The myth of ‘white’ Israel
Following Israel’s declaration, two significant events reshaped the region. On 15 May 1948, a coalition of neighbouring Arab armies – those of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt – launched an assault on the fledgling Jewish State. At the same time, a sweeping expulsion of Jews began across North Africa, the Middle East and the Gulf, targeting an entire ethnic group that had lived in these lands for thousands of years.Seth Mandel: The Illusion of Jewish Free-Speech Rights
Between 1948 and the early 1970s, nearly a million Jews were forced from their homes across the region, effectively erasing centuries-old communities. Iraq’s once thriving Jewish population of 130,000 was reduced to near extinction, with 120,000 fleeing by the early 1950s. Yemen’s 50,000 Jews disappeared in the span of a year from 1949, while Syria’s 30,000 Jews were driven out by escalating violence.
In North Africa, Egypt’s 80,000-strong Jewish community dwindled to just a few dozen, driven out by a succession of anti-Jewish laws. Libya expelled its 38,000 Jews by the 1960s. Algeria’s 140,000 Jews had mostly left for France by 1962. Morocco was once home to a large Jewish community, with a population numbering between 250,000 and 350,000. However, rising Arab nationalism forced most to emigrate, with only a couple of thousand remaining today.
This purge didn’t occur in a vacuum. Jews and Christians in the Islamic world had long been relegated to second-class status, forced to pay special taxes and subjected to arbitrary and discriminatory laws. The mass expulsions following Israel’s creation were simply the culmination of a long history of subjugation.
Today, around 50 per cent of Israel’s Jewish population is of Mizrahi descent – Jews whose parents and grandparents were forcibly expelled from neighbouring Muslim lands. Their ancestors had likely never set foot in Europe.
Israel’s ethnic makeup is approximately 73 per cent Jewish and 19 per cent Muslim, with Christians, Druze and other minorities making up the rest. All Israeli citizens are afforded equal rights under the law, including religious and political freedom. Israel is, in every sense, a Middle Eastern melting pot.
The claim that Israel is a ‘white’ coloniser nation is a myth cooked up by identity politics. The only way that the average keffiyeh-wearing student protester is able to understand the Israel-Palestine conflict is through this identitarian lens. Because whiteness has become shorthand for privileged oppressors, the Israelis must be ‘white’ in contrast to the ‘brown’ Palestinians – thus making Israel an acceptable target of woke vitriol. This simplistic fantasy is just another attempt to delegitimise and demonise the Jewish State.
There is an irony in the slurs that were yelled out on the London Underground last month. Israel is a diverse nation, a place where many people rub along. ‘Whites out of Palestine’ is an absurd chant. Israelis do not segregate themselves on racial or ethnic lines. Sadly, the same could probably not be said about those protesting against them.
Less than a week after the pogrom in Amsterdam, UN celebrity Jew-baiter Francesca Albanese was scheduled to speak in London. Albanese has embraced authoritarian anti-Semitism and become a hero to the worst people in politics. The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, a British organization, worked up plans to protest Albanese’s arrival.David Collier: BBC News – a factory of anti-Israeli propaganda
But the protest never happened. The Telegraph explained why: Security officials picked up chatter on social media apps in which locals were very plainly making plans to attack the Jewish demonstrators. “Can’t wait to give the welcome they deserve,” said one resident, to which another—who had been using anti-Semitic lingo in the chat—responded: “Amsterdam-style.”
Thus the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism was put in a position familiar to Jewish groups: take the risk or call it off.
There are two broad lessons here. The first is that while Jews nominally have the same rights as anyone, in practice that’s a joke. A popular defense of the pogromists has been that the Jews got what they deserved because some of the Maccabi fans sang provocative chants in response to taunting from the crowd as they walked to the subway.
According to this logic, after every march in which keffiyeh-clad protesters chant “from the river to the sea” and other such phrases, it would be normal for Americans to carry out mass organized violence against anyone from the general public seen wearing a checkered scarf.
This argument boils down to: “The Jews deserved it because one single time they behaved as we behave weekly and sometimes daily.”
Meanwhile, the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism has no record of chanting soccer taunts. May they peacefully protest? The answer, in this case, was no—because nobody actually cares what Jews say; they only care that Jews exist. So the Jews stayed home.
And as events in Chicago recently demonstrated, you can establish a tent city to block Jews from walking through campus, but if you are Jewish and you set up a two-man station on one street corner with a sign that says “ask me about Israel” you can expect to have your skull beaten in.
If you want to find bias in BBC News, you really do not have to look far. In just 30 hours, the BBC hate factory pushed out five articles – all full of distortion and lies. One even blatantly promotes a blood libel. This is not about a problematic journalist who manages to sneak a dodgy article past a sleepy gatekeeper. It is as if the BBC has declared war on the Jewish state. The arsenal of the public broadcaster is pointing firmly at Israel – and the result is a conveyor belt of articles – all shaped to demonise the only democracy in the Middle East.
On Thursday I took a look at the Israel / Gaza page on the BBC website. Scrolling down, you can see all the latest articles posted on the topic. It quickly becomes apparent that approximately every six hours BBC Journalists are posting another article – every single one of them is attacking Israel. No balance, no context, no alternative voice.
BBC factory of hate
Five anti-Israel posts published within 30 hours. It is worth noting that on Wednesday 13th, six Israeli soldiers were killed by Hezbollah terrorists, the terror group fired dozens of rockets at Israel (including at the central region), and on Tuesday 12th, two civilians were killed by Hezbollah rocket fire in Nahariya. None of this was important enough for a standalone BBC article. So let us look at the five that did make the grade:
BBC hate factory – article 1: Violating the Syrian ceasefire
The article carries a joke of a headline and is not newsworthy at all. In fact, as you read towards the end of the article, it becomes apparent that even the BBC journalist knows it isn’t. Yet the editorial spin is left intact so as to make sure from the headline that people think Israel is doing something wrong. Israel was attacked from Gaza, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and Syria. Three of these places have a border with the Jewish state. Israel is rejigging its security – an understandable and legitimate act following the Oct 7 atrocities and all that has occurred since.
The BBC tell us the work is taking place near Majdal Shams. The article also suggests this ‘frontier’ has remained ‘relatively calm’. It appears the journalist did not bother to look up Majdal Shams, as 11 Druze children were killed by Hezbollah as they played football in the Druze town. Not mentioned in this BBC hit piece of course. How can you fail to mention a massacre of children that took place in the very place you are claiming is quiet?
More than this. The BBC often use UN statements as a means of attacking Israel – as if the UN is an impartial and respected organisation. This badly misinforms readers. Not only is the UN body ‘UNRWA’ in bed with Hamas, another UN body ‘UNIFIL’ allowed Hezbollah to turn Sth Lebanon into a terrorist fortress. When you also consider the UN has a twisted obsession with attacking Israel, the UNGA is overrun with despotic regimes, and the UNHRC (courtesy of the UNGA) is fronted by the world’s worst human rights offenders, no impartial and serious media outlet should ever mention the UN without a reminder that all UN criticism of Israel should be treated with scepticism.
The BBC never does this – which is either unforgivable amateurish reporting, simple stupidity, or a deliberate intent to mislead.
Russian Terrorists and Their ‘Progressive’ Allies
The birthplace of modern political terrorism was prerevolutionary Russia. There, in the first decade of the 20th century, terrorists of various left-wing leanings—from anarchist to Marxist—executed an unprecedented 23,000 attacks, of which 17,000 yielded injuries and deaths. Political assassinations were not a Russian invention, of course; they may be traced to the late 11th century, when the infamous Assassins (Hashashin), an offshoot of the Ismaili Shi’a sect, were arguably the first regularly to employ murder as a weapon against their enemies among Muslim and Christian elites. These targeted killings—like those across the world in the eras to come—counted in single-digit numbers. In contrast, by the early 1900s the tactics of the Russian terrorists degenerated from persecution of designated influential adversaries to systematic, indiscriminate political violence carried out en masse.Top 20 Lies of the Pro-Palestinian Arab Cause
Modern terrorism entails intentional, unselective brutality against civilian targets to attain political objectives. The key word here is “intentional,” as opposed to collateral, unintended damage inflicted upon noncombatants, emphasizes the Israeli scholar Boaz Ganor. For the first time in history, the Russian extremists sought to destabilize the sociopolitical environment via random violence. The subversives swapped traditional ethical norms for ideological purposes; they recognized any principles only insofar as they served revolutionary goals. In their disregard for human life, the terrorists of the early 1900s were the forebears of the communists, the Nazis, and other dogma-driven oppressors. The Russian radicals heralded the propinquity of totalitarianism, a gruesome trademark of the 20th century.
The circumstances under which a revolutionary was justified in killing a tyrant or avenging oppression by his senior associates was a customary discussion topic in the Russian antigovernment milieu. Yet, although most 19th-century radicals did take ethical considerations seriously, incidents of extreme brutality revealed the budding totalitarian thinking and behavior. Sergei Nechaev stopped at no lie, fraud, manipulation, and intimidation to secure leadership in a small antigovernment student circle; in 1869, he provoked a brutal beating and murder of a comrade, who had challenged his authority. The “black sheep of the revolutionary family,” Nechaev was not alone; in a shocking 1876 episode of terrorist vengeance, several enraged radicals poured sulfuric acid over the face of a suspected informer, N.E. Gorinovich, leaving him blind and permanently disfigured.
The sporadic brutality of the late 19th century was but a prelude to routine violence of the 1900s, which was “carried out without weighing the moral questions posed by earlier generations,” noted the historian Norman M. Naimark. Countless terrorist acts plunged Russia into a bloodbath: “Everything that could be blown up exploded,” recalled a former police official—from liquor stores to gendarme offices; from coffee houses to houses of worship. Manufacturing of homemade bombs became an open secret, with school children assembling explosive devices from empty sardine cans, nails, bolts, and drugstore supplies.
Leaders in the antigovernment camp recognized that mass-scale terrorism had exposed the “seamy side” of the liberation movement, having attracted and become a breeding ground for numerous radicals qualified as “a merger of revolutionary and bandit.” Many of them dismissed the goals of social justice and equality with utter cynicism; their partaking in political violence revealed a befuddled mindset—a brew of primitive radicalism and sheer criminality.
“If you have the facts on your side, hammer the facts. If you have the law on your side, hammer the law. If you have neither the facts nor the law, hammer the table.”Irish President attended service where cleric accused Israelis of deploying ‘master race’ theory
The above is an old saying from the legal world. But it has applications for other matters, as well.
For example, in the foreign policy realm, and for the “Pro-Palestinian Arab Cause.”
As I said in an earlier column, the Palestinian Arab Cause has “jumped the shark” – i.e., it has (long ago) reached its peak and begun a downhill slide to mediocrity or oblivion.
Now, let me take things a step further – the Palestinian Arab Cause has gone so far downhill that it is, officially, a ridiculous cause that makes absolutely no sense anymore – if it ever did – based on the constant untruth’s that its proponents are constantly peddling.
These include the following Top 10 Lies of the Palestinian Arab Cause.
1' Israel is an apartheid regime. This charge is especially stupid because “apartheid” involves “race”, and there is no “race” implicated here. Further, Israel is a democracy where its Arab citizens are fully equal under the law. Now, there are distinctions made between Israeli citizens and the Palestinian Arabs who are not citizens, but this is because Israel has legitimate security needs.
2. Israel is committing, or attempting to commit, genocide. Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where one party acts with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. There is absolutely no evidence that Israel intends to destroy the Palestinians, in whole or in part. This is why the South Africans are having a problem making this claim, even with a biased anti-Israel international court. Especially since the Palestinian Arab population numbers continue to grow, and the Hamas claimed casualties are dwarfed by those from many other recent conflicts (see the Sudan, the Congo, Syria, etc.) But Hamas, on the other hand, does routinely call for a genocide of the Jews.
3. Israel is targeting civilians/or Israel is indiscriminate about its attacks, leading to excessive civilian deaths. No, it certainly isn’t. The civilians who die do so largely because Hamas routinely uses civilians as human shields. Further, the IDF has made great efforts to minimize civilian casualties, by warning Gazans to leave areas or buildings about to be targeted. They have done this through about nine million leaflets dropped, fifteen million messages sent, and sixteen million robocalls made. As a result, the ratio of civilians to terrorist in this conflict is probably approaching one to one, an unprecedented modern ratio, and Israel has been praised for its success in protecting the lives of civilians by noted experts in modern warfare such as Richard Kemp (UK, Ret.) and Major John Spencer (US, Ret.).
4. The Hamas counted casualties are to be believed. No – in fact, they are “poorly fabricated figures.” Meanwhile, Israel actually reduced the number of its reported casualties from the October 7th
5. Israel is the aggressor in this conflict. Not so. The Jewish state has made real peace offers to the Palestinian Arabs in 1993, in 2000, in 2001, in 2005, and in 2008, all immediately answered by vicious and bloody Palestinian terrorism. Here is former President Bill Clinton taking the Palestinian Arabs to task for their failure to embrace peace during his term. And Hamas started the current hostilities in a particularly bloodthirsty way on October 7, 2023.
6. Favoring the Palestinian Arab Cause is in the U.S. national interest. No, it isn’t, as I have explained numerous times before.
7. The Palestinian Arabs are a stateless people. No, Jordan clearly has a majority of Palestinian Arabs, and its Queen is a Palestinian Arab. Granted, the Palestinian Arab majority does not rule in Jordan; then again, none of the 21 Arab states are democratic.
8. The conflict needs to be solved soon because the Palestinian Arabs are having more children than the Israelis. No, this is outdated demographic data. Today, the Israelis have a higher demographic growth than the Palestinian Arabs.
9. The Palestinian Arabs have a population in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza that is too large to be controlled by Israel. As in everything else, the Palestinian Arabs are simply lying about their numbers. The UN official population numbers the Palestinian Arabs in those areas at roughly 6 million; in reality, there are probably less than 4 million.
10. Creating a Palestinian state will lead to the protection of the human rights of Palestinian Arabs. As stated above, none of the 23 Arab states are democracies, and none of them are protective of human rights. A Palestinian Arab state will most certainly be a (possibly theocratic) brutal dictatorship with discriminating policies against women, homosexuals, and Christians.
An Anglican cleric accused Israel of deploying a “master race” theory in a sermon to a high-profile audience that included the Irish president.Vancouver police make arrest at home with links to designated terrorist group
Canon David Oxley was accused of “hijacking” the solemn Remembrance Sunday event at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin with a diatribe in which he also suggested Israelis believe themselves to be intrinsically more valuable than “other” groups.
“Then the elimination of others follows as a matter of course because they don’t count,” Oxley said.
Israel had committed the “horrible blasphemy of the master race in action”, he added.
In addition to Irish President Michael Higgins, dignitaries at the service included the Lord Mayor of Dublin James Geoghegan, Minister Darragh O’Brien, and representatives of the main political parties, as well as former and current service men and women.
A spokesperson for the Israeli embassy in Ireland said Oxley’s comments were a “libel against the state of Israel” and accused him of “hijacking” the Remembrance Sunday service.
The spokesperson said the diatribe was “divorced from reality” and “wilfully ignored the complexities of the Middle East.”
The Jewish Representative Council of Ireland (JRCI) called for the church to distance itself from Oxley’s “inflammatory rhetoric”.
JRCI chair, Maurice Cohen, told the JC: “It is profoundly distressing to our Irish Jewish community to see such a hateful sermon be delivered”.
Oxley suggested Israelis and Jews have “a supremacist ideology”, according to Cohen, which the Jewish leader said was "a dangerous and harmful generalisation that promotes age-old antisemitic stereotypes.”
Cohen said the canon’s language “dehumanises the Jewish community, falsely portraying them as inherently oppressive and cruel, without regard for the complexities of the region's ongoing conflict or the defensive measures taken by Israel.
“Honouring the fallen should be a time for unity and reflection, not for fostering division.”
Vancouver police say one person was taken into custody as part of a hate crimes investigation after a search warrant was executed at a home in the 1800 block of East 1st Avenue near Victoria Drive.UKLFI: Hospital trust reviews dress code to prevent staff wearing Palestinian badges and clothing
That person, who police have not identified, has now been released pending completion of the investigation, according to VPD spokesman Sgt. Steve Addison.
CBC has confirmed the home is that of Charlotte Lynne Kates, a director of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.
Last month, the Canadian government designated Samidoun as a terrorist entity in a joint action with the U.S.
Kates was arrested and released by the VPD in May after video of a rally was posted on social media showing her praising the Hamas attack on Israel and calling a number of terrorist organizations heroes.
According to a neighbour who asked not to be named, the VPD broke a window in Kates's home after arriving with an armoured vehicle and officers in full tactical gear.
"It was scary for all of us," said the neighbour.
Another neighbour said they were awakened by a loud bang at around 9 a.m. and then saw police in the back of Kates's home, where she said two people live.
"I've lived next to them for three years, and they're absolutely lovely people. They're just fighting for rights for people," said Darian Tourand. "I don't think they're dangerous or terrorists by any means."
Franco Sabellico lives in the same block in the Commercial Drive neighbourhood.
"I'm worried about the neighbourhood and community," he said. "That we can have... people associated with terrorist groups living right beside you is very alarming."
Barts Health NHS Trust, is urgently reviewing its dress code following multiple incidents of staff wearing Palestine shirts and badges, and upsetting Jewish staff and patients. Hospital staff have even risked the patients’ health as a result of arguments over the offensive Pro-Palestinian clothing and badges.UKLFI: Rio Cinema Trustees reprimanded by Charity Commission following cancellation of Eurovision Final Screening
Barts Health NHS Trust (Barts Trust) runs St Bartholomew’s, Whipps Cross, Newham and Royal London hospitals in London. UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) reported a serious of incidents in October and November at hospitals within the Barts Trust. Initially the incidents were treated in a lackadaisical manner. However, as more incidents piled up, eventually Barts agreed to review and amend its dress code immediately.
A Barts Trust spokesperson said: “I can confirm that in response to recent feedback and concerns raised we are about to commence a review of our Uniform and Dress Code policy and will not be wating until the October 2025 review date noted on the policy.”
Here are some examples of the incidents reported to the Barts Trust over the past few weeks:
- A Medical Laboratory Assistant in the Reception of the Pathology Department at Newham Hospital, as well as at the Royal London Hospital, has been wearing a black t-shirt emblazoned with Arabic writing on the front, and on the back two maps of Israel, and stripes in the Palestinian colours. This was actually the Palestinian Football Team shirt.
- Over the past year, many of the staff at Newham hospital have been wearing large badges, attached to their hospital lanyards, with the slogan “Free Palestine”. These badges were supplied by Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
- Other staff have been wearing Socialist Worker supplied badges in Black, Green and Red with the words “Freedom for Palestine” in English and Arabic.
- At St Bartholomew’s Hospital, a receptionist and a clinic manager staff have been seen wearing Palestine Flag badges.
- A student at Whipps Cross hospital, accompanying nurses as an intern, was photographed by a patient being treated on dialysis , wearing a Palestine football shirt, with the two maps of Israel on the back, along with the Palestinian stripes. When the patient complained about the shirt being worn by the student, the nurses carrying out his dialysis threatened to stop treating him if he didn’t delete the photograph, thus breaching a multitude of regulations for nurses, and threatening to risk the patient’s health.
Caroline Turner commented: “It is particularly concerning that some of the staff members wearing the Palestine Flag pin are in senior positions, setting a very poor example for other staff. It is important that hospitals promote an environment of neutrality. In such a diverse workplace, political displays can create division and discomfort.”
The Trustees of the Rio Cinema in Dalston have been strongly reprimanded by the Charity Commission, which found there was misconduct and / or mismanagement in its administration. This follows complaints by UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) and others about the Rio cancelling the screening of the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest due to Israel’s participation in the competition.'We Will Dance Again': American-Israeli publishes first fiction novel on October 7 massacre
At the same time the Rio had said that it continued to support charities such as Medical Aid for Palestine and Queer Cinema for Palestine (despite widespread and severe resistance and oppression of LGBTQ+ rights in Palestine).
The Charity Commission has now issued regulatory advice and guidance to the trustees.
The Rio had issued a statement which said, “Following discussions with the organisers of Eurovision Party London, we have collectively decided not to screen the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest this year while Israel remains in the competition.”
UKLFI complained last March to the Charity Commission, having first written to the Rio to ask it to reinstate the Eurovision event.
UKLFI claimed that the Rio had breached its charitable objects, which include providing recreational facilities to residents of the area “without distinction of sex or political, religious or other opinions….” The Rio had also breached the spirit of the Eurovision Song Contest, which was not a contest between governments or states.
The Charity Commission has now told UKLFI:
“The Commission requested information and relevant documentation from the trustees and conducted an on-site inspection of the Charity’s premises, which included a meeting with the trustees.
After reviewing the information gathered, the Commission has determined that the Post was shared without adequate oversight by the trustees. Further, the content was inaccurate and misleading regarding the reasons for the cancellation of the Eurovision Song Contest screening. The failure to properly review content shared by a charity cannot be excused.
Additionally, the Commission takes the view that those reading the Post could have fairly concluded that the Charity, by making specific reference to Israel, was engaged in impermissible campaigning and/or political activity which does not further the purposes of the Charity.
As a result, the Commission has found there was misconduct and/or mismanagement in the administration of the Charity. The Commission has addressed the misconduct and/or mismanagement by issuing regulatory advice and guidance to the trustees under section 15(2) of the Charities Act 2011.”
Caroline Turner, director of UKLFI commented: “We are happy that the Charity Commission has reprimanded the Rio and hope that next year the Eurovision Song Contest will be screened at the cinema again. It is extremely destructive and divisive to bring politics into a cultural contest which is supposed to unite audiences through music.”
As Israelis reel from the emotional devastation of Hamas’s October 7 massacre on southern Israel, the largest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust, the story of the Supernova music festival will join the list of calamities immortalized in fiction text – in Aviva Gat’s We Will Dance Again.PIJ releases additional video of hostage Alexander Troufanov
If tragedy inspires art, then it’s no surprise that Jewish tragedies throughout history, with the October 7 Massacre as the most recent, have inspired some of the most renowned texts of the past century such as John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief.
Joining the collection, We Will Dance Again draws on the experiences of real victims, telling the stories of young families, praying to God as they hear Hamas at their door, and young carefree festival goers enjoying music and the foibles of their youth.
Speaking with The Jerusalem Post, Gat, an immigrant from Los Angeles, explained that writing the book was her way of processing the pain she felt after October 7.
Asked why she decided to write the first fictional telling of October 7, she answered that while storytelling was her calling, she felt others were more equipped to write non-fiction because they were more closely impacted or tied with those who were.
Much of Gat’s inspiration for the book seems to have come from those who chronicled the atrocities of the Holocaust. Gat had previously written My Family’s Survival, based on her grandmother Rachel Shwartz’s survival during the Holocaust.
While Shwatz passed before Gat was able to comprehend questions she would later want to ask, her grandmother and several other relatives recorded their testimonies. “I didn’t start to get to know my grandmother until after she died,” Gat wrote.
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist group released another video on Friday of Russian-Israeli hostage Alexander Troufanov, who has remained in captivity since October 7.Jerusalem hosts demonstration to raise awareness of IDF observers killed, abducted on October 7
This comes two days after a previous video of Troufanov was released. It is also the fourth such video of him. Other footage of hostages in captivity has been published as well in the past.
The videos cannot be corroborated by a third party. There is also no way to verify precisely when and where they were filmed or what the conditions of the hostages were during filming and afterward. Israel widely considers these videos – which PIJ and Hamas have released before – to be a form of psychological warfare.
In the video, Troufanov stands in front of an image of MK Aryeh Deri, the head of the religious political party Shas, and directly addresses him.
He asks Deri to influence the government's decisions and prevent it from abandoning him and other hostages in captivity.
Troufanov also mentions the ground entry of the IDF into Lebanon. "You forgot us," he is seen saying.
Troufanov began by explaining the importance of saving hostages in Judsaim. "I want to remind you that it is allowed to sell a Torah book and use the profit received from it to release a captive Jew."
"After a year in captivity and the abandonment of the government. You forgot us [hostages] and went to Lebanon," I am now turning to Minister Deri," he said.
Over the course of an hour, a once-vacant area of the sidewalk along Jaffa Street across from Mahane Yehuda in Jerusalem was transformed into a demonstration of border observer workstations at IDF bases on Thursday evening.Noa Tishby: Held Hostage by Hamas: Moran Stella Yanai’s Story of Survival and Strength
The five built-on-the-spot stations mimicked the stations on the IDF’s Nahal Oz base, from which five female lookout observers were kidnapped by Hamas in the October 7 attacks—Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa, and Naama Levy. A loudspeaker blared audio recordings from the morning of the attacks, repeating the voices of two young women who were murdered, Roni Eshel and Yael Leibushor.
Sasha Ariev, 25, the older sister of hostage Karina Ariev, said volunteers working in the demonstration were themselves observers for the army in the past.
“After what happened with the current observers who were kidnapped, they came together to help us raise awareness about soldiers, about people who are in captivity, about what it is [like] to be an observer,” she said.
The demonstrations have been brought to each city of the young women who were taken hostage, including Petah Tikva—the city of Gilboa— and Hostages Square in Tel Aviv. The next locations are Holon and Ramat Hasharon, explained Ariev.
Awareness of IDF observers
“People can come, can see it, and feel what the duty of being an observer is—that you need to see four to eight hours looking at the monitor without moving your head,” Ariev said. “So they can feel the job, which is very meaningful in the protection of their own country. And people in Jerusalem—-because it is the city of Karina—so they will know her.”
A crowd of a couple dozen people gathered around the fence surrounding the workstations, and many passersby stopped to learn more about the demonstration. Volunteers in yellow shirts invited people to sit at the stations.
“I know that people who saw it, they really liked it in the way that they understood what the job [is], and understood that the girls were put on the border to do their job, just to protect their country, and they were kidnapped,” she said. “So the country needs to bring them back home.”
Karina Ariev’s birthday was in August, and she turned 20 while in captivity.
Moran Stella Yanai was held hostage in Gaza by Hamas terrorists for 54 days after she was kidnapped from the Nova music festival on October 7th.
At the hostage vigil for his cousin Tsachi my husband articulated how the Amsterdam Jew-hunt exposed the hypocrisy of so-called antiracists. The ‘best’ defence of the attacks was a few Israelis did bad things. They’d NEVER say that about anyone else. Pure hateful xenophobia.
— Heidi Bachram 🎗️ (@HeidiBachram) November 15, 2024
Israeli actress Yuval Ronen with a subtle reminder about the hostages on the London royal premiere of Gladiator 2 last night. The film also stars Fauda’s Lior Raz.
— Nicole Lampert (@nicolelampert) November 15, 2024
'I And My Colleagues Won’t Stand for This': Republican Sen. Katie Britt Warns Universities Anti-Semitism Crackdown is Coming with New Majority
Republican Sen. Katie Britt (Ala.) is putting Columbia University, UCLA, and other schools on notice that the incoming GOP congressional majority plans to crack down on anti-Semitic demonstrations proliferating on college campuses.
Britt wrote an open letter to Jewish students on Friday stating that the rising anti-Semitism at universities was not "acceptable" and that she and her colleagues would not "stand by and allow this to happen."
"I want to make clear to each and every Jewish student on an American campus: I and my colleagues won’t stand for this. While your administrators may not have your backs, we do," Britt said.
"Many university administrators stood aside and watched their campuses become breeding grounds for the hatred of Jews—and in some cases actively helped," Britt said, adding that her office would work with Jewish students on "holding these schools accountable."
Britt’s letter comes as Republicans have vowed to combat anti-Semitism on college campuses, which has skyrocketed since Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks in Israel. A report by the House Committee on Education and the Workforce last month found that many universities "utterly failed to impose meaningful discipline for antisemitic behavior that violated school rules and the law." President-elect Donald Trump warned that schools "must end the antisemitic propaganda or they will lose their accreditation and federal support."
The House report documented numerous failures by school administrators to penalize illegal activity and anti-Semitism by anti-Israel demonstrators on campus. Columbia University neglected to take action against anti-Israel protesters who illegally barricaded themselves inside a university building. UCLA failed to prevent demonstrators from setting up a checkpoint barricade that blocked Jewish students from walking through campus.
TRUMP: "My first week back in the Oval Office, my administration will inform every college president that, if you do not end antisemitic propaganda, they will lose their accreditation and federal taxpayer support... Next, I will inform every educational institution in our land…
— Awesome Jew (@JewsAreTheGOAT) November 15, 2024
Senate Republicans question Department of Education Middle East studies grants
Two Senate Republicans wrote to Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona on Thursday, raising concerns about federal funding for Middle East studies allegedly provided to anti-Israel professors on college campuses.University of Michigan student gov impeaches anti-Israel leaders
The letter, from Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) focused on National Resource Centers and Foreign Language Area Studies grants provided by the Department of Education.
A recent report by a nonprofit group that scrutinizes government spending alleged that $22.1 million of those funds have gone toward Middle East studies programs and, specifically, to professors with strident anti-Israel views.
“The Biden-Harris administration should not channel American taxpayer dollars toward extremist professors who inculcate their students with hatred of America’s strongest ally — and sole democracy — in the Middle East,” the senators wrote. “This potential abuse of taxpayer funds is not just wasteful but may run contrary to the intent of the programs and the law.”
According to the report and letter, one grant to Columbia University supported a course taught by Professor Joseph Massad, who praised the Hamas Oct. 7 attack as “a stunning victory of the Palestinian resistance.”
The report also states that a Georgetown University professor, Fida Adely, who is a leader in anti-Israel boycott efforts, has also received federal grant funding.
“When the Department is directing taxpayer funds toward professors who demonize the Jewish state and back organizations with ties to terrorism, it raises questions regarding whether certain academic institutions are complying with the congressional mandates laid out in Title VI,” the senators said.
The University of Michigan Central Student Government voted 30-7 on Tuesday to impeach Alifa Chowdhury and Elias Atkinson, its president and vice president respectively, on five combined charges, the Michigan Daily, a student paper, reported.
Chowdhury was impeached for incitement of violence against the student government, cybertheft of student government property and dereliction of duty, while Atkinson was impeached for inciting violence and dereliction of duty, per the paper.
The Central Student Government voted that Chowdhury’s Oct. 6 Instagram post, which called for students to “pack” the upcoming Oct. 8 student government meeting, incited violence at that meeting.
The Michigan Daily reported that the speaker of the student assembly referred at that meeting to multiple members facing “harassment, intimidation, assault (spitting and touching people) by people associated with” Chowdhury and Atkinson. “Members were followed home and had to be escorted out by police for their safety,” the assembly speaker said.
Chowdhury ran on a platform earlier this year which promised to withhold some $1.3 million in student-government funding for campus activities unless the university agreed to divest from Israel.
The other two impeachment charges center on Chowdhury changing the password to the official student government Instagram account on Oct. 9 and posting “expressing her frustration about the results of the Oct. 8 CSG budget vote, which the motion said constitutes a misuse of CSG resources,” per the Michigan Daily.
During the Oct. 8 meeting, the student government voted against a “petition that would have sent its remaining budget of $440,000 to the Birzeit University’s ‘Rebuilding Hope’ campaign in Gaza.”
JNS has reported on allegations that Birzeit discriminates against Jews and has Hamas terror ties.
Thank you, Trader Joe's, for standing strong and resisting the hateful campaign targeting Israeli products in your stores. 🇮🇱
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) November 15, 2024
At Columbia’s Gates, Anti-Israel Activists Recruit Classmates To 'Get Involved' With Designated Terror Financier Samidoun
A coalition of anti-Israel student groups at Columbia University distributed pamphlets just outside of the school's Morningside Heights gates encouraging attendees to "get involved" with the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, an anti-Semitic organization recently sanctioned in the United States for providing material support to terrorists. In doing so, the students themselves may have provided support to terrorists, one expert told the Washington Free Beacon.
Members of Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) distributed the pamphlets—which were labeled "CUAD's Guide to Operational Security" and listed an email address associated with CUAD's "collective defense team"—just outside of the campus gates on Tuesday afternoon, sources said.
One page calls for "revolution and resistance until liberation and return," photos obtained by the Free Beacon show. Another encourages readers to "let your discomfort be your radicalization" and "kill the beast from within." A third, meanwhile, informs students how they can "get involved on & off campus," listing a slew of anti-Semitic groups, including Samidoun. The page features a QR code that leads to a "Palestine 101" LinkTree, which includes a link to Samidoun's website, the homepage of which touts an "Amsterdam free from Zionism" and calls to "globalize the intifada!"
The distribution of those pamphlets came roughly one month after the U.S. Department of Treasury sanctioned Samidoun, calling it a "sham charity that serves as an international fundraiser for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization." At the time, experts told the Free Beacon that the move likely spelled trouble for Samidoun's U.S. collaborators. Now, CUAD could be in Treasury's crosshairs.
"A reasonable argument could be made that whoever produced these flyers are providing material support to a designated terrorist organization," said Foundation for Defense of Democracies senior vice president for research Jonathan Schanzer. "In short, Samidoun shouldn't be anywhere in the United States anymore."
"Putting up flyers that include the work of Samidoun, while not the most egregious violation, would still, I think, meet the definition of material support."
A Columbia spokeswoman told the Free Beacon that "statements advocating for violence or harm are antithetical to the core principles upon which this institution was founded" and that "calls for violence have no place at Columbia." Though the flyers clearly state they come from CUAD, the spokeswoman said Columbia does not "know who produced or distributed these flyers since it was outside our campus." Anyone concerned about the flyers, the spokeswoman added, is encouraged to "report to the Office of Institutional Equity to be reviewed."
CUAD is a coalition of dozens of student groups that banded together after Columbia suspended two leading anti-Israel organizations: Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace. Despite their suspension, both groups remain part of the CUAD coalition.
Exhibition Looks Back at Columbia’s Gaza Solidarity Encampments 📰🔗➡️
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 15, 2024
Pro-Palestinian vandals invade home of UW president, carve Hamas symbols
Pro-Palestinian vandals invaded the home of University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce, on Thursday, damaging her car and leaving pro-Hamas symbols, the university confirmed in a statement.
University spokesperson Victor Balta said in an email Thursday evening that “several masked perpetrators” invaded Cauce’s home, where they slashed the tires to her car and painted “pro-Hamas symbols” across multiple surfaces. Videos circulating online show inverted triangles being painted onto home’s walls.
Those recorded promised, “you will not know peace until you meet the demands of our movement.”
“Free Palestine” and “blood on your hands” were also spray painted on Cause’s property.
“Making threats against a public official in an attempt to intimidate them is a crime,” Balta said in the statement. She confirmed that police were investigating the incident and that it “will not influence University policy.”
A Jewish alumni group, verified by the Seattle Times, condemned the attack, writing on X, “We unequivocally condemn this despicable behavior, and look to @SeattlePD and incoming AG @NickBrownNow to find and prosecute these lawbreakers. @UW”
Behind the attack
The alumni group also connected the incident to the Instagram page ‘Escalate Seattle’ which claimed to be sharing the video on behalf of anonymous students.
“ANA MARI FUNDS GENOCIDE This morning, Ana Mari woke up at her residential home in Lake City to red paint splattered on her front door and a message on her car, declaring ‘Ana Mari Funds Genocide.’ In the lead-up to today's UW Board of Regents meeting, members of the community wanted to send a strong reminder to Ana Mari of her complicity in the genocide of Palestinians. In addition, flyers listing campus demands and quotes exposing her loyalty to Boeing-primary supplier of weapons for the zionist genocide [sic] - were wheatpasted [sic] on her house and left in her neighbors mailboxes,” the anonymous students allegedly wrote. “Cauce does not get to live a comfortable life or have a positive reputation while snuggling up to war profiteers. While Ana Mari and the Board of Regents use the bureaucratic process in an attempt to stall out the movement for Palestinian liberation, we will not be deceived or demobilized. Our movement will continue to escalate until the demands for cutting ties with war-profiteer Boeing and divestment from zionism [sic] are met.
UPDATE: This same group claims to be the one behind the vandalizing of the Microsoft campus last month
— Ari Hoffman 🎗 (@thehoffather) November 14, 2024
DEVELOPING: Local Hamasniks didn't just vandalize the @UW president's mansion known as Hillcrest, they also vandalized the private home of President Ana Marie Cauce in Lake City
— Ari Hoffman 🎗 (@thehoffather) November 15, 2024
This just proves appeasement of the mob never works
Someone asks the protestors to stop so the Czech foreign minister can speak. Another points out that people at the event would like to hear him talk about the horrors of Russia’s war & to respond to the protestors’ allegations. They keep chanting. The minister eventually leaves
— Deborah Haynes (@haynesdeborah) November 15, 2024
Czechia’s Foreign Affairs Minister @JanLipavsky tried to give a lecture at University College London today on foreign policy.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 15, 2024
The event had to be cancelled after Islamist students disrupted the lecture to oppose Czechia’s support for Israel.
Emmaia Gelman, a @SarahLawrence "scholar," directs the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism. Gelman participated in the Oct 8, '23 rally in NYC celebrating Hamas. Read our NEW EXPOSE on the institute: "Antisemitism Posing as Academia"
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) November 15, 2024
Meet Nathalie Edmond, an anti-racism consultant at Villanova University, who equates Jewish self-determination with white supremacy, fascism, rape culture, and homophobia.
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) November 15, 2024
DEI in its current form is fundamentally antisemitic. How is this even allowed?
Thought the support for terrorism at @Columbia was confined to a fringe group of students? Think again.
— Eden Yadegar (@edenyadegar) November 14, 2024
Here is Sunrise Columbia, a recognized club that receives university funding, quoting Hamas terrorist and 10/7 mastermind Yahya Sinwar in their weekly newsletter.
These are the creeps Leeds Labour councillors applauded this week. Utterly foul Holocaust memory abusers, keen to hear from the notorious antisemite Tony Greenstein.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 15, 2024
Darwan was roundly and rightly told off when the meeting was reconvened. This is what Darwan achieved - wrecking.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 14, 2024
Independent councillor Ali Arshad resorted to "never again" Nazi slurs. For shame.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 14, 2024
Genocide for the Jews is what Hamas wants!
Stop this pointless and ugly hatred. Serve your constituents.
Meet Burgandy McCurty, Financial Crimes Director at @PwC—one of the largest accounting firms in the country—proudly wearing a keffiyeh at an inclusion event.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 15, 2024
A bold display of solidarity with those wreaking havoc and fueling crime across the country.
Fighting fraud by day,…
Amazon is doing NOTHING about:
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 14, 2024
-Israeli hostage & Amazon employee Sasha Trufanov still held by Hamas
- Twitch CEO Dan Clancy allowing antisemitism to spread like cancer on the platform
- the numerous Jew haters employed by Amazon
Alarming, extremist views overseeing San Francisco public transit?
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 14, 2024
Meet Adwoa Oni, a San Francisco employee with direct access to the rail system, who has openly shared her disturbing views on Jewish people, including:
- denies mass sexual assault crimes against civilians on…
Damnn @kthalps lies about her own suppose family
— Adin - آدین - עדין (@AdinHaykin1) November 14, 2024
She deny her family was Zionist but to prove she was Jewish she posted a bio of a woman who was a member of a Zionists youth movement and made Aliyah.
IDF maps house of terrorist responsible for Jerusalem Check Point Tunnel shooting
IDF forces mapped the house of the terrorist Abd al-Qader Qawasmeh in Hebron on Thursday night.
Qawasmeh was one of the terrorists involved in the shooting attack at the Tunnel Checkpoint on November 16, 2023, in which IDF soldier Avraham Patna was killed. The mapping was conducted in preparation for demolishing the home, which had been rebuilt after a previous demolition.
In addition to the death of Patna, who was a 20-year-old soldier from Haifa, six people were wounded in various degrees during the Jerusalem Tunnel Checkpoint incident a year ago.
Three terrorists were neutralized by security forces after arriving at the checkpoint in a vehicle from the West Bank and opening fire. Two handguns and an M-16 rifle used in the attack were found at the scene.
Confiscating additional weapons
An inspection of the vehicle revealed it had duplicate license plates. Inside, security forces discovered axes, additional weapons, and IDF uniforms, indicating the attackers planned further assaults inside Jerusalem.
In addition to mapping Qawasmeh’s home, the soldiers confiscated weapons, weapon parts, and ammunition in the village of Deir Samet in the Judea Brigade sector. This follows a week in which security forces arrested around 40 wanted people across the Central Command area, seized seven firearms, and confiscated tens of thousands of shekels in terror funds.
lovely family
— Adin - آدین - עדין (@AdinHaykin1) November 15, 2024
that's him?
— Adin - آدین - עדין (@AdinHaykin1) November 14, 2024
‘Gaza cost-of-living protests organized by Hamas’
Recent demonstrations in the Gaza Strip against soaring food prices were orchestrated by Hamas to let Palestinians blow off steam while demonizing Israel, local sources told Channel 12 News on Thursday.
The protests, which were held last week in Deir al-Balah, Nuseirat and Khan Yunis, were “directed and controlled” by Hamas, according to sources close to the terrorist group cited in the report.
The goal of the rallies was to “continue to delegitimize Israel in sight of the international community, as well as to release pressure,” they said.
The report noted that while last week’s demonstrations were held in the presence of armed Hamas members, the terrorists did not move to disperse them as they have done with similar protests in the past.
Protesters called for costs to be brought in line with Hamas-backed price lists, and the rallies were inexplicably dropped within days—despite there being no real change in the cost of goods.
Earlier this year, Channel 12 revealed that Hamas has profited by at least a half billion dollars from humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip, by stealing it and selling it to the population at premium prices.
According to intelligence obtained by the Shin Bet (Israeli Security Agency) earlier this year, Hamas terrorists steal at least 60% of the aid entering Gaza through the Jewish state.
Unboxing of Turkish aid in South Gaza.
— Imshin (@imshin) November 15, 2024
"Tea! That's been cut off for a long time - about a week!"
Watch till the end to see what the Turkish organization enclosed in an envelope with the aid! Why send cash unless you know the real problem in Gaza is not food shortages but high…
4 sweet pastries for 10 shekels ($2.67) in Khan Younes Mawasi (humanitarian zone) South Gaza, he says because of the current sugar shortage. Used to be for 1 shekel.
— Imshin (@imshin) November 15, 2024
TikTok timestamp: 1 day ago#TheGazaYouDontSee
Link in 1st comment
Bread prices have also gone up in South Gaza, says this man. Five pita breads used to cost 1 shekel, now just one for 1 shekel ($0.27). He says a sack of flour now costs $100. He blames the depraved merchants (in Arabic it rhymes - toojar foojar).
— Imshin (@imshin) November 15, 2024
TikTok timestamp: 14 hours ago…
Exclusive: Houthi arsenal shocks the Pentagon's top weapons buyer
Houthi rebels are brandishing increasingly sophisticated weapons, including missiles that "can do things that are just amazing," the Pentagon's chief weapons buyer said at an Axios event.
The big picture: The militant group has for a year used drones and missiles to strangle waters off Yemen, disrupting international shipping.
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Bill LaPlante on Wednesday said the Houthis "are getting scary."
"I'm an engineer and a physicist, and I've been around missiles my whole career," he said at the Future of Defense summit in Washington, DC. "What I've seen of what the Houthis have done in the last six months is something that — I'm just shocked."
State of play: The group's forces menace almost every ship passing by — civilian or military — and have even sent some to the seafloor.
Two U.S. Navy destroyers were attacked days ago as they slipped through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, linking the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
At least eight attack drones, five anti-ship ballistic missiles and four anti-ship cruise missiles were intercepted, according to U.S. Central Command. No injuries or damage to the warships were reported.
The barrages are said to be in retaliation to Israel's war in Gaza. But many targets have no obvious affiliation.
The Biden admin made a day 1 decision to dismantle terrorism sanctions against the Houthis. Blinken called it a top priority in his very first press briefing. They have engaged in political trench warfare to block full reimposition, including blowing up Senate negotiations on it.
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) November 15, 2024
Iran sets up mental health clinic to ‘treat’ hijab refusers
Iranian women who do not want to wear the Muslim head covering are to be given treatment at a special mental health clinic established in Tehran, a British newspaper reported on Wednesday.'A disgraceful act': Officials condemn vandalism of Warsaw Ghetto monument
The move, which comes days after an Iranian university student stripped down to her underwear in protest over the dress code, is the latest attempt by the Islamic Republic to quash women’s freedom and equality.
The Telegraph first reported that the “hijab removal treatment clinic” was announced by Mehri Talebi Darestani, the head of the Women and Family Department of the Tehran Headquarters for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
The government official said the clinic will offer “scientific and psychological treatment for hijab removal,” and that the project is focused on promoting “dignity, modesty, and chastity.”
She claimed that attendance would be optional.
According to the report, the clinic will be overseen by Iran’s Headquarters for Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil, the government body responsible for enforcing religious standards across society.
The department is under international sanction for human rights abuses for its actions against women who do not adhere to Iran’s strict Islamic dress codes.
Iranian Mahsa Amini became an icon for oppressed women around the world as news spread of her death after being arrested by Iranian morality police for “improperly” wearing her hijab two years ago.
A memorial dedicated to the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto erected in Poland was vandalized on Thursday night, Polish media reported on Friday.Australian Jews confront rising antisemitism
Police attended the scene at Anielewicza Street, and are now investigating under Article 261 of the Penal Code which criminalizes the intentional destruction of a monument.
The culprits, if identified, face a fine and or prison sentence.
Condemning the vandalism
Israel’s Ambassador to Poland Yacov Livne condemned the vandalism and called on authorities to properly investigate the incident.
“Yesterday evening the Warsaw Ghetto monument was vandalized,” Livne wrote on X/Twitter I call on Polish authorities to condemn this, find the culprits & bring them to justice. This isn't the first act of Antisemitic vandalism here. Only determined action will put an end to it.”
The European Jewish Congress also condemned the desecration, writing, “The vandalism of the Warsaw Ghetto monument is a disgraceful act that disrespects Holocaust victims.
“We hope authorities will investigate thoroughly and bring those responsible to justice.
“Acts like this highlight the ongoing need for education and vigilance against hate.”
Poland’s Foreign Affairs ministry also condemned the incident, posting “The MFA strongly condemns the act of vandalism aimed at the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes - a symbol of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust and Jewish resistance against German Nazism.
“Such acts are an attack on history and the values that unite us as a society.”
Australia and Canada, despite their vastly different historical and political landscapes, have witnessed an alarming escalation in antisemitic incidents following Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023, attack and the subsequent war in Gaza.
Australia‘s reputation for political stability faced an unprecedented test last month during events marking Oct. 7. Sydney’s police leadership urged authorities to block a major pro-Palestinian demonstration in the nation’s largest city, citing security concerns. The request followed violent clashes in Melbourne weeks earlier, where rioters hurled acid during confrontations, leading to 39 arrests.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese ultimately permitted the Sydney demonstration to proceed while directing law enforcement to block any display of terrorist organization symbols or leadership images. Police displayed prominent warning signs detailing protest restrictions, arresting several people for violations. The government’s unusually stringent approach, standing out among Western nations, reflects deepening worry over antisemitism’s rising tide.
A Monash University survey in June revealed that 20% of Australian Jews had encountered antisemitism since Oct. 7. A particularly troubling summer incident involved the circulation of a blacklist targeting prominent Jewish community figures, businesses, and schools. The controversy culminated in a senior New York Times reporter’s resignation after leaking names to anti-Israel groups.
Australia’s Labor government under Albanese walks a delicate line while confronting the phenomenon. His July appointment of Jillian Segal as special commissioner to combat antisemitism came with a clear message: “Most Australians don’t want this conflict imported here.”
The administration has taken decisive action, including deporting an American Muslim academic for promoting hatred and antisemitism at anti-Israel rallies.
Yet for Australia’s Jewish population of more than 100,000, vulnerability persists. The staggering 700% increase in antisemitic incidents since Oct. 7 has left deep scars. “We’re fighting for our rightful place in society, but the persistent denial and gaslighting of our community must end,” Executive Council of Australian Jewry representative Alex Ryvchin told The Guardian.
Crown Heights doesn’t sleep?! This frightening footage from last night, around 12:30 AM at Schenectady and Crown, shows three people following and attempting to mug a Jewish resident, even chasing him into the street.
— Yaacov Behrman (@ChabadLubavitch) November 15, 2024
He doesn’t give in easily, and I don’t think they got…
Antisemitism is a scourge on our society. It’s evil and always committed by unhinged, weak-minded pathetic sociopaths. And Britain has become a cesspool of Jew hatred and Islamist propaganda.
— Cheryl E 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🎗️ (@CherylWroteIt) November 15, 2024
It’s even more dangerous when companies like @EuropcarUK have employees and drivers…
Jew-hare is out of control in Canada
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 15, 2024
Someone SHOT through the window of this Toronto store which sells Israeli-made shoes
via @DahliaKurtz
TikTok influencer who livestreamed herself singing 'I will wear my antisemite badge with pride' and made jokes about gassing Jewish people is spared jail
A TikTok influencer who made 'disgusting and nauseating' posts including one where she 'joked' about the 'the Jews putting gas into gaslighting' walked free from court today.
Fiona Ryan, who was wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf in the dock, also called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as 'Nazi Yahu' and livestreamed herself singing 'I will wear my antisemite badge with pride', to the tune of 'If you're happy and you know it'.
On X, formerly known as Twitter, the sociology graduate posted photographs of Hiroshima and Gaza with the caption 'this is what Jews do best', while several of her posts also 'showed support for and glorified Hamas', a District Judge was told.
Ryan also uploaded fake quotes from the Talmud to call Judaism an 'evil religion from the depths of hell', Salisbury magistrates court heard.
In a police interview the 40 year old compared herself to comedian Ricky Gervais and claimed her TikToks were 'free speech' protected by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The mother was handed a suspended sentence this afternoon after District Judge Timothy Pattinson branded her 'appallingly ignorant and misguided' and said the posts were 'anything but amusing'.
The judge told her: 'In the course of the trial I heard the recording of an abusive song and comments, you said 'where's the harm in a little bit of fun' suggesting that you thought offensive communications of the type described by the prosecution can somehow be amusing.
So this is how they look like in real life
— Adin - آدین - עדין (@AdinHaykin1) November 15, 2024
Greece in talks with Israel to develop 2 bln euro 'Iron Dome'
Greece is in talks with Israel to develop a 2 billion euro ($2.11 billion) anti-aircraft and missile defense dome, part of a wider push to modernize its armed forces as it recovers from a protracted debt crisis, Greek officials said on Thursday.Israeli study shows breakthrough in treatment of cancer
The defenses would likely mimic Israel's Iron Dome and other systems that intercept short- and long-range missiles launched during strikes from its neighbours amid the ongoing conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon.
Greece is keen to invest in its defenses to keep up with its NATO ally and historic rival Turkey, which is also developing its own air defenses, despite some improvement in relations. The plans
"The plan is to create a multi-layer anti-aircraft and anti-drone system," one source with knowledge of the issue told Reuters after a closed door briefing with Greek defense Minister Nikos Dendias.
"We are in discussions with Israel," the source said.
A second official confirmed the scale of the potential deal, adding that Greece needs to spend 12.8 billion euros by 2035 to modernise its armed forces.
The air defenses are part of Athens' 10-year military purchasing plan that includes acquiring up to 40 new F-35 fighter jets and drones from the US, and four Belharra frigates and Rafale jets from France.
"Our effort is for a quick transition of our armed forces to the 21st century," defense Minister Dendias said before the Thursday briefing.
Greece currently uses US Patriot and old Russian S-300 systems to protect its airspace.
Despite some thaw in Greece's long-troubled relations with Turkey, its much larger eastern neighbour, the two countries remain at odds on a range of issues including sea boundaries, energy resources and airspace in the eastern Mediterranean.
A pioneering study conducted at Beilinson Hospital in Israel has revealed a potential breakthrough in prostate-cancer treatment that could significantly reduce the number of radiation sessions required for effective care.Anne Frank House launches 3D virtual tour with AI version of Rachel Riley
The research comes as the Israel Cancer Association projects that 2,800 men will receive diagnoses of this type of cancer this year with about 530 fatalities expected. The disease remains the most prevalent cancer among Israeli men and ranks as the fifth leading cause of cancer mortality.
The groundbreaking research, led by Dr. Elisha Freedman, director of urinary system cancers and clinical radiation research at the Davidoff Center’s radiotherapy institute at Beilinson Hospital, focuses on reducing radiation treatments to just two sessions for early-stage patients.
In the initial phase, researchers studied 20 patients who underwent the abbreviated two-session treatment protocol. The results showed no unusual side effects, with treatment outcomes matching those of the traditional five-session approach. Significantly, no cancer recurrence was observed during the 18-month follow-up period.
“This transition to two radiation sessions represents a significant advancement in patient care,” Freedman explained. “We’re seeing fewer side effects, reduced hospital visits and increased treatment capacity. This could revolutionize treatment globally. Given the psychological impact of treatment, reducing radiation sessions appears highly promising, which helped secure approval for expanded research.”
The treatment particularly benefits intermediate-risk patients not requiring hormonal therapy, who comprise the majority of prostate cancer cases. The findings, published in the prestigious International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, have led to an expanded third phase involving 502 patients, comparing outcomes between two-session and five-session treatment groups.
The Anne Frank House is launching a 3D virtual tour of the famous Amsterdam museum using an AI avatar of Rachel Riley as a multilingual guide.
In partnership with EyeSpy360, a leader in virtual tour technology, the Anne Frank House will now be accessible to worldwide visitors who can immerse themselves in every room of the museum through photos, video clips, sound bites, objects and documents – guided all the way by broadcaster Riley, or at least by her likeness.
Riley's image and voice have been digitally cloned into an avatar, guiding users through the historical spaces in English, Spanish, Dutch or German.
EyeSpy360 CEO Andrew Nicholls said: “With everything going on in the world, I was really frustrated that I couldn't do anything about it. A lot of this is about - how do we get the atrocities of what happened across?”
When Nicholls learned that the Anne Frank House was looking for a way to incorporate immersive Holocaust education in schools and colleges around the world, he set about building a virtual walkthrough of the museum.
The 3D tour, which users can access via the museum’s website, includes a digitised exploration of the entire museum, including the annex, the hidden space where Anne, her family and four other Jews took refuge during World War II.
The annex remains empty today, following the wish of Otto Frank, Anne’s father, who survived the Holocaust and dedicated his life to preserving his daughter’s legacy.
Nicholls said the programme would make the museum accessible to people who can’t visit the Amsterdam locale in person.
The tour also provides information about Anne’s life and work, contextualised within the events of World War II and the Holocaust. Riley’s AI avatar, appearing in the bottom righthand of the screen, guides visitors through a deeply moving narrative, making the new programme a valuable resource for schools and Holocaust education efforts across the globe.
Riley, who was awarded an MBE for her services to Holocaust education and antisemitism awareness, said: "I’m deeply honoured to be part of this innovative project, where the latest cutting-edge technology has enabled the creation of a digital clone of both my image and voice, transforming me into a multilingual AI avatar for use as part of a virtual tour of the Anne Frank House.
Char Bar, the only kosher restaurant in DC, fell victim to antisemitic vandalism amid the 86th Anniversary of Kristallnacht. In a show of solidarity, I presented the owner with a Congressional record bearing a simple message: “an attack on Char Bar as a Jewish business is an…
— Ritchie Torres (@RitchieTorres) November 15, 2024
“Super Trump” — Sing along with the Jerusalem Boys Choir!
— Mike (@Doranimated) November 15, 2024
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