mali, exporting the exploitation of women to the Muslim lands. What we are saying to François Hollande is that the Muslims throughout the world will not rest until Islam dominates France, until Islam dominates the entire world. Islam will not dominate only Mali, Afghanistan, and Africa, but also France, Paris, and England. François Hollande, you must understand a few facts of life: You are a son of Pharaoh. The blood of Pharaoh courses through your veins.
The Islamic movement will become a system of life under your nose. Your wife, French women, the people of France, will live under the Islamic movement, even if you don’t like it. We will collect the jizya poll tax.
We are telling you to remove your soldiers, the unbelievers, who are in the Muslim world. But you don’t understand, you cannot see the message.
The nation of Muhammad loves death just as you love your pork. It loves death more than you love your pigs. It loves death more than you love prostitution, more than you love wine.
Shari’a for France.
Crowd: Shari’a for France.
Islamist: Shari’a for France.
Crowd: Shari’a for Paris.
Islamist: Shari’a for the world in its entirety.
Crowd: Shari’a for Europe in its entirety.
Islamist: Most of the residents of Paris are Muslims. Allah willing, most of the French system will be according to the shari’a. Most of the residents of France will be Muslims, Allah willing.
Say: “Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: Allah Akbar.

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