Thursday, May 18, 2023

From Ian:

Walter Russell Mead: Israel at 75 Is Threatened but Strong
For the first 25 years of Israel's independence, American presidents were more interested in cultivating Arab leaders than in aligning with Jerusalem. Only after Richard Nixon concluded that an Israeli defeat in the 1973 Yom Kippur War would empower the Soviet Union across the Middle East did Washington move toward a strategic relationship. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Washington saw Jerusalem as a necessary partner in containing Iran and, after 9/11, the war on terror.

American policy toward Israel depends on how a given U.S. president sees American interests world-wide. For the past half-century, American presidents generally believed that the Middle East, thanks to its oil reserves, was a high priority in America's strategy of global engagement and that a close relationship with Israel on balance strengthened America's position in the region and beyond.

The likelihood of a wholesale American withdrawal from the Middle East is likely overestimated. The energy transition will probably take longer and be less total than greens hope. And global geopolitical competition is more likely to buttress American support for limiting Chinese influence in the Middle East. In any case, Israel today is orders of magnitude stronger, wealthier and more influential than it was in 1948.
We Will Not Forget the Importance of Jerusalem
There is much misunderstanding about the centrality of Jerusalem to Judaism. At Jewish weddings, the common practice is for the groom to state: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy" (Psalms 137).

Many years ago I interviewed MK Yossi Beilin, an architect of the Oslo Accords with the Palestinians who later became chairman of the Meretz party, on Jerusalem Day. He told me, "Jerusalem is historically the center of the Jewish world. There is no denying that. Promoting a peace accord with the Palestinians...does not contradict that."

In the aftermath of the Six-Day War, there was a surge in Jewish identity and in the feeling that Israel was the place to be. It didn't mean you were an extremist. It meant that you knew you were witnessing a modern-day miracle. You knew that your ancestors could only pray in the direction of Jerusalem and could only put up a picture of the Western Wall on their living room wall to remind them that Jerusalem was in that direction. You, on the other hand, could now put your hands on the stones of the Western Wall. This is Jerusalem Day.
Joy on Jerusalem Day as tens of thousands march in capital
Celebrations were underway across Israel on Thursday for Jerusalem Day, the national holiday commemorating the city’s reunification in the Six-Day War.

The main feature of the celebrations is the annual flag march in which tens of thousands of people waving Israeli flags walk through the streets of Jerusalem to symbolize the city’s unity.

This year the parade followed the traditional route, departing from downtown and proceeding along King George and Agron streets before reaching the walls of the Old City. After this, the march splits, with females continuing through Jaffa Gate and males going through Damascus Gate before meeting up again at the Western Wall.

The march does not continue to the adjacent Temple Mount complex, the holiest site in Judaism, due to restrictions on Jewish presence there. A patriot in Jerusalem, May 18, 2023. Photo by Elad Zagman/TPS.

This year’s march had tens of thousands of Israelis of all ages and backgrounds marching with flags and dressed in the traditional blue-and-white attire, singing religious and patriotic songs together.

“This is my third time coming to this march and it just has incredible energy, you can really feel the nation coming together,” Yotam Ariel from Petach Tikvah told JNS. “Every year I bring my whole family because it is important for the kids to feel connected to this city.”

There is an overwhelming number of young people mixed into the crowd at the march, all celebrating the capital of the Jewish state.

The Liberation of the Temple Mount

The Israel Guys: PALESTINIANS WARN ISRAEL Against Celebrating Jerusalem As Their Capital
Jerusalem day is coming up and as always the Palestinians are throwing a fit about the annual flag march that takes place.

In a disgusting display of anti-semitism, the Tunisian president compared the Jewish state to Nazis just four days after a terror attack outside of a synagogue in Tunisia.

The IDF hosted 9 ambassadors from the UN, and thank God, Rabbi Avraham Paley was released from the hospital.

Brooke Goldstein: End Jew Hatred: Fight for social justice must be above political fray
The End Jew Hatred movement is built around the simplest, most unobjectionable message: We need to end Jew hatred in our lifetime.

Over the past few years this message has resulted in a grassroots movement that has captured the imagination of supporters across the world, sparked meaningful direct action in support of our civil rights, and empowered bipartisan cooperation to proclaim April 29 as #EndJewHatred Day.

This movement is greater than any divisive ideology. Ending Jew hatred is not political. It is not about any one organization, or any one person. A movement is greater than any one of us. It is about all of us. This is how we succeed in the fight for social justice – we bring people together from all walks of life with the knowledge that by acting together, we cause change.

It is astounding that in this day and age, there are still some people committed to maintaining the status quo of bigotry and racism. They include the elected officials who refuse to accept #EndJewHatred Day and view Jew hatred through the lens of politics rather than social justice. They include the leaders of organizations who won’t act in concert with anyone unless they are in charge.

They also include practitioners of yellow journalism, prone to sensationalism and scandal-mongering to drive traffic to their articles. They have one thing in common: the promotion of the tribalism that keeps us apart and prevents us from truly uniting for social justice.

As we strive to build a better society, we cannot afford to be distracted by the noise of those who would see us fail. We cannot afford to allow our differences to outweigh our commonality of interest and purpose. The very existence of those who try to divide us shows the need for the End Jew Hatred movement and the need to come together on bipartisan initiatives like #EndJewHatred Day.

We must reject attempts to politicize a universal truth, and continue to unite for the common good – to continue to come together to #EndJewHatred in our lifetime. We invite everyone, especially the Jewish community, to join us.
Melanie Phillips: BBC's 'disinformation' reporter should look at the way they cover Israel
Month after month, terrorist attacks on Israelis are barely reported. For the BBC, the real story only kicks off when Israel takes military action. This is because of its fixed view that Israeli aggression drives the action in the Middle East conflict.

Parroting the Foreign Office line about “occupied Palestinian territories”, it never acknowledges that under the Palestine Mandate the League of Nations designated these lands for Jewish settlement alone, a commitment in international law that has never been abrogated.

Such prejudice and ignorance are commonplace in the mainstream media. The BBC, however, is a global brand of truth and objectivity and its reporting is uniquely trusted.

That’s why it is so frightening that its reporting of Israel is, in general, an engine of demonisation, delegitimisation and incitement against the Jewish state.

BBC reporters and executives take extremely seriously their duty under the BBC Charter to be objective and free from bias. What’s so chilling is that they believe their Israel coverage meets that obligation.

They believe that their ignorant and false assumptions about Israel represent the centre ground, and that all who object are therefore by definition extremists. The BBC is thus guided by a hermetically sealed thought system.

It’s an irony that the BBC has a Disinformation Reporter. She need look no further than the BBC’s treatment of Israel to provide her with a real story.
Melanie Phillips: The weaponization of antisemitism against conservatives
Even more imbecilically, we are being told that “globalization” and “cultural Marxism” are antisemitic dog-whistles just because they’ve been used by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. This is to claim that language used widely by others in a neutral and factual way instantly becomes toxic when it issues from the mouths of bad people.

This absurd argument is also used to suppress criticism of the financier George Soros. It’s entirely legitimate to criticize Soros for his massive funding of anti-Western and anti-Israel causes. Yet anyone who does so is called an antisemite because Soros is a Jew and because some genuine Jew-haters subject him to antisemitic attack.

This means Soros is insulated from criticism because his Jewishness is used as shield for his behavior. In exactly the same way, those who smear Cates and Roberts are using antisemitism as a shield for the predations of the left.

What’s worse is that a number of Jewish Diaspora leaders often endorse such false and despicable accusations, as some did again this week against the NatCon speakers. Still worse is that the people who are thus smeared are as often as not some of the greatest defenders of the Jewish people.

I have personally known Douglas Murray for years. It would be hard to find a more passionately pro-Jew and pro-Israel individual.

Hazony tweeted about Cates and Roberts, “Kevin and Miriam are among the best friends we Jews have in public life. So why slander them in this way?”

Britain’s Home Secretary Suella Braverman is also a staunch friend of Israel and the Jewish people. Yet in 2019, after she criticized “cultural Marxism” for an increasing use of censorship, it was the Board of Deputies of British Jews that attacked her and said she shouldn’t use the phrase again.

The Guardian, of course, is a paper that not only regularly pumps out falsehoods and blood libels against the State of Israel but recently published an appalling antisemitic cartoon linking the then-chairman of the BBC, who happens to be a Jew, to greed, gold and the image of a vampire squid.

Left-wingers—who are presiding over epidemic Jew-hatred in their own ranks—are using the claim of antisemitism to disguise the all-too accurate charge that they are destroying core Western values. It’s appalling that Diaspora Jewish leaders are helping them do so.
Post-Musk incident, Israeli foreign minister announces: ‘No tweets like this again’
First, Elon Musk tweeted something at the very least ungenerous about George Soros. Then David Saranga, director of digital diplomacy at Israel’s Foreign Ministry, said the Twitter owner had tweeted with “an antisemitic flavor.”

Now, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen has weighed in. “There will be no tweets like this again,” he said of Saranga’s post on the social network.

The original tweet from Musk compared George Soros, the 92-year-old Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor, to Marvel Comics villain “Magneto.” Some noted on Twitter that the latter fictional character was intended to be a Jewish Holocaust survivor.

Ted Deutch, CEO of the American Jewish Committee, is among those who accused Musk of deliberately comparing Soros to a character with a similar backstory. “As I told Jake Tapper, Elon Musk’s language when talking about George Soros was not an accident. It’s the legacy of ancient conspiracies of nefarious Jews with undue power,” he tweeted. “It’s The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for the Internet age. It’s false and flat-out dangerous.”

Cohen reportedly made the comment about the social-media policy of Israel’s Foreign Ministry in an interview with journalist Yinon Magal. The latter tagged Musk on Twitter and wrote that Cohen “did not like at all the tweet against you, sent from the official account of the Israeli Foreign Ministry.”

“He said that this incident was a ‘mishap’ and that ‘something like this will not happen again,’” Magal posted. “According to him, ‘Soros is not someone who needs the protection of the State of Israel.’ Following the tweet, Cohen instructed the ministry’s staff that from now on any tweet with political or state implications shall be approved by him before it goes live.”
UK Is Right to Stop Local Councils Boycotting Israel
Some local councils suffer from the delusion that residents are crying out for a local foreign policy. Michael Gove, the communities secretary, will soon bring forward legislation to prevent local authorities and other public bodies introducing "boycott, divestment and sanctions" (BDS) policies against foreign governments. Mr. Gove put it well last year: "The BDS campaign is designed for only one purpose: to attack and delegitimize the State of Israel and the idea that there should be a Jewish state at all."

That councils should waste time and increasingly scarce resources endorsing a campaign whose purpose is so divisive is troubling. Local authorities have a legal duty to serve all members of the public, whatever their religion or ethnicity. Moreover, it ought not to need restating that foreign policy is the responsibility of Westminster alone. To indulge councillors who believe their grandstanding will deliver salvation to the Palestinian people is not only absurd but irresponsible.

Those on councils who disagree with the foreign policy of His Majesty's Government should stand in a general election and win the argument nationally. They should not be creating their own micro foreign policy.
Berlin Senator Urges City Residents to ‘Stand Together’ Against ‘Antisemitic’ Roger Waters Concert
As former Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters arrived in Berlin on Wednesday for the first of two concerts on consecutive nights, the German capital’s senator for culture voiced frustration that the show was going ahead, citing the singer’s long record of hostile statements towards both Jews and Israel.

“A valuable asset such as freedom of expression and freedom of art must never be misused as a license for antisemitism,” Senator Joe Chialo of the center-right CDU Party told the dpa news agency. “In this matter, all Berliners should stand together.”

Waters, a vocal supporter of the “BDS” campaign to subject Israel to a comprehensive boycott, has frequently baited pro-Israel Jewish organizations and individuals. In one July 2022 interview with a Canadian broadcaster, he caricatured the Jewish state as the endeavor of “a bunch of Europeans back in the middle of the 19th century deciding that they were going to take over this piece of land, and kick out anybody that lived there and take it over for themselves and their own little cabal.”

Politicians and Jewish leaders in Germany have expressed concern that Waters may violate German laws against antisemitism and the misrepresentation of the Holocaust, noting as well that a 2019 cross-party effort in the Bundestag, Germany’s federal parliament, resulted in the successful passage of a motion condemning the BDS campaign as “antisemitic.”
California school to host 'Nakba 75' event on Jerusalem Day
An event headlined “Nakba 75” is scheduled to take place in the auditorium of the Public Santa Ana High School in Orange County, California on Thursday evening, May 18th. The stated goal of the event is to mark the 75th anniversary of the “Nakba” (Arabic for “catastrophe”), the term commonly used by Palestinians and anti-Israel groups to refer to the founding of Israel. The event is sponsored by American organizations that support terrorist attacks against Israelis and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Notably, the event’s invitation refers to Israel as a “settler-colonial state.” The auditorium in which the event is taking place in the Santa Ana High School is available to rent for $151 an hour and can be rented through a platform called Facilitron.

Santa Ana High School hasn’t responded to The Jerusalem Post’s request for comment on whether the school supports this narrative and whether the school would host pro-Israel events as well.

"I am asking you to join me in demanding that the Santa Ana High School in Orange County, California cancel the 'Nakba 75' event on May 18 organized by Jew-haters and terrorist supporters," said youth movement Club Z director and founder Masha Merkulova in an email to the members of her movement. Merkulova asked for masses of students and adults to pressure the school by "calling and emailing Santa Ana High School administration," and included their email addresses, as well as the school phone number.

She added a proposed script for the emails: “We respectfully request that you cancel the 'Nakba 75' event taking place in your school on May 18 as it promotes hateful, antisemitic rhetoric and indoctrination. Nkosi Zwelivelile Mandela has a history of sharing antisemitic tropes and militant anti-Israel rhetoric. I understand that your school is renting the space to this group, but I must ask: Would Santa Ana High School rent space to neo-Nazis? Thank you for your time.”

Speakers, Activists at D.C. Nakba Day Rally Glorify Palestinian “Martyrs” and Resistance
On May 14, 2023, a Nakba Day rally was held in Washington, D.C. in which speakers and activists glorified Palestinian “martyrs” and violent resistance and condemned Zionism and the U.S. government. Morris Rafiki, a member of the All African Peoples Revolutionary Party, said that “a good Zionist is a dead Zionist” and that the United States must be destroyed because the U.S. government is Zionist. Lance Lokas, a member of the Palestinian Youth Movement, praised Palestinian “martyrs” and resistance, saying: “For every martyr that Palestine gains, another rises to take his place.” Another unnamed speaker said that the United States is complicit in the “genocide of the Palestinian people” and led the crowd in the chants “Shame, shame, USA!” and “Shame, shame, Biden!” Dr. Osama Abu Irshaid, the executive director of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) also spoke at the event, saying that the United States is corrupt. Footage of the rally was posted on the Instagram and Facebook pages of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) as well as the Instagram account of the D.C. chapter of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP).

Goldsmiths University confirm barrister-led inquiry into antisemitism claims
Goldsmiths University has announced an independent barrister-led inquiry into allegations of antisemitism within the institution.

Professor Frances Corner, warden of Goldsmiths, confirmed the probe, which will be led by the highly-regarded KC Mohinderpal Sethi.

The announcement follows a Jewish News report last June, which revealed how the Jewish lecturer Dr David Hirsh, from the Department of Sociology, had been labelled a “far right white supremacist” and a “Zionist Goldsmiths academic” by a student leader.

Several academics at the uni also signed petitions in support of the disgraced Bristol professor David Miller. Goldsmiths lecturer David Hirsh

In a message to students on Thursday Professor Corner confirmed the inquiry adding it would “determine whether students or staff have experienced antisemitism at Goldsmiths, as well as examining the college’s response to any reports, if our policies are adequate and if we are meeting legal duties.”

She added the university was “committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for Jewish students and staff and we hope this inquiry will provide a clear picture of the experiences of our Jewish community and allow the college to take appropriate action to support students and staff.
'Antisemitic' academic to appear in court after saying 'Jews learnt evil from Nazis'
A controversial microbiologist who was exposed as an antisemite is facing criminal charges after he claimed “Jewish people learned how to be evil from the Nazis”.

Sigmount Königsberg, antisemitism commissioner of the Jewish Community of Berlin is pressing charges against Sucharit Bhakdi who belongs to the tiny political party, die Basis (The Basis), which in July 2021, was officially permitted to allowed to stand in the 2021 federal elections.

As part of die Basis party, Bhakdi alleged that under Adolf Hitler, Jewish people experienced evil. They then learned to understand the nature of evil and are now using this knowledge to exercise a worse form of evil in Israel.

He said in a political campaign video: “The people who fled from this land where the arch evil was, and have found their land, have turned their own land into something even worse than [Nazi] Germany was. That is the bad thing about the Jews - they learn well.

"There is no people who learn better than they do. But they have learned evil now - and put it into practice. That's why Israel is now living hell."

Bhakdi, 74, had Thai diplomats for parents and went on to become a well-known German specialist in microbiology and infectious disease epidemiology.

In 1984, he even received an invitation to present a ground-breaking discovery in this field to the Royal Society in London and from 1991 to 2021 he was head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. But Bhakdi got into hot water for a series of controversial videos and interviews on the COVID-19 pandemic.

‘Al-Aqsa Is in Danger’: The Anatomy of a Lie
Over the past 100 years, one of the most dangerous lies to emerge from within Palestinian society is the claim that “Al-Aqsa is in danger.”

This allegation holds that Jews / Zionists / the State of Israel are planning on destroying Al-Aqsa Mosque and replacing it with the Third Temple.

Unlike other myths spread about Israel and the Jewish People, this libel is particularly dangerous as it has – and continues to – inspire deadly anti-Jewish violence.

In this piece, we will take a look at the historical evolution of this malevolent libel, as well as its continued influence within modern Palestinian society.

1921: A Lie Is Born
The myth that Jews and Zionists are threatening to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque can be traced back to 1921, soon after the establishment of the British Mandate of Palestine.

This antisemitic libel was originally manufactured and disseminated by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini.

For the Grand Mufti, the purpose of spreading this libel was to incite against the Zionists and local Jewish community, to deride his political opponents as those who were giving up the mosque to the Jews and to aid in the creation of a national Palestinian ethos.

What was originally a Palestinian Arab myth confined to the British Mandate was soon spread to other parts of the Muslim world by Sheikh Abd al-Qadir al-Muzaffar, a Muslim religious leader and Palestinian nationalist.

Between 1922 and 1924, al-Muzaffar led various delegations to large Muslim communities in the Middle East, North Africa and India, collecting funds for the renovation of the Dome of the Rock and the Haram Al-Sharif (which Al-Aqsa Mosque is a part of).

As part of his financial appeals, al-Muzaffar claimed that the collected funds would be used not only for the renovations but also for the “defence of the Haram Al-Sharif.”

Thus, the libel of Jewish threats to Al-Aqsa Mosque was exported from the British Mandate of Palestine to the wider Muslim world.

Related Reading: As Palestinians Destroy Jewish Holy Sites, Media Focus On Fake ‘Attacks’ on Al-Aqsa Mosque

Throughout the 1920s, the lie that ‘Al-Aqsa is in danger’ permeated the atmosphere of tension that existed within the British Mandate.

For example, in September 1928, after a religious partition was set up at the Western Wall, the Jewish community published a letter openly stating that this should not be construed as a threat to the mosques.

However, two months later, the General Muslim Conference passed a resolution that served as a “statement of the danger which threatens the Mosque owing to the ambitions of the Jews to expropriate it from the hands of the Moslems.”
BBC omits relevant information on school demolition
So what is missing from Knell’s account of that story?

The ruling concerning the demolition of the school in Area C was handed down by the Jerusalem District Court on March 8th 2023. As noted by the political NGO ‘Society of St Yves’ which petitioned the court, the structure had been constructed illegally in 2017 and a ‘stop work order’ was issued by the court in April of that year, with additional court hearings held over the next five years. In other words, contrary to Knell’s portrayal of the story, not only “the Israeli military said the structure…was built illegally”: the petitioner admits that was the case and the court ruled accordingly.

While Knell was obviously less interested in that side of the story, she was quite happy to unquestioningly promote the EU’s claim that the demolition of an illegally built structure in Area C – which is under Israeli control pending final status negotiations per the Oslo Accords – “was illegal under international law”.
Guardian omits anti-Israel politician's hateful views
The accusation by Mamdani that Israel embodies white supremacy, an ideological movement which is both racist and intrinsically antisemitic, is morally abhorrent and intellectually unserious. Even leaving aside the fact that nearly half of all Israelis aren’t white, it’s hard to comprehend how anyone can argue that, three years after the white supremacist Nazis murdered six million Jews because they were deemed racially inferior, a small remnant of those Jews who survived founded a state based on the that same ‘white’ racist ideology.

The inane charge also, by implication, demonises, as supporters of white supremacy, millions of Jews in the US (including, of course, in his own district) who support the Jewish state.

Moreover, as Yossi Klein-Halevi has argued, efforts by social justice warriors to cast Israel as a racist white nation itself draws upon antisemitic history.

Anti-Semites, he explained, have typically “turned Jews into the symbol of whatever it is a given civilization finds as its most loathsome quality”. Under early Christianity, Klein-Halevi note, the Jew was the Christ killer. Under communism, the Jew was the capitalist. Under Nazism, the Jew was the ultimate race polluter. Now, he continued, we live in a civilization where “the most loathsome qualities are racism, colonialism and apartheid”. And, lo and behold, he concluded, “the greatest offender in the world today” of these sins, Palestinians and their advocates argue, just so happens to be the Jewish state.

Framing Israelis as racist “white people” oppressing “dark” Palestinians represents, in Halevi’s view, a “classical continuity of thousands of years of symbolising the Jew”.

Saudi Arabia's first ever female jockey called for Tel Aviv to 'burn'
A leading London-based Saudi dissident once fêted as her country’s first female professional jockey has referred to terrorists as “martyrs” and called for Tel Aviv to “burn”.

A prominent critic of the Saudi regime, Alya Abutayah Alhwaiti, who was the first Saudi woman to ride for her country at international level and met the then-Prince Charles, is regularly quoted in the international media.

She has more than 88,000 followers on Twitter and uses the platform to attack the Saudi regime and Jews — often in the same tweet.

Last month, when a tourist was killed and several others injured after a terrorist drove into them in a Tel Aviv park before being shot dead by police, Alhwati tweeted: “May Tel Aviv burn…”

She added: “As for the martyr may God have mercy on him, his fragrant end, he rose to the garden of eternity. May God bless you, men of Palestine and its lions.”

Her regular attacks on the Saudi leader, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, often also include remarks about his supposed links to Jews.

For example, in August, she called the prince “the descendant of the Jew, Markhan [the founder of the first Saudi state], his puppies and his dogs”.
Neo-Nazi threat to ‘burn down and drive out’ Board of Deputies
A British neo-Nazi leader triggered calls to “burn down” and “drive out” the Board of Deputies after its President, Marie van der Zyl, visited a migrant camp in France.

The threats were posted online by a supporter of the far-right group Patriotic Alternative after its leader, Mark Collett, a notorious Holocaust denier, accused the Board of supporting “mass-immigration into Britain”.

The comments by the far-right group, which claims to be the biggest in Britain with 15,000 members, came after Ms van der Zyl visited a camp in Dunkirk last month and praised the migrants for their “dignity” and “politeness”.

The Board President’s visit took place amid a political row over the government’s immigration policy, including its plan to send migrants to Rwanda, which the Board criticised.

The Jewish leadership body said that “strengthening and enhancing safe, legal and viable routes to gaining asylum in this country will be a far more effective way to significantly reduce such numbers”.
Disgusting Auction of Zyklon B Can and Striped Holocaust Uniforms Should Be Stopped
America is a free country and there are few laws that prohibit the sale of things. But being legal doesn’t make something right.

I was not surprised to learn that Antique Arena, a Brooklyn-based auction outlet that has auctions online, is selling what we can read in the description as: “A WWII Nazi German Third Reich Zyklon B Poison Gas can with a lid. A metal construction with paper label attached. Marked, Kaliwerke A. G., Kolin, and stamped. WWII Nazi German Third Reich Military Cans, Historical Collectables And Memorabilia.”

Assuming the can is real, it should go to a Holocaust museum or the garbage. I am quite aware that numerous auction houses around the world sell Nazi memorabilia. There is freedom of speech and commerce in this country, but is there really a need to sell a can of Zyklon B, which was used to murder so many Jews in gas chambers? I can only imagine some sicko antisemite buying it and showing it off to friends and family.

Zyklon B is a cyanide-based pesticide that was invented in Germany in the 1920s. Walter Heerdt is believed to have come up with the technique to package it in sealed canisters. According to, up to 2,000 people could be killed at a time in a gas chamber. Scientists found that Zyklon B pellets transformed into lethal gas upon exposure to air. It is estimated that more than one million people were gassed to death in Auschwitz.

The auction will also include pieces of uniforms worn by concentration camp prisoners.

Foreign tourism on the rebound in Jerusalem
Foreign tourists are flocking to Israel’s capital again, but the number of visitors has still not returned to pre-pandemic levels, according to a report released on Wednesday, a day ahead of Jerusalem Day.

The Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research’s 37th Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem presents a comprehensive picture of the city’s situation.

Last year saw double the number of international visitors compared to 2021, with room occupancy in city hotels at 55% in 2022 versus just 22% the previous year. However, in 2019, before the pandemic, occupancy stood at 72%.

Hotel revenues last year reached 2 billion shekels ($549 million), marking a 181% increase compared to 2021 but still well below 2019’s record of 2.5 billion shekels ($686 million).

Jerusalem in 2022 was the top destination in Israel for foreign visitors in terms of overnight stays at 34%, but was far less popular among Israelis, drawing only 8% of overnight stays compared with figures of 42% for Eilat, 11% for the Dead Sea and 8% for Tel Aviv
“Israel Had a Lot of Trauma”: Mike Tyson Reveals How Recent Partnership With Former Prime Minister Could Help the Country
Mike Tyson entered the cannabis business for the first time in the year 2018. Since then, constantly every year, Tyson and his team have tried to upscale the vision of Tyson 2.0 with innovative ideas. Even last year, Tyson found a way to monetize his former rivalry using his products. Keeping that in mind, he teamed up with the former boxer Evander Holyfield to come up with their ‘Holy Ears’ product. This year, Tyson is collaborating with the Israeli medical cannabis company, InterCure. Just the other day, Mike Tyson sat together with InterCure’s chairman and Israel’s former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, in an interview with Fox Business. They talked in detail about their partnership together.

In the interview, Mike Tyson talked about how their collaboration will prove to be a boon to the denizens of Israel. Barak also stated that even though their company is Israel-based, they’ll be looking forward to distributing the company’s products to other major countries like the UK, Australia, Germany, and even more.

In 2020, there were a massive number of Israelis who were facing depression and anxiety due to the rise of the pandemic. Research done by Tel Aviv University informed that during the lockdown, one in every three Israelis picked up the anxious habits of either teeth grinding or jaw clenching and the whole scenario immensely affected the ‘psycho-emotional status’ of Israelis. These habits really skyrocketed among teenagers in the country.

Mike Tyson referred to these dire straits the country was in when he talked about the benefits of Tyson 2.0’s collaboration with InterCure. He said, “Listen we’re in the cannabis business but it’s also the healing business, the trauma business. And we should all know that Israel had a lot of trauma in the past, and very little presently.”
A glimpse into the mysterious Jewish community of Afghanistan
In a few months, with the inauguration of the new building of the National Library of Israel, millennium-old historical documents belonging to the lost Jewish community of Afghanistan will be presented for the first time.

The rare documents, which will be part of the new permanent exhibition, were acquired by the library thanks to the chaos that prevailed in Afghanistan after the first Taliban rule. "What distinguishes the documents that have arrived from Afghanistan is the exposure to a Jewish community that we simply knew nothing about, except for the fact that it existed," says Dr. Yoel Finkelman, curator of the Judaica collection at the National Library in Jerusalem.

In the year 586 BCE, the First Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, and his army commander Nebuzaradan, who conquered Jerusalem and exiled the Jews to the east.

During that time, Jewish exiles migrated from the Land of Israel to the area that is now Afghanistan, an important trading hub along the Silk Road, with some Jewish merchants amassing great wealth.

The Golden Age of the Jews in the region came to an end in the 13th century CE when Genghis Khan and the Mongols conquered the area and systematically everything in their wake, including communities, property, and even historical documentation.

However, two archives were preserved for nearly a thousand years near the city of Mian in Afghanistan, one of which belonged to a successful Jewish merchant named Abu Nasr ben Daniel.
State honors Ethiopian Jews who died trying to reach Israel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other government leaders joined Israel’s Ethiopian Jewish community on Thursday for a ceremony commemorating the thousands who died trying to reach the Jewish homeland.

The gathering paying tribute to the 4,000 members of Beta Israel who died on the arduous journey took place at the official memorial site at the National Civil Cemetery of the State of Israel on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

Most died of malnutrition and disease between 1979 and 1990 while traveling by foot from Ethiopia to transit camps in neighboring Sudan.

Addressing the ceremony, Netanyahu said, “One of the expatriates from Ethiopia says, I quote: ‘In our parents’ house we “ate” Jerusalem, “drank” Jerusalem, slept and woke up with Jerusalem, and when a daughter was born in the family we called her “Jerusalem,” despite the bullying of the foreign environment.’

“A large part of life there, in the heart of Africa, revolves around Jerusalem—in thoughts, imaginations, prayers. So it was from generation to generation,” the prime minister said.

Beta Israel leaders greet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Mount Herzl, May 18, 2023. Photo by Amos Ben-Gershom/GPO.

He praised changes in the educational curriculum expanding on the story of the Ethiopian exodus, and promised to boost housing, employment, education and health assistance.

Netanyahu was referring to a protest outside his office on Sunday by Ethiopian Israelis demanding more funding for their community.
Israeli, Argentinian artists commemorate the 1992 terror attack against embassy
March 17, 1992 began as a day like many others in Buenos Aires, Argentina. However, at 2:42 pm, a pick up truck full of explosive and driven by a suicide bomber was detonated in front of the Embassy of Israel, killing 29 people and wounding another 242. In order to honor those victims and commemorate the attack, three musicians joined forces and produced a new musical clip performing a “Un Día Como Cualquier Día,” (a day like many others) written by local artist Alejandro Lerner for the thirtieth anniversary of the massacre.

In addition to Lerner, the clip features Israeli musician Idan Raichel and Israeli Argentinian musician Pablo Rosenberg. Produced by the Israeli Embassy, the video also includes footage and images of the day of the attack.

“I don't know where I live, I do not know what time it is, I don't know if it's tomorrow, or still yesterday,” the singers say, describing the feeling of loss, grievance and shock after the attack.

“The process of producing the music video lasted over a year and a half,” said Amital Perry, cultural attaché at the embassy. “When the song came out, it soon turned into the music associated with the attack, was played on the radio during the days leading to its anniversary and was featured in many TV segments and special programs on the event.”

The Embassy in Argentina held a special screening of the vid

Matisyahu - Jerusalem (Out Of Darkness Comes Light)

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