The hate continues on.
Kitabat has an article called "The Biblical roots of racist Zionism." It is a review for a book published in 2002 in Baghdad. Outside of finding an excuse to spout anti-semitic conspiracy theories, it is unclear why this review is being published now.
[The book] demonstrates that Jewish/Zionist violence and crimes committed against the Palestinian people is an extension and a repetition of what happened since before the Zionist entity existed. What is happening now is not a reaction to confront the Palestinian as Jews/Zionists claim as they brainwash world public opinion, Western particularly, but is an extension of the ethnic philosophy thast derives its origins from the Jewish faith, and not just from the philosophy of racism that prevailed in European thought during the imperialist 19th century.Apparently, the Iraqis aren't too concerned over the ban on "defamation of religion" that the Muslim world always claims it desires.
The Old Testament or the Torah is written by rabbis during the first millennium BC and have nothing to do with the original Torah...tying together fables that have no archaeological basis...
They didn't only write the Torah as a reaction to the so-called Babylonian captivity. But they meant to implant in the Jews the spirit of intrusion, aggressiveness and violence, hatred and cruelty in dealing with others and not to give them mercy or pity, and other barbaric practices of killing, genocide, destruction and burning.
There is nothing more proof of this matter than the commandments the scribes wrote in the Old Testament, which states the need to transfer this barbaric heritage from generation to generation, as it says multiple times: "Let these words which I command you today be on your heart, and teach them to your children and talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the way and when you lie down and when you get up, and make them a sign on your hand and on headbands between your eyes and write them on the doors of your house and on thy gates."
The transplant and development of this fierce psychological aggression is instilled in the depths of the individual Israeli since childhood through religious education. They are not limited to people in the Zionist entity, but includes Jews living in the so-called diaspora.
The Torah has been planted in the depths of Jewish self, for centuries, this trend of bloody obscurantism and hatred of all others, their love of bloodshed and destruction and annihilation, and the right to extract the wealth and property of the gentiles as the wealth of the world are all belongs to them...
The West, as usual, is clueless that writings like this are being published every day in the nation that it liberated.