I like to browse Google Books to see what older manuscripts they have, and I came upon
this 1552 siddur (Jewish prayer book) written in Hebrew and translated to Spanish, with Ladino instructions.
However, it wasn't published in Spain, where all the Jews were expelled in sixty years earlier in 1492. It was published by Spanish-speaking Jews who were forced to flee Spain and ended up in Venice.
The siddur could easily be used by Jews today; things don't change very much. I happened onto a section that is part of the liturgy that shows that for Jews, there has always been only one home. (I included an English translation.)
People call the years before the Inquisition the "golden age" for Jews in Spain. The Jews who had lived and thrived in Spain for hundreds of years, and who still had living memory of the expulsion, weren't praying to return to Spain. They are praying to return to "our land," the Land of Israel.
This shows the obscenity of those who tell Jews "go back where you came from." The only place Jews ever called their home has always been the Holy Land.
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