Thursday, January 09, 2025

  • Thursday, January 09, 2025
  • Elder of Ziyon

A very funny incident happened this week. 

The Israel Foreign Ministry's Israel in Arabic Instagram page posted a brief and accurate history of the Jewish kingdoms in the region, with a map. Here's the entire post translated.

Did you know that the Kingdom of Israel existed for 3,000 years?

The first king to rule for 40 years was King Saul (1050–1010) BC. He was followed by King David, who ruled for approximately 40 years (1010–970) BC. He was followed by King Solomon, who also ruled for 40 years (970–931) BC.

The reign of the three kings lasted 120 years, an important period of time in the history of Israel. These years witnessed development in Jewish life in various fields, including culture, religion, and the economy.

After the death of King Solomon, the kingdom was divided in 931 BC into two parts: the Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south, following internal conflicts due to heavy tax burdens and the centralized policies he imposed on the tribes.

King Jeroboam bin Nebat ascended to the throne of the Kingdom of Israel in the north (pictured in yellow). Then he established two centers of worship in Dan and Beit El to establish a separate identity from the kingdom of Rehoboam, son of Solomon, in the south, who preferred to raise taxes on the people, at a time when they were suffering from them.

The rule of the Kingdom of Israel in the north continued for about 209 years until its fall at the hands of the Assyrians in 722 BC.

As for the southern Kingdom of Judah (in green), it continued for about 345 years until its fall at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, Emperor of Babylon, in 568 BC.

This division led to political conflicts throughout the history of the people of Israel, and its effects continued for hundreds of years..
However, the Jewish people in the diaspora continued to aspire to the renaissance of their strength and capabilities and to rebuild their state, which was declared in the State of Israel in 1948 to become the only democracy in the Middle East
This caused an uproar, especially in Jordan, which was upset that the map included lands on what is now Jordan. Which, of course, they did.

As amusing as the Jordanian reaction was, the Palestinian one was hysterical (in every sense.)  

Mahmoud Abbas' spokesman  Nabil Abu Rudeineh said that publishing this map  is “condemned and rejected and constitutes a flagrant violation of all international legitimacy resolutions and international law.

Independent Arabia interviewed prominent Palestinian historian and archaeologist Nazmi al-Jubeh, a professor at Birzeit University.  He denied any Jewish kingdoms ever existed.
"The Jews have never had any independent rule in Palestine,” adding that they were “agents of the successive empires that controlled Palestine, such as the Greeks, Romans, and Persians.” He explained that “the dynasty of Herod, the Hasmoneans, and the Maccabees did not rule independently, but were part of a much broader ruling structure to protect the Jews themselves and preserve their privacy,” noting that they rebelled against those empires on occasion. According to al-Jubeh, the map “does not indicate the existence of a Jewish majority in those areas, even if there were Jews there, especially in Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon,” adding that “the map contains a lot of wishful thinking, rather than a reflection of historical facts with the aim of bestowing historical legitimacy on the State of Israel.” 
Palestinians are so eager to deny Jewish history that they have to tie themselves up in knots. And they are not at all concerned that their professional reputations will be tarnished by saying such nonsense. 

It is not only an obvious lie, but it is also a lie that is an insult to Palestinian Christians who study the Bible - which describes the kingdoms of Saul, David and Solomon in detail.

But it gets worse Because the Quran itself admits that David was the leader of a kingdom. In chapter 38, Surah Saad, it says,
16. And they say, “Our Lord, hasten Your writ upon us, before the Day of Account.”

17. Be patient in the face of what they say, and mention Our servant David, the resourceful. He was obedient.
20. And We strengthened his kingdom, and gave him wisdom and decisive speech.
For some reason, the Palestinian Christians and Muslims never say a word against their political leaders and others denying their own religious texts.

(h/t Asher)

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