Sunday, July 28, 2024

  • Sunday, July 28, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Hezbollah, along with pro-Hezbollah Lebanese politicians and Palestinian terrorists, claim that the deadly Majdal Shams rocket attack that murdered 11 children was the result of an errant Iron Dome Tamir interceptor.

Israel has identified the rocket as a Falaq-1 Iranian rocket, which belongs to no other Lebanese group besides Hezbollah.

Hezbollah bragged about shooting a Falaq-1 missile at a target not far from the soccer field at the time, while at the same time attacking other targets in Israel:

Iron Dome interceptors do not carry a huge explosive payload. Their main effectiveness comes from the speed of the impact with rockets, not from explosions. The idea that an Iron Dome interceptor falling to the ground could kill 11 children is absurd.

The Falaq-1, on the other hand, has a 110 lb. warhead and has been  used sparingly by Hezbollah so far this war. 

No one has even bothered advancing an alternative theory that would explain the explosion. The entire point is to exonerate Hezbollah, not to find the truth. 

Even so, the  BBC has been so, so even handed in its reporting between what a terror group claims with no evidence and what Israel says backed with large amounts of evidence.

The children weren't killed or murdered, they just somehow died. Hezbollah is not mentioned.

Even today, as evidence mounts, the BBC reports both sides' claims as equivalent.

Here's the BBC's YouTube summary of a video report - placing Hezbollah's denial above the actual attack!
Hezbollah has denied any involvement in an air strike which killed 12 in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Children were among the fatalities when a rocket hit a football pitch in the Druze town of Majdal Shams.

But Israel has blamed the Lebanese militant group for the attack, and now many fear an all-out war in the middle east.
Obviously, the BBC doesn't bother to ask any military experts whether Iron Dome could possibly have been responsible for the deaths. No, Hezbollah's denials are all they need to cast doubt on the idea that it was an Iranian rocket.

Now, look at how a BBC correspondent in Lebanon, Nafiseh Kohnavard,  has been tweeting the incident - and his use of scare quotes:
A Hezbollah official tells me that they have nothing to do with the attack on the soccer field in Majdal Shams, Northern Israel that has killed 9 people so far.

 Despite Hezbollah’s denial, Israeli officials blame the group for the attack on the football field in Majdal Shams, Northern Israel.
“The response will be very strong.” Israel’s PM office says

There are many questions regarding what has happened in Majdal Shams, Northern Israel.
Hezbollah says “it wasn’t them”. Israeli army says “they are sure, it was Hezbollah.”
Some sources are speculating if it was an “Iron Dome misconduct”?
The pattern of Hezbollah’s attacks in the past 10 months, kind of shows that the group was mainly focused on military targets. Even after each attack on a civilian property on the other side, the group has justified that the place “was used by Israeli soldiers”. 
Hezbollah has fired more than 6000 missiles & drones. Despite that the number of casualties (both military & civilians) stayed low. Of course Israeli air defence system plays a big role here but Hezb’s target focus too. 
So was this a miscalculation? Or other Hezbollah allied groups were involved? 
Whatever it was, Israeli side confidently blames Hezbollah and is planning for a “strong revenge.”
Israeli army spokesman emphasises that based on “the intelligence” they have got, the army is confident that Hezbollah is to blame for the attack on the soccer field in Majdal Shams, Northern Israel that have killed at least 9 civilians so far.
Israeli army says “Ali Muhammad Yahya, a Hezbollah commander” is “responsible” for targeting Majdal Shams”
11 “children” were killed in a rocket attack on a soccer field in the town in northern Israel.
“Iran-made Falaq 1 missile was used by Hezbollah in the attack on Majdal Shams” 
Israeli army spokesman says based on “intelligence” they got from the attack site
Pro Hezbollah channels are covering the funeral for the children who were killed yesterday in Majdal Shams, Occupied Golan Heights. 
Al Mayadeen calls the victims “the martyrs of the Israeli massacre” 
Hezbollah has publicly denied its involvement in “rocket attack” on the soccer field in Majdal Shams. 
Israeli officials blame the group for it, promising a “tough response”.
At least 3 children who were wounded in Majdal Shams soccer field yesterday are in “critical condition”. A hospital in Safed tells Israeli media.  
He doesn't quite believe the victims are children. He doesn't believe that Israeli intelligence is really reporting that it was Hezbollah. He is not sure it was a rocket attack even a day after. He doesn't quite believe three children are in critical condition. 

His Twitter/X bio claims he is a "multilingual" Middle East  "correspondent" for BBC World Service who was ""honoured"with an "award" for  a "documentary" he says he made.

See how that works?

This is the pattern with most reporters during this war. Nothing Israel says is believed without a non-Israeli confirming it, but everything Hamas and Hezbollah says are implicitly assumed to be correct until someone catches them in the lie.

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