Wednesday, January 15, 2025

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2025
  • Elder of Ziyon
The ADL released its survey of global attitudes towards Jews in most (but far from all) countries.

As it always does, the ADL asks people whether they agree with a series of 11 classic antisemitic tropes. Only those people who believe in a majority of them are considered for the calculations of this index. So there are plenty of people who harbor several antisemitic attitudes that do not get counted as antisemites in this survey.

The single most common factor to determine whether a country is antisemitic is whether it is a Muslim country. Not region, not socio-economic status, not politics - simply the majority religion. 

There is also reason to believe that antisemitism in Western democratic countries is undercounted, because liberals are conscious of looking antisemitic. Directly asking whether they believe Jews have too much influence in world affairs is likely to make people not want to appear antisemitic. So surveys in Western countries do not capture the embarrassed antisemites, and other surveys that use more subtle methods must be used. 

Here is a chart comparing the 2014 and  2024 scores for Muslim-majority countries and territories.(Several countries, like Pakistan and Syria, were not surveyed.) 


Nigeria had a low score, comparable to Western democracies, in 2014 - but its score nearly tripled this time.

Indonesia also showed a huge jump in antisemitic attitudes from one of the most tolerant Muslim countries to one of the least. 

But even already hugely antisemitic places like the Palestinian territories, Kuwait, Jordan and Egypt saw antisemitic attitudes get significantly worse.

Notice that peace agreements with Israel do not seem to bring a lessening of antisemitism in the UAE or Bahrain, It did go down in Morocco, but I've seen a long-standing effort by the Moroccan government to mainstream Jews and Judaism among the public.

Finally, the most under-reported story is Palestinian antisemitism. They are consistently the most antisemitic people in every survey, and the media simply refuses to report that fac - out of fear of being accused of "Islamophobia."

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"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)



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