Wednesday, May 17, 2023

  • Wednesday, May 17, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Guardian:

New York’s state assembly is to consider legislation to stop registered charities from sending tens of millions of dollars a year to fund illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

State assembly member, Zohran Mamdani, has introduced the “Not on our dime!: Ending New York funding of Israeli settler violence” act to prohibit tax-deductible donations from being used to expel Palestinians from their land and other activities widely regarded as war crimes under the Geneva conventions.

The United Nations security council has called Israeli settlement construction “a flagrant violation under international law”.

“This legislation makes it clear that New York will no longer effectively subsidise war crimes and the flouting of international law,” Mamdani told the Guardian.

“What we have is a number of New York state-registered charities that are sending at least $60m a year to Israeli settlement organisations which then use that funding to continue the history of expulsion and dispossession of Palestinians in the occupied territories that has been going on for decades.”
The Guardian, naturally, does not research the history of anti-Israel rhetoric and slanders that Zohran Mamdani has been responsible for. See CAMERA-UK for details.

The bill says it is trying to revoke the non-profit status of any organization that supports:

* Unlawful transfer of Israeli civilians into occupied territory
* Acts of violence committed by Israeli citizens against protected persons living in occupied territory
* Forced transfer or eviction of protected persons within occupied territory, or eviction from occupied territory
* Appropriation, expropriation, seizure, destruction, demolition, dismantlement, or confiscation, in whole or in part, of private Palestinian land or residential, business, social, or public structures or infrastructure, inhabited or uninhabited

The first bullet point is nonsensical. The Geneva Conventions do not prohibit people from voluntarily moving where they want, and organizations that help them are not breaking any laws. 

The rest of the bullet points are almost completely irrelevant - there are no non-profits that fund violence. None of them fund expelling Arab residents. None of them support destroying Arab homes. 

The only word that is not a complete lie is "appropriation." Some of these non-profits raise money to legally purchase properties from Arabs. This is not illegal. It is not immoral. On the contrary, it is immoral and antisemitic to claim that Jews do not have the right to buy property in Judea and Samaria 

And yes, this bill is only against Jews. Israeli Arabs can and have bought properties all over the West Bank with no one calling them "illegal settlers."  So saying that only Jews cannot purchase property is the definition of antisemitism. Which makes this bill antisemitic. 

Like the proposed bills in US Congress to prohibit the US funding Israel, this bill is not meant to reflect reality - it is anti-Israel propaganda disguised as a piece of legislation. It is meant to put on the record the accusation that charities in the territories are illegally displacing or attacking Arabs, an absurd and slanderous accusation.

After all, have you ever seen a state government bill that has its own logo? It is propaganda, not a serious piece of legislation. 

This graphic supporting the bill shows the lies, as it falsely claims that these organizations violently attack and displace Arabs.

It gets worse, though. Because the secondary goal of this bill is to label all Israeli Jewish charities that work in Judea and Samaria as illegal. This includes those that fund schools, security, ambulance services, social programs, rehabilitation and  many other worthy causes. All of them can and have been interpreted as "unauthorized support of Israeli settlement activity" that the bill refers to.

If you say that saving the lives of people depends on whether they are Jewish or not, and what specific geographic area they are in, then you are saying that you consider some Jews to be less than human - and that some Jews do not have normal human rights. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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