Friday, January 31, 2025

  • Friday, January 31, 2025
  • Elder of Ziyon
A writer and author named Mustafa Cemal Tomar just completed a series of four articles describing why Jews are so powerful. It is essentially an update of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, concentrating on economic issues but touching on all aspects of evil Jewish world domination.


The Jews, whose total number does not even reach 50 million, directly and indirectly rule over approximately 8 billion people in the world other than themselves. In addition to their own companies, they dominate the economy through the families they have chosen and somehow bought in other countries. Since they are an organized minority, they manage to eliminate their other competitors by protecting each other or by promoting the people they choose in the public eye. They do this mostly through the influence of dominating the capital market and the means of production.

Another method used by this evil global mind is to manipulate people and countries easily because they control basic necessities. The vast majority of energy companies operating in the world today belong to Jews. Similarly, pharmaceutical companies and medical companies operating in the health sector are mostly in the hands of these companies or their local subcontractors. The lion's share in the marketing of agricultural and animal products, especially seeds, belongs to these global companies or their local subcontractors. Most of the companies operating in the arms industry and technology fields belong to them.

Another major factor in the Jews' dominance in the world is that they know human nature very well, exploit their weaknesses to corrupt societies, do their own PR due to their dominance in the media, and present themselves as standard-setters. Throughout history, Jews have been exiled from the lands of various countries for centuries because they have betrayed almost all communities. In the Middle Ages, especially in Europe, the professions a Jew could engage in, the amount of property they could own, and even the amount of chickens they could own were limited and limited. Since most states did not trust them, they were not accepted into civil service.

For this reason, Jews mostly lived in large cities with a cosmopolitan structure in order to hide themselves by engaging in trade. Rather than owning land and houses out of fear of being deported, they collected movable, movable capital such as gold and precious metals and became rich in this way, and with the development of capitalism, they dominated the means of production and capital markets. While doing all this, they were always in the back of the stage instead of the front, and although the extras changed, they always wrote the script themselves. The hand that regulates the market, which Adam Smith called the “invisible hand,” is actually the hand of the Jews most of the time.

This evil mind, which monitors countries and continues to make money even from the money supply of countries, does not stop at just monitoring countries. Starting in the 1960s, they also introduced electronic and card payment systems to the market. In this way, those who generally monitor the trade status of states now also manage to see the spending tendencies of individual people and develop policies accordingly. ...In this way, they come one step closer to controlling humanity. Today, 85% of the electronic payment systems such as Visa, Mastercard, and UnionPay operating globally in the world are directly in their hands. Jewish capital, primarily Rockefeller, is behind the cashless society movement. In this way, they can see where people are, where they spend their money, the spending trends of societies and individuals, and who they donate to.

Today, 97% of technology companies and mainstream media, and almost all of social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are monopolized by these international companies. Search engines such as Google and video sharing sites such as Youtube are also in their hands. For this reason, all those who speak out, write articles, share videos and visuals contrary to their own projects are censored and either not shown at all or are prevented from becoming popular and relegated to lower ranks and hidden from people's eyes.

The evil mind, which used to control what humanity did through spending and detect their weaknesses in the past, today uses the information system to monitor people 24 hours a day with tools such as mobile phones and social media, and can access even their most private information. Despite being the richest in the world, having the means of production and everything they want, the globalist evil mind, which is insatiable, is not satisfied with what they have today and is trying to take control of people's private lives. They are trying to corrupt humanity and the world with the belief in the chosen people, and they are playing a kind of god (God forbid) in their own way.

Although they have achieved great success for now, there is still hope for humanity. However, it is obvious that we are in a very dangerous environment. Our country and humanity are literally at the last exit before the bridge. Either we will unite against them and disrupt these games or we will completely fall under their domination and perish.
I's be happy if Jews had only one tenth of the unity and power than the antisemites think they do.

We've seen many times how the world ignores Arab antisemitism, assuming that it is normal and therefore not noteworthy. The huge amount of Jew-hatred in mainstream Turkish media shows that this isn't an Arab exception - it is a Muslim exception that even extends to NATO countries.

Buy EoZ's books  on Amazon!

"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)



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