Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad spoke to Arabstoday exclusively about the Bab al-Shams [“Gate of the Sun” in Arabic] Palestinian protest camp...Sounds like another violation of Oslo by the PA, if anyone still keeps track of those.
Fayyad said that “attacking the village and evacuating it is not the end of the battle. There will be more Bab al-Shams.”
The Prime Minister exclusively told Arabstoday that the Palestinian Authority’s Local Government Minister had been assigned with appointing a special committee for this end - to manage Bab al-Shams and other Occupy-style camps like it, with “all necessary measures” being taken to protect the project.
The good news is that if the PA is now taking over the protests, we know they will go nowhere.
By the way, the name of the area is Mevasseret Adumim.