The Mandate for Palestine still matters 90 years later by Eli E. Hertz
"Today marks the 90th anniversary of the League of Nations, the forerunner of the UN, that published the legally binding document the “Mandate for Palestine.” The Mandate’s roots can be traced to the founding of modern Zionism in August 1897 and the Balfour Declaration of November 1917."
Baker defends Levy report in letter to US Jews
Israel Policy Forum warned last month that Levy Report endangered two-state solution; Baker: "You didn't read the report."
What Went Wrong in Munich - PodCast
"How oversensitivity toward Germany’s Nazi past contributed to the murder of 11 Israeli athletes in 1972"
Richard Millett: Just 1 minute, Mr Rogge!
He also covers the memorial plaque ceremony in Hackney.
The Mainstream Media’s War on Israel
"The violent attack on the Jewish state waged by mainstream media, is turning credible news publications into forums for Israel-bashers to delegitimize the state – all under the guise of honest reporting. It is now more apparent than ever that the anti-Israel bias in the media is not just present – it is pervasive."
Who cares about Palestinian human rights?
"In recent days no less than 120 Palestinian homes have been demolished and so you might have thought news of this would have made the headlines as the usual procession of NGOs and their self proclaimed ‘Liberal Zionist’ allies turn out to express the deepest sentiments of condemnation they are able to muster. Yet here in Britain at least these events went completely unreported and of course the reason that they failed to stir even the faintest interest is because the demolitions took place in Gaza and were carried out by Hamas."
Liberman round-up:
Liberman: Transfer of non-conventional weapons to Hezbollah would be ‘clear casus belli’ for Israel
Israel sees no reason to apologize for Marmara incident
Syrian rebels have rejected Israel’s help, Liberman says
Tourism minister says Bulgarians foiled terror plot against Israelis months ago (I covered it then - EoZ)
Abbas to delay Palestinian UN bid until after US elections
Comedy Gold: Syrian rebels burn Palestinian flag, thinking it’s Iranian
"Youtube video shows confusion among Islamist rebels who capture border crossing with Turkey
"Syrian rebels who captured the Bab Al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey last week have been destroying symbols of the old regime and its backers found in the border-control building. But an amateur video posted on Youtube shows the men to be inexpert in distinguishing those they consider allies from those they regard as enemies.”
3,000-year-old wheat traces said to support biblical account of Israelite conquest
"Archaeologist Amnon Ben-Tur claims find at Tel Hazor is a remnant of Joshua’s military campaign in 13th century BCE"
Israeli scientists in the running for worldwide award, even if UNESCO still can’t find Israel
"Despite the fact that Israel does not fit into any of UNESCO’s world groupings, three women still have a chance to win up to $100,000"
Also, Iranian nuke facilities hit by malware that plays AC/DC's "Thunderstruck." (h/t Ken)