Salaam/ ShalomPeace to those – of any faith, language, or ethnicity – who cherish freedom, and justice. Greetings to the followers of all religions, and all children of Abraham, regardless of their creed, ethnicity, or language. Shalom to my fellow Iranians of Jewish faith and all followers of Prophet Moses across the globe.
Ask the women of Iran about how much they enjoy freedom and justice.
I begin in the name of our one Compassionate and Merciful God, to remind us, all, of the urgency of preventing the spread of war, bloodshed, plunder, and oppression.
Ask the people of Yemen how much Iran tries to prevent the spread of war, bloodshed, plunder and oppression.
I speak to you, Jewish people across the world, as a citizen of an ancient nation with a rich history of tolerance and humanity. For over two thousand years, my nation has been a symbol of peaceful coexistence among various religions, cultures, languages, dialects, races and ethnicities. Supporting the oppressed, the displaced, and those seeking refuge from genocide, has always been a trait of my nation in its long and proud history:• Liberating the Jews suffering under the Babylonians over 2,600 years ago• Receiving Jews displaced by the Nazis and fascists during World War II• Opening its arms to millions of Afghans fleeing foreign occupation• Assisting Palestinians, Lebanese, and Syrians displaced by aggression and apartheid.
Iran since the 1979 revolution has nothing in common with historic Persia. It is in most ways the antithesis of Persian traditions. Iran pre-1979 was mostly a tolerant and peaceful place for its citizens, although it was hardly a liberal democracy.
A few years ago, I had the honor of contributing to a unique achievement of multilateral diplomacy to end the manufactured crisis over Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. Yet, Netanyahu – who himself had contributed to the manufacturing of this crisis – made it his “historic mission” to obstruct and kill the nuclear deal: an agreement that would have ensured that the “wolf” this habitual liar was always “crying” about, would never come to town.That agreement could have been the foundation of a new era of peace, tranquility, regional cooperation, and freedom from threats, conflicts, and escalating tensions.
However, before too long, Netanyahu and his Zionist and extremist cohorts succeeded in their satanic effort to rob the region and the world of this historic opportunity, standing on the wrong side of history.
Before Trump withdrew from the JCPOA, Iran was developing advanced centrifuges, violated the agreement on stockpiling heavy water, engaged in secret nuclear weapons development, banned the IAEA from inspecting military nuclear facilities, worked on building ballistic missiles to be a delivery system for nuclear bombs. Even after the withdrawal, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, and China pledged to continue to adhere to the agreement while Iran blatantly violated all its major provisions.
Standing on the wrong side of history again, Netanyahu and his regime, along with Israel’s Western enablers, have unleashed the machinery of death and destruction in the region, causing carnage and crimes against humanity in a genocidal campaign that has murdered over 50,000 civilians, including over 10,000 children.But resistance to occupation will not die by killing children or even its leaders.
50,000 civilians and not one Hamas member. That's impressive!
Dear friends, sisters, and brothers,Aggressive Zionism is nothing but an expansionist secular movement, deceitfully using Judaism to advance its colonial and racist agenda.
It's always nice when anti-Zionists define Zionism.
It abuses the memories and blood of Jewish victims of the Holocaust who perished during World War II, while Zionism itself is nothing but racism, chauvinism, militarism, terrorism, expansionism, apartheid, and hatred against other nations and religions.
Funny that the Baha'i religion is persecuted in peaceful and tolerant Iran while its beautiful headqarters is in the hateful, apartheid Zionist state.
Iran has been behind attacks on Jewish religious centers and prominent Jews in the UK, Germany, France, Canada, Argentina and the US, for starters.
It deceitfully claims to be the representative and protector of Jewish people worldwide, while in practice, it is the greatest threat to the dignity and security of the Jewish people.
Of course, the weapons Iran gives to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Iraqi Shiites and the Houthis don't threaten Jews at all.• Sacrifices Jews and Gentiles at the altar of Zionism;
• Uses the name of the Lord in vain to justify genocide;
I'm stumped on this one. I've never heard a Zionist pronounce the Tetragrammaton.
You are not just horrified by the Zionist crimes committed against others; you too are victims of Zionist assault on your faith and identity. Continue to stand – as you have done in the streets of Western capitals – with all the innocent victims of Zionism in Palestine, and elsewhere. Continue to support those at the forefront of this resistance who defend human dignity. Save the Divine Abrahamic Jewish faith from Zionist forgeries, marred by aggression, apartheid, and genocide.