Tuesday, November 06, 2012

  • Tuesday, November 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Anti-Israel Speaker Whitewashes Palestinian Terrorism in Harvard Talk
"Speaking on Palestinian terrorism, including rockets and suicide bombings, Buttu downplayed the lethality of Qassam rockets, claiming “Qassams don’t have an explosive head” and claimed that no “grad rockets were fired in 2008 and 2009,” according to CAMERA."

UN Watch: Ken Roth Flip-Flop: HRW Promised ICC Wouldn’t Target Israel, Yet Now Lobbies for It
"In 2001, when trying to convince Americans to buy into the ICC, Human Rights Watch promised one thing; now it actively lobbies for the opposite.
Today, Human Rights Watch director Ken Roth criticized a New York Times editorial that he says “ignores key effect of Palestine observer state: possibility of joining [the] ICC and deterring both sides’ war crimes.”

British TV show airs Israeli think-tank’s upbeat simulation of attack on Iran
Channel 4′s ‘Dispatches’ screens footage of recent ‘war game,’ raises questions about whether Israel’s top strategists are overly optimistic about the outcome of a strike
"An Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities could set back the country’s nuclear program by three years — at least according to the scenario used as the basis for a “war game” conducted by a leading Israeli think tank, the Institute for National Security Studies, in late September."

Iran not cooperating with inspection of nuclear sites, IAEA chief says
‘We cannot conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities,’ Yukiya Amano warns

Iran says three Arab countries let Israel use their air space to strike in Sudan
Tehran’s foreign minister says countries were told in advance of last month’s attack on Khartoum munitions factory

Obama’s personal emissary holding secret talks with Iran, Israeli paper claims
Iranian-born special adviser Valerie Jarrett said to be negotiating with representative of Tehran’s supreme leader Khamenei

It's about time Cameron made an official visit to Israel
As a key trading partner, a key security partner and the only legitimate and inclusive democracy in the region, Cameron has an obligation to make an official visit to Israel
"After all, Israel is the UK's largest individual trading partner in the Near East and North Africa. We are ranked 1st in Europe and 3rd in the world for exports from Israel and have done so for a number of years.
Over the past 10 years, the value of bilateral trade in both directions has increased by 60 percent from £2.3bn to over £3.7bn and over the last three years, it has increased by 75 percent.

Why is David Cameron trying to sell weapons to Arabs and not Israelis?

Turkey tries Israeli commanders in absentia, seeks 18,000-year sentence
Jerusalem dismisses Mavi Marmara case as ‘show trial’ and ‘political theater’

3 soldiers injured by explosion on Gaza border
IDF troops attacked while conducting routine sweep near Kibbutz Nirim; Kassam rocket lands in south

Israeli ambassador demands UN intervention in Syrian truce violations
IDF on heightened alert on northern border due to spillover from civil war
"Israel’s ambassador to the UN sent a strongly worded letter to the secretary general of the UN and the UN Security Council president on Monday protesting a “grave violation” of the treaty between Israel and Syria.
Three Syrian tanks entered the demilitarized zone separating Israel and Syria on Saturday and on Monday an IDF jeep patrolling the Golan Heights was struck by gunfire from Syria."

Hanne Nabintu Herland’s lecture at JCPA in Jerusalem: How the Radical Left turned Norway into the most Anti-Semitic country in the West
"I believe, that were the Norwegian people given a balanced, just information from an informative objective angle instead of the dividing harsh propaganda from the Radical Left that has dominated the Norwegian public now for so long, we would see great change in public opinion. And at the moment, the majority of Norwegians push for political change in the next election in 2013."

Jewish Family Attacked in Marseille, France
The father of a Jewish family was badly beaten and the family home was completely trashed on Sunday by local youths in Marseille, France.

Churchill bust unveiled in capital
Bronze statue of wartime British PM installed opposite the Old City in recognition of his support for a Jewish state

  • Tuesday, November 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
On November 26, the bones of Palestinian Arab terrorist leader Yasir Arafat are being dug up.

Given the withering disapproval that Mahmoud Abbas has been getting for declaring that he would no longer want to live in Safed, this is an opportunity for another set of elections in the territories - and Arafat's bones should run.

Why not elect the skeleton of the only leader they ever had and who they romantically pine for? The bag of bones would win in a landslide!

There are other advantages to keeping Arafat's bones above ground.

He can be counted on not to make the same mistakes on TV that Abbas made. And his speeches will be less boring than Abbas'.

He is not in danger of being assassinated by Israel.

His political positions will never change, showing the strength of conviction that Arabs admire so much.

World leaders can invite Dead Arafat to their state dinners and UN events, just like the old days. He'll be praised as a moderate by New York Times columnists and "Middle East experts," just like the old days.

And Suha will get just as much love and affection as she did from him when he was alive.

No one will dare protest against such a revered figure, and Hamas would be rendered ineffective against the charisma of Arafat's corpse.

The new dead Arafat can no longer steal hundreds of millions of dollars from his beloved people.

There is a decent chance that he would win another Nobel Peace Prize.

From Israel's perspective, Arafat's corpse won't negotiate - but then again, neither did Abbas, so there is no change there. And new dead Arafat will not lie as much as either Abbas or the old Arafat. He also can't secretly mastermind terror sprees.

I think this is an idea whose time has come.

  • Tuesday, November 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Leave it to AFP to find an anti-Israel angle in this story:
Police in the Gaza Strip on Monday captured a crocodile that roamed the sewerage system of a town in the north of the enclave, the Palestinian territory's Hamas rulers said.

"The Palestinian police were able to use a boat to catch a crocodile that was hiding in the sewerage system in the town of Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip," the Hamas interior ministry said in a statement.

"The crocodile, which was 1.7 metres long, was captured alive after intense and difficult attempts following complaints from residents that their lives were in danger," it added.

An official in the area said the crocodile was transferred to the Gaza Zoo.

Rajab al-Naqah, the head of waste water treatment in Beit Lahiya, said the crocodile had escaped two years ago, when it was still small, from a nearby zoo to take up residence in the facility, where it threatened people.

Witnesses said the crocodile had attacked cattle that grazed nearby.

Gaza's water sewerage system has deteriorated over the years, notably because of the Israeli blockade on the Palestinian territory and its devastating 22-day war on militant rocket fire launched in December 2008.
So the crocodile was able to slither around Gaza's sewers because of Israel's blockade?

Not only that, but Israel has allowed plenty of materials for Gaza sewage and waste treatment programs to be transferred to Gaza since Cast Lead, something AFP could have found out quite easily if they just made a phone call.

That last gratuitous paragraph shows that AFP simply cannot resist blaming Israel for literally everything bad that happens in the territories.

Even escaped crocodiles.

By the way, even Al Jazeera couldn't find an anti-Israel angle to the Gaza crocodile story.

Surprisingly, none of the Arab media has found out yet that the croc was a Mossad agent.

(h/t Gidon Shaviv)
  • Tuesday, November 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Quds al Arabi has an interview with Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, which sheds some light on how some Palestinian Arab leaders are thinking.

Zaki said that as soon as "Palestine" is accepted as a non-member state in the UN, then Oslo is officially dead, presumably because Oslo was an accord between Israel and the PLO, and the PLO would be superseded by "Palestine."

Zaki calls for a Palestinian Arab conference to be held after the UN vote to determine next steps. He doesn't  address whether Hamas would have a place at such a conference.

Like other PalArab leaders, he is making the false assumption that the UNGA can assign borders to the non-member state of "Palestine," which it cannot legally do.

Zaki also discussed the idea of "Palestine" federating with Jordan, which PLO official Farouk Kaddumi recently suggested. Zaki said that this is of course a possible option - but now is not the time to talk about it. Apparently, the PLO knows quite well that independence was never its goal - destroying Israel has been, and the entire facade of a "two-state solution" is simply another stage in that goal. But if the PalArab leaders publicly acknowledge that they really are indistinguishable from Jordan, the UN member states might wonder why they really want their own state.

The priority now, Zaki stressed, is to gain recognition by the UN so that "Palestine" can then prosecute Israel in the International Criminal Court and other venues.

It us clear that independence has never been the priority for the PLO to help their people - it is simply a tactic in the larger Arab effort to destroy Israel. Once it is achieved, then the existence of "Palestine" is unnecessary, and all the talk about a distinct "Palestinian people" and "Palestinian culture" will be forgotten in short order.

  • Tuesday, November 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Times of Israel:
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, visiting Israel on Monday, met with Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz in Jerusalem to discuss expanded cooperation between the Israeli government and the global high-tech giant.

The two men agreed on a memorandum of understanding on information and communications technology, to be signed within a few days by government Chief Information Officer Carmela Avner and Microsoft Israel CEO Danny Yamin.

The agreement sets the stage for Microsoft’s involvement in various IT aspects of government operations, including technological development and innovation, open government promotion, database management, data protection and privacy issues, information sharing and e-government services.

The agreement is intended to develop “shared infrastructure investment” in national information technology projects, and encourage interdependent Israeli technology companies and start-ups.

“Technological innovation and incubation are the driving force behind Israel’s dynamic economy,” Ballmer said. “Microsoft is proud to work in an environment that nurtures innovation and has created such a large number of successful technology companies.”
This was Ballmer's fourth visit to Israel, and he also met with Bibi.

During the visit, Microsoft kicked off its international campaign for promoting Windows 8, introducing models of smartphones running that operating system.

Interestingly, although one can find Facebook groups for pretty much anything, I have failed to find a single group that pushes for boycotting Microsoft products because of their cooperation with Israel. Nothing about boycotting Microsoft on the major BDS webpages either.

I guess their idea of morality is to only go after toy stores and chocolate shops.
  • Tuesday, November 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Jihad Salafi group in the Sinai is suspected of murdering a number of police officers over the weekend.

The group released a statement saying that while the police had killed a number of its members in recent weeks, they did not kill the police.

The Jihad group stressed that "our weapons are directed to our enemies, and the enemies of our nation are the Jews."

It seems that many Arabs lately have been forgetting the rule that they are supposed to say "Zionists," not "Jews."

Monday, November 05, 2012

  • Monday, November 05, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Israel News Agency:

Israel Flying Aid, the Israeli global humanitarian organization which was first to land in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake, has been distributing large supplies of gas to hospitals, food, batteries and generators to Hurricane Sandy victims.

"We have many years of disaster relief experience," said Israel Flying Aid North American Operations Manager Moti Kahana.

"Israel Flying Aid, in having Israelis on the ground here in New York and New Jersey, have made Israel the only foreign nation to provide humanitarian assistance to the US during this disaster. We are working in coordination with FEMA, local police, the American Red Cross and Jewish communities in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut."

Kahana said that most of the efforts had been donated by Israelis living in the US and this enabled gas to be distributed to hospitals in New York and New Jersey.

Joel Leyden, an Israel Flying Aid Operations Specialist who was with the IFA in Haiti, has been working with the Greater Hartford Jewish Community to distribute both food and generators on Long Island.

"We had a convoy of food and generators move out of the Greater Hartford area early yesterday morning," said Leyden.

"The food had been donated by Panera Bread and Dunkin Donuts in the Hartford, Manchester Connecticut area. This food was distributed to hurricane victims on the south shore of Long Island, the Nassau County Police, the Freeport Fire Department and the Red Cross Shelter which is set up at Nassau Community College."

Leyden said that when they spotted hundreds of people lined up at gas stations to pour gas into their containers, they would get out of their cars and feed these people as they waited. The donuts and bread created smiles and positive moods which replaced the trauma of suffering in the dark and cold, he said.

"We are so very proud to see you, to welcome you to New York," said Dr. Jason Mallin, who normally practices neurology at North Shore University Hospital but was now volunteering with the Nassau County Department of Health. "We read about Israel and the great work you did in Haiti. We have thousands here that need you. It's awesome that you are here!"

Michael Duarte, a Red Cross volunteer from California who was supervising the Long Island shelter, hugged the Israel Flying Aid team as they arrived.

"We had some bad press as a result of misunderstandings," said Duarte. People in Staten Island, New York were looking for us but due to a New York State law, we could not start operations until after three days. We are now operating at full capacity throughout New York City and this Red Cross shelter at Nassau Community College with over 900 clients. These people have lost their homes. Lost everything. We are here for them and so very pleased to receive your good help."

Duarte, who hadn't slept in three days, had coordinated a first class shelter and his staff could not have been more professional. Sleeping cots, Red Cross blankets, a cafeteria and even a play area for children had been carefully put into place. The fresh food from Israel Flying Aid was served as part of the dinner that evening.

(h/t Yerushalimey)
Finally, it looks like my house has Internet back. (And cable will come in handy as we watch the election results tomorrow night!)  Still have a backlog of stuff to do at work so not sure when I'll be back to blogging as often as I used to, but things are getting better.

Meanwhile, some links: from Ian:

Sunni-Shia conflict: Major feature of ME politics By Barry Rubin
The Region: Once upon a time, Arab nationalism ruled the Middle East. We are now in the era of Sunni Arab identity and especially of Sunni Arab Islamism.
“We are not just talking here about theological differences but a battle between individual leaders, organizations, and states for power and primacy. Of course, though, they will compete in proving that they are the true leaders in the anti-Israel struggle. And the same point applies regarding opposition to the United States.”

JPOST Editorial: Peace divide
"The capacity to make peace depends on changing perceptions – including the national narratives we tell ourselves and our peoples. The fallout from Abbas’s Channel 2 interview is yet another dismal indicator that the Palestinian people have yet to be prepared by their leadership for such a change."

A note to a stiff-necked people By David Mamet
"Will you tell your children that a liberal government will increasingly marginalize, dismiss and weaken the support for and the safety of the Jewish state?
Will you tell them that, in a state-run economy, hard work may still be applauded, but that it will no longer be rewarded?"

The Palestinians’ UN ploy is just the latest stalling tactic By Daniel Taub (Israel’s ambassador to Britain)
There is no path to statehood for the Palestinians except through negotiation with Israel

Senior Israeli defense official: Egypt's Morsi won't talk to us
Amos Gilad described Morsi's government as a 'terrible dictatorship,' but stressed that Israel must safeguard the peace treaty with Egypt 'at any cost.'

Israel successfully tests upgraded Iron Dome with longer interception range
New system can stop medium-range missiles held by Syria and Hezbollah; defense minister says whole country will have missile protection within a few years

October saw highest number of Gaza rockets since June
116 rockets and 55 mortar shells caused five casualties, Shin Bet statistics show

U.N. Representative (Richard Falk) Wants To Create A World Capital In Istanbul

Honest Reporting: Vote for the Dishonest Reporter of 2012

PMW PA TV song misrepresents Israeli cities as "Palestine," at festival under auspices of PA PM Fayyad

Israel, Microsoft set to sign cooperative agreement
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz met with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer Monday morning in Jerusalem to discuss a strategic cooperation agreement to promote Internet Cloud Technology.

Money will help keep Israeli students tops in tech
Intel’s president came to Israel to announce a $5 million tech education program, while a Canadian philanthropist is giving top tech students $30,000 Canadian in scholarship money

EMC opens EMC Labs in Israel
Data-storage equipment maker EMC Corp said it was opening an EMC Labs in Israel aimed at developing innovative technologies for storage, security and big data.

Refusenik’s Translated Memoir Offers Rare Glimpse Into Soviet Oppression
“Unbroken Spirit, Mendelevich’s memoir, vividly describes the inner workings of Soviet justice and its harsh penal system. The memoir, originally published in 1987 in both Russian and Hebrew, only recently has been translated into English. In a later-added epilogue, the author recalls one westerner’s encouragement to pursue an English speaking audience: “Your story is critical for Jews on this side of the ocean. You can’t imagine the disastrous toll that assimilation is taking on Jewish communities here.”

Re-enactment of WWI Battle of Beersheba
95 years ago, the Ottoman-controlled city of Beersheba fell to troops from Britain, Australian and New Zealand, in a battle that helped bring an end to the Ottoman Empire and the First World War.

Israel Daily Picture: Let's Go to the Videotapes
A Collection of the Earliest Films from the Holy Land


Turkey puts Israel on trial (Commentary)
For anyone who believes that the Turkish government is more interested in peace than in inciting hatred toward Israel, Turkey’s decision to host a puppet trial of Israeli leaders should put such notions to a rest.

The Saudis are bulldozing Islam's heritage. Why the silence from the Muslim world?

Pig tissue could provide solution for heart damage
Although it doesn’t sound very kosher, scientists at Haifa’s Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have used pig tissue to create a thick “scaffold” for heart muscle that supports human stem cells, preserves the infrastructure of natural blood vessels and are made from extracellular matrix proteins.

Five Things I Learned at my First Anti-Zionist Conference (Heeb)

  • Monday, November 05, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Arabic edition of Islam Today asks: "Hurricane Sandy: Divine punishment or weather phenomenon?"

Here is a paraphrase of the arguments given in this article.

The article curiously starts off by asserting that the US media has been all but ignoring the hurricane, and is concentrating on stories in other parts of the world. Why is the media ignoring such a story, we are asked? Why does the United States fear talking about Sandy? What are the Americans scared of?

The answer, we learn, is that American leaders are afraid to discuss the might of the storm, which cannot be explained as a natural phenomenon, because it shows that for all of the military strength of the US, it cannot defend itself against a storm.

Muslims, however, know that "Allah is severe in punishment," so Sandy must be divine punishment for America's sins.

What sins? Well, Americans interfere with Muslims directly or indirectly, and implement plans prepared by its Jewish lobby for the destruction of the Muslim, leaving widows weeping and screaming, and devastated the economies of Arab peoples - even making them eat garbage.

Moreover, in the name of democracy and freedom the Americans abuse Mohammed and other prophets, including making films that insult the greatest of all prophets.

Thus, Allah chose to punish America, ironically, using the two essential elements of life, namely: water and air. America has a missile shield, and intercontinental missiles, and all the necessary plans for nuclear war, spending billions of dollars, and yet the power of Allah crushed and exterminating Americans using air and water!

You might ask, is this not revenge? But revenge has a good source in the Quran, so that's not a problem!

You might ask further, what about innocent women and children who are killed? Doesn't matter - Allah kills the innocent along with the guilty, as it also states in the Quran.

Summing it up, Islam Today declares that "Sandy is a soldier of Allah" doing his bidding to teach Americans to stop oppressing Muslims so much.

Too bad these brave Muslims didn't have the guts to publish an English version. Perhaps they don't really believe that Allah would protect them with a miraculous hurricane.
  • Monday, November 05, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Star (South Africa):
Members of the Stop the JNF (Jewish National Fund) campaign gathered outside Reggies toy stores at the weekend in protest at the toy chain’s financial support of the JNF.

In a statement sent out by Cosatu on behalf of the Stop the JNF, the campaign’s members said: “We feel that it is unconscionable that while hundreds of Palestinian children are held in Israeli prisons, a toy shop that purportedly celebrates children is knowingly supporting an Israeli parastatal complicit in gross human rights violations.”

The Stop the JNF campaign members staged protests at three Reggies stores, in Joburg, Durban and Cape Town, yesterday.

The campaign’s national spokesman, Alan Horwitz, said 60 protesters showed up in Joburg, 100 people protested in Durban and 30 in Cape Town. No one was at the stores to accept the protesters’ memorandums.
The South African media helpfully publicized the protests ahead of time on behalf of "Stop the JNF." I have never seen a newspaper give publicity to protests of under a hundred people beforehand.

Apparently, the owner of the store supports the Jewish National Fund, which must be an awful crime that merits the closure of his store and the dozens of employees losing jobs.

Note that the organizers of this self-hate festival are Jewish. In fact, one of them was wearing a yarmulke, to establish his Jew bona-fides.

The protests were on Shabbat, which means it is highly unlikely that this gentleman wears a kipah anytime except when he is protesting proud Jews. [Correction: The newspaper date said Saturday, but the protest was on Sunday. I am willing to bet that he doesn't wear a kipah for every day shopping or work, though.]

Here's another protester:

Nothing says "human rights" like a Che Guevara T-shirt!

The anti-Israel drones are clearly not interested in a few facts I threw their way on their Facebook page that throws cold water on their insistence that JNF is racist:

They are mindless, anti-Israel bigots, and no amount of kipot will detract from that. If it wasn't the JNF they would be protesting something else.

If you are so inclined, you might want to order something from Reggie's. 

(h/t Israel Muse)

  • Monday, November 05, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
This video is going around Arab websites and Facebook:

It is allegedly a girl, along with others, protesting her brother being arrested in Nabi Saleh last Friday, presumably for throwing stones.

Notice how the girl as well as the adult Arabs who are videoing her have absolutely no fear that the Zionist soldiers will hurt them. She even shoves a soldier at one point without thinking that he might retaliate.

The video is supposedly about the girl's bravery, but in fact it shows IDF forbearance.

If the IDF was as evil as they are portrayed in the Arab media, then why are none of the Arabs there afraid that they will be mowed down with bullets? After all, these sorts of actions in many Arab states would indeed be met with arrests, broken bones or deadly gunfire.

Apparently, the Arabs who are under Israel's punishing "occupation" know the truth of how the IDF acts is quite different from how it is described in rallies on Western college campuses.

But there is a punchline.

As Israellycool notes, this same girl, wearing the same shirt, was seen doing pretty much the same thing a few months ago:

What an astonishing coincidence! The very same girl, after becoming a poster child for Israeli brutality, is now back and trying as hard as she can to provoke soldiers again while a half dozen people are conveniently around to videotape her screams!

It puts this video in a whole new light, doesn't it?

Who needs Juliano Mer-Khamis? The territories are one gigantic acting school!
  • Monday, November 05, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

Following are excerpts from footage of a demonstration that took place in Damascus, which was posted on the Internet on September 14, 2012.
Demonstrator: Oh Bashar, you traitor...
Crowds: Oh Bashar, you traitor...
Demonstrator: We want to instate the Koran.
Crowds: We want to instate the Koran.
Demonstrator: To hell with freedom...
Crowds: To hell with freedom...
Demonstrator: We want an Islamic caliphate.
Crowds: We want an Islamic caliphate.
Demonstrator: To hell with being peaceful...
Crowds: To hell with being peaceful...
Demonstrator: We want weapons and AK-47s.
Crowds: We want weapons and AK-47s.
Demonstrator: To hell with being peaceful...
Crowds: To hell with being peaceful...
Demonstrator: We want weapons and AK-47s.
Crowds: We want weapons and AK-47s.

Syria: a choice between horrendous and terrible.
  • Monday, November 05, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, Mahmoud Abbas' official spokesman declared that the PLO will release confidential documents - stolen, no doubt, by their crack intelligence services who are so secret that they are utterly unknown - that prove that Israel, Hamas and other countries are collaborating in sabotaging the PLO's bid to declare statehood at the UN.

Today, a Fatah spokesman upped the ante, claiming that Israel and Hamas are cooperating in the assassination of Mahmoud Abbas and the liquidation of the PLO's national aspirations.

Ahmed Assaf says that since the 2007 coup in Gaza, Hamas has accepted Israel's existence and Israel in return is pushing a temporary Palestinian Arab state in Gaza, which would be an Islamic emirate that Israel wants to establish on its border.

Assaf said that "it is a shame and disgrace that Hamas stands side by side with Israel in its designs."

He additionally charged that other Arab nations have joined the scheme to frustrate the PLO's move to be recognized as a non-member state at the UN, and that this is also a "shame and a disgrace."

The article also quotes Saeb Erekat, the PLO's chief negotiator and liar extraordinaire, of accusing Hamas of conducting secret contacts with Israel through intermediaries in Switzerland, negotiating a temporary state with provisional borders, the opposite of Hamas' claim that they demand a Palestinian state from the sea to the river.

Assaf said that Hamas' burning of Abbas' photo in effigy over the weekend in reaction to his pretense of abandoning the "right of return" an "offense and an assault on the consciousness and the will of the Palestinian masses." (Hamas also created posters of Abbas, with an Israeli flag behind him, opposite Lord Balfour with the British flag.)

The paranoia among Fatah and PLO leaders is growing, and there is no sign that their mass psychosis is going to slow down anytime soon.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

  • Sunday, November 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Scotsman.com:
“Ignore”. That was the first word spoken during a voiceover in the opening moments of Deca Dance. It wasn’t something special, added in for the occasion – it’s always there – but tonight it had a special resonance.

Back in August, when the main Batsheva company played Edinburgh, the dancers paused each time a futile interruption from anti-Israeli protestors came their way. But not this time. Instead, during the eight shout-outs the ensemble (Batsheva’s youth wing) kept right on going.

Created over a period of 20 years by Batsheva’s artistic director, Ohad Naharin, Deca Dance changes almost on a monthly basis. Featuring slow, thought-provoking ensemble pieces, high energy routines, a sensual duet, and quite possibly the most joyous bit of audience interaction you’ll ever see, it’s a work that bears a few repeat viewings.

Aged just 18-23, the ensemble’s dancers are still learning their craft, but they’re already technically strong, sharply synchronised and more than capable of injecting a vast well of emotion into their performance.

What grabs you most about Batsheva, however (both the main company and its funky little ensemble sister), is the way these dancers move. Naharin has devised an entirely unique dance style called Gaga, and it is this that marks his companies out as different. Fluid, dynamic, expansive yet delicate, animalistic yet profoundly human, Gaga gives his dancers a whole other vocabulary with which to speak to us. And, despite the vain attempts to block it, their voices came through loud and clear.
Batsheva Ensemble, Edinburgh Festival Theatre, Star rating: * * * *

Another reviewer, Thom Dibdin, called it "a stunning performance of a thoroughly entertaining piece of dance."

I'm glad that the dancers kept on going. Ignoring the idiots who came to disrupt the performance is the smartest way to ensure that the protesters are the ones who are marginalized.

I'm sure it isn't easy to ignore them, but who said representing Israel is easy?

(h/t CiFWatch tweet)

  • Sunday, November 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti denounced the United States, describing it as "hypocritical and weak and Machiavellian" and controlled by "a few Jews."

He stated this in response to the US extending sanctions against Sudan for the 15th consecutive year.

Speaking on state radio, Karti described the United States as "hypocritical and Machiavellian and weak," pointing out that the US has issued contradictory statements about Sudan. In recent years the US has praised Sudan as cooperative in the fight against terrorism has commended President Omar al-Bashir's position on the peace agreements with South Sudan.

Karti added that America shows weakness because it is "in the control of a few Jews in the decision-making centers." He stressed that Sudan has nothing to do with terrorism and had no plans to harm U.S. interests.


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