Disrupting the ecosystem of extremism By Ron Prosor
We cannot rest until the evil ideologies that fuel terror become nothing more than relics of the past.
"There is a specific kind of ecosystem that creates terrorism. Terrorism is rooted in hate, watered with instability and state support, and then planted in the next generation.
Every roadside bombing, every suicide attack, and every act of terrorism begins with words and thoughts of hate. It begins with al-Qaida websites that turn suicide bombers into jihadi celebrities. It begins with Hezbollah summer camps that use arts and crafts to glorify martyrdom and teach bombmaking skills to children.
It begins with statements by Hamas leaders like Atallah Abu al-Subh, who recently said on public Palestinian television (and I quote) “The Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the Earth.” This is the poison that is being fed to people across the Middle East, day after day."
Won't Syria Be Obama's Main Middle East Crisis in 2013? By Barry Rubin
"The Obama Administration, especially now with Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, and CIA director John Brennan will maintain a consistent policy of helping to create an Islamist-dominated regime in Syria, believing that this is a great idea since the Muslim Brotherhood is moderate and will restrain the "real" extremists. To paraphrase what a former U.S. intelligence official said: So, they tell us they're going to take over; they tell us exactly how they're going to do it; then they do it. Now we watch the results playing out in front of our eyes and there's still some question out there that this threat even exists!"
Obama Needs to Realize It’s Not About the Palestinians
"Mutual threats to the U.S. and Israel — such as nuclear Iran, Islamic terrorism, the proliferation of advanced missiles and nuclear technologies, and the clear and present radical menace to pro-U.S. Arab regimes — transcend the Palestinian issue. Moreover, pro (and anti) U.S. Arab leaders have never considered the Palestinian issue a cardinal matter on their agenda. They are currently traumatized by the lethal Iranian nuclear threat, raging Arab Winter, emboldened Islamic terrorism and the erupting Iraqi, Syrian and Muslim Brotherhood lava, which might trigger their downfall."
Obama tried to meddle in Israeli elections, says senior source
Reports claim that Obama has attempted to undermine Benjamin Netanyahu in the Israeli elections, showing his hostility, as well as his ignorance of Israeli politics
"Dan Senor, a former foreign policy adviser to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign today said that during a recent trip to Israel, two US officials admitted that recent comments by US President Barack Obama were intended to undermine Benjamin Netanyahu’s election bid."
Genocide Abuse Day at the IHRC
"The far left have tackled this problem by keeping Jewish victimhood centre stage, whilst alleging that Zionists wanted the Holocaust and/or actually colluded with the Nazis to bring it about. They turn the moral tables on Zionism, by claiming that Zionists needed and desired and worked towards dead Jews in order to gain global sympathy for their enterprise.
The pro-Iranian IHRC ( Islamic Human Rights Commission), however, prefer the tactic of declaring a Genocide Memorial Day. This year it is subtitled “Remembering Man’s Inhumanity to Man” and will be held on 20th January. The day’s title enables the IHRC to gently subsume the genocide of European Jewry under the sheer scale of man’s inhumanity to man. Challenge this as sophistry and you are forced into a somewhat nauseating comparative study in human suffering."
Peter Oborne gives a free pass to Palestinian rejectionists
It is astonishing that Oborne's blatantly one-sided account of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which eschews proper context, is allowed to pass for respectable journalism in Britain
"According to a very recent opinion poll carried out by a Ramallah-based research centre, some 88 percent of West Bank Palestinians believed that armed struggle is the right method to achieve independence. This accords with earlier polls which show a majority of Palestinians supporting a two state solution only as a stepping stone to the eventual 'liberation' of Palestine."
"Yet none of this features on Oborne's political radar. In describing his visit to Ramallah, he declares that 'there was not a hint of violent language from Riad Malki, foreign minister of the Palestinian Authority'. (Palestinians are adept at playing the game of public diplomacy, as we know). In other words, the violence and extremism that Oborne so disapproves of can only be found on the Israeli side of the border. This view is so one-sided and sloppy that it beggars belief that any serious journalist could entertain it."
Lee Jasper: 'Israel is racist oppressor'
Respect Party politician Lee Jasper has used the upcoming Holocaust Memorial Day to mount an attack on Israel as a "racist oppressor".
"Mr Jasper, a former equalities adviser to Ken Livingstone and an activist on race relations issues, made the comments about Israel and the Holocaust on his Facebook page.
Writing incorrectly that HMD is today – it is in fact later this week – he said: "We are asked to remember that which Israel has forgotten, that religious & racial hatred is a sin against God."
UK teachers encouraged to join pro-Israel unions
Jewish teachers in the United Kingdom are bring encouraged to join unions to combat anti-Israel rhetoric.
Senior Hamas Commander: We Labor “Day and Night” Educating Children to Become Suicide Bombers (VIDEO)
"On December 18, 2012, senior Hamas commander Zaher Jabarin gave an interview to Hamas’ Al-Quds TV, during which he said Hamas labors “day and night” educating Palestinian children in Gaza to become suicide bombers.
The role of suicide bomber is in high demand amongst children, Jabarin claimed. “The Palestinian youngsters, the resistance and Jihad warriors, fight and quarrel over performing a courageous suicide operation,” he said."
Abbas protests Malaysian prime minister’s Gaza visit
Palestinian Authority president says Abdul Razak’s meetings with Hamas leaders in the Strip undermine his status
"The visit prompted a bitter protest from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who said it undermined his status and that of the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people. Abbas said he was seeking “clarifications” from the Malaysian government."
Canada: Pakistani protesters say: ‘Massacre of Shia Muslims a Zionist plot’
"A large crowd of about 300 men, women and children gathered outside the Pakistani consulate on Jan. 14 to protest against deadly terrorist attacks in Pakistan, which had targetted primarily Shia Muslims.
The messages delivered by most of the speakers at the protest reflected that of the promotional flyer for the event, which stated in part, “Massacre of Shia Muslims; Zionist Plot – Local and Regional Extremist Hands” and “Down with Zionist Plots.”"
Italian MP: Anti-Semites Sitting in EU Parliament
Italian MP Fiamma Nirenstein fights inclusion in EU parliament of representatives from ‘anti-Semitic’ European parties.
"More than 30 MPs in the European Union Parliament stood in protest Monday to express support for a request to keep representatives from anti-Semitic parties out.
The request, filed by Italian MP Fiamma Nirenstein, seeks to challenge the membership of Greek representative Eleni Zaroulia of the Golden Dawn party, and Hungarian MP Tamas Gaudy-Nagy of the Jobbik party."
Israeli doc helps Haitian amputee get groove back
Georges Exantus underwent surgery in Israel after he lost his leg in the 2000 earthquake; today he’s boogying on the dance floor
"Israeli doctors and physical therapists who came to Haiti after the quake sent him to Israel for surgery and rehabilitation.
Three years later, the 31-year-old professional dancer is back on the floor, spinning away as he does the salsa, cha-cha and samba. A prosthetic leg doesn’t hold him back."
Yesh Atid to Make History with First Female Ethiopian MK
Pnina Tamano-Shata, number 14 on the Yesh Atid list, will be the first ever female MK from Ethiopia.
"Pnina Tamano-Shata, number 14 on the Yesh Atid list, made aliyah from Ethiopia at the age of three. She is a lawyer who in the past worked as a reporter on Channel 1 News. Now, she will be making history as an MK. Previous MKs from Ethiopia have all been male."