Monday, August 04, 2008

  • Monday, August 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
So far I like Twitter; I'm using it to put up anything I come across that may or may not make it into a post, and that may not be 100% accurate if it is my initial impression of an autotranslation. (For example, I think that the police didn't run away from Bir Zeit but they had the students evacuate.) So I intend it as an early-warning system of raw info I encounter on the Web. (No, I do not intend to inform you all of what I'm eating for lunch. I'll leave that to others.)

I moved the Twitter gadget to the right side of the blog so that it can be seen without scrolling. I wish it auto-updated, but for now if you want to see the latest you'll have to refresh the screen. Obviously I am sometimes busy doing other things, so don't get too used to having updates as often as it has been.

I would like to have some feedback on what I write but I haven't figured out how that could work yet besides asking you to simply comment on a post like this one.
  • Monday, August 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
And I'm not speaking about Hamas and Fatah.

An article in the Jerusalem Post shows that even West Bank Arabs hate Fatah Gazans:
The Palestinian Authority's refusal to receive members of the Hilles clan who fled the Gaza Strip Saturday did not come as a surprise to many Palestinians.

Although the Hilles clan has long been known for its loyalty to Fatah, the PA leadership in Ramallah asked Israel Sunday to send almost all those who fled the Gaza Strip back home.

For many of the Hilles clan members, returning to the Gaza Strip is tantamount to a death sentence. However, this did not stop the PA from asking the men to return home.

PA officials explained that the reason behind their refusal to absorb the new "refugees" was their desire not to encourage other residents of the Gaza Strip to leave.

"Everyone knows that if we allow people to leave the Gaza Strip, almost all the residents living there would try to cross the border into Israel," said a senior PA official. "We don't want to leave the Gaza Strip to Hamas."

Yet there are also other reasons why PA President Mahmoud Abbas doesn't want the new refugees in the West Bank.

One is related to Abbas's fear that the presence of the Hilles "refugees" in Ramallah and other West Bank cities would damage his efforts to impose law and order there.
Past experience has shown that the Palestinians in the West Bank have never been enthusiastic about the presence of their brethren from the Gaza Strip among them.

Shortly after the establishment of the PA in 1994, former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat deployed dozens of policemen from the Gaza Strip in a number of West Bank cities. This resulted in an "intifada" by the residents of these cities, many of whom openly rejected the presence of the Gazans in their communities. In many cases, West Bank families refused to rent out apartments to the "undesirables" from the Gaza Strip.

The experience was repeated in June 2007 when hundreds of Fatah members fled the Gaza Strip following Hamas's violent takeover of the area. Most of those who arrived in Ramallah are still finding it impossible to rent apartments in the city.

Many others continue to be shunned by local residents who treat them with great suspicion and often mock them for escaping from Hamas. A former Fatah security commander who was among the June 2007 "refugees" said recently that he had stopped going to public places in Ramallah because he felt that he was "unwanted" and because of the "ridiculing" looks he got from people.

Even the 150 Fatah men who fled to Egypt following the Hamas takeover have not been welcome there or in any other Arab country. In a recent letter to Abbas, the Fatah men, all former residents of the Gaza Strip, complained that they were being held in "military bases" belonging to the Egyptian army and were being treated as criminals rather than political refugees.
The population of Gaza is expected to double in the next twelve years. They simply won't fit in Gaza anymore without a serious development effort that is not forthcoming. Israel certainly won't take them; Egypt doesn't want them; other Arab countries have already made clear how much they loathe Palestinian Arabs - and now we see that even their fellow Palestinians Arabs in the West Bank can't stand them.

Which goes to show yet again that everyone pretends to love Palestinian Arabs but everyone really hates them, even their own people.

Why exactly do they "deserve" a state again?
  • Monday, August 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press is reporting that there was an assassination attempt against PA prime minister Salim Fayyad today.

According to the story, he first received threatening messages, I believe on his mobile phone, which were followed by gunfire towards his home.

Security had been beefed up at his house since there had been previous threats from Fatah loyalists.

No other PalArabic media is reporting this yet, and Firas' reporting is very tabloid-like.
  • Monday, August 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Several Palestinian Arabs were fined and sentenced to a year in jail for burning a flag.

There isn't much outrage over this, though, because it was the Jordanian flag that they were burning, after a soccer match last April.

The match was between a team that had many Palestinian Arab players against one that had Jordanian players. This wasn't even a political statement; it was simply the normal actions of fanatic Jordanian sports fans.

Don't hold your breath to see if "human rights" organizations will get involved here, though. People who pretend to care about freedom of speech as well as people who pretend to care about Palestinian Arab rights become strangely quiet when the perpetrators are Arab.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

  • Sunday, August 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Earlier today Soccer Dad made a posting about to the phenomenon of Palestinian Arab summer camps that teach murder and hate, brilliantly named "Hello martyr, hello Fatah". (For those who don't get the joke, it refers to a classic Allan Sherman song, circa 1963 about a letter being written from a miserable camper at sleep-away camp. Before continuing this post you need to hear the original song; here's one from YouTube where the video isn't too irritating.)

I decided that a title like that needed lyrics, so here is the official EoZ version of:

Hello Martyr, hello Fatah

Hello martyr, hello Fatah
Here I am in Islamic Gaza
I must tell you, I'm having great fun
In my camp they teach us how to use machine guns

We blame things on the Jewish Lobby
Our hero is Dalal Mughrabi
We can march now, we can holler
And we love to pray five times a day to Allah

I keep ammo in my pocket
I just learned how to shoot a rocket
Just imagine how great I felt
When I was fitted for my first suicide belt!

We watch videos of friendly mouses
We practice mortars at Jewish houses
You remember Ahmed Fakid
He just lost his legs practicing to be a Shahid

Now my bombing's a routine task
I love wearing my new ski mask
Why should I learn a trade?
I just got my first rocket propelled grenade!

Just one problem, but it's old news
Lots of weapons, not enough Jews
But don't worry, dad and mother
I'll be practicing my new skills on my brother!

UPDATE: I just made a video of the song.
  • Sunday, August 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Since Twitter is so popular, I figured I'd give it a shot. I added a gadget on the left side where I will put up info I see around the net but that won't necessarily make it into their own blog posts.

My Twitter also has an RSS feed, if you're into that sort of thing....

This is only a test, so if I don't like it I might abandon it without notice. So far it looks useful.
  • Sunday, August 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I don't like to comment on American politics much, but Michelle Obama just said something singularly stupid:
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle, complained the government’s $600 economic stimulus check was only enough to buy “a pair of earrings” while stumping for her husband.

“You're getting $600 - what can you do with that?” Mrs. Obama said in Pontiac, Michigan last week. “Not to be ungrateful or anything, but maybe it pays down a bill, but it doesn't pay down every bill every month. The short-term quick fix kinda stuff sounds good, and it may even feel good that first month when you get that check, and then you go out and you buy a pair of earrings."

She made these remarks at a “working women’s roundtable discussion.”

Others are noting how elitist it sounds for a candidate's wife to think that most American women spend $600 on each pair of earrings, but what bothers me is that Obama's big plan to help families with their energy bills is to give them $1000 each:
We'll provide a $1,000 emergency energy rebate for every family that will offset the increased costs of gas for a working family for the next four months. Or, it could be used to pay any of your other bills.
So according to the Obama camp, giving $1200 to each family is ludicrous but giving them $1000 each is a brilliant stimulus package.

I don't think Michelle was a math major at Princeton.

The Palestinian Arab press is reporting tonight that Israel is releasing a number of Hamas MPs that had been in Israeli custody, including former PA Finance Minister Omar Abdal Razeq.

Razeq and other PA Hamas ministers were arrested by Israel right after Shalit's kidnapping, and although Israel denied using them as bargaining chips it seems pretty clear that this is exactly what they were.

One can only pray that this is part of a deal that will result in the return of Gilad Shalit. Unfortunately, with the current Israeli government, one can never be sure what if anything Israel will gain from any deals.
  • Sunday, August 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
There has been a bit of attention given recently to a group of people, mostly from the ISM, who call themselves "Free Gaza." Their gimmick is to sail a ship from Cyprus to Gaza with hearing aids for Gazan children, in order to either break the Israeli blockade or to video themselves getting stopped by those vicious IDF patrols. If they're lucky, there will be violence. Either way, they win.

The leader of this group is a longtime Israel basher named Greta Berlin. I just saw an interesting letter written about her to Daniel Pipes' website - from her former-stepdaughter:
Having read about the incident at UCLA I must admit that I was appalled by Ms. Berlin's behavior, but not at all surprised. I should know, she is after all my ex-stepmother...

After reading your article, I went on to research some of the links that your site provided and found it rather difficult to comprehend some of the titles that are now associated with Ms. Berlin's name. The title of "Peace Activist" is the one I find particularly hypocritical.

On numerous occasions I heard Greta launch the insults "the god damned Israelis, and those F****** Jews" at the dinner table in front of my father (a Jew) and the few Israeli friends and relatives who ventured to visit. Additionally, any rational debate attempted by anyone with an opposing view to Greta's, was immediately terminated with the responses: "Shut up" or "You don't know what the hell you're talking about." The rebuttal usually presented in screaming form.

These comments in juxtaposition to her role as "Peace Activist" I find hard to rectify. It prompts me to ask what should be an obvious question; "At what point did terms of hate and bigotry become synonymous with Peace?"

I was always under the strange impression that the road to peace laid in the arms of those who were tolerant, compassionate, and vehement in their will to understand and to promote understanding. God help us all if this is the role model that we hold up as an embodiment of those ideals!

Ava E. Berlin

Could it be possible that some supposed supporters of Palestinian Arab rights are rabidly anti-semitic? Naaaaaah....
  • Sunday, August 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The radical left is often amusing with its abject hypocrisy, and one of the funnier examples is its embrace of radical Islam, which is as anti-liberal as possible.

Two recent articles in leftist publications show how far the far left has gone.

From Cleveland Indymedia, and article by prolific hater Khalid Amayreh:

So, as if Zionist ethnic cleansing were not enough, the PA is finding it necessary to complement Israeli criminality by arresting, humiliating and tormenting patriotic Palestinians for criticizing the Ramallah regime for compromising Palestinian national interests and for throwing itself squarely into the lap of the Bush administration which itself is at Israel’s beck and call.

It is really difficult to make any sense of what is happening except that the PA is effectively becoming another layer of the Israeli occupation.
Yes, wanting anything less than the total and immediate destruction of Israel is clearly a form of collaboration with the Zionist enemy. Much better to stay angry and stateless for the next few hundred years.

And in, an article by a self-styled charity worker and surgeon named David Halpin:

Gaza and humanity versus Zionist ethnic cleansers and their stooges

A scrupulous election was no bar to stifling a democracy emerging under brutal occupation. In spite of generous offers [by Hamas] to include the main opposition party Fatah in government, that attempt at plurality invited the annihilation of Hamas by the engine of destruction and its many subservient nations, led by the USA. Any adherents to Islam must be isolated and driven by goading to division and self-destruction. Thus was the medieval siege laid on Gaza in March 2006 against all morality and all major international laws.

The medieval siege laid on Gaza is against all morality and all major international laws The Hague Rules and Nuremberg Principles were never enunciated and they do not exist; barbarism is the only rule.
Yes, this British man is invoking international law to defend an organization whose founding principles emphasize the murder of Jews worldwide as well as the rejection of any possibility of peace.

This love of Islamic extremism on the part of the radical Left has nothing to do with loving Muslims - and it has everything to do with hating Jews. If Hamas wasn't opposed to the idea of Jews living in the Middle East as anything but dhimmis, people like Halpin and the other radical leftists would hate Hamas for all it stands for. Yet their hatred of Jews and Zionism makes all pretense of consistency go out the window.
  • Sunday, August 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A new study released by the coordinator of the "Palestinian Farmers Union" accuses Israel of secretly dumping nuclear and chemical wastes near Palestinian Arab communities.

The reason?

Because Israel wants to cause Palestinian Arab men to become sterile, thus creating a method of mass birth control!

It seems that this is not the first time that Palestinian Arabs have accused Israel of this idea, because the Firas Press article that mentions this also mentions an earlier accusation by the equally esteemed "Dr. Mahmoud Deputy Chief of the Middle East in the International Physicians for Protection from Radiation and Nuclear War" that Israel has done the same thing in other "Palestinian territories" - burying nuclear waste from Dimona in the territories and causing "cancer, sterility, mental disorders and skin diseases."

Accusing Israel of poisoning the wells is so last century. Nuclear and chemical waste is the hip new way of fomenting blood libels!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

  • Saturday, August 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ha'aretz printed the full interview with Masab Yousef, son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef and now a Christian in California. I wrote about this last week as well as the family's denials.

Here are some excerpts:
The younger Yousef is well aware of the implications of this interview, and how it will likely offend his family, as well as of the slim chance that he will be able to return to Ramallah one day. But apparently he is on a crusade of his own. "I know that I'm endangering my life and am even liable to lose my father, but I hope that he'll understand this and that God will give him and my family the patience and willingness to open their eyes to Jesus and to Christianity. Maybe one day I'll be able to return to Palestine and to Ramallah together with Jesus, in the Kingdom of God."

Masab-Joseph has five brothers and two sisters. He is in regular contact with them and keeps them informed of his situation. However, until recently he refrained from telling his family that he had converted to Christianity, and at the time of this interview his father the sheikh still did not know that his son had converted. And in spite of the secrecy surrounding his conversion, sometimes he seems like a veteran missionary who is trying to get entire communities to change.

"You'll see, this interview will open many people's eyes, it will shake Islam from the roots, and I'm not exaggerating. What other case do you know where a son of a Hamas leader, who was raised on the tenets of extremist Islam, comes out against it? Although I was never a terrorist, I was a part of them, surrounded by them all the time."

How were you exposed to Christianity?

"It began about eight years ago. I was in Jerusalem and I received an invitation to come and hear about Christianity. Out of curiosity I went. I was very enthusiastic about what I heard. I began to read the Bible every day and I continued with religion lessons. I did it in secret, of course. I used to travel to the Ramallah hills, to places like the Al Tira neighborhood, and to sit there quietly with the amazing landscape and read the Bible. A verse like "Love thine enemy" had a great influence on me. At this stage I was still a Muslim and I thought that I would remain one. But every day I saw the terrible things done in the name of religion by those who considered themselves 'great believers.' I studied Islam more thoroughly and found no answers there. I reexamined the Koran and the principals of the faith and found how it is mistaken and misleading. The Muslims borrowed rituals and traditions from all the surrounding religions."

"I respect Israel and admire it as a country. I'm opposed to a policy of killing civilians, or using them as a means to an end, and I understand that Israel has a right to defend itself. The Palestinians, if they don't have an enemy to fight, will fight each other. In about 20 years from now you'll remember what I'm telling you, the conflict will be among various groups within Hamas. They're already beginning to quarrel over control of the money."

He does not conceal his abhorrence of everything representing the human surroundings in which he grew up: the nation, the religion, the organization.

"You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have peace with Hamas. Islam, as the ideology that guides them, will not allow them to achieve a peace agreement with the Jews. They believe that tradition says that the Prophet Mohammed fought against the Jews and that therefore they must continue to fight them to the death. They have to take revenge against anyone who did not agree to accept the Prophet Mohammed, like the Jews who are seen in the Koran as monkeys and the sons of pigs. They speak in terms of historical rights that were taken from them. In the view of Hamas, peace with Israel contradicts sharia and the Koran, and the Jews have no right to remain in Palestine."

Is that the justification for the suicide attacks?

"More than that. An entire society sanctifies death and the suicide terrorists. In Palestinian culture a suicide terrorist becomes a hero, a martyr. Sheikhs tell their students about the 'heroism of the shaheeds' and that causes the young people to imitate the suicide bombers, in order to achieve glory. I'll give you an example. I once met a young man named Dia Tawil. He was a quiet boy, an outstanding student. Not a Muslim extremist and not radical in his ideas against the Israelis. I never heard extreme statements from him. He didn't even come from a religious family: His father was a communist and his sister was a journalist who didn't wear a head covering. But Bilal Barghouti [one of the heads of the military arm of Hamas in the West Bank] didn't need more than a few months to convince him to become a suicide terrorist." (Tawil, 19, blew himself up in March 2001 next to a bus at the French Hill junction in Jerusalem; 31 people were wounded.)

My Christian readers will definitely want to read the whole thing.
  • Saturday, August 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Syria's formerly airtight grip on internal security seems to be unraveling.

From Jordan's Albawaba:
Well known sources informed Albawaba that General Mohammed Suleiman, an adviser to Syrian president Bashar al Assad, was assassinated on Friday. Suleiman also served as Syria's liaison officer to Lebanon's Hizbullah movement.

According to the sources, Suleiman was shot dead by a sniper in the Syrian port city of Tartous. They added the funeral service will be held on Sunday in Suleiman's home-town of Driekesh which is located less than 20 kilometers away from Tartous.

The sources told Albawaba the Syrian authorities have been making huge efforts to prevent the publication of the news regarding Suleiman's killing. It should be mentioned that on February 13, 2008 Imad Moughniyeh, the military commander of Hizbullah, was assassinated in Damascus.
  • Saturday, August 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
It is a little hard to keep up with everything going on, but....

At least nine were killed in clashes between Hamas and the Fatah-linked Helles family in Gaza. At least one of the dead was a 14-year old child from that family. There are reports of 90 wounded. The fighting included lots of mortars and machine gun fire. Hamas has been blaming that family lately for the bombing a week ago that killed 5 Hamas members.

At least two of the dead today were Hamas members.

There are reports that Hamas prevented ambulances from reaching Helles family members during the fighting.

Hamas has also been using machine guns against Army of Islam members in Gaza, no reports on injuries there.

There have been a number of arrests in Gaza of Fatah members, and Fatah in the West Bank has been retaliating against Hamas members there as well.

In the West Bank, two were killed and several wounded in fighting in the town of Jaba under unclear circumstances. One of the dead was also a 14 year old boy.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 137.

PCHR counts the bodies: 8 from the Helles clan, 2 from Hamas, one other. Unlike earlier reports, no children dead.

All of the Helles deaths were from gunshots to the head or chest, making it sound like executions.

The count is now at 139.

Clan clash in Bethlehem, one dead. 140.

UPDATE 3 (8/4):
Another member of the Helles family has succumbed to injuries from Hamas. 141.

Friday, August 01, 2008

At least 5 Palestinian Arabs were killed and 14 injured when a smuggling tunnel being dug collapsed in Rafah.

Also, a 65-year old Khan Younis man died of a heart attack while witnessing his son being beaten by Hamas terrorists who entered his home.

An Al-Quds terrorist was injured in a "work accident" when a bomb exploded in his home.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 132.

The tunnel didn't collapse while being built, the Egyptians blew it up, so the count is back to 126 for the moment.


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