Among us, the most serious insult was to call someone a beraz (pig) or a jew (jew). ....What does a Jew do? He destroys faith with his insidiousness. If he sells you something, he cheats, gets inside you and makes you fight each other. With these characteristics, all the evils that Muslims face in our classical works are somehow associated with a Jew.
According to the evil and know-it-all Zionist Jews, everyone on earth who says “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God” is a terrorist. The child of a mother and father who recites the Shahada should be killed while still a baby by tons of bombs being dropped on him, or by phosphorus bombs being dropped on him and his bones being reduced to dust,According to the Zionist Jewish imperialist terrorists, anyone who confirms this should be killed, destroyed, and never given the right to life; The logic is that they should be tortured, left hungry and thirsty, and even burned to death in agony…
When it comes to the demands of the Zionist Jews, it makes no difference whether those who come to power are Democrats or Republicans.Because the American deep state is in their hands.All the cosmic rooms of the USA have been taken over by Zionist Jews.The entire USA has become a toy serving the desires and interests of the Jews. Now let's take a look at Kamala Harris: Her father is Jamaican, her mother is Indian, she is very close to Joe Biden's son, she is famous for preventing pedophilic perverts from being punished while she was the Attorney General of the State of California, she is strongly supported by the son of Hungarian Jew Soros, she is the most ardent defender of the so-called Armenian genocide lies, she practically shouts at every opportunity and everywhere that she serves the Jews with all her heart...
Again, this is only this week. I didn't see any articles sympathetic to Jews in Turkish media. (The only Muslim majority country I have seen that consistently publishes positive articles about Jews is Morocco.)
The Jewish community in Turkey listed lots of significant antisemitic events over 2023, including a Nazi banner unfurled in a public park and signs along an anti-Israel march route that said "Death to Jews" and calling to attack Jews in Turkey.Antisemitism is mainstream in European Turkey, a member of NATO and which aspires to join the EU.
Shouldn't Western countries be more critical of Turkey's antisemitism than that of Arab Muslim countries? et I have yet to hear (as of this writing) any criticism from NATO about its member state threatening to invade Israel.
If we cannot even have a conversation about Muslim antisemitism, we cannot possibly fight against it.