Here's a statistic that you won't see in research on anti-Semitism, no matter how meticulous the study is. In the first six months of the year, 154 anti-Semitic assaults have been recorded, 45 of them around one village alone.This is the especially dumb argument that has been used by anti-semites for years, purposefully ignoring the definition of anti-semitism and the history of the term. Helen Thomas is only one of the more recent morons to push this argument in order to push her own anti-semitic agenda.
...It's no accident that the diligent anti-Semitism researchers have left out this data. That's because they don't see it as relevant, since the Semites who were attacked live in villages with names like Jalud, Mughayer and At-Tuwani, Yanun and Beitilu. The daily dose of terrorizing (otherwise known as terrorism ) that is inflicted on these Semites isn't compiled into a neat statistical report, nor is it noticed by most of the Jewish population in Israel and around the world - even though the incidents resemble the stories told by our grandparents.
Of course, Hass actually engaged in anti-semitism in the article itself, by saying that "They are grabbing as much land as possible, using pretexts and tricks made kosher by the High Court of Justice."
The weird thing is that while the piece was of course gleefully picked up by the usual Israel-haters, it has disappeared from Ha'aretz' website.
As stupid as the piece is, it is a wonder that this is what Ha'aretz decides crosses the line, after all the vicious invective in the newspaper over the years against Judaism, Israel and Zionism.
(h/t Warped Mirror)
UPDATE: :The article is still on the Hebrew Ha'aretz site. (h/t EOL)