Monday, December 09, 2024

  • Monday, December 09, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Journal for Architectural Education has an upcoming issue called "Palestine."

The Call for Papers is a case study of how modern blood libels have infiltrated every corner of academia. 

It claims that the slander that Israel is a genocidal, apartheid state is an established fact:
In the face of the ongoing Israeli genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza, this issue of the Journal of Architectural Education calls for urgent reflections on this historical moment’s implications for design, research, and education in architecture. This volume will build on existing knowledge, research and publications to continue to learn from and with practices of resistance to the Zionist, militarist, carceral, and capitalist regime of Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid.....Contributors might map, represent, theorize, and historicize genocide, ecocide, spaciocide, terracide, and urbicide as practices of colonial erasure and unpack the way they appear and operate. 
It gets worse. Much worse. 

The call for papers celebrates October 7 as hopeful:
The Palestinian philosopher Abdaljawad Omar argues that Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza and resistance to it—“no matter how horrific, bloody, and tragic”—cannot be reduced to a “pathology of violence.” Palestinians are not hapless victims nor motivated merely by “vengeance.” Omar advocates, instead, that a “pathology of hope” in a decolonial struggle “might ultimately create the space for new possibilities.” .....A decline of imposed Western hegemony corresponds with the rise of new formations of struggle and power that draw from radical possible histories, presents, and futures. Through this call for papers, we invite authors to engage with such formations of anti-colonial struggle within and beyond Palestinian geographies, reflecting on how Palestine has inspired pathologies of hope, constellations of coresistance, and infrastructures of resistance, the world over.
This is praise for a bloodthirsty, truly genocidal, Islamist terror ideology.

The romanticizing of Hamas and its murderers and rapists doesn't end there.
Though not human-built borders, the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea form the boundaries of aquatic imaginaries of sovereignty: the latter’s shores are equal parts a respite for Gaza’s citizens and the banks of now-heavily polluted waters weaponized by Israel in counterinsurgency efforts against Palestinian military resistance and the health of its soil. ...
In addition to weaponized environments of soil, water, and air, sites of consideration include the tunnel as a route of militants’ fight and prisoners’ flight, the blockade as carceral infrastructure, the safe haven of the hospital, the intergenerational sanctity and stewardship of the olive grove, the absenting of sacred space and cultural memory, the resistive archive, the breaching of the border fence and the rupture of settler containment...

This rhetoric sanitizes and romanticizes terrorist violence as a legitimate form of political struggle. By positioning the Hamas attack within a narrative of "anti-colonial struggle" and "decolonial hope," the text attempts to provide an intellectual veneer to a brutal terrorist massacre and mass rape of civilians. The call for papers seeks to transform acts of horrific violence into an academic discourse of liberation. This represents a profound corruption of academic standards, where a scholarly publication is being used to justify and celebrate terrorist violence rather than engage in genuine scholarly inquiry.

Beyond that, by excluding any other perspectives at the outset, they are brainwashing entire academic fields. There is no space for anyone who is not supportive of terror to be seen or heard in the pages of this journal. 

Fields such as gender studies, Middle Eastern studies and anthropology have already been polluted and destroyed by these anti-Israel perspectives. Here, we see how the perverters of academia are encouraging brand new methods of research and scholarship for their own political ends, across every field they can find, to the detriment of academic research itself. 

(h/t JW)

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"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

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