Zombie Anti-Zionism
In November 1967, the Indian chapter of the World Peace Council, a Soviet front organization, held the International Conference in Support of the Arab Peoples in New Delhi. Gathering in the capital of India were some 150 delegates representing 55 countries and 70 international organizations from across the Third World, the socialist bloc, and the West. India’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, Cuba’s Fidel Castro, and Algeria’s Houari Boumedienne—the biggest political stars of the Non-Aligned Movement—sent their greetings, as did heads of Sudan, Syria, Jordan, Algeria, Kuwait, and Mongolia. Chairing the proceedings was Krishna Menon, a firebrand leftist Indian intellectual and former Indian defense minister the KGB had actively cultivated in the hopes that he would rise to be the head of state.The International Court of Justice demands ethnic cleansing
Some 1,200 delegates and visitors attended the opening plenary, at which Herbert Aptheker, a senior member of the American Communist Party (CPUSA) and influential scholar of Marxism, argued for framing the Arab-Israeli conflict in terms of “imperialism and colonialism versus national liberation and social progress,” as well as through the lens of racial oppression. Contrary to Israeli rulers’ claims, he declared, the greatest threat facing Israel came not from Arabs but from Israel’s own extremist right-wing government, which had turned Israel into the “handmaiden of imperialism and colonialist expansionism.” He equated Israel with Nazi Germany by referring to the recent Six-Day War as a blitzkrieg, a quintessentially Soviet propaganda term meant to evoke Hitler’s invasion of the USSR. Today, said Aptheker, it was Jews who were “acting out the roles of occupiers and tormentors” of the oppressed. He called on the audience to work tirelessly to unmask “the horror of the June war and its aftermath.” So closely did Aptheker’s speech follow the anti-Israel logic and idiom of Soviet propaganda that it may well have been written for him in Moscow.
The two documents the conference unanimously adopted—the “Appeal to the Conscience of the World” (reportedly signed by 100 members of the Indian parliament) and a “Declaration”—conveyed similar messages with even more bombast. Evoking classic antisemitic tropes, they accused Israel of having cynically violated all “standards of human decency,” and declared that it had made “a mockery of all human moral values.” They dubbed Palestinian terrorism—aka “resistance”—as “righteous and justified.” In an attempt to make the Middle Eastern conflict more relatable, they equated it with the central cause animating the Western left at the time: the war in Vietnam. They called for all the people on the planet to resist “imperialist-Zionist propaganda” and expressed appreciation for the “progressive and peace-loving” Soviet Union and other socialist states and Non-Aligned countries that “supported the Arab cause.”
The message echoed throughout the global leftist universe. The CPUSA, which was almost wholly subsidized by the Soviet Union, published Aptheker’s speech and both statements in full in its theoretical journal Political Affairs. The African Communist, the Soviet-financed quarterly organ of the South African Communist Party (SACP), which was deeply intertwined with the African National Congress (ANC), ran a piece titled “Zionism and the Future of Israel,” closely reflecting the language of the New Delhi conference, complete with the word blitzkrieg. Its author, who claimed to be a South African living in Tel Aviv, accused Zionist “fanatical zealots” of exploiting the biblical concept of Jewish chosenness to fan the flames of Jewish supremacy (“chauvinism” in the language of the day), while equating Israel with apartheid South Africa.
What’s so interesting about this half-century-old Soviet propaganda is how precisely it mirrors the language emanating from the anti-Israel left since Oct. 7. Today’s left, too, speaks of Israel as a racist, imperialist, and colonialist state; equates it with Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa; disparages Jews for having turned into oppressors; and proclaims Palestinians’ inalienable right to resist their colonial oppression by any means necessary.
A quick excursion into the Soviet-sponsored Third World, aka the left-wing universe of yesteryear, helps put many things into perspective—from the disastrous “anti-racism” U.N. conference in Durban, South Africa, in 2001 that launched a massive new global wave of anti-Israel demonization to the current grotesque spectacle of progressives using “anti-colonialism” to justify the mass murder, rape, and kidnapping of civilians in a land where Jews have lived for more than 3,000 years of their collective history as memorialized in the works of Greek and Roman historians; monumental inscriptions by neighboring kingdoms; such globally recognized works as the New Testament, the Koran, and the Dead Sea Scrolls; and by world-famous monuments like the Arch of Titus in Rome.
The ICJ is a political forum masquerading as a court of international law. The Court consists of 15 judges appointed by U.N. member states. They are not impartial jurists accountable to international law. Rather, they follow the directives of the governments that appoint them and their own proclivities. The current Court includes judges from countries that have traditionally sided with the Palestinians against Israel, such as China, Somalia, South Africa and Lebanon.ICC Prosecutor relied on implausible reports of Gaza famine in application for arrest warrants
Nawaf Salam, the current president of the ICJ, once served as Lebanon’s ambassador to the U.N. During his term, he voted 210 times to condemn Israel. He has accused Israel of crimes against humanity and apartheid, and functions as a pawn of Iran’s Islamist dictatorship. In fact, he opposed all 11 General Assembly resolutions condemning Iran’s violations of the rights of its own citizens.
The ICJ’s opinion that Israel “occupies” Judea and Samaria is baseless. Under international law, an occupation exists when one country seizes control of another country’s territory. Judea and Samaria were never legally part of another country. Jordan seized control of the territory in the 1948 war. Rather than give the Palestinians a state in the territory, the Jordanians illegally annexed it. Yet the ICJ never demanded an end to Jordan’s unlawful occupation.
Israel expelled Jordan after the Six-Day War in 1967 and Jordan later signed a treaty with Israel relinquishing all control of the territory. Since Judea and Samaria were never legally part of Jordan, nor part of a Palestinian state or any other country, Israel’s control of the territory is 100% legal.
Furthermore, international law mandates that a country inherits the borders of a former entity. Thus, Israel would have inherited the borders of the preceding entity—the British Mandate for Palestine, which included Judea and Samaria.
Finally, Israel, as the nation-state of the Jewish people, has an inherent right to sovereignty over Judea and Samaria because it is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. This is supported by endless evidence, including archeological findings and historical records stretching back thousands of years.
Nothing in international law prevents Israelis from settling Judea and Samaria. International law stipulates that a country cannot “transfer” its citizens to occupied territory. Israelis who live in Judea and Samaria, which is not occupied territory, do so willingly. Israel does not forcibly transfer them there. In addition, Israelis only settle on land under full Israeli control per the Oslo Accords, otherwise known as Area C.
The ICJ’s opinion ignores Israel and the Palestinians’ commitment to resolve the status of Judea and Samaria through negotiations. This commitment has been endorsed by dozens of U.N. resolutions and agreements between Israel and the Palestinian leadership. Furthermore, the ICJ opinion violates the principle established by the U.N. Security Council and the Oslo Accords that any Israeli withdrawal from territories seized in the 1967 war be conducted only in exchange for peace.
The ICJ opinion has the potential to seriously damage Israel. In theory, Israel could be expelled from the U.N. and severely sanctioned by the Security Council, though this is highly unlikely to happen, providing the U.S. vetoes such measures. More likely, however, is that Israel becomes subject to other penalties, such as suspension of U.N. voting privileges, expulsion from cultural and sporting associations, and arms embargoes—all of which would be given the legitimacy of international law per the ICJ’s opinion.
The ICJ opinion completely contradicts the existing international law that it is supposed to uphold. Israel’s control of Judea and Samaria is completely legal, as is the residence of Israeli citizens in the territory. No ICJ “opinion” changes this reality.
Nevertheless, Israel’s enemies will surely use the ICJ’s opinion as an excuse to further isolate Israel and make it a pariah state—a status more befitting tyrannical dictatorships like Iran and North Korea, not the sole outpost of freedom and democracy in the Middle East.
All nations that respect international law—especially the U.S. and Israel’s other Western allies—should reject the ICJ’s opinion and oppose all such illegitimate measures to further isolate the Jewish state.
Karim Khan KC, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), relied on implausible reports based on incomplete information suggesting famine was imminent in parts of Gaza, when he applied for arrest warrants against the Israeli Prime Minister and Defence Minister.
UKLFI Charitable Trust has today published a detailed review of a series of reports assessing whether there has been a state of famine in Gaza during the current war. The conclusion is, happily, that there has been no famine in Gaza.
The review explains that famine has been defined by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) developed in 2004 for use in Somalia. In this context, the term famine is a scientific classification based on standards, evidence, and technical consensus, not a rhetorical or emotive term.
For a Famine classification (Phase 5), “an area needs to have extreme critical levels of acute malnutrition and mortality”.[1] The Crude Death Rate must be greater than 2 per 10,000 per day for the situation in an area to be classified as a Famine.[2] For this purpose traumatic deaths (eg from weapons) are excluded.
For the situation in the whole of the Gaza Strip, with a population of 2.3 million, to be classified as a famine, at least 460 people would need to be dying every day from non-traumatic causes. For the situation in the northern part of the Gaza Strip to be classified as a famine in March or April of this year, when the population in this area was about 300,000, then at least 60 people would need to be dying in that area every day from non-traumatic causes.
However, on 15 March 2024, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (“OCHA”) stated that a total of 31 people, including 27 children, had died from malnutrition and dehydration in the Gaza Strip since the start of the war on 7 October 2023.[3]
This is clearly well below the figure required to constitute a famine. Despite this, the UN World Food Programme (“WFP”) relied on this report when it stated on 3 May 2024 that there was a “full-blown famine” in northern Gaza.[4]
There was also the issue that many of those who were said to have died of starvation had underlying illnesses.
Another problem with two or the reports was that they had calculated the food delivered into the Gaza Strip, but failed to include supplies by the private sector, despite this constituting a large part of the food supply in the North of the Strip during the reporting period.[5]
The Majdal Shams attack and the hypocrisy of anti-Israel protesters
When Jewish children are the victims, the protesters rationalize or ignore the crimes. But now, when Druze children are the victims, the protesters’ silence speaks volumes. It suggests that their outrage is not about protecting the innocent but about opposing Israel at all costs.Jonathan Tobin: In praise of targeted killings of terrorists
The same held true when Iran fired 300 missiles and drones at Israel on April 13 and the only person injured—thanks to a sheer miraculous effort by Israel, the United States and other allies—was a seven-year-old Bedouin girl named Amina Hassouna from the town of Al-Fura. Amina was in serious condition, had to undergo several surgeries and was finally released from Soroka Hospital on Sunday.
Majdal Shams has an ambiguous status. It came under Israeli rule in 1967 due to the Six-Day War and not all its residents are Israeli citizens. Many retain strong ties to Syria. Nonetheless, as Druze, their loss is keenly felt in Israel because Druze citizens of Israel serve in the military, enjoy equal rights and are well-respected by all Israelis.
The unity in grief that Israelis felt after the Majdal Shams attack defied the simplistic portrayal of Israel pushed by its detractors. For example, high-tech companies in Tel Aviv canceled social activities and fun days for their employees out of respect for the victims. To Hezbollah, this is about destroying Israel; but for Israelis, it is another sign of why we need to be united. The attack was against all Israel and the freedoms it represents; the same freedoms that the U.S. and other world democracies were founded upon.
But where is the condemnation of the attack from world leaders? Notably absent was any statement from U.S. Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Recently, she met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and seemed to equate all sides in the conflict. How can one equate a democratic government with organizations that deliberately murder children? Harris’s silence in the face of the Majdal Shams atrocity is troubling and requires explanation.
To those who have been protesting against Israel: Where are your voices now? You who raised Hamas and Hezbollah flags, will you now condemn these actions? Will you speak out against Lebanon, Hezbollah and Iran? Or does your silence confirm that your concern was never truly about human rights, but rather a thinly veiled antipathy towards Israel and, by extension, all Jews?
It’s time for honest reflection. Those who claim to stand for justice and human rights must condemn the Majdal Shams attack unequivocally. They must recognize that organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah are not freedom fighters but terrorists who do not hesitate to murder children to achieve their goals.
True advocacy for peace and human rights cannot be selective. It must condemn atrocities wherever they occur, regardless of who commits them. Anything less is not activism; it’s hypocrisy.
The argument for victory As scholar Daniel Pipes writes in an important new book, Israel Victory: How Zionists Win Acceptance and Palestinians Get Liberated, the only way out of the impasse isn’t by pressuring Israel into surrendering land, which only empowers the terrorists and gives them the ability to kill more Jews. It is only by eradicating the terrorists—in the Gaza Strip and wherever else they can be found—that Palestinians will be forced to conclude that their century-old war against Israel cannot succeed and that they must try something else. If, as Pipes writes in The Wall Street Journal, the killings of Shukr and Haniyeh represent a sign that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is returning to the goal of a “total victory” over Hamas and its Iranian backers, then it is not merely just but an essential step towards the only possible hope for peace.Restraint Is Something Forever Enjoined on Israel but Seldom Her Enemies
That is something that the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris has been opposed to. From the start of the war that followed the Oct. 7 massacre, Washington has been seeking a premature end to the fighting before Hamas was defeated. That not only gave heart to the terrorist group and its foreign antisemitic cheerleaders, rationalizers and enablers. It also undermined any hope for rescuing or redeeming more than 100 hostages Hamas continues to hold captive as bargaining chips in the hope that they will buy them survival and victory over Israel.
By acquiescing to American pressure, Israel strengthens its foes and only ensures what will, at best, be a renewal of the conflict under even worse circumstances than in the past. Should the killings of the terrorists be a prelude to the sort of terrible deal for Israel that Harris mapped out last week, then they will have been meaningless. Throughout its history, many such brilliant operations like the ones carried out this week were not followed up on by Israeli leaders who sometimes feared the admittedly troubling consequences of international disfavor more than the prospect of terrorists surviving to kill again. The slaughter on Oct. 7 should have been an end to that sort of hesitation, as well as to the last vestiges of support for a “two-state solution.” It was peace processing and territorial retreats, such as those still favored by Israel’s critics and that allowed Gaza to become an independent Palestinian terrorist state in all but name, which led to that infamous day.
Supporters of Israel and moral people everywhere should celebrate the demise of mass killers like Shukr and Haniyeh. They should do so not only because it is justice but because anything that leads to total victory over terrorists is a step towards peace, not more problems for Israel.
Yesterday, Hamas followed up on Saturday’s soccer-field slaughter with another deadly missile attack, which killed an Israeli civilian. The same day, Israel retaliated with an airstrike on Beirut’s Dahiyeh neighborhood—a major Hizballah stronghold—possibly eliminating one of the group’s most senior commanders. The IDF has been routinely attacking military targets in Lebanon since the Iranian proxy initiated a low-intensity war on October 8, but so far has avoided striking Beirut.Kamala Harris is appeasing Hamas
In other words, both sides have ignored the advice of the UN secretary-general António Guterres, who responded to the killing of twelve Druze children by urging for “maximum restraint” so as to prevent “any further escalation.” Stephen Daisley comments:
Of course, we all know that Guterres’s words were not intended for Hizballah, they were meant for Benjamin Netanyahu, his government, and its citizens. Restraint, like proportional responses and international law, is something forever enjoined on Israel but seldom her enemies.
The phrase “any further escalation” is the one that gets me. Vinees Adham Alsafadi went out to play football on Saturday and didn’t come home. She was eleven. Milad Muadad Alsha’ar was bombed doing what comes naturally to boys the world over: darting around after a ball dreaming of being the next [star soccer player Lionel] Messi. He was ten. . . . What could Israel do that would match let alone outpace such depravity?
Israel will extract a price from Hizballah, but it will be much less than it deserves. Much less than would be required to deter it from further attacks. Yet when that price comes to be paid, expect the UN and the NGOs and the British Foreign Office to scold and condemn and denounce. There is no restraint Israel could show that would satisfy the one-eyed umpires of warfare etiquette. They simply do not regard Israeli self-defense as legitimate.
And they are in plentiful company. You will search in vain for reports of marches in London, Paris, New York, or Sydney decrying the bombing of twelve Arab children. They were the wrong kind of Arabs, bombed by the wrong people. Twelve children won’t show up for football practice in Majdal Shams this Saturday and all the world cares about is restraint.
Vice President Kamala Harris’s decision to skip Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent speech to a joint session of Congress was glaring. At a historically sensitive time for Israel, America, and US-Israel relations, the prime minister’s speech reverberated with the objectives and moral clarity on Israel’s war against Hamas and the need to confront Iran.David Collier: Exclusive: the BBC doubles down on its deliberate deception
The speech showed Israel’s foes, friends, and potential friends the extent of the support for Israel among a large majority of Americans.
Harris’s absence, however, crystallized growing concerns about the trajectory of US-Israel relations if she wins the elections in November.
Her statement following the meeting with Netanyahu made Israel supporters cringe. Unjustly putting the blame on Israel for “mass civilian casualties’’ and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza was almost as bad as the vice president’s outrageous comparison between Israel and Hamas.
In reality, Harris is appeasing Hamas.
Looking to end the war in Gaza is understandable, but wanting Hamas to stay in power is not.
For the war to end, Israel needs to destroy Hamas in Gaza and address the underlying poisonous ideology of the population through a process of deradicaliztion.
Rebuilding Gaza while allowing Hamas to remain in power is delusional. Gaza cannot be rebuilt as long as Hamas remains. After spending the billions of donated funds since 2007 to turn Gaza into a terrorist wonderland, the idea that this time Hamas will act differently only perpetuates the failed approach that prevailed before October 7, and will only lead to another war down the road.
HARRIS’S TROUBLING policy on Israel is not new.
During a visit to George Mason University in 2021, a student protested that Israel was conducting an “ethnic genocide in Palestine.” Instead of debunking these preposterous claims with facts, Harris responded “Your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed, and it must be heard.’’ Now she says, “I won’t be silenced.”
Last March, Harris called for “an immediate ceasefire” in Gaza that would have thrown a lifeline to Hamas. She also warned Israel not to invade Hamas’s last stronghold in Rafah. “I have studied the maps,” she proclaimed, “and they [civilians] have nowhere to go.”
In reality, over a million Palestinian civilians evacuated Rafah before the IDF took out four Hamas battalions in that stronghold.
Most alarming, at the Munich Security Conference in February 2023, mere months after October 7, the VP advocated for a Palestinian state. This push for Palestinian statehood, without addressing the ongoing threat of terrorism and the necessity to deradicalize Palestinian society, sends a dangerous message and would be the ultimate prize for terror.
Richard Burgess the Hamas shillInfluencer went to the West Bank to see if Palestinians support Hamas – he almost didn’t make it out alive
The Richard Burgess narrative is entirely reliant on Hamas propaganda – and much of what he says is completely unverified. Is this really the man in charge of BBC content?
Examples? Burgess states that the family were forced to leave at gunpoint, that Muhammed was separated from his family by the IDF, and that Muhammad (the victim) was attacked while he and his family were under arrest. The IDF statement admits none of this.
- Muhammed was likely attacked before the soldiers even entered the house – so at what point was Muhammed arrested?
- Who says they were forced to leave the house at gunpoint?
- Were the mother and sisters really arrested – or just the two terrorist brothers?
The IDF statement says they ‘urged the family to evacuate to avoid staying in a combat area’. When Burgess claims they were ‘forced’ to leave ‘at gunpoint’, Burgess is simply regurgitating the witness statement of the wife of a dead Hamas terrorist.
And appallingly in the response Burgess has the nerve to call these statements ‘facts’ – and suggest none of them are in dispute.
Absolute poppycock.
There is a lot to dispute about the entire narrative. The IDF may not have left Muhammed alone. Or he may have already been dead. He could have been used as a human shield by his own family. Or numerous other options that exist in the black book of Hamas propaganda or the fog of war. Even the family now admit he probably did not survive the day. Did the IDF medics legitimately leave someone dying on the battlefield who could not be saved (Muhammed) to try to save some who could? Just one of many alternatives the BBC ‘expertly’ refuse to consider.
Richard Burgess defends the indefensible
And just look at how Richard Burgess defends deception and inaccuracy. The IDF statement included a crucial sentence which told the BBC that terrorists were inside the house.
“Inside one of the buildings, the canine detected terrorists and bit an individual”.
The BBC butchered the statement so this vital information is no longer clear. And Richard Burgess actually tries to defend this unforgivable error with an explanation of total nonsense.
It is just a shame the BBC obviously do not care about accuracy. Burgess says the butchered statement ‘clearly reflects’ the IDF statement. It does nothing of the sort.
Saying the action was ‘part of an operation against the terrorists’, is vague and unclear. It could me that the IDF entered a civilian house opposite, or gained access to a rooftop, or any number of other possibilities. This is not what the IDF said. The IDF statement is explicitly clear – the dog identified terrorists INSIDE THE HOUSE.
The BBC editor who deliberately butchered the sentence (cutting it in half) did so in order to demonise the IDF by removing absolutely vital context. Nothing about the truth was going to get in the way of the story that Fergal Keane wanted to tell. And here is the BBC’s Director of News Content Richard Burgess defending such journalistic butchery.
The BBC cannot correct itself
I am an investigative journalist who has been exposing fake news and major flaws in BBC coverage of the Gaza conflict. At times I have caught the BBC spreading inexcusable raw (and very fake) Hamas propaganda (a few examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
It seems as if the BBC in its current form – and with all its flaws – is accountable to nobody. Perhaps this explains the arrogance, carelessness, inaccuracy and patronising attitude with which Richard Burgess deals with complaints.
The bottom line is this: The article as it stands is unsupportable. It is deliberately deceiving readers and has not just omitted vitally important context – but it contains serious factual errors. And it seems as if even the BBC Director of News content does not care.
Comedian and social media influencer Zach Sage Fox traveled to the West Bank to see if Palestinian people truly support the Hamas terror group. He almost didn’t make it out alive.
Fox, who went viral earlier this year when his "Gaza Graduation" video featured anti-Israel protesters in New York City struggling to correctly answer basic questions about the Israel-Hamas war, has been on a crusade to educate his followers since the terror attacks of October 7. He recently brought his popular man-on-the-street style interviews to the West Bank, a contentious territory that Palestinians hope to establish as an independent state along with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
Fox, a "loud and proud" Jewish American, was in Israel to create content when a member of his production team offered him the opportunity to enter the West Bank alongside a Muslim producer and cameraman. Fox knew it could be a dangerous project but was interested because American journalists are rarely able to secure unfettered access to Palestinians.
"Israelis are literally not allowed into Palestine; they're not allowed into the West Bank. However, I'm not Israeli, I'm an American Jew, and it doesn't say ‘Jew’ on my passport. So, I was told, ‘As long as you don't say you're Jewish, you know, they're not going to kill you on the spot,’" Fox told Fox News Digital.
"I really looked in the mirror that night and I said, ‘I think I could pass for Italian,’" Fox continued. "I'm going to take the risk."
To get ready for the daring trip, Fox removed his signature flair, such as jewelry and nail polish, and wore the most "masculine" outfit he had. He didn’t tell most of his friends and family back in America about his plans, explaining that they would likely have talked him out of it.
During the journey, Fox told anyone who asked he was an Italian American and was able to cross the border into the West Bank without issue, which he felt was "kind of shocking."
Fox began his time in the West Bank with a prearranged interview with a man who was described to him by his Muslim producer as a "very smart and civil," "somewhat moderate" thinker who holds a Master’s degree and speaks good English. They sat down at a coffee shop in Ramallah, the Palestinian "capital" located near Jerusalem.
The man denied that "innocent Israelis" were killed during the attacks of October 7, expressed support for Hamas and suggested rape never occurred during the barbaric attacks.
"I realized quickly, if this is someone being presented to me as one of the more educated people, I might be in for a real shock," Fox said.
👇 My interview with @FoxNews on my newest viral hit: WILD WEST BANK pic.twitter.com/I3npSzew64
— Zach Sage Fox (@zachsagefox) July 31, 2024
Times Square hosts IDF tribute amid rising antisemitism
On Wednesday night, in the heart of Times Square, the new Roman Forum at the heart of the American global empire, we will be staging a massive outdoor celebration for the IDF beginning at 6 p.m.The Olympics must demand an apology for the Munich Massacre
It will feature the Israeli army’s most famous and accomplished global spokesman, Lt.-Col. (ret.) Jonathan Conricus, whom we all watch in astonishment nearly every night on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC as he defends Israel’s warriors with eloquence, facts, and courage.
Jonathan is a Jewish hero, the very best spokesman the IDF has, and when I secured his participation, on my recent trip to Israel to visit our two soldier sons, Mendy and Yosef, who are at war (may God protect them and all the IDF), I decided that this could be no normal speech.
We first quickly booked the parents of Gaza IDF hostage Omer Neutra (22), who last week met with President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and international Jewish singing sensation Gad Elbaz. We also secured, to introduce Conricus, Dana White, former chief spokesperson of the Pentagon, to introduce him.
But the venue was critical. It had to be at the very epicenter of antisemitism in America, Times Square.
Yes, that Times Square. The one that gets a million people every New Year’s Eve to watch a ball drop. The Times Square that is the singular crossroads of world popular culture. A place that has been taken over by anti-Israel activists almost immediately after October 7, even as it’s the most famous square in a city with more Jews in it than any city on earth, including Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
How did this happen? How did Times Square become Gaza City and Rafah? And how did the Jews allow it?
The normal argument about why Jews are so hated is that we’re too small to combat 1.4 billion Muslims who sympathize with “Palestine” and Hamas. But what is our excuse in New York City, where we outnumber our Muslim brothers and sisters perhaps 100 to one?
This past Saturday night I went through what has become the unacceptable routine of going to Times Square and being surrounded by an intimidating and dangerous pro-Hamas mob.
People were screaming right in my face “Free Palestine,” both because I was wearing a yarmulke and because I was recognized from my pro-Israel activism, TV debates, and social media. Watch the video on Instagram, and you’ll see how I was lulled into a supposedly civil conversation, while I was slowly surrounded by an intimidating mob.
It is said that the modern Olympic Games represent peace and goodwill among members of the international community, reflected by mutual recognition of talent and sportsmanship.Swedish bank wrongly bars transactions with Israel
So why is a Palestinian Arab team allowed to compete in the Games for the eighth time without the Palestinian Authority’s ever having apologized for the 1972 Munich Massacre—which took place at the Olympics—or paid reparations to the families of the slain Israeli athletes?
The long overdue moment of silence for the 11 Israeli athletes murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists at the Munich Olympics has finally been adopted. It is certainly a step in the right direction. However, most do not know that this massacre of 11 Israeli athletes (including U.S. citizen David Berger) was financed by P.A. chief Mahmoud Abbas. This fact was included in terrorist Mohammad Daoud Oudeh’s book From Munich to Jerusalem.
When Oudeh, known by his nom de guerre Abu Daoud, died in 2010, Abbas lauded him as a hero for being the planner, architect and mastermind of the Munich Massacre. On Aug. 16, 2022, during a visit to Berlin, Abbas was specifically asked to apologize for the massacre and refused.
The current head of the Palestine Olympic Committee is Jibril Rajoub. Rajoub led the fight against the moment of silence for the Munich victims. He praised Olympic athletes who refused to compete against Israelis in the last Summer Olympics. One such athlete was Algerian judoka Fethi Nourine, who refused to face off with Israel’s Tohar Butbul. Posting a photo of himself on social media with Nourine, Rajoub expressed appreciation for his “courageous stance refusing normalization.”
In June 2018, Rajoub made headlines for calling on Argentina to cancel a friendly soccer game against Israel. He encouraged “everyone to burn their [Lionel] Messi shirts and pictures, and to renounce him.” Subsequent death threats against Argentina and Messi led the team to cancel the match and spurred the international soccer federation FIFA to fine Rajoub $20,000 and suspend him for a year.
Rajoub has led efforts to get FIFA to ban Israel from the current Summer Olympics. FIFA decided to postpone its decision on whether to suspend Israel from international soccer until after the Games. That FIFA is even considering the request is outrageous.
Intergiro had labelled Israel as a prohibited country, despite Israel not being a high risk jurisdiction, and complying with anti-money laundering measures.New ad campaign accuses Schumer of obstructing antisemitism bill
UKLFI had been contacted by an Israeli owned financial services company based in Germany, who were surprised to find that their money transfer was rejected by Intergiro, who had included Israel on its list of prohibited countries on its website . Intergiro told the Israeli owned company: “Consequently, we will not be able to accept or send any further transfers from and to this country”.
A prohibited country is one with which no person can engage in business. UKLFI pointed out that only a governmental body or a regulator, not a private company, can declare a country to be “prohibited” and then only for valid reasons.
Israel was not on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) “black and grey list” and was not a “high risk” jurisdiction. Israel is evaluated, jointly with FATF, by the Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures (“MONEYVAL”). According to MONEYVAL :
- Israel is compliant on 16 Recommendations and largely compliant on 19. It remains partially compliant on 4 Recommendations (one Recommendation is non-applicable to Israel).
- The report concluded that Israel has developed an AML/CFT system that is sound and effective in many areas, and achieves good results in tackling money laundering and terrorist financing. The country has also achieved good results in understanding the risks it is exposed to, investigating and prosecuting money laundering and terrorist financing, including through the effective use of financial intelligence, depriving criminals of the proceeds of crime, and depriving terrorists and terrorist organisations of assets and instrumentalities.
- Israel has been a member of FATF since 2018.
UKLFI also explained to Intergiro that all transactions effected via its systems fall under Swedish regulation and it was not free to pick and choose which laws, rules and regulations it follows, or add countries to a restricted or prohibited list on a whim. UKLFI said that Israel is a democratic nation that is in compliance with FATF and other requirements and is recognised as a leader in the world’s financial markets and regulation. It is not proper to impose prohibitions, blocks or conditions.
Intergiro’s legal team has now responded by saying
“Our risk assessment methodology considers changes published by underlying sources automatically, which our teams can review and configure if and when the resulting risk management settings result in overly restrictive controls. In light of feedback from clients and their representatives, such as yourselves, these recent changes have been reviewed and reconfigured. As of July 23, 2024, the risk level for Israel has been adjusted in our methodology, meaning that there are currently no such restrictions on transactions to Israel.”
Caroline Turner, director of UKLFI commented: “We are very pleased that having highlighted this injustice, Intergiro are now complying with financial regulations and have removed Israel from their restricted list.”
A multimillion-dollar ad campaign that kicked off this week is targeting Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) over the delay in moving to advance a major bill aimed at addressing a recent surge in campus antisemitism.‘Astonishing’: Douglas Murray blasts Kamala Harris for ‘lecturing’ Israeli PM about war
In a series of hard-hitting digital video ads that began airing on Monday in multiple media markets, Schumer is accused of obstructing the bill, called the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which passed the House in May but has since remained stalled in the upper chamber.
“The U.S. House has already passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act with overwhelming bipartisan support,” the narrator of a 30-second spot intones over footage of protesters chanting anti-Israel slogans. “Sen. Chuck Schumer proclaims he stands tall against antisemitism, while in reality, Schumer alone blocks it from coming to a vote.”
“Faced with blind hatred,” the ad concludes, “Chuck Schumer plays politics.”
The ads are funded by a political advocacy group called the Florence Avenue Initiative, according to a disclaimer listed at the end of the videos. The group could not be reached for comment and additional details did not appear to be publicly available this week.
A source familiar with the matter, who was granted anonymity to discuss the newly launched campaign, characterized the effort as a coalition of “concerned Jewish donors who are tired of Schumer’s inaction.” The source declined to identify individual donors by name, citing confidentiality, but confirmed that the campaign involves some half-dozen contributors.
The ads, which will also air on TV in a few weeks, are expected to cost around $2 million and will run through the fall, the source told Jewish Insider on Tuesday.
In addition to Schumer’s home state of New York, the source noted that the ads are strategically placed to run in several battleground states that will likely decide control of the Senate, including Arizona, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, Ohio and Wisconsin.
“This ad is run by an anonymous, shadowy group that is clearly doing it for political purposes,” Angelo Roefaro, a spokesperson for Schumer, said in a statement to JI on Wednesday. “The ad does nothing to stop antisemitism. The ad does nothing to pass any bill. Senator Schumer is doing both.”
Author Douglas Murray has blasted Vice President Kamala Harris for “lecturing” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the war in Gaza.
Ms Harris has been criticised for her comments about the war in Gaza where she claimed the conflict is not a “binary issue” and encouraged people to acknowledge the “complexity” of the situation.
“What is her great expertise in warfare or indeed, in anything much, to start lecturing an ally that is at war with an enemy that wishes to annihilate it? It's astonishing to me,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi.
Hamas poses an ‘existential threat’ to the Israeli people: Peter Dutton
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton discusses the threat of Hamas on Israel from Jerusalem, where he is currently on a three-day visit.
“We know that Hamas is a terrorist organisation we know that they are responsible for the brutal slaughter of literally, over a longer period of time, thousands of people. And we know that they were the mastermind of the October 7 atrocities,” Mr Dutton told Sky News Host Sharri Markson.
“Like we know with Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organisations, they pose a threat to our way of life, they certainly pose an existential threat to the Israeli people and you would expect the Israelis to take action.”
‘Win for the fight against terror’: Israel confirms the death of Hamas leader
Sky News host Sharri Markson says leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah have been killed in a “win for the fight against terror”.
“Hamas’ political leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in the early hours of the (Thursday) morning at his residence in Tehran,” Ms Markson said.
“Israel has confirmed the death but has not made a comment accepting responsibility.”
How Russia Uses Information Warfare against Israel
With U.S. elections approaching, we will likely hear a great deal about Russian disinformation campaigns, a serious but often misunderstood subject. There is much to learn from this analysis of the Kremlin’s use of information warfare in the 2019 case of Na’ama Issaschar, an Israeli-American arrested during a layover in Moscow on trumped-up charges of drug smuggling and sentenced to over seven years in prison.Jewish school bus torched in Toronto
Vera Michlin-Shapir and Daniel Rakov describe how the Kremlin-controlled media outlet RT started giving outsized coverage to the trial:
Daniil Lomakin, the senior editor of RT in Russian, devoted a magazine article to Issaschar on RT’s website. A week later, . . . Lomakin wrote another magazine story that became crucial for Issaschar’s fate. In his second story, Lomakin focused on the jailed Russian hacker Aleksei Burkov. Lomakin [also] visited Issaschar in prison and concealed his RT affiliation from her, presenting himself as a human-rights activist and thus deviating from ethical journalistic standards. Thereafter, Lomakin released photos and described how Issaschar was “practicing yoga and learning Russian.” Significant interest in Issaschar prompted Israeli Channel 13 to interview Lomakin, where he once more was introduced as a “human-rights activist” who wanted to share “optimistic messages.”
Besides trying to whitewash Russia’s treatment of Issaschar and push the idea of an exchange with Burkov—a major criminal convicted on copious evidence—RT also seemed dedicated to making sure the story got wide coverage in the Israeli press. Michlin-Shapir and Rakov carefully document the success of this effort, and note that:
Israeli media attention surrounding the Issaschar affair culminated in January 2020 during President Putin’s visit to Jerusalem for the World Holocaust Forum, which commemorated the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp. Prior to Putin’s visit, it was announced that he would meet with Issaschar’s mother, causing the Israeli media to focus disproportionately on the fate of Issaschar rather than on any other aspect of the visit.
Russia’s hostage-taking, combined with RT’s information warfare, brought results: in 2020, Burkov was exchange for Issaschar. Yet the power of Russian disinformation shouldn’t be exaggerated; for all it achieved, especially in creating public pressure on the Israeli government to obtain Issaschar’s release, it also backfired:
The Israeli media discourse around Issaschar developed along the lines of the most powerful political discourse in Israeli society—the captives/hostages discourse. . . . Following RT’s linkage between Issaschar and Burkov, she was branded as a “captive,” which drew an emotional outpouring of support for her and her family. . . . But as part of the same discourse, Putin was depicted as a “hostage-taker” and villain, with such associations causing reputational damage for Russia in Israel.
[In fact], the Issaschar affair should have served as an early warning sign to the Israeli government and authorities that relations with Russia were about to deteriorate.
I heard on the radio that a school bus “caught fire” at around 5 a.m. this morning in Toronto.
Do school buses do that a lot? Just catch fire, for no reason?
That’s what the media said. CTV and City News both ran the story as some sort of freak of nature. They said the school bus was parked near a No Frills grocery store at Wilson Avenue and Bathurst Street.
Hang on. I know that grocery store — it’s right next to a Jewish synagogue. Was the media somehow covering up the true nature of this fire?
So I went there to see for myself.
Why would CTV and City News omit the fact that these were school buses for Jewish schools, marked as such, and parked near a synagogue? How on earth do you leave that part out of your report?
When I arrived, a policewoman was investigating. Why didn’t the media say that part?
I also bumped into the owner of the bus and spoke with him. It’s obviously an antisemitic arson.
But everyone official is in on this conspiracy of silence. The media; the police; prosecutors; politicians. (The local MP is the atrocious Ya’ara Saks, a Jewish MP who actually met and held hands with the terrorist leader, Mahmoud Abbas.)
There has been an antisemitic crime wave in Canada over the past nine months, and every authority is trying to cover it up, and it’s obvious why: this crime wave is directly correlated to mass immigration Canada has allowed from countries where hating Jews is second nature.
I promise you one thing: while the regime media covers up the facts, Rebel News will continue to tell you the other side of the story.
By giving the veneer of objectivity but focusing only on one side of the equation, the @splcenter allows hate on the left to go unmonitored and unchecked.
— New Tolerance Campaign (@New_Tolerance) July 31, 2024
That ends now.
Today, the New Tolerance Campaign is launching https://t.co/4MzlkQxjfF. pic.twitter.com/TPWE9yIher
An anti-Israel coalition threatens violence against Jewish orgs that have not “separated themselves from Israel.” It specifically cites the Jewish Federation and Hillel and threatens to treat them as “extremist criminals”—“genocidal extremists” whom the coalition will “no longer… pic.twitter.com/XifPPwb5SI
— Ritchie Torres (@RitchieTorres) July 30, 2024
The United States Park Police is seeking to identify individuals involved in criminal activity that occurred in Columbus Circle, Washington, D.C. on July 24. Anyone with information is asked to contact the USPP tip line at (202)379-4877 or email USPP_Tipline@nps.gov pic.twitter.com/Vngws8sTq9
— USPPNEWS (@usparkpolicepio) July 30, 2024
The union of civil servants pushing Saturday's London hate march. And the discredited Lancet letter too.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) July 31, 2024
Oh, and "flood". Nice.
Outrageous antisemitism, chants for terror, loads of arrests - the PCS loves it. pic.twitter.com/Dpsmk4FNhA
University of Georgia students challenging suspensions from pro-Palestine protests
Six University of Georgia students are planning to file an appeal for their suspensions over their participation in pro-Palestine protests on campus earlier this year.Burns targeted by demonstrators
The protesters say they have waived their rights under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and will be tried at a formal hearing on Tuesday afternoon.
The six students were among the 16 members of the group Students for Justice of Palestine who were arrested on April 29 after setting up an encampment on the Old College Front Lawn at the university's North Campus.
After refusing to follow orders from campus police to remove their tents and leave the area, officers and Georgia State troopers demolished the encampment and took the group into custody on criminal trespassing charges.
According to University of Georgia spokesman Greg Trevor, the protesters "were advised repeatedly, for more than an hour, that the tents and barricades they had put in place had to be removed and that they must comply with applicable policies."
"They were also given the opportunity by Student Affairs personnel to make a reservation and relocate to one of our centrally designated forums, but they refused," Trevor wrote. "After multiple warnings that they would be arrested for trespass if they did not comply with our policies, at 8:30 a.m., UGA Police were left with no choice but to arrest those who refused to comply."
In a statement, the students say they were placed on interim suspension and barred from campus, leading them to be evicted from student housing, kicked out of leadership positions at university organizations, and forced to fail or drop classes.
A Jewish MP was able to give a lecture on human rights to law students on Tuesday evening despite threats of disruption from pro-Palestinian groups.
Macnamara MP Josh Burns gave the Alan Missen Oration about the proposed national human rights act for Australia in-person to a group of around thirty students at the University of Melbourne.
Others were able to join the lecture remotely.
Around a hundred demonstrators chanted anti-Israel slogans outside the Law Faculty, apparently unaware that Burns was speaking in a different building across campus.
One speaker accused Burns of hypocrisy for giving a speech on human rights when he is part of a government “that has been supporting the genocide that has been going on for 279 days”
A university spokesperson said the day before, “Regrettably, a small number of individuals have made it clear that they plan to cause significant disruption with the intention of forcing an event cancellation.
Despite the threats and calls for the event to be cancelled, the Oration will now be a hybrid event.”
Efrat Eilam, co-chair of the Australian Academic Association Against Antisemitism said “The Oration has nothing to do with the conflict in the Middle East, and everything to do with the law of Australia and what will be of the most benefit for the Australian people. However, Burns happens to be Jewish”
He referred to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s remarks after the attack on Burns’s electoral office recently that “This has got to be seen as an attack on someone who’s a Jewish MP”.
“It is a sad day when a democratically elected member of the Federal Parliament cannot have an uninterrupted face-to-face discussion with members of the public on legal developments. Academic freedom and freedom of speech are not promoted if a vocal minority dictate the terms upon which guests belonging to a particular religious or ethnic minority may speak on campus” Eilam said.
Burns thanked the university and Federal Police for ensuring the event could go ahead safely, saying he would not cower.
UPDATE: Kevin Born-Crow is no longer employed with the not for profit group, New Avenues to Independence. https://t.co/Co7Jfs3sB9
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) July 31, 2024
All of Kelly Cross' posts have been archived here:
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) July 31, 2024
- https://t.co/1OM64qVaNE
- https://t.co/MyEArbw0nG
- https://t.co/meTNUbBAt2
- https://t.co/POzVsjiM8d
- https://t.co/Jqrce4EZwg pic.twitter.com/1iC4sI3NFA
‘ABC News’ hires an Israel-basher from Harvard
ABC News recently hired a new reporter to write about politics, including U.S. policy towards Israel: a Harvard University student journalist who has accused Israel of “atrocities” and who has praised the pro-Hamas protesters on his campus.Kamala's NatSec Adviser Probed Over Ties to Iranian Influence Network
Tommy Barone, a junior, was the lead author of a co-authored news feature last week for ABC News.com about what U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris’s policy agenda will look like. It included a section on what her policy would be towards Israel and Gaza.
But can Barone claim to be a neutral, objective reporter when writing about Israel?
On May 8, he authored a lengthy op-ed in The Harvard Crimson—where he is an “editorial chair”—attacking Israel and giving the pro-Hamas protesters helpful advice on how to improve their image.
“A significant proportion of faculty and students, myself included, believe Israel is committing atrocities in Gaza,” Barone wrote. He denounced what he called “the indiscriminate violence Israel is inflicting on the Palestinian people.”
He also wrote: “You would be hard-pressed to find an injustice more unambiguous, more immediately persuasive, than the live-time, live-streamed mass death of over 13,000 children [in Gaza].”
Of course, there hasn’t been any “mass death of over 13,000 children,” live-streamed or otherwise. Incredibly, Barone made that accusation two days after the United Nations publicly admitted that Hamas’s claims about fatalities among children were wildly exaggerated.
The world body said the correct number was 7,797. Even that number is inflated because Hamas terrorists between the ages of 15 and 18 are counted as innocent “children.” But Barone prefers to believe Hamas.
He thinks that almost all the pro-Hamas protesters at Harvard are very fine people. “The overwhelming majority of the protesters are decent and well-intentioned,” he wrote. (How could he possibly know that?) What makes him “want to scream” is not their support for Hamas gang-rapists, but rather, the fact that they’re not effective enough.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R., N.Y.) launched a probe into Vice President Kamala Harris's national security adviser over his ties to an Iranian government influence network, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.GOP Senators Push Biden-Harris Admin To Expose Iranian Election Interference Plot
In a Wednesday letter to Harris, Cotton and Stefanik asked the presumptive Democratic nominee to provide information about her adviser Phil Gordon's "connections to Ms. Ariane Tabatabai, a senior Department of Defense official who was reportedly involved in an Iranian government operation to expand Tehran's soft power in the United States."
Gordon, the letter notes, coauthored at least three opinion pieces with Tabatabai that argued against sanctions on the Iranian regime. Tabatabai was outed last year as an alleged member of an Iranian-run influence network that reported back to Tehran's foreign ministry.
Gordon's connections to Tabatabai are fueling concerns ahead of the 2024 election. Gordon is likely to play a central national security role in a Harris White House, and his connections to pro-Tehran advocacy groups suggest that renewed diplomacy with Iran will be a top foreign policy priority for Harris if she is elected.
Cotton and Stefanik are primarily concerned about Gordon's access to classified information and want to know if his ties to Tehran's enablers might disqualify him from holding a top-secret security clearance.
Gordon, the lawmakers note, published pieces with Tabatabai "blatantly promoting the Iranian regime's perspective and interests." Those pieces were published after the time Tabatabai was alleged to be working for the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI), an influence network that included several American policymakers associated with the Biden administration's former Iran envoy, Robert Malley, who was indefinitely suspended from his job amid allegations that he leaked classified information.
In a March 2020 article, Gordon and Tabatabai "claimed continued sanctions on Iran would create 'catastrophe' in the Middle East," Cotton and Stefanik wrote in their letter. In another piece, according to the lawmakers, Gordon and Tabatabai "wrote sanctions could lead to new Iranian efforts to 'lash out with attacks on its neighbors, and on Americans and American interests in the Middle East.' Each prediction was as wrong, as it was biased in favor of Tehran."
Gordon is also "closely associated with the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), another Iranian influence organization that allegedly collaborates with Tehran," according to the letter. NIAC has long faced allegations of serving as Iran's unregistered lobbying arm in America and was a player in the Obama administration's self-described pro-Tehran "echo chamber." Gordon spoke at NIAC's Leadership Conference in 2014 and 2016, before and after his time serving in the Obama administration as a Middle East hand working on the nuclear agreement with Iran.
"The Biden-Harris Administration is no stranger to Iran accommodators, appeasers, and accomplices," Cotton and Stefanik wrote. "Ms. Tabatabai remains gainfully employed in the Defense Department, helping oversee sensitive special operations. The FBI is investigating your former Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley for passing classified intelligence to Tehran and your Special Envoy Amos Hochstein allegedly passed intelligence about Israeli airstrikes to Hezbollah potentially as recently as this weekend."
Senate Republicans are pushing legislation that would force the Biden-Harris administration to disclose all it knows about an Iranian influence campaign that is fomenting anti-Israel unrest across America with the aim of swaying November’s election results, according to a copy of the measure obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The legislation, helmed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.), would compel Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Avril Haines to produce a report revealing the "interference by the Islamic Republic of Iran in United States domestic politics" dating back to Oct. 7, when Hamas carried out its unprecedented terror assault on Israel.
The bill comes on the heels of a bombshell Monday disclosure by Haines's office, which revealed that Iran is engaged in a sophisticated effort to harm former president Donald Trump's campaign and otherwise "influence the presidential election" through "vast webs of online personas and propaganda mills." Haines disclosed earlier this month that Iran is paying anti-Israel operatives to protest in America as part of the foreign influence operation.
Cotton’s bill—dubbed the Unmasking Networks of Virtual Election Interference and Lies (UNVEIL) Act—suggests the Biden-Harris administration has not been forthcoming with lawmakers about the full scale of Tehran’s operations. The senator says legislation is necessary to force administration officials into publicly revealing everything they know about Tehran’s plot.
"The Biden-Harris Administration’s weakness has emboldened and enriched Iran. It’s no wonder that the ayatollahs prefer four more years of appeasement," Cotton said in a statement. "Americans deserve to know the extent to which Iran is interfering in our election against President Trump."
The bill would require the DNI to publicly provide a list of all social media accounts run by Iran, a description of protesters to whom Iran has given financial support, and a rundown on all Iran-led email campaigns targeting the U.S. government and voters. The DNI’s report must also include "a description of which entities within the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran are involved" in the influence operation.
Is your local council trying to solve the Middle East conflict?
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) July 30, 2024
By AJA CEO Robert Gregory
Daily Telegraph
When you think the issues, you want your local council to focus on, what springs to mind?
Perhaps fixing the local pothole or providing some relief from high rates.
If… pic.twitter.com/gIT6FonD6e
Joint IDF and ISA announcement:
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) July 31, 2024
Following the terror attack this morning adjacent to the Beit Einun junction, and upon the conclusion of a joint, hours-long operation, the IDF and ISA located and apprehended a suspect suspected of carrying out the terror attack.
During initial…
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) July 31, 2024
State Department Issues Another Waiver to Allow Iraq to Buy Electricity From Iran
The United States has issued another 120-day waiver to Iraq to allow it to purchase electricity from Iran.McCaul, Risch threaten to subpoena State Department over Rob Malley investigation
The House Foreign Affairs Committee confirmed to The Epoch Times on July 30 that Congress has been notified of the move by the State Department and that the waiver was apparently renewed on July 11.
The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The waiver has been repeatedly issued by the United States since 2018, most recently in March.
The State Department has previously defended the waiver, saying it would not allow for funds to go to the regime in Iran—which is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism—and that the money can only be used for humanitarian purposes.
Iran supports Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, all three of which have attacked Israel in the past several months.
Israel has been fighting Hamas in Gaza since the U.S.-designated terrorist group launched an assault on Israel on Oct. 7, resulting in the largest single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Hamas members also raped women and took Israelis and others captive. Eight of the captives are Americans.
Hezbollah, also a U.S.-designated terrorist group, launched a rocket attack at a soccer field in northern Israel over the weekend that resulted in the deaths of 12 Israeli children.
The Houthis conducted a drone attack on Tel Aviv earlier this month, and has attacked dozens of international ships in the Red Sea since November.
Richard Goldberg, who led Iran policy for the National Security Council during the Trump administration, told The Epoch Times that he believed Iran would use the funds for malign activities.
“The money used to be held in escrow, now it’s opened up for Iran to use to pay off debts and finance imports,” he said.
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Jim Risch (R-ID) threatened to subpoena the State Department last week for information on suspended Iran envoy Rob Malley.
In a July 26 letter, the two GOP leaders gave Secretary of State Tony Blinken an Aug. 2 deadline to respond to questions regarding Malley, who has been suspended for more than a year amid an investigation allegedly focusing on potential mishandling of classified documents.
If the State Department doesn’t provide adequate answers by the deadline, the lawmakers said they would “be compelled to pursue compulsory processes to secure any documents, materials, and testimony relevant to our investigations from key members of your team.”
State Department officials have largely declined to comment on the status of the investigation or the allegations, citing ongoing investigations and internal procedures.
“The Department’s failure to cooperate with our repeated inquiries dating back to June 2023 into the suspension of Mr. Robert Malley’s security clearance is deeply troubling,” Risch and McCaul said in their letter to Blinken. “Mr. Malley’s alleged misconduct is serious, and the Department’s lack of transparency and blatant disregard for the urgency of our requests is unacceptable.”
The lawmakers said they’ve received more information from press reports than from the State Department since a May 6 request for information, and that they have yet to receive an expected classified response to the May 6 inquiry or details about what the department will provide.
They also accused Blinken of failing to respond to written questions about how he would handle the Malley investigation given their long friendship.
I've been asking the @StateDept since June 2023 about the suspension of Robert Malley’s security clearance. Mr. Malley’s alleged misconduct is serious, and the Dept’s lack of transparency & blatant disregard for the urgency of our requests is unacceptable. https://t.co/NALzrLnxL4
— Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member (@SenateForeign) July 30, 2024
#BREAKING: House Foreign Affairs Chair @RepMcCaul and SFRC Ranking Member @SenatorRisch threaten subpoenas against the State Department if they keep refusing to give answers about Rob Malley's misconduct.
— Gabriel Noronha (@GLNoronha) July 30, 2024
Malley's clearance was yanked >15 months ago and still no answers why. pic.twitter.com/Y42ZoeCHLK
Father and son charged with terrorism offences
Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi, 62, and Mostafa Eldidi, 26, both of Toronto, have been arrested on nine terrorism-related offences, including conspiracy to murder at the direction of the Islamic State (ISIS).
Documents filed in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice show the father and son lived at the same address in the eastern Toronto suburb of Scarborough. According to the RCMP, both men are Canadian citizens.
RCMP Assistant Commissioner Matt Peggs announced the arrests at a press conference on Wednesday morning.
The pair are also charged with "knowingly participating or contributing" to the activity of an outlawed terrorist entity, ISIS, for the purposes of carrying out a terrorist act.
Other charges include possessing a machete and an axe. The elder Eldidi also faces a separate aggravated assault charge from an incident dating back to 2015 "outside of Canada."
Chinese Social Media Video Suggests the Temporary Closure of the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum Is Linked to Remarks by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pic.twitter.com/kO0Q4iUiaP
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) July 31, 2024
Over night, someone set fire to the signs in front of a Toronto synagogue - including a sign calling for the return of the hostages.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) July 31, 2024
This same synagogue has repeatedly had its windows smashed. It is being targeted again and again.
Talk is cheap @MayorOliviaChow @fordnation… pic.twitter.com/0fAsM0OsCM
Today, marks 38 years since Chiune Sugihara, a #Japanese diplomat stationed in Lithuania who saved the lives of thousands of #Jews during WWII, passed away. Today, the descendants of those that Chiune rescued number at over 40,000.
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) July 31, 2024
May his memory forever be a blessing. 🕯️ pic.twitter.com/qDSl6mYq4E
22 years ago today, during the height of the Second #Intifada, #Palestinian terrorists chose the cafeteria of Jerusalem's Hebrew University, as the site of a bombing attack.
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) July 31, 2024
9 people were murdered in this terror attack, and at least 100 people were injured.
We remember. 🕯️ pic.twitter.com/mty6pwx2Hx
Unpacked: 10 Jewish Inventions That Changed the World | Unpacked
Jews have a rich history of remarkable innovations that have transformed the world. From life-saving medical devices and Google to stainless steel and Stan Lee’s Marvel superheroes, Jewish ingenuity and resilience have resulted in incredible inventions that continue to impact the world today.
The stories of these ten groundbreaking Jewish inventions are as interesting as the brilliant minds behind them.
00:00 Intro
00:38 Video games
01:52 Stainless steel
02:33 Marvel superheroes
03:44 Pacemakers and defibrillators
04:53 Google
05:58 Ballpoint pens
07:00 Drip irrigation
07:47 Teddy bears
08:52 The polio vaccine
09:33 Monotheism
10:11 Outro
Israel’s Maya Goshen beats Turkey’s Fidan Ögel in women’s under-70kg Olympic judo
Israeli judoka Maya Goshen beats Turkey’s Fidan Ögel in her first match in the women’s under-70kg weight class at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Ögel seems to first walk off the mat without shaking hands with Goshen, but the Israeli approaches her and the pair shake hands following their match.
Goshen, making her Olympic debut in Paris, will next face France’s Marie-Ève Gahié in the round of 16.
La judoka israelí Maya Goshen vence con un movimiento espectacular a su rival turca Fidan Ogel. ¿Creen que la turca le dará la mano? Miren. #JuegosOlímpicos pic.twitter.com/4S2pJyZv03
— Alejo Schapire⚡️ (@aschapire) July 31, 2024
.@peter_paltchik, Israeli Olympian, reflects on the significance of these Olympics with the challenges #Israel has faced since the Oct 7 Hamas massacre and the recent death of Omer Smagda, the son of Israeli judo coach Oren, who was killed while fighting Hamas terrorists in Gaza. pic.twitter.com/L2VKItmH31
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) July 30, 2024
On July 31st, 1949, El Al, launched its inaugural passenger flight from #TelAviv to #Paris with a stopover in Rome. The flight duration was approximately 13 hours. Since then, El Al has flown to and from countless destinations around the world. Talk about flying high!
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) July 31, 2024
📸: El Al pic.twitter.com/zGIRo3DUAT
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