Latma Summer Series:
Alone in the dark
The stiff-necked sheikh
Prayer to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the massacre at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich
Antique Pictures of the Western Wall to Be Released Online. How Antique? Think Abe Lincoln's Days
Who Will Save the Christians in the Gaza Strip? by Khaled Abu Toameh
"We only hear voices telling us not make too much noise. Today it is happening in the Gaza Strip, tomorrow it will take place in Bethlehem. In a few months, there will be no Christians left in Palestine." — Christian man, Gaza City
Al Jazeera: Mark Regev on the Bulgaria bus attack (Freudian slip at 4min)
Terror Gives the Lie to Iran’s Pose as Rational Actor by Jonathan S Tobin
More "rationality" from Iran: Iran Could Ban Images Of People Eating Chicken
“As a last resort to fight soaring food prices, a top Iranian official has proposed a ban on images of people eating chicken on television.”
The Arab Education Problem, a Decade On
“A decade ago, the UN’s Arab Human Development Report made waves when it found that “The Arab world translates about 330 books annually, one fifth of the number that Greece translates.” The Report also noted that the Arab world had become a scientific desert:”
What America Gets for Its U.N. Blank Check by John Bolton
Honest Reporting has more on the BBC Olympics site, inc. Mark Regev’s letter: BBC Olympic Coverage Declares East Jerusalem as Palestinian Capital
The BBC's tainted spectacles
“It's of little wonder the BBC has spent eight years and over £270,000 in taxpayers’ money on legal fees to prevent the public from seeing an internal “Balen” report”
An inevitable move: Glenn Greenwald joins Guardian US from Salon
Swiss call for moratorium on death penalties in Gaza - (What about the rockets?)
“Following the hanging of three men by Hamas earlier this week, Geneva says capital punishment is a violation of the most fundamental of human rights”
UK Muslim couple convicted of plotting terror attack on Manchester Jews
“Husband and wife downloaded ‘Make a bomb in the kitchen’ manual from the Internet, cased synagogues and Jewish Agency building”
“This trial has shown the reality of anti-Jewish terrorism in Britain today. It explains why Jewish communities take security and antisemitism seriously,” said Mark Gardner, spokesperson for the Community Security Trust, an organization which provides security advice, infrastructure and manpower to British Jews."
Mellanox provides 562% return on two-year investment
Analysts look ahead at Mellanox, which has provided by far the best return of any technology share on either the TASE or on Wall Street.
Also, the always thought-provoking Diana Muir Appelbaum on Time for Population Separation in Syria.
And the always worthwhile Yaacov Lozowick on his answer to The Map that Lies, and his
NormanF is also asking me to post this.