Friday, September 23, 2022

On Thursday:
Eight Israelis were lightly hurt in a suspected terror stabbing attack near the central Israeli city of Modiin on Thursday evening, medics and police said.

Officials said the assailant stopped his vehicle at a traffic light, close to the Shilat junction, and began to open car doors and attack people with a knife and pepper spray.

According to the Magen David Adom ambulance service, two men in separate cars — aged 39 and 23 — were treated for minor stab wounds to their hands.

Another five people — passengers of the two cars — were treated by MDA medics after being maced with pepper spray.

The attacker was shot dead by an off-duty Border Police officer who was in the area, police said.
For some attacks - especially when done by women, which is not the case here - Palestinian media is split between blaming Israel for killing an innocent person or praising the brave shahid.

Here is one of those cases.

The family of the attacker denies that he did anything wrong. His cousin was in another car and saw the whole thing! According to the cousin's father, "They were on the way back to the house, and at a red light, Muhammad [the attacker] got out of the vehicle, Raed [his cousin] did not know the reason."

There you go! A man left his car at a red light and started walking around for unknown reasons, and people were stabbed and pepper sprayed at the same time, but he is innocent because his cousin didn't see him doing anything!

Islamic Jihad is not so ambiguous. 

The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine congratulates the heroic stabbing operation near the “Beit Sira” checkpoint in occupied Ramallah, which was carried out by the heroic holy martyr Muhammad Osama Abu Juma’a (23) yesterday, Thursday, and caused injuries among the Zionist settlers.

We in the Islamic Jihad movement, as we mourn the heroic martyr who left Jerusalem fighting for his religion and his homeland, and performing his duty in the face of the Zionist violations that target our people and our sanctities...

Innocent victim or hero shahid? It depends on your audience. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Hamas is threatening war if any Jew manages to blow a shofar on the Temple Mount.

Palestinian media has been obsessed with Jews blowing the shofar for weeks. It began when Yehuda Glick played a recording on his phone of a shofar blast while visiting the Temple Mount, an event that was widely reported in Arab media as if he played the shofar itself.

Glick was banned from the Temple Mount as a result - something the Arab media did not report - and he therefore decided to blow the shofar from outside, near the eastern wall.

Muslims objected to that as well, and the Israeli police arrested Glick again. But Israeli courts ruled that there is no reason not to blow the shofar outside the Mount. 

Yet when Jews returned to blow the shofar again, they were arrested anyway, for "violating public order."

Five times a day, the loudspeakers on the Temple Mount blast the call of the muezzin at a decibel level 10 times higher than what the most accomplished shofar blower couldn't approach. (The numbers I see are 95 decibels maximum for the shofar but ss high as 110 decibels for muezzin loudspeakers in India, which I suppose are comparable to those on the Temple Mount.) Each muezzin call takes minutes, while the shofar blast takes seconds (except on Rosh Hashanah itself.)

Palestinian fear and anger at shofar blasts is antisemitism, and as if often the case, the proof can be seen in history.

Today, the Palestinians are saying that the spot that Glick blew the shofar is an Islamic cemetery. But back in 2006, they stopped shofar blowers at the Kotel HaKatan - not a Muslim holy place and not a cemetery .

I'm not certain whether Jews blew the shofar at the Kotel before the twentieth century, but I have news articles from 1914 and 1919 about shofar blasts for specific occasions (not on the holidays) to call attention to major events. Apparently, though, the shofar was blown routinely at the Kotel.

In 1929, just as today, Muslims managed to get the police (then British, now Israeli!) to acceded to their demands not to blow the shofar by threatening violence.

But brave Jews risked certain arrest every year from 1930 through 1947 to blow the shofar at the Kotel.

 The Mufti's objection to the shofar was his objection to Judaism. And the Palestinian objection to the shofar today is the exact same thing. 

Hamas says that Jews visiting the Temple Mount with shofars (and the lulav and etrog) will "lead to a battle nobody wants." But what they are really saying is that they hate the idea of Jewish human rights so much that they will go to war to try to prevent them.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Mahmoud Abbas is trying very hard to look like a statesman in New York this week, including his anti-Israel speech he is giving today. And the media for the most part plays their role of treating him with the respect due to the head of a real country.

But among his own people, Abbas is reviled.

In the latest PCPSR poll, we learn:

Level of satisfaction with the performance of president Abbas stands at 26% and dissatisfaction at 71%. Level of satisfaction with Abbas stands at 26% in the West Bank and 26% in the Gaza Strip. (And this is an improvement over three months ago!)

A vast majority of 74% of the public want president Abbas to resign while only 23% want him to remain in office. Demand for Abbas’ resignation stands at 73% in the West Bank and 77% in the Gaza Strip.

If new presidential elections were held today and only two were nominated, Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh, only 46% would participate and from among those, Abbas would receive 38% and Haniyeh 53% of the votes.

The only theoretical candidate that excites people is Marwan Barghouti, the terrorist in Israeli prison convicted in five murders.

 But Palestinians do support Abbas for one thing he did. An overwhelming majority agree with his use of the word "holocausts" to describe how Israel has treated Palestinians. 

Meaning that they might hate everything else about him, but they approve his antisemitism.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, September 22, 2022

From Ian:

Yair Rosenberg: How Not to Talk About the Holocaust
It’s rarely a good sign when the Holocaust trends on social media, and this week was no exception. On Sunday, in an interview with 60 Minutes, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi declared that he needed more evidence to determine whether the Holocaust took place. “There are some signs that it happened,” he said. “If so, they should allow it to be investigated and researched.” That same day, on Twitter, a writer engaging in the usual internecine feuding on the left falsely claimed that America’s entry into World War II accelerated the Holocaust; a pile-on predictably ensued.

As a grandson of Shoah survivors who is named after one of its victims, I certainly found these spectacles discomfiting. But they are far from unique. Indeed, it seems as though every month we are subjected to another politicized paroxysm over the Nazi genocide, in which the millions murdered are victimized once more by partisans who instrumentalize their deaths for contemporary political debates.

To be fair, it can be quite difficult to discuss the Holocaust, a travesty so vast that it defies description. But we can know what not to say. To that end, here is a handy five-point guide explaining how not to talk about the Holocaust. Feel free to share it on social media the next time you see someone trying to dragoon the calamity’s victims into their latest political pet peeve.

1. Don’t compare things to the Holocaust that aren’t the Holocaust. In some senses, this is obvious. Whatever one thinks of them, vaccine passports are not the mechanized murder of millions of Jews and other undesirables. Mask mandates are not the Nuremberg Laws. But these are easy cases.

The truth is, some things do warrant comparison to the Holocaust. Personally, I can think of no more relevant frame for understanding China’s heinous treatment of its Uyghur Muslim population. But just because some things can be likened to the Holocaust doesn’t mean they should be. The reason is sadly simple: When you compare something terrible to the Holocaust, the argument inevitably becomes about the comparison rather than the terrible thing you intended to decry. Instead of raising awareness about an atrocity, you end up distracting from it.

Invoking the Holocaust seems like a shortcut, but it is actually a dead end. The term Holocaust has rhetorical power because so many people already understand its awfulness. By definition, contemporary catastrophes do not have that cachet, and any effective advocate needs to use specifics and facts to impose the urgency of their cause on the public. Skipping this step and jumping straight to Holocaust elides the hard but necessary conversation required to educate and motivate outsiders to action.
Fighting for social justice while ignoring Arab slave masters
The hypocrisy of those purporting to believe in social justice and ranting about white privilege and colonialism is well documented. The antisemitic obsession of those who see Israel as the world's only violator of human rights and declare their fealty to the Palestinians is especially galling given their lack of interest in the abuses committed by Palestinian leaders against their own people, the persecution of Palestinians in Lebanon, and the torture and murder of Palestinians by the Syrian regime. Even more remarkable is the silence of human rights advocates regarding slavery in the Arab world.

The subject received brief notoriety in the 1980s with the publication of John Laffin's book The Arabs as Master Slavers (1982) and Murray Gordon's Slavery in the Arab World (1989). Both traced the history of slavery in the region. Laffin noted that "the slave trade was first begun in Africa by the Arabs; they were the procurers and suppliers" and that "from the earliest period of the history of Islam in Africa, slaves were frequently mentioned as tribute or taxes paid to political superiors."

Laffin quotes The Economist from 1956: "Saudi Arabia seems to be the most guilty as far as 'classical' slavery is concerned." The Saudis were the last to abolish slavery in Arabia – in 1962. Nevertheless, Laffin noted that "by the 1960s slavery in Arabia was flourishing as never before."

Fast forward to the present.

A report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) was just released that found an estimated 50 million people living in modern slavery conditions in 2021, including 3.3 million children. Of these, 28 million are trapped in forced labor and 22 million in forced marriage.

Over 10% of them were in the Arab states, which had the highest rates of forced labor (5.3 per thousand people) and forced marriage (4.9 per thousand people).

According to the Global Slavery Index (GSI), more than 500,000 people are slaves in Arab countries.
Howard Jacobson: The Kveen - An English Jew pays his respects
I have no warrant to talk for other Jews, but if there was one thing about her comportment that spoke to me as a Jew it was precisely this seriousness. Life was not a lark to her.

When Jews speak of being chosen they are not asserting spiritual superiority. The covenant God made with them demanded a renunciation of frivolity and self-assertion in favor of the pursuit of ethical purpose. Call it a covenant of impersonality and disinterestedness. In 1954 the queen entered into a near identically sober and demanding covenant.

British Jews have had good reason to feel safe under the protection of the British royal family. It is well-known that the Duke of Edinburgh’s mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg was honored by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem for hiding Jewish children in her house during World War II. In accordance with her own wishes, she is buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Prince Charles is a regular guest at Jewish charitable events and has spoken out often and eloquently against antisemitism in all its forms. Whether or not the interest the royal family takes in Jews extends to their knowing many or reading the books they write or trying the food they eat, I can’t pretend to know. But atmospherically, by virtue of its principled a-political lukewarmness, the royal family seems to promise refuge.

The queen herself had less to say, in public anyway, on these matters. But it served her well to be above the fray, not only above politics, which ends up muddying whoever it touches, but above definitiveness. Wasn’t it some such symbolic abstraction that was enjoined on her when she was anointed in quasi-Old Testament language? The God of the Jews is invisible, an idea, the more sacred for being impalpable and quite probably not there at all. Whenever I looked at a portrait of the queen, or heard her speak, I thought I saw, not indifference to the storms that shook the country, but the dispassionateness of someone who listened to a higher authority than parliament or the people.
Palestinian site AlKhanadeq has been digging up some bizarre history.

Some contemporary writers attribute “Zionism” to Mount Zion in Jerusalem, and that it was born in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. However, the truth indicates that it was a product of the twelfth century AD, as it appeared among the “Khazar Jews,” a people of Turkish origin. Their influence extended between the Black Sea in the west, the Caspian Sea in the east, which bore their name, the Caspian Sea, and from the Caucasus in the south to the Volga in the north. In the year 740 AD, the Khazar king, his court and his military embraced the Jewish religion, and Judaism became - the official state religion - among the Khazars, and it was a unique matter of its kind among the pagans. Thus, the "Jews of the Khazars" considered themselves "God's chosen people" who had the "right of return" to the "Promised Land" of Palestine.

Historian Arthur Koestler says in his book "The Khazar Empire and Its Legacy, the Thirteenth Tribe" that "there is another small matter related to the subject of the Khazars, which is a semi-mythical matter close to historical folklore, and still lives to this day. In Khazaria there was a messianic movement, and it was a primitive attempt aimed at reclaiming Palestine by force of arms. They say, “It is the time when God will gather His people, the people of Israel, from all the countries to Jerusalem, the holy city,” and they mention that “Solomon son of Doji is Elijah” (one of the prophets of the Torah), and that his son is the awaited Savior.

It is clear that these invitations were addressed to the Jewish groups in the Middle East, and their influence appears to have been weak. Because the next step was not taken until about twenty years later, when the young "Menachem" called himself "Daoud al-Ruy" and made his title "The Waiting Savior". Although this movement was born in Khazaria, it soon moved to Kurdistan, where the so-called "David" gathered a large armed force, including local Jews with the help of the Khazars, and they succeeded in taking a position for them in the fortified forest of Ahadi to the north-east of Mosul, and perhaps He hoped to lead his army from there to Edessa (Edessa) to reach by force through Syria to the Holy Land.
The author is claiming that David Alroy, a fairly famous false messiah, was the first person to want to lead Jews back to Israel - and he was a Khazar, not really Jewish. Therefore, Zionism itself has nothing to do with Judaism and is only a fake movement created by fake Jews!

I've seen some claim that Alroy  was a Khazar, but I have seen no evidence of that - he lived centuries after the Khazar kingdom fell and he lived in Persia, not former Khazaria. So this entire theory seems bogus to begin with.

Moreover, the history of Jewish false messiahs who tried to lead Jews back to Israel predates Alroy by centuries.  If that is evidence of the root of Zionism as the movement to return Jews to Israel, then Zionism goes back to the days of Bar Kochba!

The author also claims that the Star of David was first used by Alroy as well.

There is a great desire by some Palestinians to say that everything about Judaism and Zionism is fake. The theory comes first, and the "evidence" comes later. 

Which is pretty much what antisemitism is.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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mosquitoCairo, September 22 - Egyptian scientists claimed today to have blown the lid off a longtime operation through which Zionists have conducted a clandestine project to gather, process, and exploit Arab genetic material in the development and manufacture of terrible warfare methods to use against Palestinians and other enemies: miniature drones that look and act like a stinging insect but no such insect exists in nature.

Entomologists at the University of Cairo announced today that they have confirmed a hypothesis several researchers posited years ago, namely that the Anopheles mosquito, the most common variety that collects blood from humans, emerged not millions of years ago through natural evolution, but at most several centuries ago through the vile machinations of a Jewish laboratory cabal bent on suppressing, controlling, and eliminating the native Arab population of the Levant in an effort to displace them.

"We've finally been able to confirm one of our leading theories," declared lead researcher Dr. Daoud Trustmi. "It turns out that there are literally hundreds of species of mosquito, almost none of which take blood from humans. But we're supposed to believe there's this tiny handful of them that just happens to like human blood, when literally hundreds of millions of other animals are out there, and in much greater numbers? Sus."

"We knew there was something wrong with the way everyone just assumed human-attracted mosquitos were a natural thing," he continued. "So we applied one of the tried-and-true methods of virtuous crusaders - pardon the loaded term - for truth that most people dismiss as crackpots: qui bono? Who stands to benefit? Since Zionists stand to benefit from such a scheme, that must be proof of its existence. the same flawless logic stands at the foundation of everything we know about 9-11, for example."

Dr. Trustmi acknowledged the clever propaganda move by Zionists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in planting trees to drain the malaria-infested swamps of Palestine. "They got everyone thinking they were opposed to mosquito-borne diseases and such," he explained. "But the whole time it was all a ruse to get us all to let our guard down. Who would suspect the very people who eliminated so many mosquito-borne pathogens of using mosquitos to further their imperialistic designs?"

The research team offered a hat tip to American activists fighting an uphill battle to convince the public that birds do not exist anymore, having been replaced over the last century by government drones to spy on the populace.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Ruthie Blum: The slaughter of Shulamit Ovadia and the myth of ‘lone wolf’ terrorism
Why was the Holon terrorist not on Israel's security radar?
THE SECOND reason given for Sarsour’s not having been on the security radar is his lack of a record for past terrorist activity. This raises a serious question about those terrorists allowed to roam freely among the Israelis in their proverbial and literal crosshairs.

Speaking of which, Sarsour was picked up and questioned by police twice in the past few weeks, clearly as a result of his looking or behaving in a suspicious manner. But he was released both times after authorities saw that his permit to seek work in Israel – was valid.

Were his interrogators unable to discern that he was mentally unstable? Or did they not consider this to be relevant, despite the fact that such a guy would likely wind up with a construction job requiring sharp tools that could be used as weapons?

A third justification presented for Sarsour’s having slipped through the proverbial cracks is that he was not known to belong to any particular terrorist group. In other words, he was a “lone wolf” who acted on his own at the spur of the moment and without prior warning.

This, too, makes one wonder. Why aren’t all terrorists who exhibit their admiration for or affiliation with Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad or ISIS behind bars from the first minute that they’re detected?

A crucial source, aside from informants working for or with the Shin Bet (Israel Security Service), is social media.

After all, it’s not only the official Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other pages of the above organizations that are filled with incitement to terrorism and praise for those who succeed in killing Jews. Many individuals, as well, proudly announce their intention to become “martyrs” for Allah by murdering Israeli soldiers and civilians. Some even craft final wills and testaments before setting out, with guns or butcher knives in hand, to engage in the slaughter of passersby.

Lapid tells UN Palestinian state right for Israel but can't be terror base
The future Palestinian state that will exist next to Israel must be peaceful and not terror-based, Prime Minister Yair Lapid told the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday afternoon, just before returning to Israel.

"If that condition is met then the best path forward is "an agreement with the Palestinians, based on two states for two peoples," Lapid said.

This "is the right thing for Israel's security, for Israel's economy and for the future of our children."

His statement about a future Palestinian state and his affirmation of a two-state resolution to the conflict, markers the strongest language that an Israeli premier has used with regard to Palestinian sovereignty since the days of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. It is the first since 2016 that an Israeli leader has spoken of the two-state solution when addressing the UNGA.

"Despite all the obstacles, still today a large majority of Israelis support the vision of this two-state solution. I am one of them," Lapid said.

"We have only one condition: That a future Palestinian state will be a peaceful one.

That it will not become another terror base from which to threaten the well-being, and the very existence of Israel," Lapid said.

"Peace is not a compromise. It is the most courageous decision we can make.
Full text of Lapid’s 2022 speech to the UN General Assembly
Israel’s economic and military strength allows us to protect ourselves but it also allows us something else: To strive for peace with the entire Arab world. And with our closest neighbors – the Palestinians.

An agreement with the Palestinians, based on two states for two peoples, is the right thing for Israel’s security, for Israel’s economy and for the future of our children.

Peace is not a compromise.
It is the most courageous decision we can make.
Peace is not weakness.
It embodies within it the entire might of human spirit.
War is surrender to all that is bad within us.
Peace is the victory of all that is good.

Despite all the obstacles, still today a large majority of Israelis support the vision of this two state solution. I am one of them.

We have only one condition: That a future Palestinian state will be a peaceful one.
That it will not become another terror base from which to threaten the well-being, and the very existence of Israel.
That we will have the ability to protect the security of all the citizens of Israel, at all times.

If someone believes that demand is too much, then look at the neighborhood in which we live:
Look at Lebanon, a collapsing state controlled by Hezbollah.
At Syria, where a murderous regime massacred half a million of its own people.
Look at Afghanistan.
At Libya.
At Iran.

You can ask us to live according to the values in the UN Charter, but you cannot ask us to die for them.
Lapid faces backlash for reported plan to back two-state solution in UN address
Lawmakers harshly criticized Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Wednesday after it was revealed that he would call for the two-state solution in his upcoming address at the United Nations General Assembly.

One of the most prominent voices opposing the plan was that of Prime Minister-designate Naftali Bennett, Lapid's closest ally and partner in the interim government.

"The path I led as prime minister was not to quarrel with the whole world unnecessarily, but also not to fold unnecessarily. There is no place or logic to bringing back the idea of a Palestinian state.

"By the way, who are we talking about when we talk about Palestinians? About the Hamas terror organization, which is supported by the majority of Palestinians? About the Islamic Jihad? Or about [PA leader Mahmoud] Abbas who in his free time denies the Holocaust and pays murderers? They themselves are deeply conflicted and light years away from being able to govern.

"The year is 2022, not 1993. Even the true friends of the State of Israel do not expect us to compromise on our security and our future," he wrote on Twitter ... Therefore, empty slogans like 'two states' should remain in the 90s, along with many other fads that have faded away."

Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked also expressed criticism, saying that as interim Prime Minister, Lapid had "no public legitimacy to entangle Israel with statements that will harm the country."

The Likud party blasted the prime minister as well: "After Lapid established the first Israeli-Palestinian government, now he wants to establish a Palestinian state … and hand over territories from our homeland to our enemies. For years, [Benjamin] Netanyahu managed to remove the Palestinian issue from the world agenda, and Lapid brought Abbas back to the forefront in less than a year."

Calling the two-state solution "a deviant idea," head of the far-right Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich accused Lapid of "inviting international pressure on Israel to promote a step that is nothing less than suicide for the state" and Defense Minister Benny Gantz of bringing "Abbas back to the center of the political stage."

Justice Minister Gideon Sa'ar, who is a member of Gantz's State Party, also expressed opposition, saying, "Establishing a terror state in Judea and Samaria will endanger Israel's national security. Most of the people in Israel and their representatives will not allow this to happen."
Lapid expected to call for two-state solution during UN address

  • Thursday, September 22, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
PreOccupied Territory, our humor columnist since 2014, has released a book, "In the Biblical Sense:PreOccupied Territory Reads The Hebrew Scriptures"

Each short chapter is in the format of their articles published here and on their website, with the same Onion-type fake newspaper format and sardonic humor. Many chapters are new material.

The theme of the book is indeed the Hebrew scriptures, as each article goes in Biblical chronological order to illuminate today's absurdities.

For example, here are some chapter titles:

Report: Biblical Deluge Caused by Zionists Opening Dams
UN: Abraham Used Excessive Force in Pursuing 4 Armies with His 318 Men
Lot's Daughters to Skip Next Family Trip to Dead Sea
Shepherd's Union Says Jacob Violated Regulations by Moving Rock off Well Alone
Swedish Minister Urges Jacob to See Rape of Dina as Cultural Misunderstanding
J-Street Urges Goodwill Gesture of Letting Pharaoh Slay Some Babies
Egyptian Officials Call Egyptian Enslavement, Murder of Hebrews "Legitimate Resistance"
Daylight Saving Time Screws Up Accuracy of Moses's Firstborn-Death Prediction
God’s Manna Supervision Not Good Enough for Man Who Only Eats BaDaTz
Ancient Palestinians Tired of Zionist Time-Travelers Planting Jewish Evidence
Peace Now Slams Joshua, David, for Promoting Settlement Beyond Green Line
Archaeologists Find the Synagogue King David Would NOT Attend
Jeroboam Quits Judah To Form Yet Another Political Party
Babylonians Graciously Offer Jewish Exiles Perpetual Second-Class Status, Occasional Genocide
The author is an expert punmeister, and the names given to the people "quoted" and "organizations" mentioned evoke groans from normal people. Like J-Street's  "Jeremy Ben-Ami" - it is brilliant irony to name a leading anti-Israel activist "son of my nation." 

Wait, he's REAL?

I admit many of the puns fly over my head, but I'm sure I would groan if I understood them. 

Anyway, if you like PreOccupied Territory's weekly posts here, you'll love this book.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



No, the headline is not hyperbole.

Amad reports that the Council of Arab Information Ministers held its 52nd meeting on Thursday, and the top of the agenda is  "continuing Arab media support for the Palestinian cause, at the center of which is occupied Jerusalem....emphasizing all decisions related to the Palestinian cause, and working to keep the issue of Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Islamic and Christian holy sites alive in the minds and hearts of Arabs and Muslims through media awareness programs." 

Abu Rudeineh, representing the PA, said that "the current battle taking place on the Palestinian land is the vision and Arabism of Jerusalem, noting that there is a movement on the international arena to confirm that East Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Palestine, and that there are Palestinian Islamic and Christian people and sanctities, which calls for collective Arab action to support the Palestinian vision and expose the Israeli lies targeting the city and its people."

There was a somewhat interesting autotranslation, where he added that a mini-committee will meet to set up mechanisms for urgent action on the international scene "to reveal the Israeli facts and establish the Palestinian narrative."

Indeed, Israel has facts and Palestinians only have a narrative. And the "information ministers" - really, propaganda ministers who can tell news media what to cover - are ready to push those lies. 

They also want to make May 11 a "global day of solidarity with the Palestinian media, which coincides with the anniversary of the assassination of the media martyr, Sherine Abu Akleh, as an expression of absolute solidarity with all Palestinian journalists and media professionals." 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



The Jerusalem Post reported:

Diplomatic delegations from Pakistan and Indonesia are both in Israel for secret visits this week, according to Pakistani news reports on Monday.

The Pakistani delegation is headed by Pakistani-American Nasim Ashraf, a former minister of state in former prime minister Pervez Musharraf 's government.

During their visit to Israel, the Pakistani delegation was given tours across Israel. They are also scheduled to meet with President Isaac Herzog later this week, the report added.

The Indonesian delegation in Israel is headed by a "senior official." Reports of a diplomatic presence of the two most populous Muslim nations in the world in Israel come amid recent warming of ties between Israel and Indonesia.

 The Indonesian Foreign Ministry denied any such visit. 

Whether it is true or not, Arabs are taking the report seriously. This is especially in the wake of Turkish president Erdogan restoring relations with Israel and even saying he wants to visit Israel. Together with the second anniversary of the Abraham Accords, anything seems possible.

The combined Muslim population of Indonesia and Pakistan is higher than the combined population of Arab states, and having those two countries normalize relations with Israel would be a staggering psychological blow for the holdout Arab nations - they would be in the minority of Muslims worldwide!

And even if Indonesia and Pakistan only warm up relations without making them official, it points to a pattern that the anti-Israel crowd cannot downplay, much as they want to. Even unofficial relations and trade ensure Israel is considered a permanent part of the Middle East, and when countries stand to lose Israeli trade and scientific expertise they will think twice about trying to treat Israel as a pariah again.

The Abraham Accords broke open the dam, and the flood of new relationships with Israel cannot be easily stopped.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Ramallah News reports:
Member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, Osama al-Qawasmi, announced the agenda of President Mahmoud Abbas, while he was in New York, to participate in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly.

The goal of President Abbas's meetings before his expected speech is to expose Israel's crimes, to inform the international community in the latest developments, and to present the Palestinian vision for the solution and the steps that the Palestinian leadership will take.

He pointed out that the Palestinian leadership held a series of round-the-clock meetings with heads of state, foreign ministers, and international institutions to put them in a picture of the situation and the political impasse it has reached.
How successful has Abbas been so far in arranging these meetings?

Here is a list of everyone he met with so far, as of Wednesday night:

Ronald Lauder of the World Jewish Congress
The Prime Minister of Spain
The Secretary General of the UN
The head of the ICRC
The king of Jordan
The Foreign Minister of Norway
The President of Nigeria
The Foreign Minister of Algeria
A group of Palestinian Americans

This is not exactly an All Star team of world leaders. And it also isn't exactly "around the clock."

(UPDATE: On Thursday, Wafa reported that Abbas met with some other leaders during a reception at the American Museum of Natural History. They included Libyan President Mohamed Al-Manfi, UK Prime Minister Liz Truss, and Prime Minister of Malta Robert Abella. It is difficult to know whether his "meeting" with Truss was a handshake.)

The world still pays lip service to supporting the Palestinian cause, but the reality is that their intransigence, support for terror and division has turned most nations off.

The main advantage for the Palestinians is modern antisemitism, as we see in human rights groups and the "progressive" crowd. That isn't petering out at all - it continues to grow.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

From Ian:

Dara Horn: Why Democracies Are So Slow to Respond to Evil
In his new series The U.S. and the Holocaust, the documentarian Ken Burns explores exactly how little America did to help Jews flee Hitler’s Europe before and during World War II. Dara Horn writes in her review:

The question of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s role in all of this has been fertile ground for historians for decades. Burns has a soft spot for Franklin and Eleanor, the subjects of one of his prior films, and here he treats them with kid gloves, blaming most of the missteps on State Department antagonists. The series makes a point of . . . showing Nazi rallies in New York, clips of the popular anti-Semitic broadcaster Father Charles Coughlin, and colorized footage of a Nazi-themed summer camp in New Jersey. But the film goes out of its way to outline the pros and cons of Roosevelt’s decisions, leaving his reputation intact.

To be clear, Roosevelt is an American icon and deserves to remain one. The problem with this approach is less about Roosevelt (there are plenty of convincing arguments in his favor, not least that he won the war) than about how it contradicts the rest of the film’s premise. The goal of the series is seemingly to reset America’s moral compass, using hindsight to expose the costs of being a bystander. But every bystander, including Roosevelt, can explain his choices. The film’s refusal to judge the commander in chief plays into a larger political pattern: offering generosity only toward those we admire.

The Nazis lost their war against the Allies, but they won their war against the Jews. Judaism survived Nazism, just as it outlived its many other oppressors. But Jewish life in Europe never recovered and almost certainly never will. That is the meaning of genocide.

Standing Tall as IDF Fighters Where Our Families Were Murdered
Shaul and Mina Sterngast, who lived Krakow, had eight children. One of them, Romek, was my grandfather. He caught the Zionist bug, as did some of his siblings, and together they made aliyah to Mandatory Palestine before World War II. The rest of the family stayed in Poland. They were rounded up in the ghetto and then, like the entire community, were murdered in Auschwitz. Their execution at the gas chambers was also the death of humanity, justice, and morality.

I visited the home of my family this week. It still stands. For a moment, I could imagine the kids hurriedly descending the wooden stairs as they headed down to play in the yard or the special aura one would sense when the household's Shabbat preparations got underway.

But it was also easy to imagine how the family members were brutally hit as they were forced down those very stairs. When I entered the main hall in the Auschwitz crematorium, with 16 battalion commanders from the IDF standing next to me, I was overcome with emotion. I know them personally; they represent what's best about Israelis. They decided to dedicate their lives to the most important thing there is. Many had family members who were murdered in the Holocaust, and now – having flown directly from Tel Aviv and their shoes still bearing some dust from the Land of Israel – they stand at the shallowest and darkest place in human history as the spearhead of Israel's defense force.

At the very place where our families became ashes, we now stand tall as armed soldiers; in the very place where our clothes had a yellow Star of David, we now have insignia to mark the operations and wars in which we defeated our enemies - in the distant past or in the present. Each one of the battalion commanders and officers represents unique military power; each one has fought and defended Israel and each one continues to engage in combat and fight the threats facing our country, all the while working to bolster the armed forces.

As we stand in the cabins of death, we feel an increased sense of duty. From here one cannot escape the thought that we have a treasure in Israel – its institutions, its military, and its culture, as well as all of its accomplishments – and that its safeguarding must be of paramount concern.

(photo: Aharon Epstein)

Vatikin—the sunrise prayer service—was a revelation. I’d thought about it before—about getting up at the crack of dawn to pray with the faithful on the High Holidays. And the idea held some appeal. I liked the idea that I’d be finished with the endless hours of holiday prayer way before the rest of my family. I’ve always been the sort of person who prefers to get things out of the way.

I pictured it like this: I’d finish davening and be free as a bird. I could see myself in that space, in the afterglow of duty fulfilled. I could wiggle my toes and rest on the cool bed linen to rest until the afternoon meal.

I also just liked imagining myself as someone who rushes to shul to beg for another year from God, the very moment when it becomes possible to do so. I liked seeing myself as a zealot, at least in this matter if not in others. But the idea remained something I toyed with only. Vatikin was for me, a vague temptation, but not an altogether persuasive one. My bed was too comfortable, the hour of departure too dark. I’d stay in bed rather than stumble about and wake everyone, possibly hurting myself in the process of getting to shul on time.

The catch was that a seat in shul costs a hefty sum. And while our 12 kids are now grown, back then, finding a way to seat us all was a serious problem. You would have had to be a millionaire to pay for 14 seats. And so I decided to give the sunrise minyan a try, because the seats at the Vatikin minyan are free.

As it turned out, I liked the Vatikin service for its own sake, irrespective of cost or lack of same. In a Vatikin minyan, every congregant is absorbed in the act of prayer. No one is yawning with boredom or riffling the pages of the mahzor prayer book to see how much longer we have to mumble before we can go home and eat.

Vatikin is a pleasure. It’s prayer without vanity or status. You wear your comfortable shoes because prayer—and not your Manolo Blahniks—are what counts. It's one of the pleasures of Vatikin that begin before you even get to shul. Imagine —if you are of the gender that wears them—not having to walk to shul in heels. 

As a child I was a morning person,  who liked to greet the sun and the promise of the new day ahead. But the dark was equally enchanting. The night was fireflies blinking in your hands and the hope that our mothers would give us a little longer before calling us in for bedtime. Night was both quiet and loud, with purple-black skies and crickets that were heard but not seen. Now, as an adult, I find that Vatikin holds all of these elements, elements of morning and night.

I have to tell you what it feels like to get up before dawn, when all is dark, and everyone else is fast asleep. You get ready in silence and leave quietly, armed with your supplies—tissues, a scarf for kneeling on, a bottle of water, and a High Holiday prayer book—in a plastic bag slung over the crook of your arm. As you walk out under the glow of the street lamps, you feel caught somewhere between the light and dark, in the hush of your own private world.

As you inch closer to the building designated for the Vatikin service, you see, here and there, others who like you, have ventured out into the silent dark to be first at prayer. One may nod at an acquaintance, but mostly all are quiet, intent on getting to the main task of the day: prayer. Besides, it’s too early to talk.

Once inside the building, we concentrate on the task at hand, heads to our books. And at a point somewhere between the prayers—it always surprises me when it happens—I look up from the page to see through the window that night has become day and I have missed the moment. 

Sunup is like that: like a watched pot of water that never boils. You look away for a second, and that’s when it chooses to happen. That’s when light comes to slowly lift the coverlet of night, to peek into the windows of a small room somewhere in the Judean Wilderness. The light rises in company with the voices of a handful of supplicants, raised in prayer.

I have always felt that the in-between times of night and day are different in Israel, where night and day seem to tussle for pride of place. You still hear the dissonant call of the muezzin creeping in through your open bedroom window, even as the dew begins to sparkle on the golden stones of Jerusalem with the first light of dawn. 

The light in Israel is big and powerful, the night forcing your gaze upward. As you look up at the stars, you wonder why the hairs on your arms are standing up and if you really belong in this, deserve to be in this: the holiest spot on earth.

These doubts have no place in the Vatikin minyan; there's no oxygen for them to breathe. There's always this moment when the congregation lifts its voice in prayer, and your heart fills, because now you know that you belong here in this room with these people, and the only light that matters is the light that comes from prayer.

Shana Tova to all my readers, their families, and friends. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

Biden at UNGA: ‘Give the Palestinians State to Which They Are Entitled
President Joe Biden told world leaders on Wednesday that the US is committed to Israel’s security, “full stop” — but in his next breath advocated for citizens of the Palestinian Authority to be given “the state to which they are entitled.”

In his remarks to the United Nations General Assembly, Biden said, “We will continue to advocate for lasting, negotiated peace between the Jewish and democratic State of Israel and the Palestinian people.

“The United States is committed to Israel’s security, full stop.

“And a negotiated two-state solution remains in our view the best way to ensure Israel’s security and prosperity for the future and give the Palestinians the state to which they are entitled.

“Both sides to fully respect the equal rights of their citizens. Both people enjoying an equal measure of freedom and dignity.”

Biden waited until the final ten minutes of his 81-minute speech to drop that bombshell.
Saudis invite PA, not Israel to UN ministerial meeting on Arab Peace Initiative
Saudi Arabia hosted a closed ministerial meeting at the United Nations on Tuesday marking the 20th anniversary of the proposal of the Arab Peace Initiative, two Arab diplomats confirmed to The Times of Israel.

Representatives from almost every member in the Arab League, including the Palestinians, attended the meeting, while Israel did not receive an invitation. The Saudi Al Arabiya news outlet, which broke the story, said that the US sent Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf and that the UK and several EU countries were also represented at the evening session.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borell, Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan and Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit addressed the session, Al Arabiya reported.

Ministers are slated to discuss proposals to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process based on the Arab Peace Initiative and similar plans, one Arab diplomat told The Times of Israel.

The holding of such a session and its attendance by such senior diplomats from the Middle East, the EU and the US appears to represent a blow to Israeli efforts to dismiss the initiative as an outdated formula for peace.

An Israeli official familiar with the meeting dismissed it as a “low-level initiative,” adding that Israel “was not invited and we will not comment on it.”
Iranian president tells UN that Israel is most ‘savage power’ in Middle East
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called Israel a “savage power” and insisted his country’s nuclear program is peaceful in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday.

Raisi further said the US had trampled the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers. He also vowed to obtain justice for the US assassination of Qassem Soleimani, a top Iranian general killed by a drone strike in 2020.

“The region has not seen an occupying savage power such as the Zionist regime in its midst in the past,” Raisi said. “The killing of children and women are present in the dark report card of the Zionist regime. It has managed to form the biggest prison in the world in Gaza and the expansion of settlements and housing illegally on Palestinian territories.”

“The killing of Palestinian women and children shows everyone that seven decades of Israeli occupation and savagery is still with us and not ending,” the Iranian president added. “The occupying Zionist power that has occupied Jerusalem and other lands in the region cannot be a partner for security and stability.”

He proposed a vote by all Palestinians — “Muslim, Christians and Jews” — to establish a single state. The suggestion comes in contrast to the two-state solution favored by Western nations and their allied Middle Eastern countries led by Saudi Arabia.

Raisi addressed the UN General Assembly as talks to revive the Iranian nuclear deal approached a take-it-or-leave-it moment.


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