The BDS group CJPME, "Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East," has a
fact sheet on why they boycott Sabra Hummus - because it is half owned by an Israeli company Strauss which supports the IDF.
At the end, they write:
The boycott of Sabra will end once it is no longer owned by the Strauss Group, and thus is no longer complicit in the oppression, violence and war crimes committed by Israel against Palestinians.
PepsiCo announced that they were buying out Strauss' half of Sabra. The Strauss Group decided to sell Sabra to its partner after losing market share as fallout from the
discovery of salmonella in its hummus manufactured in Virginia in 2021, as
retailers decided to diversify their hummus suppliers.
BDS, predictably, is claiming that their campaign worked and they are the reason Strauss is selling Sabra, although that doesn't quite explain why PepsiCo would want to buy it for $244 million.
Nevertheless, this means that Sabra no longer has anything to do with Israel. It is not manufactured there and no Israeli will profit from it when the sale is complete. So the boycott is over, right?
Ha! BDS is not based on little things like facts. They loved boycotting Sabra brand dips, whichhelped them recruit antisemites, and they aren't going to stop now. They just need to dig up new reasons for the boycott.
The BDS Reddit group
started off vague about the reasons: "PepsiCo now owns 100% of Sabra. That means every tub of hummus on shelves still funds oppression."
How, exactly?
Of course, if those reasons were valid, then BDS would be calling for the boycott of every hummus brand sold in the world that is not manufactured by Arabs. It would be calling for a general boycott of all Pepsi brands, including Aquafina water, Quaker Oats, Lay's Potato Chips and Cap'n Crunch cereal.
But there is no call by BDS to boycott other brands of hummus nor other Pepsi products (besides Sodastream.)
Right now, BDS cannot find any way that boycotting Sabra will hurt Israel in the least. They cannot find a way that boycotting Sabra will help a single person in Gaza.
Which is as good a proof as any that BDS has nothing to do with human rights or helping Palestinians or "justice." It has always been about inciting people to hate proud Jews and Israel.
Because Sabra is a Hebrew word.
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