Friday, July 26, 2024

  • Friday, July 26, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Gaza health ministry posted this infographic describing its casualty statistics as of June 30, 2024.

Here is the English translation of the specific statistics on deaths:

As they have done for about six months, they say that they have confirmed and detailed data on the deaths of 28,185 people, and incomplete data on another 9.715.

Of the 28,185, they count 5,320 women and 9,351 children.

But the ministry of health has a separate breakdown of the women and children for the higher number - but it is published on the website of the Palestinian Authority Central Bureau of Statistics. It gets updated every day.

Here was that website a few days later (I couldn't access June 30, this is July 4):

Comparing the July 4 numbers of PCBS with the June 30 "complete data" numbers of the Gaza health ministry, we see a count of an additional 9.768 total deaths (presumably with incomplete information.)

And a difference of 5,249 women.
And a difference of 6,568 children. 
Which is a total of 11,817 women and children.
That is 2,049 more women and children "martyrs" than is mathematically possible when subtracting the ones that have the supposedly complete documentation.

In reality, it is far more than that number, because there is no way that every single one of the partially documented deaths are women and children. If we assume the same 52% ratio of women and children in the "documented" deaths, than would indicate about 6,750 fictional women and children who were supposedly killed in Gaza, but who never existed.

If you assume that the detailed ministry of health information is accurate, then you must conclude that they are lying when they report the higher numbers.

It is possible that the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics is lying, and quoting the Hamas media office for the breakdown of women and children while claiming it is the health ministry.

But either way, the number of women and children killed cannot possibly be the higher numbers reported on the PCBS webpage and attributed to the health ministry. 

Now, we have proven that the breakdown of women and children from the higher number is a lie. It is not an oversight or a mistake because this has been happening for months. 

Then why should anyone believe the higher number itself? If the health ministry, or the PCBS, or Hamas, or whoever the source is, are lying about women and children, and if there is no documented evidence for nearly 10,000 of the dead, why should anyone assume that the higher number has any basis in reality? If they make up the women and children statistic - and this is absolute proof that they do - why do people believe that the total number is accurate?

We've been lied to for a long time, and the media (as well as academia) want to believe the lies so they don't do the simple math I just did. 

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