Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Disclaimer: the views expressed here are solely those of the author, weekly Judean Rose columnist Varda Meyers Epstein. Please note that this post contains extremely graphic descriptions.

Roger Waters is an evil antisemite. The word “evil” here is no hyperbole. Some people hate Jews out of habit or ignorance, but Roger Waters is a rabid, virulent Jew-hater, who denies that Jewish babies were burned and Jewish women were raped on October 7. Even though there is ample evidence to the contrary, as Piers Morgan rightly stated during a recent interview with the Pink Floyd co-founder and Jew-hater par excellence.

Roger Waters: Wouldn't it be great to have that conversation at some . . . and wouldn't it be great if we could have an actual real investigation beyond the very good Al Jazeera documentary that we all saw that came out and all the great work that the Gray Zone and Electric Intifada people did in debunking all the filthy disgusting lies that the Israelis told after October the 7th about burning babies and women being raped which were all completely . . .

Piers Morgan (interrupts): Actually women were raped.

Roger Waters: No they weren’t.

Piers Morgan: Yes, they were.

Roger Waters: Well, there's no evidence.

Piers Morgan: It's been must been established by the United Nations.

Roger Waters: You can say anything that you want but there's no evidence.

Piers Morgan: Actually there is extensive evidence. . .

Roger Waters (interrupts): There is no sex assault and rape.

Piers Morgan: Well, there is, okay?

Waters is only annoying. No one takes him seriously anymore, except for his fellow haters. Still, there is much frustration among those of us who are all too well aware that in fact, babies were burned and women were raped. There is more, much more, and we can prove it—Hamas recorded it all with their GoPro cameras.

That being the case, say the naysayers, why haven’t we seen this evidence?

I would answer that there are very good reasons you haven’t seen the evidence of mass gang-rapes and beheadings; the baby shoved into a microwave oven; others decapitated or burned alive. For one thing, there are families to shield from seeing how their loved ones were brutalized. We also have the dignity of the victims to consider. But then there is the issue of the footage being difficult to watch.

A 43-minute video, a compilation of raw footage of the October 7th carnage, was produced by the IDF and shown to foreign journalists. At the request of Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, the film was subsequently shown to Knesset members at a November 1st, closed-door screening.

From the Jerusalem Post:

The Knesset screened the IDF's uncensored October 7 documentary for MKs on Wednesday.

The movie, which is made up of footage taken from killed and captured terrorists, was previously screened for Israeli and foreign journalists to show them the horrors of Hamas's attack.

The MKs who watched the footage on Wednesday were heavily affected by it, with Likud MK Keti Shitrit leaving the auditorium sobbing a few minutes after the documentary began. Fellow Likud MK Tsega Melaku reportedly fainted after the screening and was taken to the Knesset's infirmary.

Likud MK Gilat Distel-Atbaryan said the Knesset's doctor was at the entrance to the auditorium offering MKs relaxation medications before they went in to watch the documentary. Three psychologists were also available afterward to help those who watched the documentary to cope.

"I held it out in the hall for five minutes and then I ran out sobbing and shaking," said Distel-Atbaryan.

Even with the relaxation pill, which she had accepted, she said the footage gave her a panic attack like she had never experienced before.

Fox News’ Harris Faulkner reported on a screening for Members of the House:

Harris Faulkner: And on Capitol Hill, Members of the House visibly shaken after they watched Hamas’ footage of the October 7th atrocities. Many of those terrorists wore body cameras—as you know they were “GoPro-ing it,” as they were slaughtering men, women, and children, entire families, one in front of each one of them and then killing the last one.

It's torture.

Senators are planning a wider viewing tomorrow in their chamber.

(cut to reactions)

US Representative Elise Stefanik: These horrific images of atrocities are etched into my memory forever.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson: You could have heard a pin drop except for the sighs and cries in the room, because the video would make anyone with a soul, cry.

Congressman Mike McCaul: Horrific scene, that I can't get into detail because they are so disgusting. They are a messianic cult, they’re a terror organization, a cult.

Harris Faulkner: The devil is what they are. Incarnate. Michigan Democrat Haley Stevens posted, “I'm gutted. This is barbarism. An attack on all humanity."

California Republican Darrell Issa said, “Watching the footage made me sick to my stomach.

(cut to Harris Faulkner): Heartbreaking and dramatic newly-released video from October 7th shows the bravery of a young off-duty soldier. He was defending civilians inside a rocket shelter as the terrorists tossed in grenades. The soldier, lobbing them right back before they would explode. One after another after another.

Seven times he did that, before he himself was killed by the eighth grenade.

Martha MacCallum, also at Fox, described the experience of watching those 43 minutes:

"Everyone has seen some of these images online, but the unfiltered video is absolutely – it’s so horrific it’s hard to put into words," MacCallum told Dana Perino Monday on "America’s Newsroom."

"There is obviously so much blood, so many charred bodies, it’s very difficult, obviously, to watch this. But the two things that stuck with me, Dana, more than anything is a moment when two young boys, they’re probably [ages] 8 and 10, a grenade is thrown into the room that they are in with their father, and their father is killed and then the terrorist, the Hamas terrorist, pulls the boys out and basically pushes them into their kitchen, and they’re crying, one of them can’t see from the grenade," she continued.

"And the terrorist starts drinking water, or milk or juice out of their refrigerator… these boys are screaming, and one of them says, ‘I want my mother,’ and then he says, ‘Why am I alive?’" MacCallum became emotional when recalling the chilling video of some of the Oct. 7 terror that gripped Israel.

"I will never forget these two boys, I just can’t imagine," she said.

"Beyond the blood and the horror is the emotion of, I don’t know if they survived, but of the survivors, and the other thing that will haunt anyone that hears it or sees it, are the phone calls," MacCallum continued.

"There is a Hamas terrorist who calls his parents… he says, ‘Mom and dad, you would be so proud of me. I’m a hero. I killed 10 Jews with my own hands.’"

MacCallum said the terrorist’s parents were "cheering" on the call.

"It’s horrifying and I think that the reason, obviously, that they’re showing it to people is that they don’t want this part of the story to be forgotten, and it is important to remember what the spark was," she said.

MacCallum is absolutely correct. But no one who is swept up in the antisemitic protests cares about the nature of the “spark” that lit the fire in Gaza. It’s too late for that—they’ve been indoctrinated with the falsehood that Israel, in 1948, by its very creation, was the spark that led to the destruction in Gaza in the wake of the October 7, 2023, massacre.

On the other side of the aisle, Matt Gutman, writing for ABC News, talked about his turn to view the 43-minute film, and how it was for him:

"You won't see rape, there's no rape in this video... We won't show you beheaded babies," a senior Israeli officer said to a small group of journalists, saying such images existed but would not be shown.0000

The journalists were the first to watch a screening of an hour-long reel cobbled together from Hamas helmet cam, mobile phone video, surveillance video, dashboard camera video and victims' livestreams. . .

. . .  Journalists were not allowed to record or use the video presented, and our phones were deposited outside the room.

The video started slowly. Hamas fighters are seen on the back of a pickup, with RPGs spiking out in every direction. You can sense their excitement. The video shows several groups cut through the fence and wave a pickup truck through.

Then it shows three separate angles of motorists in Israel being flagged down, then gunned down -- the AK-47s puffing smoke -- on the road outside the Kfar Aza and Be'eri kibbutzim. Bodies are yanked out of cars.

Then a pair of attackers in Be'eri is shown. For several minutes, we watch as they amble around the kibbutz. They poke into one house and you can hear someone's alarm going off. It's 8 a.m. You can hear them breathing heavily. The one wearing the body camera has a high, soft-spoken voice that seems to belie his mission.

At a playground, he wonders in Arabic, "Where are the kids?" The duo set fire to one house, shoot an encroaching dog, and shoot another old man through a darkened screen. They are parsimonious with their ammunition, and chillingly unhurried as they pick through the tidy vegetable gardens and open the latches of wooden fences.

Then the video gets grisly. Other militants are busy mashing a dying man's face with their boots. Another pair screams "Allahu akbar" as they use a garden hoe to try to decapitate another man.

In another house, a gunman sticks the muzzle of his rifle into a room inhabited by a family. It's a mash of colors. In one, a terrorist is standing on an Israeli man's chest and shoots him point-blank in the face.

Then, the scenes of bloodied bedrooms start to blur. The rooms and the gore are the same -- it's how the bodies are arrayed in death that's different. There are so many children. Some are jam-packed together in a slippery mass of human flesh. Huge blood stains streak the tiles.

So many of the bodies are burnt. It was unclear if this was because they were set fire to or if it was from the grenade blasts. Other videos show Israeli first responders trying to put out the still-smoldering skeletal remains of victims -- with water bottles, as if watering a parched plant.

In another video, a grenade was apparently tossed into one of the bomb shelters that line the roads in southern Israel. It was filled with partygoers who'd left the Supernova music festival. The camera shows a flash of limbs, some dismembered, some still attached to writhing, screaming bodies. A selfie camera shows a young man weeping, while someone croaks hoarsely in the background, "help, help." Hamas then drags survivors out, some by their hair, to trucks, and then batters them some more in the backs of the pickups on the way to Gaza.

Forensic images show bodies burned in cars, on beds, on the streets and in the fields in various states of incineration.

There’s a reason that not everyone should or is capable of watching this footage, or even reading these descriptions. It’s gruesome, gory. Inhuman. Bestial. 

“Screams Before Silence,” available to everyone, and not just the press or the Knesset, was difficult to watch, but the worst images were blurred. Many Israelis and Jews felt the film as painful vindication of what they knew to be all too true. Here, finally, was the proof an angry, hateful world had demanded. At last, here was a way to make them understand. To see the real “spark,” as Martha MacCallum put it.

If only that were true, and perhaps it is true of most people, that on viewing factual evidence, they believe what they see. Not so, however, the evil. People like Roger Waters.

Given proof, the evil will deny and discredit what they see and hear. For the Roger Waters of the world, any proof you show them will be likened to Karine Jean-Pierre’s “cheap fakes.” You could show Waters photos of charred infants, and he will say, “The Israelis did it. False flag operation.”

You could show him the interrogation of an October 7th terrorist describing rape and murder by a father and his sons, and Waters will say, “He’s being coerced by his Israeli interrogators,” or “That’s an actor. His accent is suspicious.”

Martha MacCaullum is, of course, correct that none of this story should be forgotten, the story of the October 7th massacre. But when it comes to evil people like Roger Waters, it’s not a question of remembering, and it’s not even a question really, of hate. Once a person says that what happened on October 7, didn’t happen, he has gone over to the other side. It’s not just a dislike of Jews, but an embrace of evil.

This, in the end, may be the most serious consideration in deciding who should and should not see real, raw October 7 footage. The last thing Israel should do is expose the bodies of my dead sisters to the scorn and ridicule of black-hearted people like Roger Waters. All it does is give him more rope to heap abuse on murdered Jewish women.

He has perfected the art of feigning belief. And he’s got an answer all at the ready, to everything. “Even if there was rape, it was limited . . .” say the Roger Waters of the world.

The evil are immune to proof, because they take glee in the murder and rape of Jewish women and children, and the burning of families alive in their homes. Should we then share our sorrow in order to give evil joy? It’s a point that is hard to absorb, because like Anne Frank—that is, before she was found out and sent to die in a concentration camp under horrible, unbearable conditions—in spite of everything we “still believe that people are really good at heart.”

We want to believe that proof will make a difference. Maybe so. For some people. But don’t bother to show that brutal footage to people like Roger Waters. They’ve gone to the Dark Side, lost for good.

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