The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday dismissed a claim by Qaedat al-Jihad that it was responsible forWednesday’s terrorist attack in Burgas.
Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Vesela Cherneva dismissed the previously unknown Islamist group’s assertion of responsibility for the attack in an email sent Saturday to Elnashra, a Lebanese newspaper.
The previously unknown group is a possible affiliate of al-Qaeda, commentators in Israel said Saturday evening, noting its name in Arabic — “Qaedat al-Jihad.”
No Bulgarian officials present to pay respects at Mustafa Kyosev’s funeral
Kyosev, 36, belonged to Bulgaria’s ethnically Turkish, Muslim minority, which comprises 8% of the country’s 7 million people.
He was survived by his wife Emine and 10-year-old daughter.
The Levy Report and the ‘Occupation’ Narrative by Dore Gold
“Levy’s discourse is relevant for the Palestinian side in one important respect. If the Palestinians are constantly fed by the international community the “occupation” narrative, their propensity to consider making a real compromise, which is critical for any future agreement, will be close to nil. In fact, this false narrative only reinforces their mistaken belief in the delegitimization campaign against Israel as an alternative to seeking a negotiated settlement of the conflict. Rather than creating a setting for diplomacy to succeed, it only makes a real Middle Eastern peace more remote than ever.”
Palestine – United Nations Perfidy Exposed by David Singer
“The canard – supported by countless United Nations General Assembly Resolutions – that Jewish settlements in the West Bank are illegal in international law – has been dealt a crushing blow with the the recent release of the Levy Committee Report in Israel rebutting that claim.”[By the way, it's been a couple of weeks since the Levy report was released. Has anyone seen any attempt by its critics to rebut its arguments? - EoZ]
Obama administration sends CIA officers to find biological and chemical weapons in Syria
Israel ‘will have to strike’ if Syrian weapons are moving to Hezbollah, says top analyst
Islamic Jihad leadership abandons Syria for Iran
“Circumstances in war-torn country force terrorist organization to relocate, reports London-based Arabic daily”
BBC pictures reveal more about their attitudes to the Middle East Conflict than they might wish
"With the BBC continuing to report on the Middle East conflict in the way it does - who needs the Balen Report?"
Batsheva Faces Ugly BDS, But The Dire Plight Of Gaza's Christians Is Ignored
“The acclaimed Batsheva Dance Company is due to perform at the Edinburgh Playhouse from 30 August to 1 September as part of the Edinburgh International Festival.
But inevitably the usual suspects have mobilised against the visit – "Don't Dance With Israeli Apartheid" is the name of a Facebook page, for example.”
Pat Condell: American Dhimmi
Egyptian Retired General Ahmad Mansouri: If Iran And Syria Are Attacked, Egypt Will Join Them In Taking Action
Egyptian Screenwriter Wahid Hamed: The Muslim Brotherhood Has Reneged On All The Promises It Made
Israeli scientists see through walls, barriers
"Move over Superman, scientists have found a way to see around corners and through solid materials.”
Also, The Daily Telegraph declares the Galilee Judenfrei