Bulgaria statements:
Peres: Israel will hit terror nests around world
PM Netanyahu
President Obama
Secretary of State Clinton
Candidate Romney
Foreign Secretary Hague
UNWatch: Reactions to Today's Terror Attack on Israeli Tourists in Bulgaria
Nothing yet from Navi Pillay or the UNHRC.
Video: IDF Medical Delegation Arrives at Bulgaria Following Terror Attack
Timeline: Attacks on Jewish and Israeli targets abroad
“Since the terrorist attack on Israel's Olympic team at the Munich games almost 40 years ago, some 300 people have been killed in strikes against Israeli and Jewish targets. A breakdown of terror attacks.”Buenos Aires Bombing Remembered
IOC spurning of memory of murdered Israeli athletes should come as no surprise
"Today, the Palestine Olympic Committee is headed by Jibril Rajoub – himself no stranger to terrorism, having joined Fatah in his youth and been convicted of throwing a grenade at Israeli soldiers in 1970. Rajoub was released from prison in 1985 under the 'Jibril deal' prisoner exchange with the PFLP-GC."
“Neither does Rajoub steer clear of using his sports-related posts as leverage for his political agenda. In June 2012 he demanded that UEFA cancel Israel's hosting of the 2013 European Under-21 Championship and he was active in campaigning on behalf of Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative Mahmoud Sarsak.
As recently as May 2012, Rajoub volunteered to lead a campaign to have Israel expelled from all Olympic unions and committees and stated that he opposes any form of 'normalisation' with Israel, including in the field of sports.”
Anti-Semitism Sweeping France by Peter Martino
“If Europe fails to protect its Jews, it must be feared that soon Christians, too, will no longer feel safe in Europe. When the Jews are made to flee, it will not be long before others will have to flee as well.”
Jihadi Tourism Hits Europe by Soeren Kern
“European security officials are especially concerned about reports that al-Qaeda is recruiting and training Western operatives who have "clean" criminal records and have the ability to travel freely and blend in with European and American cultures.”
According to the BBC, Israel has no capital city
“Taxpayer's money once again funds the delegitimisation of Israel - this time via the Olympics”(UPDATE: BBC changed it, but it is still problematic.
“Israel is the only country listed, correct at the time of writing, that has no capital according to the BBC. Yet they bestow the honour of having East Jerusalem as a capital on the country of ‘Palestine’.”
A reader emailed me:
The Israel and Palestine Olympics pages were somewhat changed now:The Israel page:
Key Facts section:They added:Seat of government: Jerusalem, though most foreign embassies are in Tel Aviv.
The Palestine page:Key Facts section:The word 'capital' was deleted. Instead they now write:Intended seat of government: East Jerusalem. )
Hizbullah Website Features Infographic On Closing The Strait Of Hormuz, Illustrates Iranian Attack On U.S. Aircraft Carrier
Murder Attempt in Hebron
“Late yestaerday afternoon an Arab terrorist threw a boulder at a sixty year old man from Kiryat Arba as he bathed in the Abraham spring at Tel Rumeida in Hebron.”
Islamic militants kill two Egyptian soldiers in Sinai
"Soldiers machine-gunned while patrolling on foot in town near Gaza border"
Banning circumcision in Germany
After district court bans circumcision Chancellor Merkel warns against becoming "only country in the world where Jews cannot practise their rituals"
Also, must read: "Jewish Blood Is Cheap" (Tablet)
Why the IOC refusal [to allow a minute of silence in memory of the Israeli Olympic athletes murdered in 1972]? The Olympic Committee’s official explanation is that the games are apolitical. The families were repeatedly told by long-time IOC President Juan Samaranch that the Olympic movement avoided political issues. He seemed to have forgotten that at the 1996 opening ceremony he spoke about the Bosnian war. Politics were also present at the 2002 games, which opened with a minute of silence for the victims of 9/11.(h/t Yerushalimey)
The families have also been told that a commemoration of this sort was inappropriate at the opening of such a celebratory event. However, the IOC has memorialized other athletes who died “in the line of duty.” At the 2010 winter games, for example, there was a moment of silence to commemorate an athlete who died in a training accident.
The IOC’s explanation is nothing more than a pathetic excuse. The athletes who were murdered were from Israel and were Jews—that is why they aren’t being remembered. The only conclusion one can draw is that Jewish blood is cheap, too cheap to risk upsetting a bloc of Arab nations and other countries that oppose Israel and its policies.